Limbo Ladies!!

Oh wow Eliza is gorrrrrrgeous!!!!!! Congrats!

I've posted my birth story on my journal and in birth stories and announcements, it is pretty traumatic too. I had an EMCS due to foetal distress after 36 hours of labour reaching 8/9cm and my poor Alice became very unwell and we were readmitted the day after discharge. It's been an extremely tough time, we've had to go with FF due to poor Alice being unwell and both DH and I are pretty emotionally scarred from the entire experience, so much in that we no longer want any other children. Luckily Alice is much better now, though she has a heart murmur :( ... and DH and I are getting to know our daughter as we were robbed of that chance in her first 5 days thanks to terrible postnatal care.

Samira - I certainly miss being pregnant! I miss my bump so badly :)
Hey ladies!!!

Oh my goodness heather, Eliza is GORGEOUS!!! Sorry it wasn't quite too plan but you're right, they are worth every second of pain.

MrsPop, I'm sorry for you too :( Poor you and Alice. She also is amazingly gorgeous :cloud9: I'm sad it's put you off having anymore kids aswell but of course that's your decisions :hugs:

And to anyone who isn't on my facebook or seen my 3rd tri thread I'm being induced tomorrow! My waters broke yesterday morning but haven't gone into labour myself :( I'm not sure why I'm surprised because the same happened with Jayden! I just hope everything goes well tomorrow and I get my VBAC! Will update when I can but facebook will be updated 1st :) xxx
Firstly Heather- Eliza is absolutely GORGEOUS!! I love the photo of the three of you- a perfect little family :) Glad to hear you're on the mend now after your difficult birth.

Laura- I'm so sorry to hear that you had such a traumatic experience. Poor Alice has been through a lot already. Hope that you're all getting the time to bond with each other now *hugs*

Ooh, Claire should be well on her way now. Noodles should be here any time soon :)

As for me, nothing to report I'm afraid. Went to the midwife on Wed (due date) and said he is really, really, really down now but still nothing is happening! I've had odd cramps and stabbing pains but nothing that fits in with patterns of contractions. She said it sounds like he's trying, but isn't quite getting there! It was super demoralising to see her write 'no signs of labour' in my notes though :( She's booked me in for a sweep on Monday (40+5) so I'm just hoping that my cervix is doing something, that means it might help things on their way. They also said when I was having my sweep, they would also give me a date for induction :( Based on how long the hospital let us go for, I think I'll be looking at a week on Monday.

Emily- I totally sympathise hon!
my god hopeful, sounds awful but Eliza is absolutly goooorjus!!!! and love the pic of your new family! i need to get a pic of chris, me and Hayden! we havent got one yet, well we do when he literally popped out as my mum took pics n videoed (i havent had the guts to watch it yet) but not after he was cleaned up etc!

Hayden is doing fab, he has put on so much weight! he is well over his birth weight now which the MW said is unusual for a BF baby!!! to be fair i do produce a silly amount of milk and he feeds every hour n half so im not surprised!!

Oooh i have a fab app on my phone, its called Baby ESP (on android) so im not sure what it would be for i phone. bit its fab, you can log when he feeds, how long for, when he goes to sleep, when he wakes up, when you change his nappy, what boob you BF on so you know which one to do next time, when he bathed etc! i have found it sooooo useful to estimate when he will have next feed, how long ago i changed him and how long i think he will sleep for! definately recommend you finding a similar app!!!! xx
Hi everyone, just checking up on progress! Congratulations Heather, Eliza is beautiful and so is Hayden Samira! Congrats too MrsPOP, at least the trauma is now over and you can enjoy your baby girl. Good luck to Claire for induction and come on Kim!

5 days to go here, nothing happening though. No twinges (although I wouldn't really know what to look for anyway!), no show and no signs of imminent labour other than the midwife telling me on Friday that the baby is very deeply engaged and I may not need my midwife appt this Friday! I'd like to at least get to my due date on Saturday - I've started taking raspberry leaf tea capsules and have sat on my ball a bit more but am not going hell for leather on the eviction proceedings, this baby will come when it likes I think! I've waterproofed the bed this morning though with a protector and one of those horrible mat things just in case something happens and ruins the bed, lol!

Thinking about it, I have felt sick every so often and have been going for number 2's more regularly so you never know. I think I'm getting ready slowly... My main problem (and the reason I'm not on here much) is that I am quite simply absolutely terrified and so trying not to read too much about births etc. I am excited to meet the baby of course but I can't see much past the birth at the moment and am trying to sort my head out as I don't want to be a pain in the ass at hospital when I'm labouring. I've started to panic every time I think about it which is not ideal! Ho hum, baby has to come out somehow so will just have to get over it.

Good luck to everyone and congrats on our new babies again! Will be back soon... x
Hey Vicki :) Nice to see you on here again! Sounds like you're slowly but surely getting ready for proceedings! (By the way, I've also waterproofed my bed lol).

Have had a demoralising day really. Went in for a sweep today at 40+5 and despite the midwife saying for weeks that his head is REALLY low down and also saying the same thing again today, she couldn't do the sweep because my cervix is still long and completely closed :( She's booked me in for another one on Thursday (41+1) but it really felt like she was doing it because she felt sorry for me. She's going to be ringing me anytime now with a time for my induction, which will be next Monday.

I feel like my body is letting me down :(
Hey ladies

Not really caught up but it doesn't look too busy anyway lol. Baby Ava was born on 29th July at 9.20am, unfortunately by another emergency c-section. I'm only just out of hospital today aswell lol. Will write a proper birth story when I get the chance, I'm so tired just now lol. xxx
Congrats again Claire :)

waitingforastork - God I remember that feeling of my body letting me down so well. Not just before Alice was born but afterwards too. But 2 weeks afterwards it's started to not be a problem anymore.

