Limbo Ladies!!

The only way it'll get sorted is if Alan takes an extra hour off work but there's no chance of that happening. He's offered to take Jayden to Tesco when I'm at the consultant but he'll come back with a load of shit and nothing for dinners (I like to be in control of my shopping lol)

Aww that's not sad at all! I've never known anyone who's graduated lol xxx

Have been rubbish and been meaning to get on all week but just havent had time, keep checking the old FB on my phone and havent been on the computer really.

Havent caught up but we have more Limbo babies, Samira and Heather, is there anyone else I have missed this week? Yasmin or MrsPop must have popped by now, I dont have them on my FB.

Well the last week has flown by, Jacob is 8 days old all ready. He is good as gold, dont know I ve got him. We are bottle feeding, the boy is a sucker and my poor old nips were red raw and bleeding as he was just sucking for comfort so he is now on Cow & Gate and dummies which are all working fine. He has had his moments of being up in the night but he isnt too bad really. Phoebe is besotted with him, a little too much, most of my day is spent telling her to leave him alone, she needs to be constantly touching and hugging him lol. The novelty will wear off soon though.

Myself, Im fine. Got over the birth very quickly, had no tears or stitches which helped. Was a bit achey for a day or too but it all seems to be easier the second time round. Bleeding is lighter, boobs werent as sore, hardly any tears or 'baby blues' so its all good. My blood pressure is still fluttering around the high mark, going up and down so Im being observed for that, still not been put on meds yet but its an option. And I have ankle bones again :happydance::happydance:

I have mostly written my birth story so will try to finish and post before any of third tri forget who I am lol.

I hope the rest of you ladies are ok, the time is nearing and soon we will all have our lovely little babies. The end is in sight girls :hugs:

And now introducing my gorgeous baby boy, Jacob (is the double of his daddy).........


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He is just adorable Amanda! Yes, Yasmin had her baby boy but I'm unsure of the name and MrsPop had Alice at the weekend! xxx
Found this on the front page:

5th July - Rachyroux

6th July - CeeCee2010
Hopeful Heath

7th July - MrsPOP

10th July - Yasmin13

22nd July - SamiraNChris

23rd July - Barbles

26th July - xxMichellexx

27th July - Waitin4aStork

30th July - TaNasha

6th August - Vicki_g

13th August - ClaireMuir123

22nd August - Braven05

But I genuinely can't keep track of who's had who!!! I'm such a bad limbo lady :( Lol.

Had the midwife this morning, although it was supposed to be the consultant. My appointment was originally changed from last week to this week but it turns out the consultant was on holiday THIS week so I just seen the midwife. She done the normal checks, baby's heartbeat was fab 140-145, BP fine but I had ++Leukozites (or something like that) and + protein in my urine so had to give another sample to be sent away to check for infection or something. She's referred me for a scan at 38 weeks (unsure why except maybe to check position and size of baby) and need to go back next week to the midwife and consultant at term. I don't feel like I have a urine infection except sometimes when I feel the need to pee I can't go but I assumed that was just baby lying on my bladder, it's not sore or anything.

Oh and she made me almost shit myself bysaying baby was breech! She said she felt a head under my ribs and bum in my pelvis - so she turned on the scanner machine and checked. Baby IS head down and just seems to have a hard bum :rofl:

How is everyone feeling today? Mummies and still pregnant ladies :flower: xxx
Hi ladies! Im still here just on my phone dont have computer access at the mo.
im fed up now, bad back ache...... I want this baby out of me !
Looking at the list Claire, I think everyone up to Barbles have had their babies. I have a feeling either you or Michelle will be next- I reckon I could be here for a while yet!

Midwife appointment yesterday went ok. Bubba's heartbeat was good and strong (although he decided he didn't like the doppler and kicked it off my stomach as soon as the midwife put it on :D). She said his head is really, really down now so I'm hoping that's a good sign, although I still haven't lost any of my plug, had a show etc- only a handful of BH. As for me, my sample was clear but my blood pressure was high for me (135/72 when for the last couple of months, it's been 100/60) and because of my swollen hands and feet too, she wants me to go and see her again in a few days and keep an eye on it.

I'm SO ready for my little guy to come now!!
Nooooo it won't be me! I definitely still think I've got a couple of weeks left. I've got another appointment today cause of high blood pressure too, let's see how this goes! Not till 4 tho booo.

