Lesbian couples TTC

Congrats PhotoGirlKC!!! That is a no question about it BFP!!! I can't wait to hear how you decide to tell your wife!

Laura, I hope you get an anniversary bub!
I hope so too. Would be great after the last few months we have had
Congrats PhotoGirlKC!!! That is a no question about it BFP!!! I can't wait to hear how you decide to tell your wife!

Laura, I hope you get an anniversary bub!

I found this card that had a drawing of a woman on it (like the bathroom sign woman, nothing fancy) that had a drawing of a baby in the belly and on the top it read "Holy Shit!" I thought it was completely appropriate... so, when she got home, I was showing her cards that I got for other occasions and pretended this one was for a coworkers baby shower. She opened it and inside it said I guess we must have done something right... baby C-R is due on June 15, 2013. Congratulations Momma!

She was stunned. I could tell that she was in a total state of shock. I'm still not sure if it has sunk in for her (or me for that matter).

Oh yeah, and one really dorky thing I did... I wrapped a bow around a box of tampons and gave it to her as a little joke about hoping she is the only one who needs them for a while. Super cheesy.
Photogirl - I love how you let her know. She'll keep that card as a reminder.

On another note, I just found out that my sister just had a miscarriage. She didn't even know she was prego. She has 2 kids, 4yr and 18mos. She has strong coffee daily and continues to nurse the little one. Her period was late. I mentioned to her that she just may be prego and she waved it off as PCOS symptom. Didn't take a pregnancy test. She then drank some herbal teas to help period along. Days later miscarried. I was so upset his morning, i can't believe how irresponsible and careless she is....and this is not the first time. Just makes me mad at how it's not a big deal to her, and I can't get just one bfp!
Well Im starting to believe I didnt ovulate this month. I thought I had all the symptoms but I havent been temping. I had a high soft cervix, plenty of ewcm, and a positive OPK. So I have taken my temperature the last couple of days and my temps have been low. 96.5, 96.7. When I was temping earlier this year my temps in the luteal phase were above 97.0. I dont know what to think. Maybe Im just overthinking everything. TTC has made me obsessive and crazy
Well Im starting to believe I didnt ovulate this month. I thought I had all the symptoms but I havent been temping. I had a high soft cervix, plenty of ewcm, and a positive OPK. So I have taken my temperature the last couple of days and my temps have been low. 96.5, 96.7. When I was temping earlier this year my temps in the luteal phase were above 97.0. I dont know what to think. Maybe Im just overthinking everything. TTC has made me obsessive and crazy

Have you been temping earlier in the morning or at the same time as before?
Well Im starting to believe I didnt ovulate this month. I thought I had all the symptoms but I havent been temping. I had a high soft cervix, plenty of ewcm, and a positive OPK. So I have taken my temperature the last couple of days and my temps have been low. 96.5, 96.7. When I was temping earlier this year my temps in the luteal phase were above 97.0. I dont know what to think. Maybe Im just overthinking everything. TTC has made me obsessive and crazy

Have you been temping earlier in the morning or at the same time as before?

same time as before...
My 4dpo roundup - also posted on my blog

I slept like a baby last night, which was incredibly therapeutic. The night before I'd had an awful amount of trouble sleeping, so it was nice to get a full night. I did wake up snuggled up next to the dog's bum... But hey... Not everything in life is perfect!

Today I cried at a call at work. Now, in my job I take a lot of sad calls about a lot of sad things, but it is VERY rare that I cry. In fact, I don't think I've ever cried at a call before in a year of doing my job. Today that changed. Obviously I can't say what the call was, but I will just say no one was critically ill, and no one died. I was blubbing like a baby.

I thought this morning that the sore boobs had disappeared, but as soon as I started walking to the train it started again and hasn't shifted. Earlier on it was so painful that I sought out some paracetamol at work. I tell you one thing - that was an amusing conversation with one of my male colleagues. "Do you have any paracetamol?" "yeah. Do you have a headache?" "umm... Yes." the alternative answer being "no... My boobs hurt like fury and I can't take it." imagine the embarrassed face - haha! Took the paracetamol, was fine for a few hours, but now that has worn off I'm back in massive, sore, boulder boobs land.

The stomach cramps are still present, but not as harsh as yesterday. Yesterdays cramps were a bloody nightmare! By pleased to say they're not as bad today. Yippee!

