Late July / Early August Summer Bundles

Mrs W - of course you can join - welcome and congratulations!! That is such amazing news that you received your BFP from the most recent round of IVF. Yay! When is your next test/appointment? Also how old is your little one (I think you mentioned this is your second?)

Our daughter is 20 months old and a real firecracker - we conceived her via IVF and a natural BFP this time around!
Welcome Mrs. W - congratulations! We are all just getting to know each other :) and obsessing so please join in!

Honey - thank you for creating this thread :)

Starlight - my first appointment is 12/21 - a whole week away... It was scheduled back on 11/27 so it's the final stretch of waiting...
Thanks for the welcome ladies!

Starlight I've done it the opposite way round to you then!! I conceived my dd first month ttc so we had no idea we would have fertility issues! My dd is 3 now so all being well we will have a 4 year gap. Much bigger than we wanted but so grateful to be pregnant now! Are you having an early scan?

Mrsmb will you have a scan at your appointment next week? I'm in the uk so it's a bit different here, usually the first scan is 12 weeks. However I'll book a private scan for 2-3 weeks time since I had ivf and I've also got a drs appointment booked for 23rd dec to ask for an early nhs reassurance scan as I've previously had a mmc at 12 weeks.

Morning ladies! Aww I am so happy this thread is thriving! thank you all for joining!:hugs:
Mrs W 11- congratulations of the IVF BFP:happydance: and welcome! I have added your details :) where abouts in the UK are you? I can't beleive I have over 6 weeks to wait until the scan. But waiting it out with you ladies and seeing how everyone is getting on will help:thumbup: Oh and great to see you haven't had any more scares:hugs: Feeling strong symtpoms is always reassuring isn't it, I think it is the only time we are pleased to be feeling unwell :haha:

Mrs. MB - 6 days until your appointment, hopefully it will be here in no time!

Starlight2012 - Great news about the scan!it must have been lovely seeing baby and heartbeat, so happy for you.:happydance:
We are going on a 2 night break to Rome friday 15th Jan, we got a cheap online deal (cheaper than staying in london!) and my husband has always wanted to go to Rome so we thought why not:thumbup: have to do things on a tight budget so I was happy we got a good deal.
Aww I love the idea of your daugter wearing that for the announcement!

So how are we all feeling today? I am bloated & I keep getting pain behind my c-section scar. It is very neat & healed well on the outside. The reason I feel I will have a planned C-section this time is because DS1 got stuck & after 2 hours of pushing I had to be cut & have vontouse delivery then DS2 was a week early, waters broke at home with meconium in, labour progressed very quickly then he was low on oxygen & had to be delivered urgently. Both times I have gone from 5cm to fully dialted in 20 minutes & they had to push ds2 back up the birth canal for c-section:nope: so given this, I feel my body just isn't capable of an unasisted, safe natural birth sadly. I am trying to tell myself a planned section is better as we can make child care arrangements & my husband can pre book the time off work but in honesty I HATED having it last time, the recovery was terrible & I was readmitted a few days later with severe haemorrhaging. As long as we have a safe baby I don't care what I have to go through so I will do what the midwife thinks is safest xx
good morning Lady's how are you all doing today?

welcome to the new mamas in the group

Mrs.W thats why i joined this forum as well more friendly and welcoming environment to share feelings emotions and your thoughts

Starlight2012 i love the t-shirt it looks soooo cute!!! and a nice way to spread the good news

honeysuede doing a c-section is not that bad from what they have informed me yes its better to have a normal natural birth but when complications show up during delivery its safer for the child and the mother to have a c-section...

