Lil' October Pumpkins 2013

hey ladies...i gotta come and take my name off that october 8th spot :( We miscarried last week :( Best of luck for everyones pregnancies tho... <3 Onto next month to try and back to the TTC boards. Thanks in advance for the well-wishes <3

So sorry for your loss hun :hugs: praying your next little bean is super sticky!
hey ladies...i gotta come and take my name off that october 8th spot :( We miscarried last week :( Best of luck for everyones pregnancies tho... <3 Onto next month to try and back to the TTC boards. Thanks in advance for the well-wishes <3

I'm so sorry honey. :hugs:
As always, you're still an October 2013 Mama to everyone here and we love you and we'll miss you. Good luck on your journey to conceive your rainbow baby and may that rainbow be super sticky. Lots of healing and baby :dust:
hey ladies...i gotta come and take my name off that october 8th spot :( We miscarried last week :( Best of luck for everyones pregnancies tho... <3 Onto next month to try and back to the TTC boards. Thanks in advance for the well-wishes <3

So sorry for your loss :hugs: sending lots of positive thoughts for next cycle x
OK...I'm deffo looking bloated above my pubic bone already!!

Anyone else the same??


Yey! Good pic hun:thumbup: I'm exactly the same...I though we weren't
supposed to show until 12 weeks!:wacko:

When I read that we're not suppose to show until 12 weeks, I just start thinking I'm getting fat, lol. I really want to get to a point where I can blame my big belly on pregnancy instead of eating a lot... :haha:

hey ladies...i gotta come and take my name off that october 8th spot :( We miscarried last week :( Best of luck for everyones pregnancies tho... <3 Onto next month to try and back to the TTC boards. Thanks in advance for the well-wishes <3

:( So sorry for your loss! Hopefully your next bean is super sticky :hugs:

Hiya can i join? I am due the 24th =] .. looking for as much support as possible, this is my first sprout and utterly nervous about every ache pain, just want someone to say yeah cramps and backache is completely normal at this stage.. Last person pregnant in my family was my sis 7 years ago so she finds it hard to recall..

Luv, congrats and h&h 9 months x

Congrats and welcome! Light cramps and backaches are normal. Not fun, but normal :)

AFM, I had my early scan today and everything looked good! Measuring 5+3, which is only 2 days less than where I should be based on my lmp. Most importantly, it is not ectopic (which is what they were worried about). Feeling good about this one! :cloud9: So hard not to tell people!
Though I have been feeling a little sick to my stomach today... Not sure if I just ate something that didn't agree with me or if this is the first sign of MS. I'm half dreading MS and half looking forward to it since its suppose to indicate a healthy bean :p
I know it's a little late seeing as I hit Week 7 yesterday, but here is my bump picture from Week 6. :D
hey ladies...i gotta come and take my name off that october 8th spot :( We miscarried last week :( Best of luck for everyones pregnancies tho... <3 Onto next month to try and back to the TTC boards. Thanks in advance for the well-wishes <3
So sorry for you loss :(
hey ladies...i gotta come and take my name off that october 8th spot :( We miscarried last week :( Best of luck for everyones pregnancies tho... <3 Onto next month to try and back to the TTC boards. Thanks in advance for the well-wishes <3

I am so so sorry for your loss.

As for the bloating did y'all read my post about the ga last night!?! Lol
Yep, and I hear you on the gas! I've been burping more than farting though, it's been really embarrassing, but DF is nice enough to ignore it and pretend that it didn't happen when I accidentally let either one slip while he's in the room. :blush:
Woah Mrs Jellybean, those are really high numbers. Are you sure you're not carrying twins? <.<
Compared to 5 days ago that is. A 10 time increase? That's quite a bit.

I haven't had any scans done yet so I couldn't be sure. Well at first she told me my numbers were too low so I was just happy to see they were up. When I think about it they haven't even really doubled each day... 3,500x2= 7,000 x2= 14,000 x2= 28,000 x2= 56,000. All I know is they have gone up and are in the range they are expected to be at :) I didn't like the thought of having them checked and waiting but now I am curious to see what they are at again hahahaha.

I was admitted to the hospital this weekend for 24 hours. Remember how I said my morning sickness suddenly disappeared? Well it came back, and I couldn't stop my body from convulsing and throwing up. It was to the point where my body (tmi) was forcing up lime green acid, over and over again. I lost conciousness.

