I wrote that as I was lying in bed about to go to sleep, sorry if it came out sounding overly harsh. lol.
I've read a lot of your posts and can tell you're a very intelligent woman. I'm sure that however this woman presented herself to you in person (despite it sounding a little sketchy just reading it online) you were the one who was there to meet her face to face and are a much better judge than me. I'm sure you wouldn't have if you'd had any feeling that she was un-fit. I'm super protective of my daughter, but she is a toddler who doesn't have the words to tell me how things go - this is why I've chosen a registered daycare centre, I just feel more comfortable knowing they are obligated and held accountable by certain guidelines of safety, curriculum, treatment of kids, etc. You, having an older child can ask "How was your day? Did you like ____ (insert name of carer)?" and therefore evaluate her services that way. Whereas I cannot. So that may have been where my shock came from. Apologies if it came across harsh
So all that being said, I'm sorry that it didn't turn out the way you hoped or the way she promised you. To me, she sounds very self-entitled. If she wants a job, she needs to be prepared to WORK for it and present herself professionally for it. Begging someone for a salary because you made un-wise decisions isn't going to work with most people

After all this, I'm guessing she may expect you to forgive her for having left you out to dry and expect to nanny again. I personally wouldn't after all this. Someone who isn't willing to work for things and is too self-involved to see the distress she has put you through can't be trusted with your older child, let alone your infant.