mine was determined at my last month Doc appointment even before i got preggo cause i have 3 small fibroids and the Doc told me that the only way for me to have birth is with a c-section cause i will have complications if i do it naturally or i had to make a surgery and wait 6 months to ttc .... so C-section it is :D just as long as the baby and me are fine :thumbup:

soo last night i got SO scared!!:argh: as i was sleeping and dreaming of rainbows i got up because i felt pain!! and though AF was coming i just run to the wc and nothing! my stomach was in so much pain it was so scary and that i started to :cry:

turns out when i called to tell them i will not go to work "school" today they told me there is a gastroenteritis-virus going on and a lot of people didn't go in today.. so i think i got it as well ... if it gets worse i will just call my Doc because my scan is on Friday i dont want to start calling him before my 1st scan :blush:
Morning everyone! Can I join too? Im 37 (going on 38) and we conceived our 4th month trying! EDD is Aug 15th. TBH, I didnt expect it to happen. Still trying to wrap my head around it.
So far, no real symptoms other than sore breasts and being tired. I wish I had m/s to assure me everything is going ok. Ive done nothing but worry this whole time. My first appointment isnt until Dec. 28th (7 wks) and it feels like FOREVER away!
Holliems - welcome!:flower: I have added you to the list :)
congrats on falling on month 4, and I know what you mean about taking time to wrap your head around it, even though this is my 3rd I still have to pinch myself sometimes. These first 12 weeks do feel like forever but it starts to go faster as it goes on I feel. I see in your signature you have 2 girls, how lovely! do they know you are pregnant yet? Not long until your appoitnment then which is good.

Arrow - yeah the emergency section I had with DS2 went well to start with but the recovery was very hard. I am a very active person too. All worth it for our little ones though:thumbup: I have had similar pains to what you have described and (sorry for too much info) felt very wet down there which has panicked me, sometimes it is just that I need to go to the toilet and other times it is like dull period aches but nothing else. I had similar with previous pregnancies so I assume it is little one burrowing in. Hope you feel better:hugs:

So do any of you lovely ladies have a 'feelling' about what you might be having? I have 2 boys but I think this may be a girl. Of course I will be happy either way as long as it is a healthy baby, but just wondered if anyone had a feeling about it. With my first son I actually dreamt a few times of a boy with yellow blonde hair and that is exactly what I got:flower: we didn't find out with him but with DS2 we found out the sex & plan to this time too xxx
Mrs MB - yes final stretch of waiting. Just 6 more days!! Look forward to hearing about it :)

honeysuede - your Rome trip sounds absolutely divine. And I love a good deal so that makes it even better! hmmm boy or girl - for me it changes day to day as to what I think!!! So I guess I have no idea. With your two boys did you feel the same during pregnancy? Will you find out the sex or wait as a surprise?

Mrs W - yes we are opposites! Your daughter will be such a good helper when the baby comes a long :) I have three older brothers and we are 3 or 4 years apart from one another and it has worked out really well. That sounds like a good idea to book a private scan! When are you hoping to do that?

Arrow - how terrible you had those bad dreams! I also have been having really odd dreams since I found out I was pregnant. Must be the hormones!! How exciting you will have your first scan on Friday - how far along with you be??

Holliems - Congratulations and welcome!! We are here to help you pass the time :) I am in the same boat that I go between being excited followed by a lot of worrying!! I think it is all normal and thank goodness we have support in one another.

AFM, I am feeling very bloated like many of you. Also some cramps too. Today I was sitting my desk and felt something drip from my nose then realized my nose was bleeding! At least I was wearing a dark outfit, so it wasn't a huge mess. I had forgotten that my nose bled a lot during my first pregnancy. So downside, messy nose bleeds, upside is that it is another pregnancy symptom! Haha....
Thanks honey! Only my oldest daughter knows. I explained to her that it's early and pregnancies are never certain to result a baby in the end. (Just incase the worst happens) My youngest doesn't know. I'll tell her around 12 weeks when I feel I'm in the clear. She would be devastated if the worst happened so I'm really cautious what I say around her.

