Limbo Ladies!!

Ava was in a funny position aswell, they had to put her out using forceps :( don't know why I left that out my story lol. You'll be fine :hugs: xxx
How is everyone doing? Claire, Ava is gorgeous :)

I need to lose weight... Dont know where to start :( I feel very chunky.
I feel bloody mahoosive!!!! Really want to start a
decent diet now.
Thanks girls :) You're definitely making me feel better about the whole induction thing- I just need to stop reading the rubbish induction stories!!

It looks like I'm heading that way now. Third sweep attempt failed so unless something miraculous happens in the next 20 hours, I'll be heading into hospital at 1pm tomorrow. The midwife I saw today said she couldn't do the sweep because she 'has stubby fingers'!!? I asked her whether the position of my cervix would make induction harder, and she said it depended if the midwife I got, had longer fingers than hers!? It really was very bizarre. On the plus side, my BP is back to normal and swelling has gone down.

I thought things were starting up yesterday as I had 6 hours of tightenings- 10 minutes apart, 2 minutes long. Then they just stopped :( So frustrating!!

Oh, I'm not telling anyone (not counting you girls on here of course!) apart from family about the induction as OH would get bombarded with texts etc, so please don't mention anything on Facebook. Thanks :)
Lips are sealed sweetie!

My biggest advice re: inductions are....get the bloody epidural!!!!! :haha: Honestly the best thing eveeeeeerrrrrrr!!!!!!
Hellooooo girls, sorry I havnt been on or even on Facebook, my phone broke as I went into labour And I'm getting a new one fort birthday in ten days so waiting till then for internet so for now I have to use toms phones booo.

Anyway, I'm sure you all know Maisie Ella Rose (yes she has three names lol) was born on the 25th, My waters broke at 3 in the morning and I was on my own as I thought I would be, then my contractions came on thick and strong at about 7 then by 10 I was pushing, I pushed for about 2 an a half hours cause she got stuck an then the cord was round her neck, however i didn't know any of this at the time so as not to panick me. But she was eventually born at 12.26 weighing 8.9lbs bless her

She's a very good girl, only really wakes once in the night so I hope it stays that way. Toms here at the minute but I've been on my own for the past 5 days and it's hard on my own, especially as she has colic so afternoons consist of Maisie crying and me trying not to, oh well, it's all worth it.

How is everyone? Xxxxxx
Lol thanks Laura- I'll bear that in mind ;)

Michelle- glad Maisie is doing well, although it must be hard on you that she's colicky *hugs*.

I'm just about to head off to the hospital- just wanted to pop on here and see how you guys are doing before I left. Please send me positive induction/labour vibes- I'm suddenly a little bit scared! Eek!

Will update when I can x
Good luck Kim!!!

Congrats Michelle on the birth of Maisie :)
Hi everyone, been ages since I came on here! Congratulations Michelle on the arrival of Maisie, hope you're doing well! And awaiting news from Kim but hopefully all is well and baby has arrived safe and sound. As you can see, I am now 4 days overdue and frankly over the whole thing, especially the sodding messages asking where the baby is. There was a moment of excitement on Monday when my mum took me out for lunch and a drive and I had some twingey shooting pains in the car but all stopped by the time I got home. I am finding I am going to the loo constantly (for ones and twos!!), my busoms are really tender and sore and I am particularly spotty. However, no mucous plug has been lost whatsoever and no evidence of any tightenings or anything at all. No sweep done last week so I have it this Friday morning when they will also book my induction. Ho hum.

Hope everyone's doing well!
Hey girls!

Well, Alex William was born safely on Sunday at 8.14am, weighing 8lb 12oz. Had a slightly traumatic time of it, so I'll try and condense it as best I can!

