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Late August to September testers - Who's with me?????

Oh that sucks, hopefully something good does come out of this for u. Not that I wish this on anyone. Xx
Well ladies, d&c was done this morning and everything went well. So I am now on CD1 and praying for a :bfp: in the near future. Trying to stay positive. The dr freaked my DH out again with the multiples talk about she said there is a chance I'll release more than one egg. He'll probably be too dang scared to try now....gee thanks dr....

Good luck and sticky dust ladies :dust:

Glad to hear everything went well, yay for CD1 :)
He'll probably be too dang scared to try now....gee thanks dr....
Use your best seduction tactics to 'convince' him.... :-D

BTW, I am loving the picture of your cat! Too cute
Justwaiting i am so sorry to hear that...i hope you are ok...sending loads of hugs your way... x

Bastetgirl im glad everything went ok...i agree with Vaurissa...convince him with seduction...hope you get your BFP in the very near future x
im so confused this cycle...i have noticed ewcm both today and yesterday...although i got a positive opk last saturday...i am not cramping but having twinges on both sides...and i feel sick...im probably reading way too much into it and and with my last two pregnancies my breasts were sore by this point but they are not hurting as yet...i had ovulation cramps last week...so dont think im ovulating really late after my surge...i have still been using opks to see if it would be positive again after all this ewcm but its still negative...maybe i didnt ovulate...i only had one positive opk..im confused...

how are the rest of you lovely ladies holding up?
Meeee!! Hopefully!! So long as AF doesn't rock up beforehand :D
Quick update from me, had my blood test results today my hcg is still at 27, awaiting a phone call back from the doctors now to see what happens now xx
Sorry to hear that your hcg level is still at 27 after being so long. I know exactly how you feel. :hugs: Keep us posted on what the dr decides to do next.
Can I join you ladies? I'll be testing September 21st, and not a day early! We're not doing anything this cycle - no OPKs or anything. I've become too obsessed with everything, that we need a break and we'll just have plenty of :sex:! Hopefully this relaxed cycle works for us!
Well what a load of crap that phone call was!! Got told they aren't doing anything else as the levels are considered low! He also completely ignored the fact I was bleeding all this time, just said it could take 2 to 3 months for everything to go back to normal! As for the bleeding it's just a hormonal imbalance!! Got off the phone and cried after 7 weeks I just want some answers:cry:
OMG..I'm so sorry Kanga! That's horrible news. I can't believe they are going to do anything for you. Would you consider having a second opinion?

My levels were still at 20 on Monday and that's why my dr said we needed to do the d&c right away and I was at six wks out from mmc.

Take care and keep us posted.
Well what a load of crap that phone call was!! Got told they aren't doing anything else as the levels are considered low! He also completely ignored the fact I was bleeding all this time, just said it could take 2 to 3 months for everything to go back to normal! As for the bleeding it's just a hormonal imbalance!! Got off the phone and cried after 7 weeks I just want some answers:cry:

I'm so sorry they aren't doing anything for you. I agree with bastetgrrl, I'd get a 2nd opinion if you can. They should be something for you, to give you answers. Big :hugs:
Well what a load of crap that phone call was!! Got told they aren't doing anything else as the levels are considered low! He also completely ignored the fact I was bleeding all this time, just said it could take 2 to 3 months for everything to go back to normal! As for the bleeding it's just a hormonal imbalance!! Got off the phone and cried after 7 weeks I just want some answers:cry:

I know exactly how you feel hun...the same thing happened to me for 8 weeks though...they sent me back and forth doing bloods then when they got to 22 they sent me home without any reassurance...they discharged me from their care and said the miscarriage was complete even though i bled for a further two weeks after that and it was still showing positive weeks after...its so frustrating...but stay strong hun...if it helps my levels did return to below 5 after two weeks and i have a normal AF after...i hope your numbers come down quickly sending loads of hugs and a shoulder to lean on x:hugs:
Thank u so much ladies, i really appreciate the support :hugs:

I have a scan booked on Monday at the epau that the doctors don't know about so hopefully they will be able to help, might try and get them to do another blood test to see if the hcg has gone down over the week at all. I just want to know everything is going in the right direction.

Patiently so sorry u had to go through it for so long! Not sure I can cope with this bleeding for another 2 weeks :shock: that would mean I have been mc'ing for longer than I was pregnant! How long after u mc bleeding stopped did u get AF?

omgosh kanga I am so so sorry. I would definitely see another doctor. I am praying for you. :hugs:
can you believe that i got AF two weeks after the bleeding stopped..my dr told me that i was bleeding after my miscarriage due to my hormones being all over the place...i stopped bleeding and two weeks later got AF...at first i thought something was wrong and convinced myself that it was related to my mc...but it wasnt i went back to the hospital and they confirmed that it was my 1st AF...this all happened on my birthday in july and 18 days into my current cycle i got a positive opk...so guess my body is trying to get back to normal...
Patiently - Hmm you can get ewcm when you are newly preggers...so maybe some hope. How many days since you had the + OPK?

Kanga - Really? Can they not continue to at least test your HCG to mke sure all is gone? So stressful. Ya it doesn't sound right, maybe ask for a second opinion. I am mad for you! I am glad you have a scan coming. Hopefully that can give you some answers

Tweak - Welcome and good luck!!

As for me I test tommorrow at 9 dpo. And then I leave for camping on 10 dpo and will test again that day. Soooo if I don't get a BFP tommorrow then maybe over the following week or the witch will show. I will let you all know when I get back then. I really don't feel much. Some cramping and ovary twingey feelings. :shrug:
Patiently glad it wasn't too long after that u got ur AF, I am hoping it is quick too.

Coshea I think the bleeding has stopped today has had not even a hint of pink, yay!! So going to try another hpt tomorrow morning and see what it says. Hopefully the scan will tell me all is normal as it can be. Also good luck for testing tomorrow although it is still early days xx

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