Learn a little about us!!!

I'm Marcia. I'm engaged to Dave and we're getting married in June. We live in Essex. Our DD Sapphire is 7 months old. I am a vegan AR activist but Dave is a meat eater unfortunately. Saf will be veggie. We co-sleep part time, I BF and BLW and Saf is cloth bummed. I babywear much of the time but we use a pram too. I am addicted to buying slings and nappies!! LOL. I work full time and will have to go back in May :growlmad: so enjoying the time I have as a full time mum. We have a dog, two cats and a horse and I'm hoping to get some ex-battery hens this year.
:wave: I am Rachael (Omi as a nickname) and am 24 (25 in early March) and have being married to my husband Nick for about 2 and 1/2 years. I am currently just working part-time in a shop but am off back to Uni in September but am changing the degree I am doing so will be studying English and media writing. I have two Labradors and a kitten who is basically a Labrador in a cats body.

I am pregnant with my first baby after having had two miscarriages and am due on the 10th of May 2010. I am expecting a boy and we have named him Joshua James. So I guess that it is fair to say I am on the board a bit too early but I find the advice from people who have used the products I am looking at to be invaluable. Plus, I feel like I can talk about things without getting told or looked at like I am crazy!

We plan on using cloth nappies and wipes, baby wearing, breast-feeding for the first 6 months, making our own (vegetarian) food at the weaning stage and are going to at leasts try elimination communication from 6+ months. :thumbup:
Thought i'd finally formally introduce myself here :D

I'm 25 years old, my OH and i have been together just over 5 years and have been living together for the majority of that time. We have a springer spaniel called Fudge and a cat called stitch and our baby son Tobias is 10 weeks old :cloud9:

We planned a homebirth from early on in my pregnancy but things didn't go according to plan (when do they ever?! :wacko:) and at 28 weeks we made the decision to have our baby at our local hospital, although i held out hope i would be able to give birth on the MLU and use the birthing pool, although again, that was not to be and i delivered in a real "soap opera" styleee with an 'augmented' labour on the consultant led delivery suite strapped to a ctg monitor with all kinds of wires and devices attached to me and my LO :dohh: It went as well as it could though i guess and i'd do it all again x 100 for my beautiful baby boy :baby:

We always knew we wanted to use re-usable nappies and did a lot of research into them and bought our first lot (of BG's) when we were at the baby show when i was about 14 weeks pregnant :blush: lol. We planned to use them as soon as we were home from the hospital but Toby was much smaller than i had expected (6lb 5oz born, and down to 5lb 10oz on the day we were discharged! :shock: ) so we had to wait a while.

We now use cloth part-time, i.e. still in disposables at night and for days out. I have been having lots of leakage issues with our BG's which i've posted about on the forum, but we're persevering and trying to work that out right now :thumbup:

Tobias has been exclusively breastfed since birth, something i am incredibly proud of as although i always planned to breastfeed i was also open to the idea of formula if it didn't work out, and certainly didn't have any set goals in mind for how long i wanted to do it for or anything, i just thought i'd give it a good go and see how we got on. Well the longer we have gone on the longer i want to do it for. It hasn't always been easy, far from it, but it's a very special part of mine and Toby's relationship and something i feel very good about.

We are also practicing babywearing although i am yet to take Toby outdoors in the sling. We have a close baby carrier and he normally spends at least 2 hours a day in that each day while i potter around the house and get some housework done.

Hmmm...let's see...what else? Oh, also we are co-sleeping, or bed-sharing, or whatever you like to call it :D We bought an arm's reach co-sleeper crib and have that attached to the side of our bed, and for the first 3 weeks or so Tobias slept in there but even though it was fantastic having him so close i soon found i was exhausted as when he needed to feed during the night (very frequently!) i still had to wake up, lift him out, feed him then settle him back in there, and normally by the time that was done i'd have maybe 30 minutes to doze before he woke up and it was time to do it all again :dohh: So we moved on the next level and i actually brought him in to the big bed with us and we've never looked back. The co-sleeper is still there and occasionally if he is in a very deep sleep in the morning i will gently lift him out of our bed and place him in there for an hour, maybe while i get a shower or so me and OH can make the most of having the bed to ourselves (to SLEEP i mean- tut tut ;) )

So yes, that is us :flower:
I'm Nicola, Been married to Chris for 5 Years (this May) and together for 10 years. We're both 30 this year.
Our First Child Quentin was born 7/11/09 after trying for a year and discovering I had a thyroid problem which was affecting my fertility. (only had 6 periods whilst trying to conceive)

We have been CD'ing since Quentin was 3 weeks old, and have tried loads of different types and have decided that pocket nappies suit our way of life better (though waiting on some flips :happydance:)
Quentin is exclusively breastfed and when the time comes we aim to BLW.

