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Late August to September testers - Who's with me?????

Bastet I am so sorry. Good news is tommorrow you start your cycle off right. I O'd CD19 after a d&c and my HCG levels were sky high and I even had a + 5 - 7 days or so ago. Listen you are not EVEN close to being too old! Now stop that! It will happen for you. You got pregnant right? That is half the battle.

Thanks Coshea! Feeling blue this evening...even though the d&c will finally get my levels down. I did get pregnant and hopefully will again. Just feeling down I guess. Six weeks is a long time to finally have an answer...:cry:
It's OK to feel like that hun. You will feel so much better when it is all over with!

As for me I just ordered the OvaCue fertility monitor which is supposed to confirm when you ovulated. Can't wait to get it and start using it on Wed.!
carlabarla03 welcome...nice to have you here with us...hope its a bfp on aug 22nd for you..

bastetgirl hun you chose to do things the "best way" for you and made sure you had a stable, child friendly lifestyle to ensure you can give them the best that you can...you are still young and if it helps i am doing things the complete opposite to you and have still lost two at 24 years of age...me and my OH want to conceive before he goes away in the millitary so it has been really difficult when we lost our two little ones...stay strong hun...be positive i am a fond believer in positive thoughts transpiring to positive outcomes...

mum n john...thank you...but i dont know if iui is free in the uk..or if that would be an option...plus i am working so that would mean i would hae to take time off...i would love it to happen the old fashoned way as i'd like to think our baby was a produce of our affection to one another...im not saying this wouldnt be the case if we tried iui but for me i would like to do it naturally... do you think im really out of the race this month? we bd the day of the smiley twice saturday and yesterday monday?
bastettgrrl - please ask them to use an ultrasound machine whilst performing the dnc. I hope everything goes well today. Hopefully this will mean u get af shortly. Dnc's aren't that bad, the worst part was being wheeled into the room and then waking up crying. It's such a long hard journey but today is the end and the beginning all rolled into one. I hope it all goes well and you can get started trying again straight away.

Mon - I'm so excited for you that you can try again straight away. A plan of action in place and hope for this cycle. Good luck and get to practicing!!!!

I have my scan in an hour i'm numb but nervous at the same time. I have my four leaf clover in my wallet borrowed from a friend, we have had some bad luck lately for the past year really and hoping that her clover gives us a little boost.

On the subject of how it effects hubby. after our first mc dh wanted to try again straight away and I didn't. After the second mc he took it a lot harder (we both did) and wanted to wait a few months ( I this time wanted to try as soon as the bleeding stopped) he then said if we lose another one he doesn't want to try again for a few years. I didn't realise how much it was hurting him until he said that. we have only just started trying again this month (drs orders) and I feel like we are both ready to try again. Men are quiter but it hurts them just as deep but differently if it makes sense
Hi ladies, i'm sorry but i wont be looking after this thread anymore. i had an ultrasound today which showed I have asherman's syndrome caused by my 2x DnC. I have to wait a few months for surgery and then sometime after that for HRT and then I may be able to conceive maybe and If i do the risks of placenta previa, accreta and increta are high so a full term baby or more than one baby are low. I'm shattered and although treatable it's a long way off. Can someone please take over the names and things or just start a new thread together. I'm sorry but I can't be here anymore. Best of luck to you all
Oh Justwaiting. I'm so sorry.

I will keep you in my thoughts. xxxx
Oh so sorry to hear this news justwaiting, thinking of u :hugs:

Mon glad to hear that although pricey u can start ttc straight away, fingers crossed for u

Bastetgrrl I am in a similar situation although I am nearly 7 weeks after a natural mc. I had my blood taken today so just got to wait and see what they suggest, I know my levels are still high as getting the faint pos tests. My ultrasound didn't show anything as being left behind though so don't know if my levels are high whether the will did to do a dnc, but could account for the constant bleeding. hope everything goes well with the op today xx
Well ladies, I just can't catch a break I guess...having a D&C tomorrow because my levels are only down to 20 and u/s showed a little stuff leftover in there that needs removed which explains why my temps are crazy. My body doesn't know what to do because it can't O with this stuff in there. So upsetting to be six weeks out and still not there yet. Should have just had a d&c to begin with and been done with it. Oh well...who know this would happen, right?! Just very upsetting...but at least I'll O soon after. I'm looking for the light at the end...

