
OMG ladies thanks for the good luck wishes. Sorry i didnt get back to you yesterday but to be honest i was asleep best part of the day and when we finally got home i went back to sleep then too. ok ladies tbh i was scared out of my brain and when they pt me to sleep i was crying. the staff were so nice and so lovely, so understanding. I have a hole in my belly button, one on my pubic line and one on my left side of my belly button. my stomach is very round and firm due to lingering gas in my uterine cavity which will disapear slowly. Im not going to lie to u ladies but when i cough, burp or pass wind i have experienced new levels of pain, but the pain relief they gave me are working ok. i know im not making this sound nice but i believe u should know the truth. I WOULD DO THIS AGAIN AND AGAIN TO HAVE MY BABY. IT DEFFINATLY WORTH IT. if u have any questions please feel free to ask anything u like.

So glad it went ok hun.

Did you get any news on what they saw? did the consultant think it was a success?

they saw a lot more cysts than they thought i had and they popped all of them for me and the tubes were both blocked like they said they were. doc said it looks good now. just wait now to get normal again then i can :sex: and hope it works lol FX
oh brilliant so they unblocked your tubes :) brilliant news

I'm praying mine goes aswell

thank you for been honest defiantly what needs to be heard then we can prepare ourselves :thumbup: .... ooo thats fab they unblocked them :happydance: fingers xd that bfp wont be long for you now :winkwink: xx
i really hope i get a bfp soon. if u anyone has any questions please ask. i got nurse comming round tomorrow to change dressings. so will keep u informed to how that goes. Thanks again ladies for all ur support. I was only ment to have my tubes unblocked but added the drilling on at the last minute. glad he did tbh.
ive had a operation where they have gone in my belly button before so am kinda nervous how that will work with them already been in once that way but the doc said they will have a look and may have to do it a different way (carnt remember the name of it)

also am not sure what they are going in to do basic he said go in and see and what needs to be done will lol but as ive mentioned before someone said to me even if they dont find anything just by them flushing the tube has helped some people conceive so this is why i dont mind going for it like you said we would do anything for our babies

did they use staples on your belly button wound ??? as that is what i had before

hope all goes well with nurse hun xx
nurse has just been to change my dressings and i have stitches hun, no staples. they did go through my belly button and tbh thats the one that hurts the most.

When are u having urs done jem? Im sure no matter what they do it will work out for the best regardless. Im allowed to leave the house on friday for my next dressings change so that will be interesting.
Hi Ladies,

Just had my first lap and hysteroscopy yesterday! It's not nearly as bad as I imagined after reading stories on the web. I have to say, I was expecting the worst as I had food poisoning last week which resulted in a little esophageal bleeding and aggravated my existing hiatel hernia. I was prepared to feel even worse from all of the air they put in you, but oddly it actually feels better now than it had beforehand.

I had endometriosis cleared from inside my tubes (which were only partially blocked), A load of pcos cysts drained from both ovaries, as well as endometriosis lasered from around my ovaries-- mostly the left one, and a huge chocolate cyst drained/removed. Apparently the endo had caused things to get a bit twisted up and the dr. said everything is now back as it should be!

I woke up with a LOT of pain but they gave me morphine and codeine and I felt much better within 10-15 mins. I also had three incisions, which are a bit itchy-- especially the one in the navel, but do not hurt really.

I ended up staying the night, which my doctor had thought I would probably need to do beforehand, so I came prepared.

By that night, I felt much better, but was told not to eat until the next day unless I felt genuine hunger-- which I didn't. S0 I went 24 hours without eating. I slept fairly well and comfortably, and made it through part of a movie. It wasn't my first operation (I had my tonsils out just a few years ago) and know from experience that I get really sleepy after anaesthesia-- partially because I run low blood pressure. So I just dozed a lot.

I was super dry-- my throat and mouth (still very dry) so have been drinking a lot of water. I have to say it was a bit odd the first few times I urinated. It came out slowly (sorry, but thought details are useful)-- and didn't feel right. No pain, just weird and it took a long time for it to come out.

I came home this morning after a breakfast of tea, toast and a poached egg and haven't taken anything other than paracetemol yet. I even sat in the garden for a little while and have been chatting away on the phone.

I have had hardly any bleeding-- just occasional spotting. I didn't put on underwear of any sort-- the hospital staff tucked the pads into the right places and put a large paper pad on the bed. I haven't actually needed them, but think it's much more comfortable this way.

I also recommend bringing a pillow for the car ride home-- I was wishing that I had one to sit on, but didn't. I did wear a flowy dress that is loose around the tummy and don't think I'll be wearing trousers for awhiel.

I brought windeeze, as well as my usual stomach medications. A throat lozenge is a good idea-- but I would go with something without menthol-- even just a normal sucking candy that can coat the throat as it will be dry.

The anasethtic was fine as well. I was completely out before I even saw the room, and as other people wrote-- the tubes are put in after you are knocked out, and are removed before you wake up. I've never even seen them.

So regarding pain: just feels really achey-- nothing sharp or intolerable. A bit like having a bad bruise, and a bit like I exercised my stomach muscles too much at the gym.

