Late July / Early August Summer Bundles

Welcome Jac and Maggy!!! Congratulations to both of you!

Mrs. W - yes, the inconsistently is driving me crazy. This morning my boobies were sore walking down the stairs, then nothing and now back to sore... I think my entire body just has a mind of its own and I'm not in charge anymore, lol. I think the sooner I accept that, the better :)

Arrow - how did that scan go, girly? Waiting for an update!

Holli - you didn't jinx yourself hon. You're excited and you're happy. You can't control what's going to happen so be happy and enjoy every moment!

Starlight - so funny about your DD. I remember when my friend was pregnant with her second and she was about 7 months. Her two year old kept telling the baby to "get out" because he couldn't get comfy in mommy's lap. So precious.
Hello everyone!! Yay 2 new joiners! I have added both you ladies to the list:thumbup:
jac4315 - congrats & welcome! hope the nausea settles down for you soon/

MeggyBaby - congrats and welcome! your situation sounds very similar to mine! pregnant with 3rd & final baby, wondering if we will have a girl after 2 boys:flower: I have pt your due date at 12th August going by you being 5 days behind me but I can obviously change it as we go along as I know a lot of our dates with change.

Starlight - Yes, it is the 20 week scan when we find out the gender here too, seems like forever away! My son is in a cot in the same room as my 3 year old who has his own bed. Last night was a little better as we changed a couple of things but he just isn't a fan of sleepng, he is so active! I put my first son in his own bed at 18 months & plan to get a bunk bed so ds2 can have his own bed around the same time which will tie in nicely with this little one being coming:thumbup: aahh bless your daughter, how cute.

Mrs. MB - I don't read too much into symptoms dependng on what you carry as I hear with boys you crave svaory but girls sweet but both my boths made me eat a lot of sweet stuff! all the chocolate and cakes:haha: I totally agree though - as long as baby is healthy :flower:

Holliems - I now feel my comments were insensitive about social media, so sorry if I offended. If you want to tell people why shouldn't you? and I am actually just as bad as I just told 2 strangers in the post office queue:haha:

Mrs W 11 - Sorry to hear you heamorrhaged too, it is so scary isn't it:nope: I agree, planned sections are probably a lot better organised etc. No, DS2 is bottle fed. He usually does have some milk in the night but not a great deal. Last night we left his bottle with him & it really helped. And please try not to worry about your symptoms, they sound very similar to mine & I have been reading a lot about some women who have no symptoms at all! easier said than done, I know. I don't want to wish the time away as I want to enjoy every second of this pregnancy with it being my last, but I will feel a lot more relaxed after the 12 week scan. Wish it wasn't 6 weeks away.

As for me, yesterday I craved coco pops and ate so many that I felt really sick all day & now can't even look at the box. So I learnt my lesson:haha: Other than that & smells being strong, peeing alot & being a little emotional, all of my symptoms are fairly mild. Oh, and I have AF type pains on & off each day.
I am having red bleeding and cramping. I can't believe it ladies, after all we have been through. I really thought this time would be ok. Devastated.
mrs w 11 - how long has this been happening? Are you going to Hospital? It doesn't definitely mean the worst, but i can imagine how worried you are. My thoughts ate with you xxxxxxxx
Literally started mid morning around 2 hours ago. My epu won't scan me this early so nothing I can do except wait :( just so so upset.
Honeyseade- thank you the reason I put August 12 as the due date cuz I have an idea of when actual conception happened which was before day 14 so I couldn't base it off of my last mp even though my doctor is which is fine maybe a bigger developed baby at the first visit/ultrasound
Oh god that is horrible why won't they scan you, i thought 6 weeks would be fat enough along. How bad is the bleeding and the pain hun? Where is it you live again i am losing track, are you in the US? Xx
Ignore me i got confused, uou're Dorset aren't you? Here in essex the epu will scan if heavy bleeding past 6 weeks xxx
I'm not 6 weeks hun I'm 5 weeks tomorrow x

Oh really sorry hun, i have got myself in a muddle. Ok, so it is too early for them to scan you then :( have you tried calling the nhs direct for some advice? It seems very cruel that you should just wait it out not knowing. Xxx
Yes its torture. Deep down I feel it's all over. I just can't believe it x
So so sorry you're going through this torture. I wish there was some way i could help you but i know nothing will change how you feel, just know we are hear if you want to talk and i will be checking regularly to see how you are getting on. Xxxx
Hey there everyone, can I join? I got a very faint bfp yesterday and another faint bfp on a frer this morning. This was a complete surprise as we had some trouble conceiving before, in fact both of our girls were planned and it took over a year to conceive each time. Anyway I'm trying not to get too excited but lets hope this little babe sticks :) congrats to you all and looking forward to getting to know you guys:flow: Oh and my edd as of right now is August 25th,
Mrs W - so sorry to read your recent posts. I am thinking of you and have my fingers crossed for you. we are here, pls let us know how you're doing xxoo.

Abii - welcome and congrats on your recent bfp--look forward to getting to know you as well.
Mrs. W - thinking about you and sending positive thoughts. I'm so sorry you're going through a terrible day. Can EPU draw your blood again, can they do anything? It is really cruel to just tell you to wait... Especially considering you had IVF I would imagine they would be monitoring you very closely!

Abii- congratulations and welcome!
Hi Ladies,
Mrs W 11 - You have been in my thoughts, really hope things have improved for you and you have got some rest

Abii - welcome!! and congratulations on your BFP! looking foward to getting to know you too :) how have you been symptom wise?

I have been having this thing where I am not hungry one minute, then I eat LOADS and feel ill & bloated for hours. So I am going back to eating little and often today to see if that helps. Also my skinny jeans are now too tight. I got the start of a tiny bump at 9 weeks with my 1st & 7 weeks with my 2nd so it is about right.
Hey coming over to join as my edd is a bit up in the air. I think its aug 2nd. But my lmp put me at 19th july. Going by lots of negs then my bfp 2 weeks late im fairly confident of an early aug baby
Hey coming over to join as my edd us a bit up in the air. I think its aug 2nd. But my lmp put me at 19th july. Going by lots of negs then my bfp 2 weeks late im fairly confident of an early aug baby

Tanikins - welcome ad congrats:flower: where abouts in the UK are you hun? I have added you to the list:thumbup: xx

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