I hope you ladies don't mind me venting here! But I don't really have anywhere else to..
Anyways, so me the hubby have been trying to work through things. I just feel so emotionally dead inside. Like my walls are up when I am around him. So I started asking people around me for advice, my sisters couldn't really give any, I then asked my mom who just made me feel really horrible about myself.
It just feels like I have been treated badly through this marriage (emotionally only!) and then as soon as I call it out, I come out looking like the bad guy and everyone pities my hubby while telling me I need to come to my senses
Like I know I am the bad guy now because NOW out of the blue my hubby wants to make it work, even though the past 5 years hes been making it feel like he wants me to leave

like he hated it when I was pregnant. And then always nitpicked everything I did..
But NOW hes trying his hardest to make me stay. I told him however I wasn't going anywhere... because I have no where to go

and I don't think breaking up our marriage would be helpful to our kids or to both our parents.
I mean I want to make this work, but I don't know how I'll ever go back to feeling about him how I did when I first married him..
I just want to be HAPPY. But no one else agrees that its an option for me. My hubby SAYS he wants me happy but then he'll be miserable without me.
Sorry just needed to let that out!