Have been rubbish and been meaning to get on all week but just havent had time, keep checking the old FB on my phone and havent been on the computer really.
Havent caught up but we have more Limbo babies, Samira and Heather, is there anyone else I have missed this week? Yasmin or MrsPop must have popped by now, I dont have them on my FB.
Well the last week has flown by, Jacob is 8 days old all ready. He is good as gold, dont know I ve got him. We are bottle feeding, the boy is a sucker and my poor old nips were red raw and bleeding as he was just sucking for comfort so he is now on Cow & Gate and dummies which are all working fine. He has had his moments of being up in the night but he isnt too bad really. Phoebe is besotted with him, a little too much, most of my day is spent telling her to leave him alone, she needs to be constantly touching and hugging him lol. The novelty will wear off soon though.
Myself, Im fine. Got over the birth very quickly, had no tears or stitches which helped. Was a bit achey for a day or too but it all seems to be easier the second time round. Bleeding is lighter, boobs werent as sore, hardly any tears or 'baby blues' so its all good. My blood pressure is still fluttering around the high mark, going up and down so Im being observed for that, still not been put on meds yet but its an option. And I have ankle bones again

I have mostly written my birth story so will try to finish and post before any of third tri forget who I am lol.
I hope the rest of you ladies are ok, the time is nearing and soon we will all have our lovely little babies. The end is in sight girls
And now introducing my gorgeous baby boy, Jacob (is the double of his daddy).........