Oh Maze that's horrible. Hoping you are better soon! I am dreading m/s taking it up a notch... it's like I wait for it every day and I try to prepare myself by carrying around plastic 'vomit' bags in my handbag hehehe
Hi Hun! I was just thinking about you and how your test went :hugs: I'm so relieved for you, your numbers are looking awesome!
I'm so sorry ms has caught up with you :sick: my gf who is 26 weeks has hyperemeses gravidarum, she is so ill she has to take meds to stop her from throwing up as she not only throws up from smells but from absolutely nothing she can't prepair food or keep anything down, she can no longer drive because its affecting her vision. She's on zofran, and something else at night to help her sleep. Her meds were helping her for a while but now she seems to be suffering again, if your ms gets to the point that you can't eat please make sure you check in with your dr because no food in your tummy means no nutrients for baby. I hear lemon and ginger infused tea is helpful for ms, peppermint tea is also good for an upset tummy. Have you tried snacking on little things like ritz crackers or jatz? Even saladas? Apparently eating a little snack before you sit up in bed helps with the nausea. I'm so grateful, but I actually haven't been all to bad, only slight nausea here and there everyday. Tired all the time, I actually fell asleep driving yesterday :wacko: just a micro sleep but it really scared me, I really don't know what to do about that :shrug:

Oh picking your dr, wow that will just make it so real! We have a scan on sat so we are really excited about that, hoping we will hear a heartbeat :winkwink: we are going to get the us copied and put them in a farm for the grandma and nan as our way of announcing! Then that for us will be really real! We have already had a few friends guess, as we are quite a social bunch and enjoy our drinks so a few clapped on much earlier than we would have liked but its ok, IF something were to go wrong I know those few friends would be so supportive and I would rather have a support group than for us to have to bare that on our own :) but ultimately we do want to wait until end of 1st tri hehehe!! Your fresh out of luck at a wedding though that's exactly what I would guess too! :haha: will you tell them if they guess? Aside from ms how are you feeling?

Thanks hun! :flower: That's no good about your gf. It's amazing thinking your body is naturally suppose to go through this and adapt yet it really can hit you like a tonne of bricks lol

As for the Dr, we have no bloody idea! We went into BUPA to check with them on what the difference will be and she gave us some information to look over as it depends on Dr's we pick and stuff. They also gave me a free copy of 'What to expect when you're expecting" which was lovely! Apparently they hand them out to expecting women who are with them as a way to show they are there to support their clients :)

So I tried a little research and the $500 excess is what we cop to be at the private hospital - THEN we are out of pocket for the OB... which starts at around $3000 and goes up from there... then if bub needs medical care they are another $500 excess fee as they are an additional patient. Not to mention anesthesiology fees if you go that path... The 2 couples we know that went private with Norwest are not people we want to know this early that we are expecting so I can't exactly ask them lol I do know one was around $3500 though for a straight forward delivery which sounds about right; and they keep you in for 4 nights after birth. Our GP said some couples like the idea of having a private room with double bed for DH to stay in and you stay there for 4 nights with your 1st LO but after that many women want to get in and out and not stuff around BAHAHA :rofl:

We already had a friend call us yesterday saying they heard a rumour we were expecting. I felt a wave of panic and when we told him the truth he said that there was no rumour. He only heard I was driving to the wedding this weekend and made the assumption. I was so happy we told him though as he said if we had of said no we weren't he would have made up a rumour we were and spread it to cause havoc. What a pain in the backside... hahaha so now I am dreading people will figure it out. As I have been sick the past few days with a cold I am thinking I might be able to get around it by saying not drinking as I've had the sickness.... :shrugs: worth a try. At the hens party I put lemonade in a champers glass as added lemon cordial to it and no one even noticed - I told them all I was drinking and they believed me! The bartender was nice enough to make them for me for free too :winkwink:

Mrs J-bean,
Oh my did I speak too soon! Like a tonne of bricks a massive wave of nausea rushed over me this morning at like 4am then again at 6... And of course my stomach was empty it was soo bad! It was the first time I had actually thrown up... I'm nervous about tmrw now too, it's not bad enough to take anything but still bad enough that I actually think I might have pulled something I was retching so hard :sick:

How are you feeling today? Keeping anything down?

Oh dear, sounds like the same timing it hit me. The past 4 days have been much better. I have noticed a dramatic improvement. I have been waking up every 3-4 hours during the night to pee and I force a muesli bar down and some water and go back to sleep. The same during the day, every 3 hours I snack on crackers, muesli bars and fruit. when it comes to meals like lunch and dinner I struggle... lack of appetite has hit me hard. I weighed myself this morning and I am down 2kg. I am keeping everything down at this point and managing my vitamins (touch wood), it's just the drop in how much I have been eating. I was 71.6kg when we found out. Then hit 72.8kg by around week 5-6 and am now down to 69.6kg at 7+1. The largest meal I have each day would be breakfast - 2 slices of toast with spread if I can finish it. Last night I had a bit of chicken and corn soup, the night before only 3 tablespoons of plain boiled rice and on Monday I managed 6 chicken nuggets from Maccas. I am trying to think of a range of things that are dryish that I can stomach (I can't deal with saucy things) and KFC chips seem to really be hitting the spot. Slightly salty for flavour and a slow releasing carbohydrate. Not the healthiest thing to eat but better than nothing at all! Not to mention I am having 3-4 serves of fruit a day too so it will make up for it :winkwink:

How have you been feeling now?
hey ladies...i gotta come and take my name off that october 8th spot :( We miscarried last week :( Best of luck for everyones pregnancies tho... <3 Onto next month to try and back to the TTC boards. Thanks in advance for the well-wishes <3