No feelings on what it is just yet. People are saying its a boy but who knows!
Well this group formed nicely 😁 hi to all! Hope your all feeling better than me 😩 feeling absolutely awful with nausea right now! Never had it with my first son, in fact I had no symptoms with him at all. I'm having a bath and going to get in bed by 8pm! Hopefully feeling better tomorrow as I need to finish my Xmas shopping! Are all you ladies finished? X
20YR I was finished before Thanksgiving! Ordered everything online. I hate the large crowds.
Hello Everyone! Hope you ladies are all having a good day!

Arrow - I hope you feel better! That sounds painful and unsettling.

I'm back to hardly any symptoms. No nausea today. Just slightly sore boobies and some fatigue.

Starlight - Oh, I'm sorry about nosebleeds hon.

I'm not sure whether it's a boy or a girl... I think it might be a girl. I had two early guesses for girls based on our BD timing and having cold-like symptoms during the first week after O. We'll be finding out the gender so we'll see what the yellow bundle decides :)
thanks for the support!! :hugs: i feel much better today called the Doc yesterday said i have to go on a diet for the next 2 days :wacko:

well i will be 5 weeks 5 days when i do my first ultrasound on Friday and i hope all is well with everything and i can hear a heartbeat still have 3 more days to go

as for the gender i think its a boy :-=
Good morning ladies!! It's great to see this thread getting busy:flower:

Starlight - I felt different in a few ways while pregnant with the boys, so much so that with DS2 I initially thought it may be a girl. This time is different again, so I guess each pregnancy is different. I had a migraine for the first time with this pregnancy and I don't have the massive sore boobs yet. Can't wait to fin out what we are having :happydance: Will you be finding out? Sorry to hear you're having nose bleeds, I had one with each pregnancy, they can be quite bad can't they. But as you say, it is another good sign:thumbup:

Holliems - Interesting that you say people are saying boy, is it just a feeling they are getting? I agree about being cautious with the news until after the 12 week mark. I see some people announcing pregnancy on social media at 5, 6 weeks and it always makes me so nervous for them.

20YR 1st Baby - Do you feel better after an early night? hope the nausea subsides for you. Have you tried ginger? I have heard it helps with feeling sick. I have finished my xmas shopping now, just have a few gifts left to wrap:thumbup: I do as much as possible online as I hate being in the shops with all the stroppy xmas shoppers! plus you get things much cheaper online if you hunt around.:thumbup:

Holliems - I have just realised I mirrored exactly what you said about xmas shopping:haha:

Mrs. MB - Interesting that you say you had gender guesses based on BD time, we conceived this time by doing it 4 days before ov so I too have been wondering if that means more chance of a girl. I had coldlike symptoms with both boys though. Exciting not knowing and guessing isn't it, I love it!

Arrow - ooh you're thinking boy? are you going to find out? not long to wait for your scan. :hugs:

I am very tired today. DS2 hardly sleeps and it is starting to take it's toll on me. He just wakes every few hours for seemingly no reason and wants to stay awake. It takes us 20-60 mins to settle him and I am getting 4-5 hours sleep in 2 chuncks most nights. Have asked in first tri if anyone has advice but I feel I am just going to have to hope he changes his sleep pattern by himself. Other than that I am happy. :thumbup: my tummy bloat is starting to look like a little bump already which is funny. Think where I am slim it notices more.
20 Yr 1st - I am almost all done Christmas shopping! Similar to Hollieum, I like to get it all done as fast as possible. Later this week, I just need to pick up some items for my Mom, then that is it. Still need to wrap a few things though!

Arrow - what did your doctor say you needed to stick to for your diet? Just 2 more days till your ultrasound!!!

honeysuede - we found out the gender with our DD, as I really wanted to know the first time around. Then I started to think maybe we would just "surprise" ourselves with the second and not find out, but I was talking to my hubby the other day and now he said he really wants to find out, so we will be finding out the gender, if the baby cooperates :) we dont' find out here till about 20 weeks. Although my sister in law who lives in the US had found out with her daughters at about 12 weeks, which is so early!! Around when will you be able to find out? Poor you with not great sleep - hopefully your DS settles into a good sleep pattern soon so you're not up in the middle of the night. Is he in his own bed already? We have been starting to think about when we should transition our DD into a big girl bed.

