light hearted ttc

Sorry Ashley, that is the worst part growing apart.

I have a hard time dealing with my husband too. I have hard time referring to him as hubby as cant associate an endearing term for him.

Most of the days we either get into a big fight or if not, we always snap at each other when speaking, even when we're asking where's the butter. We can no longer talk to each other in a polite tone of voice but rather raise our voices. Its became a habit for both of us and I cant break it. I cant even imagine spending alone time with him. I feel the best part of the day for me is when he is at work. I would have no problem being a single mother since I wish him away so much, but like you I dont want to split up our family for kid's sake. My family is neutral towards him though, they would support me if I ever wanted to leave but I'm staying more for my kids.

As of right now, I am just trying to save as much money as I possibly can its nice to have money on the side because if I cant stand it one day at least I have some money to start over with.
I just feel SO guilty cause it feels like it is mostly my feeling this way, he wants us to be together more than ever, and I feel like the most clingy he is the more it is pushing me away. Like lately he has been showering me with gifts which like 2+ years ago would have done the trick, now I have to fake being happy for his sake.
I know I sound quite ungrateful :nope:

We don't fight though, I just internalize EVERYTHING which I know isn't very healthy but I don't know what else to do..

And I'd have like zero support from my family if I even wanted time away from him :nope: Its like I feel like he isn't even a friend anymore, before we were sort of friends before marriage, now its like he is the last person I confide in.. and it shouldn't be that way. :nope:
hey ladies long time no speak! I got led here cos i feel pregnant again but not going to get so fooled this time after what happened with the pcos.. Im a few days from af. Getting weird dreams again and my cervix is really high, and im hungry all the time. Hot flushes too. Im so scared tho as just like u guys me and the oh are not doing good. At all. To the point where hes moved out and is now living in our caravan! We go and visit at the weekends and are still having family holidays in it but its been incredibly hard for us all. Soo yeah not the best time for a baby! We only dtd once with a condom but it was around my fertile time. Im probably reading into it cos iv been so irrationally broody lately!! Hope u all can sort the problems with ur partners i find it best to block it out and carry on regardless! Life is busy enuf!
heeeyy Jo!

awww that sucks!

It sucks for all of us having relationship issues :(

I really DON'T want to be pregnant, mostly for selfish reasons since it'll mean I won't get to see my family for like a year or so, and my DH never lets me travel or ANYTHING when I'm pregnant either.
ashley are u on any contraceptives right now? I would so love an accident! Af was due today, no sign but bfn too. :( i just keep trawling bnb for stories of ladies who've gotten late bfps! I did some research and it seems like the absolute latest you should get a bfp is 19dpo. (unless ur a very rare case!) Going by when we dtd instead that makes it sunday. So i think if i am still testing bfn by sunday i will let it go and assume im not pregnant this time! Ahh so frustrating. I just turned 30 too i feel like time is running out!!
Hope everyone is doing better with their dh. Afm, everything's been quiet for the past few days at least.

I also dont want to get pregnant atm, I still feel content with 2, especially now that they are at difficult ages. Zachary whines and whines, Jayden is the quieter one. I might get baby fever again next year, but I am not expecting to get pregnant at least for the next 5 months up to the end of next year.

Josephine, if you wanted to get pregnant cant you just actively ttc? Is there something stopping you?
Yes, the other half lol or the ex other half whatever he decides he is today!! Id have to convince him and the way things are right now i know iv got no chance. Plus i know rationally its totally not right to bring a new baby into the situation but ahhh i want one! So broody. I so hope i am. Iv forgotten how to do this, do i count 1dpo as the day of ov or the day after? I think i counted wrong and im only 13dpo today, due tomorrow.
josephine yea 1dpo is day after o day.

I have no suggestions because im actually the opposite, when dh and get in a fight its a major turn off and i actually come to my senses and think "eww id rather not have another babies with him" lol. I only get a baby fever during our happier moments.
i think its cos id like to have all my babies with the same dad to keep things more simple. Also i never go out to meet anyone else either so he will sort of have to do hahaha! So when we have bad times i get worried i'll never have any more children and get hyper broody. Still no af and bfn(ish) this morning :(
wow how crazy things have gotten with us all!

I was really broody after I had Cassidy, like yes Rose was a mistake but I SO thought being pregnant would be the answer. Now I know better :haha:

I'm the same Lily, its like sex is the furthest from my mind!
To be honest we haven't had sex in like over a year :wacko:
The last time we kissed was over 2 years ago...

And no I'm not on anything since there really isn't a need to be :haha:

I know there are other guys, and it wouldn't be hard at all for finding someone else, well someone who would be ok with someone with kids :baby: HOWEVER, I know my whole family would disown me... so I can't really get out of my situation.

