Well, had more delicious manboy drama this week.
I get up at 4:45 AM with the goal of being out the door and on my way to work by 6:30 AM. Manboy is supposed to come over between 6:00 AM and 6:30 AM so that he can watch the kids until 11:00 AM, whereupon my brother takes over. Almost every morning, I text Manboy at 6:00 AM to make sure he is awake and on his way. And almost every morning, Manboy eventually texts me back that he slept in or that he's too tired to come over this morning, could my brother cover for him, etc. It's intensely frustrating for me and unfair on my brother.
On Thursday morning, I texted Manboy at 6:00 AM to make sure he was up. Got no response until almost 6:30 AM, when he replied that he dozed off while praying, so he's going to be late again, but he did say he was on his way. (Oh, now it's
prayer as an excuse for neglecting his kids! How pious of him!)
I was pretty freakin' pissed off and fed up with him always coming over late or not showing up at all, so I ripped into him. Told him he was a terrible husband and a lousy father and he'd never get the chance to be a better husband with me, but the least he could do is try to stop being a terrible father. No reply from him.
I had to go and my son was wide awake, and (as far as I knew) his father was on his way. My brother was completely passed out, having stayed up all night, and I didn't want to wake him. So I put my son in his crib and left, thinking he would only be alone in his crib for 15 minutes, tops. That was 6:30 AM.
At 9:30 AM, my daughter's school called me at work to ask me where my daughter was. They said she didn't get on the bus for school. My heart stopped. Where the hell was my daughter??
Called my ex and he sent my call to voicemail. Called him again and voicemail again. Called my brother and he picked up. He was groggy. Said my daughter came and woke him up at 9:30 AM, saying "Costa needs you!" My son was bawling in his crib where he had been all alone for 3 hours. Since my brother was (a) passed out and (b) sleeping all the way on the other side of the apartment, he hadn't been able to hear my son's crying.
Apparently my ex got his poor wittle feelings hurted when I said he was a bad father and decided to remedy that by being an even worse father and not showing up at all that morning. And didn't bother to notify me that he'd decided to take the morning off. So our son was all alone in his crib hungry and crying ALL FREAKIN' MORNING and our daughter slept in and didn't make her bus for school. My brother had covered for my ex the day before and my ex had promised my brother he would be over that day, so my brother hadn't known he'd be on duty with the kids and had stayed up all night because of that.
I was bawling when I realized my son had been alone all morning and my daughter had missed the early part of school. I took the rest of the day off work and rushed home, even though my brother was awesome and really swung into gear once he was up. My son had been safe in his crib, but I hate to think of him being alone and unattended all morning.
I don't know what in the hell my ex was even thinking. It makes me so angry