Hi Ladies,
Just had my first lap and hysteroscopy yesterday! It's not nearly as bad as I imagined after reading stories on the web. I have to say, I was expecting the worst as I had food poisoning last week which resulted in a little esophageal bleeding and aggravated my existing hiatel hernia. I was prepared to feel even worse from all of the air they put in you, but oddly it actually feels better now than it had beforehand.
I had endometriosis cleared from inside my tubes (which were only partially blocked), A load of pcos cysts drained from both ovaries, as well as endometriosis lasered from around my ovaries-- mostly the left one, and a huge chocolate cyst drained/removed. Apparently the endo had caused things to get a bit twisted up and the dr. said everything is now back as it should be!
I woke up with a LOT of pain but they gave me morphine and codeine and I felt much better within 10-15 mins. I also had three incisions, which are a bit itchy-- especially the one in the navel, but do not hurt really.
I ended up staying the night, which my doctor had thought I would probably need to do beforehand, so I came prepared.
By that night, I felt much better, but was told not to eat until the next day unless I felt genuine hunger-- which I didn't. S0 I went 24 hours without eating. I slept fairly well and comfortably, and made it through part of a movie. It wasn't my first operation (I had my tonsils out just a few years ago) and know from experience that I get really sleepy after anaesthesia-- partially because I run low blood pressure. So I just dozed a lot.
I was super dry-- my throat and mouth (still very dry) so have been drinking a lot of water. I have to say it was a bit odd the first few times I urinated. It came out slowly (sorry, but thought details are useful)-- and didn't feel right. No pain, just weird and it took a long time for it to come out.
I came home this morning after a breakfast of tea, toast and a poached egg and haven't taken anything other than paracetemol yet. I even sat in the garden for a little while and have been chatting away on the phone.
I have had hardly any bleeding-- just occasional spotting. I didn't put on underwear of any sort-- the hospital staff tucked the pads into the right places and put a large paper pad on the bed. I haven't actually needed them, but think it's much more comfortable this way.
I also recommend bringing a pillow for the car ride home-- I was wishing that I had one to sit on, but didn't. I did wear a flowy dress that is loose around the tummy and don't think I'll be wearing trousers for awhiel.
I brought windeeze, as well as my usual stomach medications. A throat lozenge is a good idea-- but I would go with something without menthol-- even just a normal sucking candy that can coat the throat as it will be dry.
The anasethtic was fine as well. I was completely out before I even saw the room, and as other people wrote-- the tubes are put in after you are knocked out, and are removed before you wake up. I've never even seen them.
So regarding pain: just feels really achey-- nothing sharp or intolerable. A bit like having a bad bruise, and a bit like I exercised my stomach muscles too much at the gym.
I was told to give myself a few weeks to rest, and that we should begin ttc after my first post-lap cycle. I will also start clomid the cycle after that, and my doctor is very hopeful for us.
I really hope this helps! Don't hesitate to ask anything. I was terrified going in and wish I had known that it wouldn't really be that bad.