I'm sending plenty of labour dust to those waiting for their bubs. Listen girls, however it goes it will be worth it I promise. It was hard for me to see for a while but I do now :hugs:
Thanks Laura.
I think it's amazing how well you've coped with all that you've had to deal with- I'm keeping you as my inspiration!

Midwife rang me back last night with different dates- next sweep will now be Friday morning and if there's no success from that, I'll be induced on Saturday afternoon.
Good luck Kim, hope the sweep does the trick. I've got a midwife appt on Friday morning at 39+6, chances of her giving me a sweep anyone...? Should I ask (if I ask would she do it?) or keep schtum and wait another week? I can't deal with the nerves/panic anymore so would just like to get on with it! Not to mention the moiderous phone calls/messages/emails all day every day from people I've barely had any contact with for months/years! Seriously people, if and when it happens I will not be shy in announcing it! Even my grandma's rung twice today asking 'if I'm alright' but really tooting for info, the more I have to talk about it the worse I feel!
Vicki, that annoyed the life outta me! I had it aaaaalllll the time with Jayden and vowed never to ask a pregnant woman again 'are you still pregnant?!' Hope baby comes soon though and I'm still saying it's a boy and will be born on the 6th August :smug:

Baby Ava is absolutely amazing :cloud9: Jayden is an amazing big brother and so gentle with her. I genuinely don't think I could ask for better or more gorgeous kids. Will add a photo.....................

Jayden and Ava.jpg

I can't remember if I added my birth story, will check back and see xxx
So you all know that my waters broke last Tuesday morning and I spent the day in hospital for them to decide if they'd gone (no brainer!) and the scan on Wednesday showed the water level really low. So I went to be induced on Thursday morning and they said they weren't gonns start the induction because they were really busy and didn't want to comprimise my care. So all day Thursday was spent watching tele and waiting. Was told at about 4pm that nothing was going to happen, and to just get a good sleep that night as they're be starting really early Friday morning. So Alan went home and I got into bed and the midwife came in at 9.30pm and said they'd be starting then! Lol, Alan came back and we got sorted and was all hooked up and contractions started about 11.30pm and by God they hurt!!! Much worse than I remember with Jayden as they were everywhere, in my belly, hips, back. Was checked and was only 1cm - boo! Lol, got a clip on babys head cos the trace was crap and kept loosing her heartbeat. The Dr 'stretched' me to 2cm lol.

Contractions kept coming with barely any breaks and eventually I asked for an epidural at about 5am-ish and by 5.30am it was in - but it only worked on the right side! Lol. Got to just before 7am and was checked - still 2cm so it needed to be an emergency c-section. Got to theatre and the dr tried the spinal but it still didn't work on the left side of me so I had to get a General anesthetic. Baby Ava was born at 9.20am on 29th July and I woke up about an hour later and had a beautiful baby girl.

Was supposed to get out Sunday but Ava developed jaundice and needed photo therapy so had to stay another day, and I was demented. Forgot about the 'baby blues' I got on day 3 with Jayden and spent most of the day crying lol. Got other this afternoon though so all in all I spent 5 days in hosital and do not want to go back any time soon lol.

My scar is not too bad although there's staples in there, I need to inject myself every day with clot busting stuff to reduce the threat of blood clots in my legs. But my baby is here safely and that's all that matters

Jayden is doing fantastic with her, I honestly couldn't have asked for a better big brother for her. I cannot believe how much more love you get once you have 2 babies, it's unreal.

Well done if you got this far, it's a bit of an essay!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
awww waitin4astork you poor thing!!!! fingers crossed you go natural before the sweep :(

And congrats claire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ava (BOOOOTFUL NAME) is sooo gorjus!!! sorry the birth wasnt easy but she is here safe and your ok and thats all that matters! I cant believe our pregnancies are nearly all over! its really emotional!

Are you all over in the babyclub yet? xx
congrats again claire - thats a beautiful picture!

as for me - 3 days overdue (tickers out a day)
and nothing ....... getting annoyed now, i'm so uncomfortable!
Gorgeous pic Claire :)

Thanks Samira- going a little bit crazy now to be honest!

Vicki- I think it'd be worth asking about a sweep at your appointment. Mine wouldn't do it at the appointment but booked it in for 5 days later.

Emily- I feel your pain!

Well, I've had an odd couple of days. Ended up at the ANDU on Tuesday night because my hands and feet had basically exploded- they were ridiculously swollen! Took my BP which was a bit high, and they found protein in my sample. So, I had to go back last night so they could give me blood test results and check on my BP. Everything seemed to have settled down- bloods were clear, no protein in latest sample and BP, although a bit high, had come down a bit. They monitored baby and he was great- heart rate spot on and moving loads. They monitor also picked up on some tightenings although I couldn't feel them, so I had another sweep attempt- still couldn't do it :( Cervix still too long although she said it's soft now so something is happening- just very slowly! Going for the last sweep attempt tomorrow, but it's pretty fixed in my head that I'll be having the induction on Saturday.
I'm sorry Kim, but at least you know baby will be here just shortly. Inducion isn't as bad as everyone makes out, I've had it done twice now lol. I hope you'll still go by yourself :hugs: xxxx
Just because my induction sucked a-hole doesn't mean everyone's is. My Alice was in a silly position, I don't think I was ever destined to have a vaginal birth with her.

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