Here is the weirdest part of that story though, the part that I'm nearly ashamed of:
After he pulled that crap on Thursday morning, I almost slept with that loser.
We were both emotional. He did seem genuinely sorry when he realized he'd hurt his kids. We both took the rest of the day off to be with the kids. I was a bit surprised when I got home from work and he was in my apartment with Const. "I thought you would take him back to your place," I said. He said that he didn't have his car, that he'd let his roommate drop him off and take it to work. (Still letting even bigger losers leech off of him, I see.) So, he was at my apartment all day.
I went into my bedroom to lay down, he came in and laid down next to me, and eventually there was cuddling (but I kept his hands off the goods). He began apologizing again and again for everything he put me through last year. And, well... he is a good-looking guy, I haven't had sex since the night before the baby was born, and ten years with this man does mean he knows how to turn me on. Plus we always had a good sex life.

But I threw some ice on my hormones and said no, and I'm damned proud of myself!
It's so amusing in retrospect. He could never apologize to me while all of this crap was going on, but he'll say anything if it means getting laid.
Went out to get my mail a little later and got my fourth I-Pass notice, the one for $985.00. And thought, oh yeah. THAT'S why I'm divorcing him!
Anyone else ever struggle to not sleep with the ex, even when it was clear that things were over and you were done with him?