Went in for the induction at 1.30pm, and had the first pessary at 4pm to get things moving. Went for a looooong walk around the hospital to try and encourage him to get a move on (wasn't dilated or effaced at all when the induction started) and I was checked again at 10pm. Didn't need another pessary as I was having contractions and 2cm dilated, so was put on a monitor. The midwife noticed that the baby's heart rate was dropping slightly with each contraction, so had me transferred to the labour ward so it could be checked by a doctor. A lot of the labour is a blur after that to be honest. They kept a very close eye on me and the baby to check he wasn't in any distress, and they decided to do a trace on his head to make sure. By 4.30am, I was only 4cm and because they were concerned about labour lasting a long time with baby's readings being borderline, they cranked up the hormones in the drip to get things moving along more quickly. It certainly worked, as the pain became intolerable. I ended up having an epidural which I was determined to try not to have, but I know I wouldn't have been able to get through it otherwise. According to my OH, they were seriously discussing an emergency c-section but when they checked me again at just before 8am, I was fully dilated. Because his head was so low, they decided it would be quicker to deliver him vaginally and a consultant came to assist. I had an episiotomy and he had to be rotated because he was in the wrong position, but Alex William was then born in 6 pushes with forceps- absolutely perfect. However, all of the drama kicked off afterwards. Because of all of the hormones I'd been on to get labour progressing quickly, my womb didn't contract properly and along with the cut and other tears I had, I started to bleed heavily and had a post partum haemorrage. I ended up losing 3 litres of blood so had to have a blood transfusion using 6 units of blood and 2 of plasma amongst other things (made me grateful that I give blood). Thankfully, I can't remember a lot about it but I think my OH was pretty terrified- he said there were about 10 people in the room at the scariest point and the care I received, was second to none. I was on oxygen for most of the day, and spent the night in the same high dependancy delivery room that I gave birth to Alex in. My OH was absolutely fantastic, and looked after him from the moment he was born. Strangely, they seemed to have bonded because of that amazingly well.

I was allowed to go home yesterday afternoon (Tuesday), and we're all settling in well. It's going to be a bit of a long road to recover but he is worth every single second. I can't stop looking at him and thinking how perfect he is. I still can't get over that we made him and I carried him- I'm so in love :cloud9:


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Wow Kim, what a story! Scary stuff but glad you're all ok at the end of it. He is absolutely gorgeous! Do you know you can't give blood now because you've had a transfusion? I tried to give blood after I had Jayden but was told I can't cos I had a transfusion after I had him :( Makes me so grateful to everyone who's ever gave blood. Congrats again honey, he's amazing xxx
Yay! Congrats honey, sorry it was traumatic but glad you both got through it safe and sound :hugs:

Been to the Hospital today, the heart murmur picked up at 4 days old has turned out to be a heart defect called a Ventricular Septal Defect and although its very small and the Doctor was very unconcerned about it, Alice will need 3 monthly heart scans and if it gets bigger or she develops heart failure she will need open heart surgery to repair it. :cry: DH and I are reeling from this news :cry:
Oh honey you guys aren't having an easy time are you? I want to come and give you all a big cuddle :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hug:

Vicki, I so hope baby comes soon! Still thinking it's a boy but we'll find out soon enough eh? xxx
Oh Laura, I'm so sorry to hear that. Poor Alice has been through so much already. I hope it doesn't develop any further *hugs*.

Claire- I wasn't sure about not being able to donate after the transfusion. Guess I'll have to give them a ring tomorrow and talk to them about it. Gutted really :(
(oh, and I agree about the blue vibes for Vicki too!).
Boring update from me, I have still not given birth to this very stubborn child so I'm being induced in a couple of days. I've not told anyone except Mr G and our parents the actual date so I don't get pestered any more than I already am but rest assured I WILL have baby news by the weekend! By which time I will also have turned the big 3-0 - I'm not sure which I'm more scared of! I'm frankly pretty scared of the induction process but bubbo has to come out somehow and I can't be preggers forever. I went for a sweep on Friday but the midwife couldn't perform it properly because my cervix was (and probably still is) very far back and baby's head is very low so the head was in the way of my cervix! She therefore couldn't reach to 'sweep' which was disappointing.

MrsPOP, good luck to Alice and you, everything crossed that she's just fine. Hope everyone else is well and babies are behaving!
Aww Vicki, that's not so good :( But you're right, baby can't stay in there forever so s/he'll come soon. You're having the only yellow baby so can't wait to hear what flavour it is!!! If you don't get the chance to get on before baby comes good luck with everything :hugs: :hug: xxxx
Ta Claire, I'll be on as soon as I can afterwards to reveal the flavour!! We actually decided on some names last night which was a bit of a miracle as well so we're getting there - and this morning, with spectacular timing, I've started having some mild period-y cramps and losing some blood (microscopic amounts but hey ho!) so you never know, kiddo might have finally had enough!
Ah, same thing happened with me having a sweep Vicki. Fingers crossed that your bubba is making their own way into the world :)

Good luck!

As some of you know, I'm just about recovering from another stint in the hospital. Passed a huge piece of placenta (at least 6 inches long) on Friday night, so was back in labour ward having more people look at my bits. Spent 2 nights in hospital (poor Alex has spent so much of his life in the hospital through no fault of his own) while I was observed. Had a scan on Monday which looked clear, so I'm on antibiotics now in case of infection. Just hope things will start looking up now. Thankfully, Alex is a really good baby :)

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