Lesbian couples TTC

Oh Hun sorry to hear that - and does sound very callous of her! I'm hoping that when you go back there's a little flickery heartbeat jumping away in there for you xxxxx

As for me - wiped just now and shed loads of mucus... And a streak of pink blood. Holy crap this actually could be it

Congrats Laura, keeping my fingerscrossed for you :)
Im cd25. Last month it only went 26 days and the longest its went is 29 days. So needless to say Im like a dog with its ears straight up on high alert looking for that bitch AF. No sign of her yet but she still has time to show up. I hope she visits a promiscious teenager and leaves me alone this month...

Hoping that aF visits someone else and you get your bfp. I know this is crunch time, so fingers crossed!
I am here because I just need some emotional support. We went in for an early 5 week scan and although we all seen the little bubble the tech wouldn't even confirm that there was a sac. We then went back a week later for a 6 week scan and says now she will confirm the sac but she claims she didn't see anything other than the sac :( The other tech in the office who was present as well pointed out something and said isn't that it? She was referring to a little rice looking object. The first tech would not confirm the little rice, and she said that sac is measuring a few days younger but she is going to diagnose it as a blighted ovum! How dare she just shoot down our hopes so suddenly!! I have scoured the internet for information and found both good and bad. I just hope that when we go back in three weeks we will see a little heartbeat on the screen.

Don't let that tech get you down!! She is very unprofessional and insensitive. We went through a fertility specialist and he would not even look until 9 weeksfor exactly that reason. Just keep the faith and hold onto hope. Try not to stress too much. Everything is going to be fine! Will be sending up a prayer for you.
Kelley said it far better than I ever could. I am in total agreement though. Just breathe and have faith. We are here if you need to vent or really for anything you need LesCoupleTTC!

Laura, This sounds so promising! I actually sqealed for you. Thank god I am working from home or folks might think I'm weird. Could you imagine that conversation?

Me : Eek!!!
Co Worker: WHat?!?!? WHat happened?!?!?
Me: My friend, well this lady that I know, ummmmm....a poster on a thread I'm on online, had blood in her cervical mucus.
Co worker: blinks and walks away.

Kelley said it far better than I ever could. I am in total agreement though. Just breathe and have faith. We are here if you need to vent or really for anything you need LesCoupleTTC!

Laura, This sounds so promising! I actually sqealed for you. Thank god I am working from home or folks might think I'm weird. Could you imagine that conversation?

Me : Eek!!!
Co Worker: WHat?!?!? WHat happened?!?!?
Me: My friend, well this lady that I know, ummmmm....a poster on a thread I'm on online, had blood in her cervical mucus.
Co worker: blinks and walks away.


Haha this really made me giggle! Fx xxxx
:bfn:...I cant describe how I feel. But in one word I would say BROKEN...
Sorry to hear that Hun xxxxx

Af came yesterday for me. Was very disappointed at the time, but it was my first month on Metformin, which seems to have shortened my cycles from 36 days to 32... Fingers crossed it can get me down to 28 and lengthen my luteal phase too! Starting b50 complex again from today...

Almost sure I ovulated this month because of seriously sore boobs. I also have a feeling there may have been a conception - just felt stupidly different to any other month. Not going to think of it as a chemical... But I have a feeling.

Right! On to next month!

My partner and I have finally started the process of TTC (we've been talking about it for years now). Last cycle we did an IUI with frozen donor sperm and got a BFN. The more I read, the more I realize this process may take much longer than expected... My Dr. prescribed clomid 50mg even though I ovulated. Is this just going to ensure ovulation??

I'm already done with the 5 days of clomid and haven't felt any side effects. Do they come with ovulation or when on the meds? I really hope it works this time because I'm a teacher and will have to wait until next year to try again :cry:

Just wanted to reach out to other lesbian couples going through this process. None of our friends are at this phase yet!

My partner and I have finally started the process of TTC (we've been talking about it for years now). Last cycle we did an IUI with frozen donor sperm and got a BFN. The more I read, the more I realize this process may take much longer than expected... My Dr. prescribed clomid 50mg even though I ovulated. Is this just going to ensure ovulation??

I'm already done with the 5 days of clomid and haven't felt any side effects. Do they come with ovulation or when on the meds? I really hope it works this time because I'm a teacher and will have to wait until next year to try again :cry:

Just wanted to reach out to other lesbian couples going through this process. None of our friends are at this phase yet!

Hi and Welcome!!!

Usually the side effects happen when you are taking it. Clomid does not make you ovulate it either makes more eggs mature or makes one egg mature more depending on when you take it. Generally days 3-7 create more and 5-9 creates one good one. My Wife used clomid for 2 months and we got our BFP in the second month. We also used an HCG shot to ensure the timing of ovulation. With frozen sperm, timing is everything!!! Feel free to ask as many questions as you like, that is why we are all here.

Im very new to this, was wondering if anyone could give me any help on how we find out our best options to start the process of TTC as we know what we want just not how to get it. Just dont seem very good and searching for answers or understanding a lot of the long words we come across. Feeling like this will never happn and in depserate need of a little guidance

thanks :)

Im very new to this, was wondering if anyone could give me any help on how we find out our best options to start the process of TTC as we know what we want just not how to get it. Just dont seem very good and searching for answers or understanding a lot of the long words we come across. Feeling like this will never happn and in depserate need of a little guidance

thanks :)

What do you want to know? There are numerous ways to go about it, had you got a particular method in mind? It is very daunting when you first start out so don't be shy ask anything you want xx
What do you want to know? There are numerous ways to go about it, had you got a particular method in mind? It is very daunting when you first start out so don't be shy ask anything you want xx

thanks for replying, we have spoken about everything we want and dont want. We'd like a home insemination from an anonymous donor who will have no contact as we both want to be on the birth certificate, and also are very passionate that we bring our chld up together as a family. we are unsure where we would find a donor as we have no male friends that could help us out and also want to make sure we go about it the right way and the safest. sites we have looked on have said that it is unlikely to be able to do anything like this until we are 'married', which we want but not yet, one hurdle at a time :). if you could give us any help that would be brilliant!!!! :D

Thank u :)
The only way to both be on the birth certificate without being in a civil partnership is to go through a clinic. However your partner can choice to adopt the child after they are born but this is a very lengthy process. Sorry if this isn't want you wanted to hear. xx
Wow...this thread has been really quiet. Are we the only ones currently in the 2ww? We are 7dpo and cautiously hopeful. DW is really wanting this to be our cycle. She would really prefer to not have medical intervention and has an appointment set for November to start additional testing. I think she is feeling a bit of pressure because she is 34. I am just doing my best to make our house extra "homey". I am cooking/baking all the time to fill the house with delicious smells and I make sure that when she gets home from work she has as little to do as possible. I jokingly said that I was going to make so much delicious food that she would have the tasties endometrium on the planet and our little one would have no choice but to stick around. I guess we'll know if that worked in about 6 days. :)
Quick update for anyone who is interested. We end up having to go to the ER (since the doctors office was closed and would be all weekend) because she wiped and there was some pink. Not a lot at all, but because we are on pins and needles anything out the ordinary is suspect! Anywho they confirmed that there is a fetus and not a blighted ovum, the only thing is that the baby is measuring a little smaller than what it should be, and the heartbeat is slow. She said it could be because the heat has just begun to beat, so we are scheduled for another ultrasound today. Hopefully we will see a strong heartbeat on that screen today! Thanks to everyone for all the kind words that have been offered to us. You guys are awesome!
fx for you LescoupleTTC. Glad to hear there is a baby and a heartbeat...

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