The other day, we told our daughter that she was going to be a big sister and she looks at us nods and says yeah like she was saying "so what else is new??" haha. I guess no surprise to her. although she is 20 months old so hard to say sometimes what she understand and what she doesn't, but I think she gets the idea!!
So what did I say about being able to muster through my fatigue? Last night I was so busy I didn't sit down to eat dinner until almost 9:00pm. At 9:15 I sat on the couch and my body went to sleep. I woke up at 11:20pm and moved to bed. Guess I'm not in charge :baby:

Arrow - so excited for you ultrasound. Can't wait to see pictures!

Honey - we BD'ed one/two days before O. Interesting with your colds... I also hear there's less ms with girls. I'm back to zero symptoms as far as nausea or cravings or smells.

DH and I always wanted a boy. Once we found out we were expecting we just said - as long as it's happy and healthy it really doesn't matter. We are going to love our little one no matter what she/he is... Just want it to be alright.

I still have to buy a present for my MIL. My DH bought presents online for everyone else. He was stellar this year - really impressed me. Still need to wrap everything though.
Honey, I think people are saying boy because I have two girls already. A part of me wants a boy but I wouldn't know what to do with him once I got him!

...I told people on fb the other day. I just couldn't hold it in. I know way too early! Ever since, I feel like I jinxed myself and I've been crazy nervous.
Mind if I join?! :) I'm 23 and expecting baby #1! My husband and I are so excited! Got 2 BFP's on December 1st and estimated due date is August 2nd :happydance: First appointment is the 22nd!

Only symptoms I had were sore boobs then the nausea started hardcore on Monday :sick:
Hello Ladies!
I am pregnant with my 3rd and final baby hoping for that baby girl! As of today I am roughly 5 weeks 5 day but will find out exactly where I am in at my first doctors appointment at the beginning of January but so far so good tired, hungry, gassy, lil bit of nausea, and an emotional wreck
Hi honey suede, I live in Dorset, South Coast! I had to have an emergency section due to lack of progression after being induced. Was a bit gutted and I heammoraged badly afterwards and ended up in intensive care. I think planned sections are much easier recovery wise. Ooh have a lovely time in Rome!! We've been before and it's one of my favourite places, I just loved it!! The colosseam is awesome!! I feel bad for you not getting much sleep, are you bfing ds2? Does he have milk in the night?

Hollims- another shop hater over here.... Online all the way!!

Starlight - I've booked my early scan for 30th dec so 2 weeks to wait!! Yes I think my dd will be an amazing big sister when baby comes, she loves babies and will be so excited assuming all goes well. We won't tell her until 12 weeks. Sorry to hear about your nose bleeds lovely. What a pest. I haven't had bloating yet but it's been a symptom in previous pregnancies so just waiting for that joy!!

20yr sorry you are feeling so awful with nausea. Nice to have symptoms and signs that all is ok but awful to feel so ill at the same time. I'm pretty much done for Xmas, just need to wrap everything!!

Mrs mb - ugh... Fluctuating symptoms, I have them too. Some days there, others not. It makes it so easy to worry but am trying to stay positive!

Arrow - wishing you heaps of luck for your scan!! Why did the Dr say you had to go on a diet? What do you need to eat?

Welcome jac and moggy!! Congrats

I don't know if we will find out... We didn't with dd and I did enjoy the surprise although I was quite ill after her birth so some of that was lost on me. I don't think I want to find out though. With my dd we did 2 days before of so the theory worked for me, I got a girl. This time is IVF so doesn't apply!!

Feeling a bit worried about symptoms coming and going. I was feeling sick a lot and haven't since Sunday so a bit stressed about that. Got sore boobs, tiredness and feeling weak when I get hungry and suddenly feeling starving.

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