Late July / Early August Summer Bundles


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May 18, 2010
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Hi, I thought I would see if anyone else due around a similar time as me (7th August) wanted to wait it out together? I can add all names and due dates to this front screen and update when / if we now the sex of the baby and eventually when they are born :thumbup:

I am 32, expecting my 3rd and final baby, and am enjoying every second of being pregnant as I feel it is such a precious gift. It took me alomst 2 years to conceive my first.

So far I have bloating, nipple pain, odd dreams, occasional nasueas waves and tummy pulls & some mild af type cramping which I had with both boys, but not much else.

Today I got my booking appointment and my 12 week scan date:kiss:

babydustcass - 23rd July:pink:
ARROW - End July / Start Aug:angel::cry:
Babydust818 - 1st August:blue:
jac4315 - 2nd August:pink:
frangi33 2nd August:blue:
MrsK - 2nd August:baby:
Mrssat 3rd August :yellow:
Tanikins - 4th August :blue:
Starlight20012 - 8th August:angel::cry:
Mrs. MB - 9th August:baby:
marmoset - 9th August :yellow:
Honeysuede - 10th August :pink:
MeggyBaby - 12th August:pink:
20YR 1st BABY - 14th August:blue:
Holliems - 15th August:pink:
Mrs W 11 - 16th August:baby:
Magan85 - 20th August:baby:
hanni - 22nd August:pink:
Abii - 25th August:angel::cry:
tramaine - 26th August:baby:
Congratulations! My DD for baby #2 is August 11th 😁 x
Congrats to you too! I have put your name & DD on the list. It seems so far away, August, doesn't it! I am looking forward to enoying the journey x
Hi :hi:

I'm 31 and so is my DH, guess my signature says that, lol. This is our first. My EDD is August 9th and it does seem soooo far away. My first prenatal and scan are on December 21. I should be 6+6 that day.

I am exhausted, sore boobies on and off and burping on and off. Very light nausea very occasionally.

Excited for all the upcoming bumps and babies :cloud9:
Hi! :flower: i have added you! :) i too am excited to see all the bumps and babies! Congrats on your first!
Today i had bad blurred bision which was scary, after a few hours it turned into a migraine which i don't usually suffer with but apparently pregnancy can cause them. As long as little one is growing i will take it it throws as me :haha: xx
I heard that pregnancy can both cause and alleviate migraines. I've had chronic migraines since I was very young. Routine bad headaches too. Surprisingly enough after caffeine withdrawal passed headaches stopped for me. I know it's still early but I think these last few weeks are the longest I've gone without a headache in a long time. I'm sorry it's the opposite for you.

I'm plainly exhausted today. I just don't even want to move any muscles in my body. Hoping to see some good growth at 6+6!

Can't wait for everyone's scans!

I have no history of miscarriage but I have been absolutely paranoid... I think I'm just now starting to get a little more relaxed. Granted I found out at 3+1 so at first I was afraid it was a chemical... Really looking forward to getting that first scan done so I can start enjoying this pregnancy :)
Hi ladies, mind if I join? :)

I am due around Aug 8! Will be #2 for us. With our first we went through various treatments and ended up being successful with IVF with our DD! This pregnancy happened naturally so a really exciting surprise!!

We have an u/s on Monday at 6 weeks due to our history. I am excited but nervous!

Look forward to going through this jouney with you ladies

So far, I have had fatigue and sore!
Congrats starlight! What a beautiful surprise! My symptoms are same as yours :)

Good luck with your scan on Monday! Can't wait to hear your updates and see pictures :)
Mrs.MB - yeah I read the same, if you suffer from migraines then pregnancy can cure it and if not it can cause it. It is still hanging around despite my husband sendin gme to bed early & taking over with the kids. my 9 month old doesn't sleep well at night & at the moment he has a cold so he is particularly bad at night. Am really hoping this shifts by the end of the day. Good news about yours clearing up though!:thumbup: and only 10 days til your appointment and scan! can't wait to see how you get on:hugs:

Starlight2012 - Welcome!! I have added you to the list:hugs: and a massive congratulations! I hear of so many people struggling with #1 then falling nauturally with #2. After 20 months ttc for #1 with me I fell for #2 without even knowing or trying! I wonder if the body 'fixes' itself after going through pregnancy.
Good luck with the ultrasound monday, can't wait to hear updates:flower:
My scan is in 7 weeks. Feels like forever! we have xmas and a weekend trip to Rome inbetween to keep us distracted.
Anyway, hope you are all feeling ok today xxx
Hi!:flower:How is everyone?
I am so happy to be 6 weeks today:happydance: getting more nausea and hunger and achey boobs xx
Anyone having any symptoms yet? I feel odd because even my breast tenderness subsided... I had some stabbing pain yesterday but today they feel like they did before... Light and not painful...