Fallen out with Tom, he was tagged in suspicous photos on facebook froom the night after his graduation, it looked like him and his friend had coupled off and were walking these 2 girls home, toms holding her handbag. He sent me this this morning - My whatsapp isn't sending. I feel I should apologise for putting u in a position where u think I have done something more than talked to a girl. I'm promising u now nothing more happened than speaking to her and no matter what u read in to those photos I'm been truthful with u I really am. So I hope when u wake up ur ok with me cus I would love to speak to u.I can fully see ur point and I agree that it doesn't look good and If the tables were turned I would hate it. But u will always think the worse because of the past xx

Ergh, I do believe him, he rang me when he was in bed on that night, I've just told him to be conscious on how things might look to me. He said he was only holding her bag cause she was covering her head cause iit was raining and her mate was talkng to his mate so they had to talk.

Blerrrrrrrr hate boys.
Hi everyone, I've decided on the name Uzayr which means precious. I am so tired and my nipples are sore! I've also been feeling very emotional, just keep crying, one min I feel happy and positive and the next I feel out of my depth and wonder how other women do it. Just want to enjoy motherhood so hope this passes.
How is everyone else?
Wow yasmin, how do u say that? Everything will be ok hun, its a big change just gve it some time :)

I'm annoyed, been given the date I would have to be induced on, the 4th august, the FOBs bday, eergh the one day I would have not chosen!
Hmmm... I guess phonetically it would be oo-zay-r Does that make it easier?

I had the breadtfeeding support worker come to visit me today cos of my sore nipples... The help and support out there is great. It made me feel a bit more confident. Seriously if you have any concerns you should contact your community midwife.

I will also say be prepared for the emotions after birth. I felt negative at times and burst out crying randomly... I thought I didnt love my baby enough. No body tells you that you might go through this and that its not abnormal cos of the change in hormones.

Of course I do love my little bubba and he is perfect. A small version of his dad :)
Ah Michelle, that's not ideal! Hopefully your princess will be making her appearance before then! If I have to be induced, it'll be 8th August as they let us go 12 days over at our hospital. I'm almost as focused on that date as my due date now!

Yasmin, I'm sorry you've had a few bumps in the road since your boy has arrived. My midwife actually warned me of the 'baby blues' we might get in the first week or two, as well as the teacher at my NCT classes because of hormones flying all over the place. Hopefully you've got lots of support around you, to help with that. How are you finding breastfeeding now?

Well as usual, nothing to report here! Just having a quiet day at home today, with my feet up. Everyone has been telling me to do that whilst I still can ;) Bubba is quietening down a bit now (although still moving more than 10 times a day) so I'm hoping it might be a good sign *clutching at straws* ;)
Hey ladies!

Lovely name Yasmin, unusual but lovely :flower:

I'm not 100% sure how long they're gonna let me go over my dates because I'm due to have a VBAC and will need to be monitored very closely. I was gonna ask the consultant on Tuesday but the system somehow fucked up and I just seen the midwife. I'm hoping it won't be too long though. But I've decided to stop eviction proceedings (not that I'd really done much to help her along lol) but it never worked last time so I figure it's not gonna work this time either so I might aswell enjoy the time I have either on my own (very rare lol) and just the 3 of us. She can't stay in there forever! Lol. Ideally I'd like her to come within the next 2 weeks but hey, I can't do much to help it lol. xxx
I'm fixed on the 4th now, its weird I feel like that's my due date now lol. I'm so active still and always going out for lunch etc I just know she's not goiing to come anytime soon. I've now decided to take a list of names to the hospital as I'm undecided still, my list now consists of

Middle name is definitely rose tho lol.

Arrrrr crap xx
Lol, I don't really have a lost of names!! I still like Leah but I keep thinking there's something else that is better for her! And I don't know what lol. Names I like are -

Halle (hubby likes Hayley but I don't)

Help me ladies! I need some suggestions as I have nothing........ xxx
Anyone around!?!? Hope everyone is ok!

I'm in a bit of a dilemma regarding my sister and nieces/nephew. We were at my nieces 6th birthday party on Wednesday and they were all annoying the life outta me! Carly (who'd 9 going on 14) cried and whinged because she got put out of musical statues, Natasha (who's birthday it was) had a serious tantrum because she got put out and Dylan (who you've all heard about!!!!!) was a shit and a half. I must say though I'm very proud of my boy because I told him not to copy Dylan and he didn't, he was very well behaved as usual.

Anyhoo, I've just realised that my sister is gonna come to the hospital to visit us (which is fine obviously!) but she's going to want to bring the kids. Now, I wouldn't mind her bringing the girls because they can take a telling. But she's going to bring Dylan and I have these awful thoughts about him wanting to hurt the baby (he is very very jealous) and generally being a wee shit in the hospital and I won't put up with it. Emma has finally realised how naughty he is an this behaviour he's displaying is not 'normal' buy behaviour.