I was told to give myself a few weeks to rest, and that we should begin ttc after my first post-lap cycle. I will also start clomid the cycle after that, and my doctor is very hopeful for us.

I really hope this helps! Don't hesitate to ask anything. I was terrified going in and wish I had known that it wouldn't really be that bad.
Stellergaze thank you so much for sharing :)

Im so glad you posted that with 2 days to go I was feeling very nervous, you have totally made me calm
Huge Thank you :)
omg stellergaze are u sure u wernt there with me. that is exactly how i would have described my experience. im still really sleepy and dozing a lot of the day and have been writing a draft of what i wanted to say but u have beaten me to it and done a better job tbh. I really wanted to write somthing that covered everything and made people at ease with what there going to go through. You done a better job than i could have done, so thank you.

I hope you all who are reading this take all the advice given as its about as much as u will ever need to know. its better than anything i have read on line.
Thanks Kermy, that means a lot. I'm really glad that it can help ! I can't tell you how nervous I was beforehand. I'm also dozing a lot-- and watching a lot of romcom. A bit achier now than earlier, but still just on the paracetemol. I keep forgetting to take it until it after it wears off.

Wishing you best of luck Mrs. Evans! And speedy recoveries and babydust for us all!!!
im only on paracetamols too, Im really achey too, just started loosing what looks like chocolate spread now, its really discusting and smelly (tmi sorry) Its my belly button insision thats really hurting but battling through it. Just hope we all get a bfp really soon. Then all this would have been worth it.

take care everyone :dust:
thank you for sharing stellargaze x

mine isnt until the 2nd of sept ... got my pre op on 18th of this month so hopefully they will explain a little more about id my previous op making a difference or not xx

good luck for today mrs evans hope alls ok xx
Thanks Groovey

Its tomorrow afternoon :) I'm just about to buy a couple of flowy dresses
:dohh: i thought when i saw you had replied gosh shes was quick :haha: was just going buy your ticker ... good luck for 2moz xx

ive got a couple of maxi dresses so will defo be putting them to good use :) x
No problem Groovy :)

I am still doing well painwise today-- only took one dose of paracetemol early this morning and really only aches when I move around from sitting to standing, or try to use my stomach muscles. When I'm still, I have no pain at all-- though the bellybutton itches a bit. I'm Bleeding quite a bit today though, which is a bit irksome. Finally had to use a pad. It helps me to hear where you're at Kermy-- have you taken the bandages off yet?

Let us know how it goes Mrs. Evans!

Good luck again.
No hun i havent, i had them changed yesterday and going to get them changed again tomorrow. I totally get the achey thing. the one low down only hurts when i cough or sneeze. the one on my side only hurts when i twist without thinking but the belly button is deffo my biggest annoyance and pain. Getting up and sitting down is still a little painfull but i have learned that if i put a pillow under my very swollen tummy i can sleep on my side but in the morning it is so much more painfull getting up so will stick to sleeping on my back. Im starting to get big purple bruises appearing around the plasters. There not painfull to touch. going to the doctors to get dressings changed tomorow so will ask if the stitches have are disolvable or not and will ask if the stuff im blleeding out is normal too. On the plus side the facial hair that used to grow and drive me nuts is getting less. im hoping it will fade compleatly. Im getting waterproof plasters tomorrow too so at least i will be able to have a bit of a wash. been told not to wash at all untill tomorrow. so really looking forward to washing. i still got iodine everywhere. The bruises on my arms are getting better now too. im sure thats from where they were moving me while i was asleep.

Will update again tomorrow
Help ladies, glad that u r all doing well. I had mine on Tuesday. Was v nervous on the day. I was first on the list so not a lot of time to think b4 I was well under. When I woke up, I was shaking (se of anaesthetic). Was v sleepy on and off throughout the day. Kept asking my dh whether it is all over and only laparoscopy not laparotomy lol. No pain at all. When consultant came, she told me I was in a bad shape. Confirmed stage 4 endo. My tubes r open and she cleaned me out as much ad possible. The cysts were drained. I couldn't stop crying! She said to try naturally for the next 6 months then ivf. Anyway, I was kept overnight at the hospital. Only had fluids no solids. Had toasts later that evening. Went to the toilet and managed to pee. Kept passing wind! No shoulder pain whatsoever. My tummy is huge! Like a melon. I was feeling v sick yesterday and v depressed. Couldn't keep anything down. Slept most of the day. Today, i am so much better. Managed to eat and walk about. I still haven't had a shower yet but plan to do so tomorrow. Oh, I am also bleeding and its like my period! I am not supposed to get my period until next week! Pv bleeding is normal but I am not sure whether my period came early because of the lap. The other thing which bothers me also is my melon belly. I hope it will go down soon! I think other ladies advice, e.g. Big knickers, pillow for the car and etc extremely helpful so I would like to thank them.
so glad it went well hope your recovery is speedy :)

I'm just packing a little bag now...I'm so nervous but I think im well prepared. I have windeze, two cushions , flowy dresses, bottle of water, throat soathers, and a mini hot water bottle.

I'm just having breakfast as im nil by mouth from 10am. I'll update tomorrow. praying my tubes are open and they fix my cervix :)

Have a lovely Friday

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