I'm sorry, Bastetgrrl, :hugs:

This must be hard, but as soon as it's over, you'll be back into TTC mode again
Hi I know it's late in the thread but only joined today planning on testing 1st September. This is my first cycle trying to concieve after a early mc and due to funny opk results I'm either 1 or 7 dpo very frustrating lol! Wishing u all lots of luck xxx
Hi ladies, i'm sorry but i wont be looking after this thread anymore. i had an ultrasound today which showed I have asherman's syndrome caused by my 2x DnC. I have to wait a few months for surgery and then sometime after that for HRT and then I may be able to conceive maybe and If i do the risks of placenta previa, accreta and increta are high so a full term baby or more than one baby are low. I'm shattered and although treatable it's a long way off. Can someone please take over the names and things or just start a new thread together. I'm sorry but I can't be here anymore. Best of luck to you all

Oh gosh, I am so sorry :hugs: You're in my thoughts
Just waiting, I am SO sorry to hear that. At least you know what is going on. I pray that your treatment will go well and you willo be ready to TTC in the near future. Hugs!
so sorry justwaiting!!! :hugs:
I Hope it goes wella nd you can come back to ttc!
Mon_n_john - Oh that sounds exciting! I love me a new toy.

Patiently - I think you are still in the race for sure. No worries.

Justwaiting - I am soooo sorry. I will be thinking about you. I feel aweful for you. I hope it all goes fast and you get a beautiful baby one day. I truly do :(

Vicki - Welcome! Maybe your first OPK picked up HCG from the m/c. OPK's can actually confuse HCG as a surge. SOme people if they run out of HPT's they will use a OPK as a preg. test. I don't know your details yet so I am just guessing.
Oh so sorry to hear this news justwaiting, thinking of u :hugs:

Mon glad to hear that although pricey u can start ttc straight away, fingers crossed for u

Bastetgrrl I am in a similar situation although I am nearly 7 weeks after a natural mc. I had my blood taken today so just got to wait and see what they suggest, I know my levels are still high as getting the faint pos tests. My ultrasound didn't show anything as being left behind though so don't know if my levels are high whether the will did to do a dnc, but could account for the constant bleeding. hope everything goes well with the op today xx

Thanks Kanga, I'm so sorry that you are also going through the long waiting game. Hope they can give you some answers about why your levels are still high. Hang in there girlie. :hugs:
Hi I know it's late in the thread but only joined today planning on testing 1st September. This is my first cycle trying to concieve after a early mc and due to funny opk results I'm either 1 or 7 dpo very frustrating lol! Wishing u all lots of luck xxx

Welcome Vicki and so sorry for your loss. :hugs:

Good luck and hopefully you'll get that :bfp: on Sept 1st! :thumbup:
Well ladies, d&c was done this morning and everything went well. So I am now on CD1 and praying for a :bfp: in the near future. Trying to stay positive. The dr freaked my DH out again with the multiples talk about she said there is a chance I'll release more than one egg. He'll probably be too dang scared to try now....gee thanks dr....

Good luck and sticky dust ladies :dust:
Glad to hear ur dnc went well bastetgrrl, hopefully ur cycles will be back to normal now. I have to wait til Friday for my blood results and the epau finally phoned me back they want to scan me again on Monday. So looks like I will be sorted soon too.

As for multiples that excites me, I'm a fraternal twin myself and would love to have twins myself! Crazy maybe, but I love the closeness I have with my sister. Xx
Keep us posted on your results this Friday. Hopefully everything will be back to normal very soon for you.

Not sure if there is a "normal" for me. My cycles were irregular (long) before so would love something positive out of this sad experience like normal cycles.

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