Hey girls!
Well, Alex William was born safely on Sunday at 8.14am, weighing 8lb 12oz. Had a slightly traumatic time of it, so I'll try and condense it as best I can!
Went in for the induction at 1.30pm, and had the first pessary at 4pm to get things moving. Went for a looooong walk around the hospital to try and encourage him to get a move on (wasn't dilated or effaced at all when the induction started) and I was checked again at 10pm. Didn't need another pessary as I was having contractions and 2cm dilated, so was put on a monitor. The midwife noticed that the baby's heart rate was dropping slightly with each contraction, so had me transferred to the labour ward so it could be checked by a doctor. A lot of the labour is a blur after that to be honest. They kept a very close eye on me and the baby to check he wasn't in any distress, and they decided to do a trace on his head to make sure. By 4.30am, I was only 4cm and because they were concerned about labour lasting a long time with baby's readings being borderline, they cranked up the hormones in the drip to get things moving along more quickly. It certainly worked, as the pain became intolerable. I ended up having an epidural which I was determined to try not to have, but I know I wouldn't have been able to get through it otherwise. According to my OH, they were seriously discussing an emergency c-section but when they checked me again at just before 8am, I was fully dilated. Because his head was so low, they decided it would be quicker to deliver him vaginally and a consultant came to assist. I had an episiotomy and he had to be rotated because he was in the wrong position, but Alex William was then born in 6 pushes with forceps- absolutely perfect. However, all of the drama kicked off afterwards. Because of all of the hormones I'd been on to get labour progressing quickly, my womb didn't contract properly and along with the cut and other tears I had, I started to bleed heavily and had a post partum haemorrage. I ended up losing 3 litres of blood so had to have a blood transfusion using 6 units of blood and 2 of plasma amongst other things (made me grateful that I give blood). Thankfully, I can't remember a lot about it but I think my OH was pretty terrified- he said there were about 10 people in the room at the scariest point and the care I received, was second to none. I was on oxygen for most of the day, and spent the night in the same high dependancy delivery room that I gave birth to Alex in. My OH was absolutely fantastic, and looked after him from the moment he was born. Strangely, they seemed to have bonded because of that amazingly well.
I was allowed to go home yesterday afternoon (Tuesday), and we're all settling in well. It's going to be a bit of a long road to recover but he is worth every single second. I can't stop looking at him and thinking how perfect he is. I still can't get over that we made him and I carried him- I'm so in love