Learn a little about us!!!

Hi, I'm Jenn. I'm 24 years old, married to Brian, who is also 24 years old. We have 1 son, Hunter who is 2 1/2 years old and pregnant with another son who should be here in April.

We co-sleep, cloth diaper, elimination communication, babywear/toddlerwear, gentle discipline, baby led weaning/toddler led weaning, organic eating, home made cooking, and more that I can't think of :)

We live in Minnesota, and have 2 dogs.
Im Lara, 20 years old. I have been with OH Sam, who is 22 years old for 16 months, we have a 7 month old son Noah, who was a huge surprise as I got pregnant after only knowing him 2 weeks lol. He is still at uni in Wales doing geography and IT, in his final year (only 5 months to go now :) ) while I live with Noah in a flat in East Sussex. I breastfed for 6.5 months, now I pump and FF as Noah will no longer BF. I do a mix of puree and BLW, all homecooked. I bedshare and babywear as much as possible. I have a horse called Puzzle who ive had for nearly 6 years now. she is 20 years old, but is still ridden regularily abate lightly by her sharer mostly. Think thats us :) xxx
I'm Patricia, 31, I'm a health and Fitness consultant, I'm engaged to my partner of 15 years. We have baby David Brandon, 5 months tomorrow and a siamese cat Xito (my toddler):winkwink:
I co-sleep, breastfeed, babywear (but use a pram too), we've been using cloth for a month now but still use a few eco disposables because my stash is very small (yet!):haha:, I plan to start weaning when David is 6 months, but still haven't decided on what method to use, i might do half BLW, half purees but mostly all organic and homecooked
*waves* I am 'without child' as yet but I'm still lurking so i thought i would introduce myself.

I'm Corrin, I live in warwickshire, UK with my Husband. I'm 26 and I'm pregnant with our first bubby (due in 12 weeks) and im extremely excited.

Hubby and i are both very drawn to attachment parenting. Ive gone slightly over the top on wraps - i currently have a calin bleu (because it was in the sale) and black moby for hubby, an orange moby for me and a mei tai :blush:. Its a bit ridiculous without a child to go in them!!

I'm putting off buying a pram because I'm less excited about that than the gorgeous wraps and holders. We have a pram picked out but its because my mum thinks we cant live without one.

We are planning to co sleep and we've been to a cloth nappy shop to look at cloth nappies. I will go back in february and pick some out.

We live in a small house with our rescue dog chillie who is a little fierty thing but very sweet. Shes a jack russel crossed with a staffy.

Anyway, thats me....... next?!?
Hello everyone,

My name is Anna, im 23yrs and mummy to Tristan who is 10 weeks. Ive been with my OH for 7yrs and are engaged, he is a self employed general builder and i will b a sahm for a while. Eventually i want to teach DT or Art and Design, i dont want to waste my degree in graphic design.

I am currently 4 stone heavier than id like to b and therefore cannot do my hobbie which is caving! I dont fit into my suite anymore! :cry: Before i ha Tristan i was a social butterfly, drinking, smoking, and shopping. Now i dont smoke, want to drink and dont shop cuz im holding out till i loose some weight! Anyways i exclusively bf, have a fluffy bum, baby wear with a tomy freestyle and own a lush ring sling but i cant seem to work it out and lo gets impatience with me. I will BLW when lo gets to 6 months and we also start a baby sign class then too. When lo learns to perfect his latch we will co sleep, um and just AP is general, totally against cio.

I have tropical fish with 2 large cat fish (my babies) and a bengal called Simba (Mr Bimbles, simbily bimbily, bimbles, bimbalina, bims) dont ask! we will get another dog but are still morning the loss of our baby dog who got cruely taken away from us by a hit and run :cry:

im sure theres lots more but i wont bore u any longer! lol

Ooo how exciting, it's been fun to read them all.

I'm Henny, 26, I've been with Miguel, 34, for nearly(ish) 5 years and married nearly(ish) 2. We met when I was an Aupair in Switzerland and was visiting friends in the city he lived in. Sofia is our much longed for LTTC baby, she had surgery on her birthdate but is a little fighter and now a bouncing, loud, happy little monster.

I follow natural parenting because it's what's natural to me (funnily enough) but I didn't realise it was a "trend" as such until reading on here. We bf, she's been in cloth since she was 4 months old (I was too chicken before), we're BLW, co-sleep half with the arm's reach and half in our bed. I babywear as much as possible when out, sometimes not practical though and I've got a bad back. Normally I'll take the pram into town to carry my shopping and wear her.

We're building an eco house which should be ready spring/summer if the lazy arses ever start it. I'm hoping that I can have a veggie patch, though I tend to have the fingers of death with plants. Did have a herb garden but it died when I spent the last year away.