So sorry for your loss. :hugs::hugs:
Hello ladies and sorry for being gone so long! I have been reading all the posts but have been too exhausted to respond. Maze I hope you are feeling better! For everyone who has had a tough month, I am extremely sorry for all of your losses. :( I am sending sticky dust your way for the next bean to sprout! Sooner then later :) For all the new mommys to be WELCOME! <3 I went to my doctor again today and had another internal scan! Everything looks great, I will post a pic tomorrow, but the bean is growing, and it has a heartbeat!!! They say once you see a heartbeat the chance of miscarriages goes down to 10%, which I felt very relieved to hear. They took another 4 viels of blood and will be doing a new test that checks for 300 mutations, which they offered and I def decided to do just incase. As for my symptoms I have had very sore bb's, my dreams just keep coming every night and are extremely vivid, I havent been extremely hungry, I think I even lost a few pounds since my sweet tooth has gone away slightly, im still moody and to be honest ive been very depressed some days. Sometimes I think about past things that I need to let go of, but I find it very hard to do while I am so emotional right now..... I too keep getting small little dots that itch, like one on my belly, one on my wrist... they are annoying but they do go away. I thought I would extremely happy to be pregnant and I am, but I sure hope this depression goes away as it is making me not want to do anything, and then when I dont do anything I get even more depressed, its a bad cycle. I think I need to stay more active and stop being in my head all the time, I really am an overthinker. So thats it for now ladies, I will post my scan picture tomorrow. Thank god for no m/s yet and not spotting, Im hoping it stays this way but only time will tell. Miss all my new friends on here and I will be on more often to communicate more, I think I need the support. As for the facebook, I deleted my page a few months ago, but was hoping I could join from my fiances account, or I could make a new account just for it, dont know if im fully ready to be back on facebook as I have an ex I was with 7 years and we still have like 80 mutual friends....and its just awkward. Anyway goodnight to all and sticky dust to everyone!!
Hello ladies and sorry for being gone so long! I have been reading all the posts but have been too exhausted to respond. Maze I hope you are feeling better! For everyone who has had a tough month, I am extremely sorry for all of your losses. :( I am sending sticky dust your way for the next bean to sprout! Sooner then later :) For all the new mommys to be WELCOME! <3 I went to my doctor again today and had another internal scan! Everything looks great, I will post a pic tomorrow, but the bean is growing, and it has a heartbeat!!! They say once you see a heartbeat the chance of miscarriages goes down to 10%, which I felt very relieved to hear. They took another 4 viels of blood and will be doing a new test that checks for 300 mutations, which they offered and I def decided to do just incase. As for my symptoms I have had very sore bb's, my dreams just keep coming every night and are extremely vivid, I havent been extremely hungry, I think I even lost a few pounds since my sweet tooth has gone away slightly, im still moody and to be honest ive been very depressed some days. Sometimes I think about past things that I need to let go of, but I find it very hard to do while I am so emotional right now..... I too keep getting small little dots that itch, like one on my belly, one on my wrist... they are annoying but they do go away. I thought I would extremely happy to be pregnant and I am, but I sure hope this depression goes away as it is making me not want to do anything, and then when I dont do anything I get even more depressed, its a bad cycle. I think I need to stay more active and stop being in my head all the time, I really am an overthinker. So thats it for now ladies, I will post my scan picture tomorrow. Thank god for no m/s yet and not spotting, Im hoping it stays this way but only time will tell. Miss all my new friends on here and I will be on more often to communicate more, I think I need the support. As for the facebook, I deleted my page a few months ago, but was hoping I could join from my fiances account, or I could make a new account just for it, dont know if im fully ready to be back on facebook as I have an ex I was with 7 years and we still have like 80 mutual friends....and its just awkward. Anyway goodnight to all and sticky dust to everyone!!

MEeeeeeeeeee tooooooooo I'm so depressed and I don't get it! I wanted this so bad and still do but I also think about past things and get so depressed! Fxed it gets better for us ;)
For everyone with horrible MS....

I started accupunture a month ago. I was told it helped with infertility and after ten months of trying I got my BFP the month I went three weeks in a row. I went yesterday and the practioner told me that it helps with MS. So much so that women complain that it went away completely. They didn't love having it, but it obviously made them feel pregnant. Some accupunturists specialize in fertility issues. Not all do so I would seek the proper ones out. Just a thought...

I haven't had any MS yet, but I'm only six weeks and I've had some complications and won't know if I have a healthy bean until my next scan next Thursday.
Ohhh ladies... I think morning sickness is right around the corner for me :sick: I woke up and I was fine. I took a shower and started feeling a little weak (I figured it was just from being in there too long). I got out and now I'm sitting here with a towel wrapped around my head and trying to keep my mind off of puking. Blahhhhh.

In other news... I go for my scan in 4 more hours!! :happydance:
Ohhh ladies... I think morning sickness is right around the corner for me :sick: I woke up and I was fine. I took a shower and started feeling a little weak (I figured it was just from being in there too long). I got out and now I'm sitting here with a towel wrapped around my head and trying to keep my mind off of puking. Blahhhhh.

In other news... I go for my scan in 4 more hours!! :happydance:

Good luck with your scan!

I live in NH too!

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