Hey stuck. I'm still holding out for you Hun. This is what I just found online--
"4) Finally, the other reason for false negatives was only recently described and is referred to as the "variant hook effect." This is much more common than the hook effect. As pregnancy progresses, there are actually different variant forms of hCG that begin to appear in the urine. After about 5 weeks of pregnancy (i.e. 3 weeks after the expected period) concentrations of hCG beta core fragment are higher than all other forms of hCG. This is perfectly normal. Unfortunately, the concentration of hCG beta core fragment can saturate one of the antibodies used in the assay in certain pregnancy kits, and the other antibody doesn't recognize the beta core fragment. As a result, no sandwich forms and the test is read as a negative. The farther in pregnancy a woman is, the more likely that this false negative will occur. Similar to the hook effect, the variant hook effect can be confirmed if testing shows a positive result after diluting the sample."
So, it is possible at 5 weeks a long to have the hook effect and maybe your levels are just now starting to interfere with the test results?? I hope so. I REALLY hope so. I'm crossing my fingers, toes, eyes, ears, and you name it! Everything in me is hoping that this is the case for you!