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Late August to September testers - Who's with me?????

Just a quick update ladies: I had my appt. today with my RE regarding the high natural killer cells. She said that in her office they only do two types of treatment for it: IVIG (intravenous immunoglobulin) or intralipids. IVIG is $3,000 or so per infussion while intralipids are about $750 per infussion. She said that her office has seen very similar results with both treatments.

Given the high cost of the IVIG we are opting for the intralipids to start with. The plan is for me to have 1 treatment before getting pregnant. My first treatment will be this Friday when I will be CD 7. Then I will come in at around 10 DPO for an early beta test. If I am pregnant I will get another infussion right away. She expects me to need around 4-5 infussions up to my 12th week of pregnancy. She will then test the NK cells again and if they are still high I will get more infussions as needed. She said I would not need them past 26 weeks along.

None of this is covered by insurance and everytime I need one I will need to shell out $750 but that's OK. She said I don't have to wait to TTC and that we can try again this cycle! I'm so excited. She said we should give this 3-4 cycles and see how it goes. If for some reason I do get pregnant and have another mc on the intralipids I would need to do the IVIG but she doubts that will be the case.

So, my first treatment is this Friday at 10:30 a.m. I will be there about 2.5 hours with an IV in my arm. I hate needles, how can I be this excited about getting the treatment? I should be able to get my first beta test done about 3 weeks from today. Can't wait, I'm excited that this may be the answer to my prayers!
TX - Looks like we had m/c's at very similar dates (mine was July 25th). I haven't read too far back. Did you O already? Or are you waiting for the first cycle to pass?
Bastet - Ya I checked your chart and it looks like you are all over the place. Do you use OPK's? I think for you it will just happen so keep bd'ing every second day. Let us know how your u/s goes.
Mon_n_john - Wow...First congrats on some good news. I am glad you can just start as planned. Of course it is wicked expensive but oh so worth it if you can do it! I am not particularly scared of needles at all but it will get easier. Needles are a quick pain and then over. So worth it but you know that already. So happy for you. I hope this works for you!!!!
am no help for you there, ive no fear of needles infact quite like them haha, couple of wee cheeky tattoos's and my tounge pierced :haha:. just picture your future bundle of joy cuddled up to you when they go to put it in, that may help :flower:
Bastet - Ya I checked your chart and it looks like you are all over the place. Do you use OPK's? I think for you it will just happen so keep bd'ing every second day. Let us know how your u/s goes.

Nope, don't use OPKs anymore because my cycles are sooo long and the last time that I used them I got a positive surge but didn't O so I decided not to waste my money on them. They don't guarantee that you Oed just the surge. We just keep BDing every other day and hope for the best. :thumbup:
Just a quick update ladies: I had my appt. today with my RE regarding the high natural killer cells. She said that in her office they only do two types of treatment for it: IVIG (intravenous immunoglobulin) or intralipids. IVIG is $3,000 or so per infussion while intralipids are about $750 per infussion. She said that her office has seen very similar results with both treatments.

Given the high cost of the IVIG we are opting for the intralipids to start with. The plan is for me to have 1 treatment before getting pregnant. My first treatment will be this Friday when I will be CD 7. Then I will come in at around 10 DPO for an early beta test. If I am pregnant I will get another infussion right away. She expects me to need around 4-5 infussions up to my 12th week of pregnancy. She will then test the NK cells again and if they are still high I will get more infussions as needed. She said I would not need them past 26 weeks along.

None of this is covered by insurance and everytime I need one I will need to shell out $750 but that's OK. She said I don't have to wait to TTC and that we can try again this cycle! I'm so excited. She said we should give this 3-4 cycles and see how it goes. If for some reason I do get pregnant and have another mc on the intralipids I would need to do the IVIG but she doubts that will be the case.

So, my first treatment is this Friday at 10:30 a.m. I will be there about 2.5 hours with an IV in my arm. I hate needles, how can I be this excited about getting the treatment? I should be able to get my first beta test done about 3 weeks from today. Can't wait, I'm excited that this may be the answer to my prayers!

