lily-maes dress


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2006
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hi all, ive bought my dd this dress and shoes. but what can she wear with it? its actually silver, but this pic makes it look a bit gold. she needs tights and some sort of top/cardy. but i dont know what sort or colour??? help please :D
thats gorgeous wheres it from? Id probably say white tights and white cardigan! if it was gold then cream tights and cream cardigan.

(or grey cardigan but proably harder to find)
I'd agree with laura and go with white. Its lovely she will look adorable.
Lauz_1601 said:
thats gorgeous wheres it from? Id probably say white tights and white cardigan! if it was gold then cream tights and cream cardigan.

(or grey cardigan but proably harder to find)

its from H&M but i actually bought it off ebay-for 70p :oops:
why the :oops: thats amazing! I wish I could find bargins like that!
cream tights
and they do nice lil fur coat/cardy things in tesco for cheap
would you lot put a long sleeved bodysuit/vest underneath too? i dont want her to get cold
Lauz_1601 said:
why the :oops: thats amazing! I wish I could find bargins like that!

coz ive bought my daughter summat 2nd hand and alot of people may think its horrible i dont buy her new stuff
Lovely dress :D Lily-Mae will look lovely :wink:
twinkletoes said:
Lauz_1601 said:
why the :oops: thats amazing! I wish I could find bargins like that!

coz ive bought my daughter summat 2nd hand and alot of people may think its horrible i dont buy her new stuff

Not atall hun! and especially a dress like that which has probably not been worn often will be as good as new. I get stuff from the sure start shop most the time, dont pay more than 50p its great come out with loads for a fiver.
we dont have a sure start shop near me. or i would go to it :D
I don't buy anything second hand, I am a fool. I buy everything out of Next and it upsets me every month when I have to put things away as she grows soo fast. The money that has been spent in that shop is unbelievable. I am going to start looking on ebay tho :D
KX said:
I don't buy anything second hand, I am a fool. I buy everything out of Next and it upsets me every month when I have to put things away as she grows soo fast. The money that has been spent in that shop is unbelievable. I am going to start looking on ebay tho :D

are you selling any clothes?? lol im a right baragin hunter :D
Charity shops are great places for baby clothes! ive bought so much for my neice (and myself :oops: ) and its hardly broken the bank. Most of the stuff i find still has tags on them or just look unworn.
Gorgeous dress!

I've started buying stuff for Ella from Ebay - I can't afford to buy her all full-price stuff now with bubba boy on the way so I need to economise! I've also been buying 2nd hand stuff for the bubba as she grew out of her clothes so fast I do begrudge paying full price for newborn stuff now. I've got her some bargains put back for 18-24 months clothes and I did buy a load of stuff on the Adams website the other night in sizes 2-3 for next Winter. I make sure that I was it all when it comes through and then it's nice, fresh and put away for her when she's bigger. I got a couple of Next denim dresses the other day that look like new for £4 (including postage), you'd never know they were 2nd hand. As long as my babies look nice, are warm and happy then I don't care if it's 2nd, 3rd or 4th hand!
OMG Kina I didnt know you were having a boy :D congratualtions, how nice to have one of each!
I love really quirky clothes, so can find some gorgeous stuff on ebay, gap, oilily etc for really good prices. They are always in great condition too.
i have loads of clothes for kacy for 12-18 months which she wouldn't be in until she is about 18 months some of them are brand new (my mum buys them her) but most of stuff is out of charity shops car boot sale and ebay and in the sale from asda its always good when your sis works their and can get 10% of

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