We had 2 beautiful cats, a chartreux called Taz who was runover in April 08 and a chartreux/siamese mix Ziggy who decided he doesn't want to live with us anymore (he was staying with friends whilst we were in the UK for a year). Hoping when we're in the new house we'll be able to get another eventually, but feel cruel as we travel so much.
:rofl: @ using your pram to carry your shopping and wearing Sofia! :thumbup:

Bana -- my DH really wants a Bengal cat -- bad! I keep telling him he is not allowed to spend that much on a cat. :haha:
I'm Rachel, I'm 25. I've been married to Arif for exactly 14 months. Arif works for an investment bank (boooo, hiss) in Central London, though he's not an actual banker, he's on the IT side so I'll forgive him! We have a little girl, Leyla, who is three months old now. I'm from Preston but moved to London when we got married.

We just do what seems right to us (well, me mostly!). That includes picking her up as soon as she cries, babywearing, cloth nappies and I'm trying to cut down on nasty chemicals in the lotions and potions I use on her.

I loved breastfeeding but she got dehydrated and jaundiced before my milk came in and we were advised to top up with formula. After that, she lost interest in the breast so now we're 100% formula. I think I'll feel guilty about that forever. When she's 6 months old, I plan to BLW as I think it sounds much more fun for both of us than conventional weaning. I'm a veggie so Leyla will be too (with the exception of nasty formula fish oils!) until she's old enough to decide for herself.

I tend to think of myself as a SAHM but I do help in my uncle-in-law's office with admin for about 12 hours a week. I take Leyla with me - she loves going to play with her aunt and uncle! When my maternity allowance runs out, I'll probably go back to paid work there, though probably not for much more than 12 hours and only if Leyla is still ok coming to work with me.

I'd love more children but I'm petrified of giving birth again. I think in a few years we'll look into adopting or fostering, as it's something I've always wanted to do.
Bana -- my DH really wants a Bengal cat -- bad! I keep telling him he is not allowed to spend that much on a cat. :haha:

yeah he was expensive but soooooo worth it! hes like a dog (he plays fetch!) not to mention hes so cute and good looking! lol


He thinks all babies toys r his :dohh:
We are looking into adoption too Rachel, I would love to do it. :)
Ok well hello :thumbup:

My name is Rebecca, or Bekki as I've used since childhood, I've just turned 26 and I hail from Birmingham! I am with my partner Mark who works for his Dad lol and when I'm not having babies I work as a customer service advisor in a call centre for a bank.

I have 3 beautiful children, Jordon who will be 9!! this May, Devon who just turned 6 and Cassidy who is nearly 5 and a half months!

Starting out as a young mum I never really knew about things like babywearing and cloth diapering and I never really considered breast feeding either!

I did attempt breastfeeding with Devon but I couldn't bare the pain and gave in to formula!

With Cassidy I have breastfed exclusively from birth (except for 1 feed where she had to have formula because of my mastitis, I had hot sweats followed by uncontrollable shivering so needed some sleep) and although my OH is a complete *bleep* without his support I would have caved again!
I babywear and also use a pram because I'm not comfortable wearing her when it's icy or on public transport the way they drive around here!!

I have started using Cloth nappies again after a failed attempt a few months back, but now I feel slightly more confident about it all and do want to get to the point I don't have to buy disposables anymore!

Forgot to add we Co-sleep too!!
I should do this, but i dont feel like i should YET cos shes not technically in cloth yet, and i cant babywear yet cos of c-section, :wacko:

We co-sleep tho, Just me and my little lady. im Claire and im 23!
Hello, I am Vicki, 20 with two gorgeous girlies, Indigo & Lylah
Indie I BF until she was 8 months then she self weaned, think it was cause my milk was abit funny as I was around 3 months pregnant at the time. We also co-slept until 13 months, I wore her as much as possible.
Lylah is still mostly exclusivly breastfed, we have just started blw as she was showing such an interest in food. She spends most of her life in our sling so I dont have to push around a double pushchair which is a wrap sling, I forgot the make of it. And even in the house. We also co-sleep and have just got our first cloth nappy today :)
Oh the others, we live in Gloucester (UK) with my fiance, the girls daddy - Steve. He is an assistant manager for a charity shop here.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you all x
I'm Rachel (24) and am currently with child! I lurk around here quite a bit, and post sometimes as we're looking to use cloth nappies, breast feed and practice baby wearing.

I'm from North Birmingham, UK and married to Mike (24) (since April 2009). We've been together for a little over 7 years now. We're on team yellow and currently have Jacob as "the name" for a boy and totally undecided on girl's names.

I'm a Marketing Manager and now struggling through my last ten weeks at work before maternity leave - I've had constant pregnancy sickness since our BFP and I must admit it's really started to take it's toll on my emotions recently.

We have two cats - Molly and Cleo.

Anyway, I've learned a lot from this forum so far and I'm sure I'll have plenty more questions over the coming weeks/months!
Hello, I'm Gail, 23, from near Loch Lomond. I'm a single parent to Dexter, born in May '09.

I bf, co-sleep, babywear when I can (I worry about slipping when it's icy!) and we're about to make the switch to cloth. I'd intended to use cloth from word go, but I hadn't realised I could buy it in bits and bobs, and I couldn't afford a starter pack!

I gave up my job near the end of my pregnancy and am now a full time mum, though I plan to go back to college to finish what I started last year then head off to uni to do midwifery when Dexter's at school.

I think that's it! :)

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