YAY Mon!!! :happydance: That's such a positive to find out that there is a treatment plan (and two of them) that'll help you conceive and have a healthy pregnancy. How exciting!! I hate needles too (never mind all my tattoos and such :blush:) but after all this bloodwork that I've had done already I'm getting used to them.

Good luck and hopefully everything goes well on Friday. :thumbup:
Mom n jon - that's fantastic news, praying that you get pregnant quickly!
Well ladies, I just can't catch a break I guess...having a D&C tomorrow because my levels are only down to 20 and u/s showed a little stuff leftover in there that needs removed which explains why my temps are crazy. My body doesn't know what to do because it can't O with this stuff in there. So upsetting to be six weeks out and still not there yet. Should have just had a d&c to begin with and been done with it. Oh well...who know this would happen, right?! Just very upsetting...but at least I'll O soon after. I'm looking for the light at the end...
aw sorry to here that :hugs:, you did at the time what you felt was right for you, you weren't to know this would happen. At least after 2moro you know thats you back in the race and your body can start back on that road to ovulating :thumbup:

Hugs, will be thinking of you, let us know how you get on when you feel up to it :hugs:
Oh I am sorry Bastet. I'm sure you just want all this behind you. Just think of it this way, once that is taken care of you are one step closer to ovulating! Isn't that exciting?
Thank you ladies for all your kind words...his excuse is that "he was horny" i give up with him seriously i do...he claims to want the baby and his actions the majority of them time reflect that...but since ive been a bit more independent recently, like buying my own car...he's always trying to control the situation...so i think this is why he's doing this...to prove that he has control over particular things...completely selfish...i was so devestated yesterday...words cant even describe...so we didnt BD yesterday but we did today as i still has slight ewcm...i dont even know what to think...am i completely out of the race ladies? or is there still hope?

bastetgirl...sorry to hear that...but after tomorrow just like heavyheart said you'll be back on the road to Ovulating and your body will get back to normal...hope you get your bfp as soon as possible sending loads of hugs your way...
Do you think IUI would be better? That way he just have to do "one deposit" and you are in control of the timing. If nothing else it might make you feel better to be in control again.
Hi there! I'm new to this...but I'm expecting AF around aug. 22nd...I wish the time would go a little faster! This will probably be my last pregnancy so I'm trying to slow down and enjoy it all, but I'm still a little impatient!
God I can't stop crying...I feel like God lost my number or something. It's funny how you try for SO long NOT to get pregnant and then you want it sooo bad and it doesn't happen. Cruel...just so cruel, isnt' it?
It is cruel Bastet. What has you feeling so sad at the moment?
Do you think IUI would be better? That way he just have to do "one deposit" and you are in control of the timing. If nothing else it might make you feel better to be in control again.

You know that might not be a bad idea but you could always try one cycle this way and the next IUI if "natural" way is more important factor to you and your DH.
It is cruel Bastet. What has you feeling so sad at the moment?

I feel like maybe I was selfish waiting so long (32) wanting to find the right man, good job and live my life. What if I blew it...waited too long? Hurts to think that.
It is cruel Bastet. What has you feeling so sad at the moment?

I feel like maybe I was selfish waiting so long (32) wanting to find the right man, good job and live my life. What if I blew it...waited too long? Hurts to think that.

No way sweety, you have not waited too long. 32 is still plenty young! Heck, I'm 35 and 35 is still plenty young too! I asked my RE is she wanted to test my egg reserves today because of my age and she practically giggled. She was like "Uh, I don't think so, let's just skip that." It made me feel better that she wasn't concerned. So if 35 is not a concern then 32 is certainly not a concern either!

How long have you been TTC?
Thanks Mon. Just tough NOT to think about that, you know? I have no kids neither does DH. Just hope we didn't wait too long, you know. Can't help but wonder. I know that 32 isn't that bad. My closest friend got pregnant at 37 no problems and first child. I know it happens...
Bastet I am so sorry. Good news is tommorrow you start your cycle off right. I O'd CD19 after a d&c and my HCG levels were sky high and I even had a + 5 - 7 days or so ago. Listen you are not EVEN close to being too old! Now stop that! It will happen for you. You got pregnant right? That is half the battle.

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