Spidey: Kira is so cute, I definitely wouldn't be worried about her speech, Natasha doesn't get the whole word a lot of the time either and will only get either the start or end of it. I LOVE the pool and would love to live in a climate that you could swim outside
- Yay for 2 mommy friends, dont be scared you will be fine
- I love DH's fathers day card, you have great ideas.
Shiv: I love the 1st lot of bedding, where did you find it as I found it really hard to get something nice like that in a double, although it got to the stage where I had looked at so many I was goggle eyed
so I could have actually seen and not actually remember, but I dont think so as it is exactly what I was looking for. Yay for Sophia sleeping better, isn't it gas how are LO's are so different. Natasha actually settled better when we put the pillow in the second night.
Yeah now that you say it my mam has never stayed with me because we live so close too, and I think it would actually be weird
- my dad stayed with me alright when he got out of hospital when I was pregnant on Natasha as they are seperated. I have cooked for them both loads though as if they happen to call at dinner time I usually do extra and include them in the pot.
Cleck: Yay for a lovely clean cut lady garden
- and yay for Emma's height, she is flying up 3 inches is a huge difference. Thats a pain in the bum for all new clothes though. Not long now, I'm so excited for you
Well the appointment went as I kind of expected it today with the consultant, he didn't really tell me anything I didn't know already, but he was really nice, he told us that he was very sorry for our loss and that he knew it was no concolation to us but that 1 in 5 pregnancies end in MC and that it was through no fault of my mine but that he could only put it down to extremely bad luck that we had been through two and that I was at an increased risk of this because of the PCOS and that he couldn't guarantee that it wouldn't happen again but to stay positive and that at least my fertility seems to have increased from when we were ttc with Natasha. He also had no explanation as to why both mc were mmc. He has given me a prescriptiion for asprin and I am to take that as soon as I become pregnant and take it until 34 weeks and I am to book into the Early Pregnancy Until to be monitored from 7 weeks. We also discussed how badly depressed I am getting lately with PMT I get around OV time and said that there is medication that will help but that we would look at that later as it is not suitable for pregnancy so he wouldn't recommend it at the moment if we are going to TTC soon. So at least I know I'm doing all that I can now to help prevent another one
- I did find it a bit upsetting though dragging it all back up and seeing all the scan pictures again so I had a little cry to DH when we came out
but I feel better now.
On the upside the nurse did my blood pressure and a height and weight check before I went in and my bmi is back to normal (just under the underweight, but I'm delighted that it is not over weight anymore
) - I have started the re-feed as we are out for DH's nans birthday this saturday so I dont expect to lose anything this week but I'm only a tiny bit off my target (yesterday I was only 2 and 3/4 lbs away from it, but this morning I had put back up 3/4s so I have 3.5lbs to lose, but I reckon I could do with going to the loo and that is what the extra is today) - so hopefully I will do the maintance which is 2 shakes and one healthy meal and that will shift the last lot.
I also brought two of the dresses back and got another one which I'm happier with, I really think I did try on too many and panic bought the last day. I hate shopping anyway
- I actually have them up on fb so my friend could see them so I will change the settings tomorrow and give you a look at them all, I'm too lazy to log back in now as I really should be in bed.
I must also put up some videos of Natasha singing I think the ones I have are from last month and one in April as I can't seem to get any at them moment but again I will stick them up on fb tomorrow so only you guys can see as I'm singing in some of them and I'm not letting the world see that