Oh, and I've been around the natural parenting section since I was about 28 weeks pregnant doing research on cloth! I think i'm almost happy with my stash now.
I can't believe I missed this the otehr two times it's been bumped! But oh well.. I lurk around these parts fairly regulary so it's probably time to formally introduce myself!

My name is Kathryn and I am 28, I've been married to my husband Gyn for 2 years and we have a little boy called Isaac who is now 4 months old. I am a secondary science teacher.

We wanted a very natural birth and I was desparate for a home birth, but Gyn was apprehensive being our first so we agreed on a "as natural as possible birth" in hospital with the hope of use of the pool. However things weren't meant to be and I was induced two weeks late (having been in a very slow labour for the last week) and after 40 hours of just meditation, tens machine and gas and air,and 2 hours of pushing Isaac still wasn't budging so it ended in an emergancy section.

Isaac has been wearing cloth since he was 3 days old, and has been exclusively breastfed. Although I tend to use my pram I also babywear (however I am banned from buying a nicer one until I go back to work!).

Nice to meet you all properly!:kiss:
Hello, I'm Layla. I'm 25 and have been married for 2 and a half years. Alice is 5 months old and I've decided not to go back to my job as a primary school teacher so I am now a stay at home mum.

Alice was born in a birth pool after a drug-free (not pain-free!) labour. We exclusively bf on demand, which has thankfully gone smoothly. We have co-slept since she was 3 weeks old. I felt guilty at first because it seemed like I was 'giving in' but after researching it more thoroughly, I'm now convinced it is the right thing for our family. I'm even planning to have 4 in a bed if I can persuade my husband!

Alice is mainly in cloth nappies, although we usually have eco disposables for going out and night time (working on that...). Since she got thrush, I'm also making more lotions and potions myself which seem to be helping her a lot. No more rash! Hurray!

I've got a sling, but I'm planning on getting a mei tai to carry the baby more often. I'm hoping to carry her on my back so I can manage to get the housework and veg gardening done without her getting grumpy. I'm also looking into baby led weaning for when we start giving Alice solids next month - hopefully including veg from the garden.

I think that's about all. Lovely to meet other like minded people on here!
This is a great thread, nice to get to know you all! :hugs: My turn.......

Hi! I'm Lauren :flower:, I'm 26 this Saturday :cake: I've been with my boyf Chris for 5-1/2yrs and we live in Snowdonia, North Wales with our 4mnth old son Tom. I'm an outdoor instructor and Chris is a sailor. Now I'm on maternity leave Tom and I attend twf - welsh classes for mothers and babies. Tom will go to a Welsh speaking primary school.

I've breastfed from birth and hope to keep going until Tom is 1, and at 6mnths I plan to BLW.

Before Tom was born I stocked up on lots of different cloth nappies but have only use them occasionally due to not having a dryer and the house being cold this time of year! I hope to use them exclusively when the weather gets better.

I wear Tom alot in his Calin Bleu fleecy wrap and Baby bjorn active when walking our other baby, 2yr old Deerhound, Alfie. Tom even went up his 1st mountain on Boxing day!!

I agree with vaccinating my child but think the swine flu jab for children is over the top!

This yr I plan on growing my own veg o:)

What a great thread, i've loved reading more about you all!:happydance:

I'm Yasmin, i'm 24 and live in London. (I hate it here though- i'm not cut out for city living and am hopfooting it back out to the sticks when babba is one!) I'm almost 4 months pregnant and will be a single mum- Bean's dad, despite being one of my closest friends, is rubbish. I like to think of him/her as my "happy accident".