I also had some brown discharge after BD last night. I called after hours nurse and she said it was normal after BD and not to worry unless it turns red or I start having serious cramps... I'm not having those but still scared because I have no symptoms..

Next week can't go by quickly enough!
hi all mind if i join in? :D

well i dont know when my DD is yet as i have my first scan on Friday and on the internet the dates are all different all i know is that it will be beginning of August. or end of July as i am having a C-section... i think i am about 5 weeks now :winkwink:

i am 38 and this is my first i started ttc 2 months ago but we mess the dates of ovulation so.... this month i was temping and voila a :baby: on the way :happydance:

Did a blood test last week my HCG was 198 and my progesterone level was WAY high for only 4 weeks 109 still dont know what that means :shrug:

the only symptoms i have so far is a LOT of fatigue during the day and sleeplessness at night, still have vivid dreams and very very tender breasts :blush:
Mrs. MB - a bit of blood after BD is common hun, I only had it once and it was the morning of our 20 week scan with DS2, I was so scared but thankfully the scan that day put my mind at rest. A lot of women have it on & off all through pregnancy. As long as it isn't bright red or accompanied by bad cramps it should be ok:hugs:
As for symptoms, I go from one minute not feeling pregnant at all then bang - nausea, boob pain and hunger for a few hours then it goes again. I am also bloated and need to pee a lot.

ARROW - Welcome and congratulations!!:hugs: I have added you:thumbup:
I too feel I will be booked for a c-section (not sure yet) so I am expected my dates to be more like end of July.
I think high HCG is a good thing, baby must be growing strong:thumbup: xx
honeysuede - that is great you have a nice trip to distract before your scan! Rome - how wonderful. do you have some family there or going for a vacation? I am jealous!!

Mrs MB - I completely understand the uncertainty. I keep second guessing! As for symptoms, I just have tender breast and bloat...but that is it. The other day, I felt less bloated and started to worry, how silly, right??

Arrow - welcome!!!

As for me - Had our 6 week scan today and all looked good. Mini bub was measuring the right size and we saw a tiny flicker of a heartbeat! It was hard to see the heartbeat and get the right read on it...they got 77bpm when they tried which I thought seemed a bit slow, but the doctor said not to worry. In three weeks, we will be having another u/s at 9 weeks, so holding my breath until that one. In the meantime, cautiously excited :)
Starlight - congratulations on your scan girlie. Must be such a relief to see that everything is going well.

Thank you ladies for putting my mind at ease a little more. I haven't had any since Saturday night. Just several times when I wiped yesterday morning but I expected that. Fingers crossed it's over.

I think some of the symptoms are back! My boobs hurt again and they're full and they're back to being full. Also I'm cautiously thinking I'm feeling the first signs of ms. I'm sense sensitive and really felt queasy a few times this morning.

I'm so excited that this group keeps growing! All the late July/August babies!
Thank you so much Mrs. MB :)

That is great that you haven't seen anything or had any other scares since Saturday! It can be so tough in these early weeks as we are all on edge!

I find myself so distracted and can't really focus on work. I just want the weeks to pass! Lol.
Starlight - words after my heart... I'm usually super focused and productive. It's been so hard to keep my mind on work too... I feel like I'm completely useless just listening to my body.
Mrs MB - at least we have each other to keep one another company!! Admittedly, I don't think that I have done anything productive today at work and usually I am doing so many things. I have a meeting soon, then will call it a day - tomorrow is a new day! I am at least glad the holidays are coming up next week as it will be a distractor till our next appointment. Can you remind me when your next appointment is?

So a bit premature...but I may have just purchased this for our older daughter to wear when we announce to our family/friends....I just couldn't help myself since it will take some time to arrive!
Hi ladies, can I join you? My due date isn't until 20th August so I'm a bit behind you all but this thread already seems a bit chattier than some of the others I've seen and really friendly.

Congrats to everyone already here!!!

This will be my second baby, my first was natural and this was IVF. I will probably have a c section too.


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