At the moment I am just faking contentment for my hubby's sake, but in reality I am SO unhappy! I feel like I screwed up my life BIG time by marrying him, I didn't even KNOW him that well, and everyday I feel like I am waking up to a stranger :nope: he SAYS he loves me but his actions show otherwise.
Like a couple weeks ago when he thought I was leaving he got all emotional telling me that he loves me and hes scared I'm gonna leave him, but then the next day he is SO angry.
mine is like that ashley, lovely one day then moody and angry for no reason. We got into an argument one day cos he wanted to take georgias bread and butter off her cos its not 'healthy' (she had cucumber on it but ate it separate) and he ended up taking it off her and throwing it out the window!! You'd think he was 5 not 35 ffs. He gets so angry and shouts a lot. But then other days acts like everythings fine like he doesnt remember..
So anyway if these tests dont turn properly positive in the morning im going to scream at them till they do lol. I did one this evening and its the best one iv got yet i wish i could post it so i could get some opinions but my old phone wont let me! I swear i watched the dye hit it and make the line as it travelled down the strip then it vanished till the test cleared and now there is a very faint line but i dont think it has colour. Iv had 2 other with even fainter lines that i thought id made up till i saw this one! Im having some bad cramps too now as well as a ton of other symptoms, so frustrated!!
Oh no! that's gotta get old!
Well for your sake I hope you're pregnant!

Probably if I knew I was stuck down here with no chance to travel up north then probably I too would wanna be pregnant :haha: but since I know if I get pregnant it'll kill all my hopes of travelling I really DON'T want to be.

The hubby slept in another room last night, NO idea why :wacko: honestly he confuses me so much sometimes, he came home from work in SUCH a mood I don't know what his problem is. Then he started complaining to my sister about me. Thank goodness she tells me everything! He told her that I'm more unhappy than ever. Which isn't true because I have FINALLY stopped moping about Canada and I've actually been cheerful.
still no bfp :nope: so depressing. If im not pregnant at least dont let me feel symptoms and have missing af dammit body!!!
I can't believe NOW my dh wants for us to have another baby!! Like REALLY?! He flipped out the first couple times so what makes him think I want to even be pregnant again. :wacko:

I'm sorry you didn't get a bfp Jo... yes symptoms sucks!!
Sorry Jo, I hope you either get a bfp or af soon. I know how hard it is symptom spotting.

Ashley, is this his way of making sure you dont leave or to settle things? My stepdad played the same trick on my mom where whenever they had a problem in their marriage, he'd get her pregnant to make sure she doesnt leave him. Personally for me, I would never tolerate that if my husband did that just to pull my leg and to gain control over me. After all this, I promised myself that the next time I ttc I need to be fully willing and happy after all, its called trying to conceive, which means it takes two people, I cant imagine dragging or seducing him into the bedroom if I dont feel any love.

We havent dtd for at least 3 months or longer, and I am a happy woman I will NOT have sex if I am not feeling the love.
Same with me! Like last time I remember us dtd was last year in Oct :wacko: And then we both weren't interested, or he'd try something if I was feeling AWFUL and its like I CAN'T be in the mood if I'm sick.

Now its like I just don't want sex with him :nope: I don't want it period at the moment. I feel like I could go the rest of my life without it :haha: but maybe me and my dh just aren't sexually compatible.

I feel at times my DH is really controlling but no one else sees it.
Hi ladies,
Sorry I've not posted, I've been reading all the messages though and up to date.
I'm so sorry you ladies have been having hard times with your oh's. I hope it gets better for you, whatever you want to happen.
We have been ttc since May, I had the coil removed and been trying since. I've downloaded the Ovia app which is pretty accurate and was due on today, but no sign at all. It's the longest between my last period since we've been trying. I'm really keeping my fingers crossed this is it for us. It's our 10 year anniversary this month, so if af doesn't come tomorrow I'll get a test to do Sunday morning. If it's a bfp, I'll give it to him on Sunday with an anniversary card.
Please keep everything crossed.
Darcy is doing so well, can't believe she will be 4 in December, she is such a good kid, so polite and just a dream. Such a beautiful soul too.
Anyway, keep in touch.
Lots of love xx
aww hope u get ur bfp too blondie! Nice to hear from you!
Ashley he just came out and randomly announced he wants another one?! Wish mine would come around to the idea! Im at the caravan with him tomorrow so cant test probly a good thing they're driving me mad! Still cant stop thinking about that faint line but surely it should have got darker by now. :shrug:
Great to be back, I hope you get a bfp, maybe give it a couple more days?
I've recently been diagnosed with an under active thyroid (it used to be over active). I'm now on medication for it, the doctors just need to monitor it.
I've had a ct scan recently on my head as I have been experiencing neuralgia type pains in my head for the last few years. I had a bad episode in January which lasted 11 days of exruciating pain all day/night. The doctors still aren't sure what's causing it and need to investigate further!
Scary stuff but I feel healthy enough!
I've also become a vegan since April this year, I had been vegatarian for a year before that. I've never felt and looked healthier, despite what's going on with my thyroid and head!!
I couldn't wait any longer and bought the test this morning...I got a bfp!!!!!!!!!!! It says 1-2 weeks, so happy!
I sat my oh down with Darcy and did a little speech how we had been together for 10 years this week and I wanted to celebrate the moment with him, Darcy...I pulled out the test and said "and the new addition", we both cuddled and cried!
Can't believe it.

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