I've realised i'll belong in this section as following my instincts has led me here and I love it! I'll be cloth bumming and reusable wiping (and already have a stash *ahem*), and co-sleeping, and baby wearing, and breastfeeding (hopefully!) and all sorts of other fun things. I like being green and ethical so it's logical for me to do the same with my babba.

This isn't my first child- I am the non biological mother to a 2 year old son named Rory :cloud9:. His other mother and I were featured in a documentary called "Extraordinary People: Outlaw Births" in 2008 and hit all the newspapers with our craaaazy unassisted homebirth- although that was my ex wife's decision, not mine! It went perfectly though and was the right decision for us as a family. We are currently in a nasty custody battle at the moment though, and as the non-biological parent I am hugely disadvantaged and despite having been Rory's full carer for the first 20 months of his life (she worked full time), i'm struggling to win access. My ex is the :devil:.

Aaaanyway, with all good intentions I intend to be here for a good long while and look forward to getting to know everyone MUCH better!!! :hugs:
Ooh, hello all!

I'm Leanne, 22, from NW England engaged to OH who is Scottish. LO, Molly, is 2 1/2 months old and we've been in cloth since she was 6 weeks old. I had fully intended to use terry prefolds and wraps until anothersquish waved some bargain girly ittis under my nose and my love affair with pretty minkee nappies began there.

Not long after, I applied to be a writer/contributor for Really Pants - Fill Your Pant's blog/review site ans was successful. Since then I've had great fun making lots of lovely contacts, had some gorgeous freebies and learned a hell of a lot about being green.

I wear Molly, co-sleep with a twist and bf. She's very attached and OH and I are too and happily so. She was born after a 22h labour, waters broke in bed at 7:30am, had no previous contractions or warning, had a sweep was 4cm already but labour didn't really get going, was induced at 11pm that night, was ready to push by 5:05am and she was born 23 mins later :D

She's our fluffy little bundle of joy and I'm convinced she already says hello :rofl:

Well I cant say as I'm all 'natural' but hey in for a penny...lol

I'm Charlie, my Hubby is JR, babba Dewi arrived 10 days late on Dec 27th by emergency section - I fully intended to BF but one broken heart later it wasnt to be for us.

We've been using CD for about a week now - his butt was a bit too small in the BG set we bought until now (scrawny git) but we intend to fully CD until potty trained.

Although Dewi doesnt co-sleep all the time we have no qualms about him sleeping with us and he often does.

Now I'm a lot more healed from my section I do wear Dewi and love doing it!
Not long after, I applied to be a writer/contributor for Really Pants - Fill Your Pant's blog/review site ans was successful. Since then I've had great fun making lots of lovely contacts, had some gorgeous freebies and learned a hell of a lot about being green.

Lucky you!!! :hugs:
And what's your co-sleeping twist?
Not long after, I applied to be a writer/contributor for Really Pants - Fill Your Pant's blog/review site ans was successful. Since then I've had great fun making lots of lovely contacts, had some gorgeous freebies and learned a hell of a lot about being green.

Lucky you!!! :hugs:
And what's your co-sleeping twist?

Molly sleeps on us and nothing else will do so we sleep in shifts :D
Herro ^_^ ! I'm just a baby :blush: I'm Jess, 19 and from Derby =D ! I guess I just like to go with the flow really ^_^ I'm a SAHM who co-runs a newly started joint small business (6 months!) with my best friend making fairy clothes and alt hair extensions in our spare bedroom! Time consuming but it allows me and my best girl to spend heaps of time with our babies while working at the same time!! Couldn't ask for more :D :cloud9: I live with my lovely OH Matt and we have been together for nearly 2 yrs <3

My little lady is 7 weeks old and we've been fluffy-bumming-it-up ever since the tar poo finished =D (about 4 days hehe) She was a TOTAL suprise as I've never ever planned on children in a million years :lol: but ever since we saw those pink lines we fell in love and have never looked back xD !

We've been baby-wearing since day one and unfortunatly didn't breastfeed as I had a nasty time of it in labour&delivery and deffinatly wouldn't have been able to cope with the aftermath without some super strength painkillers :dohh: We also co-sleep which is greaat ! Dunno when we'll stop - probably when missy decides I guess? :lol:

Anyyyhow, can't think of much else to put hehe! :wave: x​
Hello im Kelly and as you probably guess i live in Bolton. Been with OH for 11 years and married for 2. Baby Leila is now 3 1/2 months old. Live with our dog and cat and many fishies. I work as a secretary at a childrens hospital but am on 12 months mat leave at the moment so not sure what i will do come October when this ends.