I've found out he's been watching Lord of The Rings at his Dads house, which in all honesty, scares the shit outta me, so God knows what it's doing to him. He's started putting on several layers of clothes to become a 'bad baddie' (his words) My sister is trying to curb his behaviour but ireally, it's not working at all. In a way I feel bad for her but I also can't help but think she's brought it on herself by never disciplining him.

Now I've got this dilemma, do I tell her not to bring the kids to the hospital (my mum says I can't do that :dohh:) or let her bring them and get them 'removed' when he starts playing up (which I know for a fact he will) I love them all but right now I dont' like my nephew, he is honestly just as bad, if not worse, that some of the kids I've seen on supernanny :nope: xxx

I am soooo sorry ive abandoned you, been super busy and hectic at home! i havent even written my birth story yet!!!!

I caant believe we are all popping! all this time we spent on here preggo together and now its baby time!

Congrats to all babies - ive already said on FB but not on here hehe! how bootiful are all our babies!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hayden has had his 5 day check today and all is fab! he has put 90% of his weight that he lost from birth to day 2 (which is normal) so almost back to his birth weight which is amazingly quick apparently but he is a greedy boy! on my boob every hour or so in the day and every 2 through the night zzzzzzzzzzzz! I expressed 6oz's today which is 3 feeds so chris is gona do a night feed tonight, give me some extra sleep yay!!! ive had like 3 hours sleep a day so far and havent slept in the day (im a bad sleeper, cant sleep in light or noise lol) but some how i feel fine!!!!!!!! my whole life ive needed 8 hours sleep and if i dont get it im a grouch and now i get no sleep and im fine!!!! although this is only day sure i will become a witch in time!

How is everyone feeling (preggo or mummy)!!!!!! just to rub it in - it feels AMAZING not being pregnant LOL! I dont know how ppl say they miss their bump, i dont miss a thing! no more heartburn, no more not being able to bend down, i can sleep on my back!!!!

although i still moan - my foof is sooo painful (as expected) and so are my boobies! they are super milk machines and are twice the size of haydens head!!! and they leak like mad in bed LOL! expressing my milk helped soooooo much with the pain but the MW said im gona be fighting a losing battle as the more i express the more i will produce but oh well, more milk in the fridge for when i go out or when chris wants to do a feed!

sorry for the blab! ive missed everyone and feel awful for not coming on sooner!!!!!!!! its crazy how much time a baby takes up! my days are way too short and fly plus the visitors every night dont help! tonight is our first night off and its bliss!!!!!!!!!!!! plus today is the first day chris has been home as he has been at work all week (hes self employed n had loads of work booked in which he cudnt cancel

Hope everyone is ok!!! if i havent got anyone on FB add me - samira magrabi - im on this all the time as on my mobily hehe! xxxxx

Claire - be strong and tell her she cant bring them! you dont want your special day ruined!!!! cant you lie....say that you cant bring children under 16 for visiting coz of spread of colds/illnesses etc??? or just be honest and say you want to have a relaxed environment and no children! it is not being unfair at all! xxxxx
Claire, I've been trying to post in your thread in Third Tri but it won't let me for some reason- it wants to keep logging me out! This is what I was trying to say anyway:

That's it Claire, I'm going to kill you now!!!

Seriously, good luck- hope it's the start of things for you :) I will be checking FB obsessively from now on ;) xx

Got there in the end!!

As for me, nothing to report. Still quiet, still no signs, twinges or symptoms despite my best efforts and trying EVERYTHING to get bubba moving along. Have got a midwife appointment tomorrow, and I may well cry and beg her!!
I think I must have unsubscribed to this thread!!!!! Stupid me!

Im taking LO to beddy byes now so will catch up asap xxx
Sorry I disappeared for so long! Eliza Belle finally arrived on Sunday 17th July at 2pm! She weighed 8Lbs 9oz of pure gorgeousness! :cloud9:

She's absolutely beautiful and she makes my heart burst when I look at her. Along with my amazing husband she completes my world :cloud9:

I had a very traumatic birth that ended in a major episiotomy and forceps delivery at the last minute. I lost a lot of blood so was pretty weak for a while and to top it off ended up going back into hospital in an ambulance this monday as I got an infection caused by some membranes being left behind in my uterus - which meant I started painfully contracting again (more gas and air!!)...didn't think I'd be going through that again so soon!!! I have antibiotics now though so am feeling much better!

Anyway - my little angel is worth every last bit of pain. She's so amazing! She's pretty demanding and wants to eat ALL the time but she's very patient with her mummy!

Full birth story to follow when I can - right now I have Eliza chomping on my boob and it's giving me back ache typing one handed and holding on to her!!!

Congratualtions to all the other limbo baby arrivals that have come since I've been AWOL! And cant wait to hear news of more on the way!

lots of love xxx

Here's some pickies xxx


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