I've been googling (BAD laura! BAD!) even though we all know that Dr Google should be struck off as he's the worst doctor in the world, but I found plenty of people who had very sore, swollen breasts at 3dpo/4dpo *and got their bfp. Then again, there are also many people who didn't! As with most things TTC related, it's a wait and see game!

I'm determined to wait until after af is due to test - not sure how successful that will be. She's due 12/10 if my luteal phase is still ten days and I ovulated on the 2nd. This could be amazing, because it would mean I ovulated on Amy and my anniversary, but it would also mean if I tested on the 12th and it was a BFP, that I had got my BFP on my sister's birthday. AND... To top everything off... The baby would be due on my OTHER sister's birthday!

Now if THAT isn't meant to be, I don't know what is. Come on little anniversary eggy!*

Please note guys and gals that my symptom spotting is just for fun :)
Well I am 10dpiui. We have decided that if this one doesnt take we will be done with IUI. The stress and expense is getting to us. We will continue trying for 6 more months with a fresh sperm donor. This morning I saw the tiniest of spotting. Im cd24 so Im hoping its not an early period like last month. Good luck to all the ladies still waiting to test. I will be testing Saturday if AF doesnt show up first...
7dpo for me and I feel like I'm out. Boobs are still a little sore and so big they're making my upper back hurt, but other than that I'm just cramping like af is coming and feeling really down and weepy :-(. Saw a 14 year old showing off her scan pics on the bus earlier and had a little cry when I got home. When is it my turn?

Sorry girls. Bit of a downer today. Just feel really shitty
I know how you feel Laura. Im not having symptoms and I feel like AF is coming. Everywhere I look there are babies and pregnant women....It seems like teenagers and homeless people are having all the babies even though I know its not true....
I know how you feel Laura. Im not having symptoms and I feel like AF is coming. Everywhere I look there are babies and pregnant women....It seems like teenagers and homeless people are having all the babies even though I know its not true....

Good luck, you're not out yet.:dust:
Well I am 10dpiui. We have decided that if this one doesnt take we will be done with IUI. The stress and expense is getting to us. We will continue trying for 6 more months with a fresh sperm donor. This morning I saw the tiniest of spotting. Im cd24 so Im hoping its not an early period like last month. Good luck to all the ladies still waiting to test. I will be testing Saturday if AF doesnt show up first...

Hey J and K

I feel you! We were on our last try when we got our BFP, hopefully this will work for you too!
I am here because I just need some emotional support. We went in for an early 5 week scan and although we all seen the little bubble the tech wouldn't even confirm that there was a sac. We then went back a week later for a 6 week scan and says now she will confirm the sac but she claims she didn't see anything other than the sac :( The other tech in the office who was present as well pointed out something and said isn't that it? She was referring to a little rice looking object. The first tech would not confirm the little rice, and she said that sac is measuring a few days younger but she is going to diagnose it as a blighted ovum! How dare she just shoot down our hopes so suddenly!! I have scoured the internet for information and found both good and bad. I just hope that when we go back in three weeks we will see a little heartbeat on the screen.
Oh Hun sorry to hear that - and does sound very callous of her! I'm hoping that when you go back there's a little flickery heartbeat jumping away in there for you xxxxx

As for me - wiped just now and shed loads of mucus... And a streak of pink blood. Holy crap this actually could be it
Im cd25. Last month it only went 26 days and the longest its went is 29 days. So needless to say Im like a dog with its ears straight up on high alert looking for that bitch AF. No sign of her yet but she still has time to show up. I hope she visits a promiscious teenager and leaves me alone this month...
I am here because I just need some emotional support. We went in for an early 5 week scan and although we all seen the little bubble the tech wouldn't even confirm that there was a sac. We then went back a week later for a 6 week scan and says now she will confirm the sac but she claims she didn't see anything other than the sac :( The other tech in the office who was present as well pointed out something and said isn't that it? She was referring to a little rice looking object. The first tech would not confirm the little rice, and she said that sac is measuring a few days younger but she is going to diagnose it as a blighted ovum! How dare she just shoot down our hopes so suddenly!! I have scoured the internet for information and found both good and bad. I just hope that when we go back in three weeks we will see a little heartbeat on the screen.

Just wanted to share that when we first went in for scan, they couldn't see anything either. After that, they saw a sac but v could not see anything in it. We went back 2 Weeks later at 8 weeks and saw the heartbeat.so don't worry, I an sure everything is fine.

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