Wanted to breast feed but had lots of problems so ended up combining formula and expressing, gave up the expressing at 7 weeks when milk supply dwindled to nothing :cry:.

Anyway wanted to try cloth from birth but she was to small for the trial packs i had bought and then with the feeding issues it all got put to one side. So 2 weeks ago i decided to go for it, bought some flips and gave it a try. Done it for 2 days now and today is day 3, not brave enough to try at night or while out and about yet but i am sure that will come in time. Did co sleep a little when she was tiny but since starting formula she settled ok in her own bed and now sleeps in her cot in her room.

Also interested in baby wearing and have a moby wrap i have used a couple of times but Leila not sure about it. In the process of making a mei tai to try out.

Ordered an amber necklace as i think she is teething and am willing to give anything a go (plus they look cute!)

Looking forward to learning more about natural parenting for you experts :happydance:

Hi all im Sam and im 30 (31 in 18 days) I have just moved to the high peak area with OH and our baby Noah who is 4 months.

We BF had some top ups due to illness and problems, we started CD early on but Noah became poorly at 9 days and we were admitted to hospital, we are trying to get back to fully CD.

I love wearing Noah I use a moby and connecta and oh uses a tomy carrier.

We are having some meals but wont properly begin weaning until 6 months and I hope to keep BFING until 12 months.

I also have an itti addiction.
Hello everyone! :wave:

I'm Enola, I'm 23 and I'm hoping to give birth to our first, little Daniel, VERY SOON! :haha:

I live in the Peak District with my husband, we got married last June :cloud9: (yep, honeymoon baby!) :D

I'm VERY interested in all things 'attachment parenting' and am currently reading and loving The Baby Book by Sears & Sears. I hope to have a natural birth and to breastfeed and co-sleep, I have specially ordered amber nursing and teething necklaces and have a stash of many different kinds and sizes of preloved cloth nappies :happydance: I LOVE them and keep practicing terry folds on a teddy and stroking the soft minkyness of Ittis etc.

I can't think of anything else but just ask me if you want to know! :thumbup:
Hi all im Sam :hi:
I am 26, a SAHM, bank HCA and starting college in sept to become a midwife.
I have 3 amazing children, Anais 8, Dylan 3 and Harry 15 months. I had both of the boys at home both totally natural births.
We live on a new estate in sunny Northampton :)
With Harry i breastfed him for 9 months and still wear him in my lush mei-tai :) we are just getting back into cloth bums after having a 6 months lapse!!
Harry has worn his amber beads for a very long time now and none of my 3 have any medicine where i can use natural remedies to fix the problem.

Looking forward to chatting with you all :flower:
Hi I'm Kirsty :wave: Live with my DP of 5 years and our little girl Ella who is almost 14 mths. I live in Auckland, New Zealand and work fulltime (necessity not choice) as a office manager. We also have 4 fur babies - our cats.

I wouldn't consider myself a natural parent - I just have a bit of a cloth nappy addiction! We only just made the change to cloth nappies and I love it. After looking into cloths while I was pregnant, it went from my mind until recently. I am trying to restrain myself from buying too many of the lovely girl prints around as the next baby will be in cloth from the start and OH won't be happy putting a boy in pink I don't think!

I had pnd for the first 6 mths of my daughters life and as a result only bf her for 6 wks after much struggling. I still feel great for giving her the best start to life and only wish we could have kept it up but it wasn't good for either of our health. I will always give it my best shot with any future children I am lucky enough to have.

We didn't blw with Ella as I'd not heard of it when I was weaning her. I do like the idea of it though and will read more in depth into what it involves when I have another child.

Apart from that we are not that natural - we always try our hand at planting veges each year, but are never that successful - the only thing that survived our "greenfingers" this year was spring onions, tomatoes and mandarins! :)

Oh I should have said I am for natural births and had a natural birth with Ella - I hope the next one will be natural and at home! :D

I look forward to getting to know you all!

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