***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Cleck - please don't worry about Emma, that isn't why I posted it, I am starting to think that Sophia is speeding ahead with her speech (not bragging), she just caught on one day and hasn't stopped since, I certianly don't think that anyone else's little ones are "behind" in comparison. She talks better than her cousin who is 10 months older than her :wacko:.

Now I feel bad for posting. Everyones little ones have their own special talents, it just so happens that Sophia is a blabbermouth like her Mother!
Oh no don't feel bad! I had the biggest grin on my face watching it. Emma liked watching it too. :hugs: It is just amazing to me how well she speaks. I know Emma will speak like that in her own time but it's just so hard to picture right now. :haha: We are still on one word answers here. I know my niece is a year older than Emma and she still doesn't speak much. But by the time they hit kindergarten age they are all in the same place with it all. :D
In that case I give Emma one month until she is stringing several words together, it happens SO quickly once they get the hang of it. Treasure any quiet you get because Sophia will not Shut up now :haha:

on the down side, she is not taking well to her new bedding, I really hope she gets used to it soon!
I agree Cleck, they definitely all get to the same level and catch up with one another so I wouldn't worry. I can remember all your LO's crawling, rolling and all that other stuff and Natasha wasn't doing any of it and now she runs around the same as any other child her age. I also understand you being upset with sharing Emma. I love having Natasha to myself on my days off during the week, but I do treasure the breaks when DH comes home on a cranky day too, so I bet you will love having some time to yourself :thumbup:

Shiv: Wow Sophia is so clear with her talking, even though Natasha has quiet a lot of chatter it is no where near as clear as that, she speaks like a year old and has all of the proper sounds where as Natasha will still miss a lot of l's and t's and that. We also have more single words, she is putting more words together now but only the odd full sentence. I loved watching ALL of the video. :thumbup: I love the new bed and love those cushions. It is really hard to find nice bedding. I also looked at that duvet set from Next but thought the same that it was too pink when I had already painted the wall pink and was looking for something with some pink and also greens and yellows on it. I can't wait to see how she gets on in the double bed as we hope to eventually put Natasha in a double too as we already had one in that room before we changed it to her room and it seems a shame to get rid of it and buy a single when she will probably be looking for a double eventually. Dont give up on the duvet yet I bet it wont take long. I know I was convinced we would never get Natasha liking hers by the way the first night went and she really loves it now. She doesn't really stay covered though once she is asleep so I cover her up again before I go to bed. She is probably still adjusting to the new house too.

Spidey: It looks like you are in the lead for making a new mommy friend :haha: - I also do the same with shopping and plan our meals for the week ahead but I dont always stick to it. I usually buy enough veg, potatoes, rice or pasta and meat to do particular meals, but I also have extra chicken and meat in the freezer. I'm not keen on the meat from the supermarket so we usually go the butchers once a month and fill the freezer. So then during the week I take out whatever I fancy for the next day to thaw out and it could have been one of the meals I planned when I was doing the shopping or it could be something completely different - so I'm not so much a domestic godess :haha:

Well the shopping was a bit of a disaster, I thought we were going to have a nightmare trying to find something for my mam and she was dressed in the first hour with not only something for the wedding but something for the day after and I couldn't find anything. I eventually did get a dress but my sister thought it was horrible and did nothing for me, but we would have very different tastes in clothes. She likes to have the most up to date fashion that is going. She was trying to get me into one of those new prom style dresses, and they did really suit my shape and were lovely but they didnt' feel like a dress you would wear to a wedding and a bit too school girl or something on me :dohh: - We searched the whole city and found nothing else and came back to our local town and I got another two dresses, (the plan was to try them on for DH and bring the one back and have one for the wedding and one for my birthday) but I think now that I panic bought because I tried them on and got DH to take a photo as my friend wanted to see them and wont be down until the weekend and I hate the photos :dohh: - I'm now thinking the fact that the one my sister wanted me to get suited my shape so much that I could maybe get that and get netting underneath so that it felt a bit more wedding like.
Score 2 for Spidey! I have 2 potential new friends now :rofl: My first friend is coming to my house next Monday, and I'm thinking of inviting my other newly aquired friend too, but more than likely we'll meet separately since she has a 10 week old too and lives about 20 minutes away- so I'll probably make the drive to her house. I shall see though! This is starting to get really stressful. There's a reason why I don't keep in contact with ANY of my high school friends. I am awful at maintaining friendships!

I met both these women on a local yahoo group for women who do attachment parenting so I shouldn't get any strange looks as Kira hangs off my boob the whole time :haha:

Shiv- I LOVED watching your video! Sophia is so talented in her talking and her jumping :haha: She talks so well and like Cleck said, makes Kira seem much much younger! I took a little video of Kira today that I'll try to post later- inspired by you because I really enjoyed the randomness of your video. And your house looked very tidy in the background too you domestic goddess!

jelr- thats too bad dress shopping wasn't faster and more fun. Is there any chance you could go back and try to get the style that suited you better? When is the wedding? Try the dress on again tomorrow and you might like it better... it sounds like you tried on too many dresses today!
Kira getting her swimsuit :)

Spidey - Kira is just the cutest, she clearly understands everything you say to her, and she is definately making the sounds of words now, "daddy" for sure! Do you have an actual swimming pool in your back garden or just a paddling pool?

Wow - check you out with your new friends! I was supposed to meet up with some girls today but my parents are visiting and I would have had to leave after half an hour of being there so I called a rain check. I am now friends with 3 of them on facebook and one has made a few comments on my status's which are pretty funny and exactly my sort of humour. She aso invited me over for a coffee so i am hoping to see her on Friday once my mum has left. I am feeling kind of confident that I might have a friend or two to chat to. ALthough I have learnt that I quite like just hanging out with Sophia and that sometimes having places to go and people to meet is a bit of a pain!:haha: i guess I just like to know that I people there to see if I need to, but I am not fussed if I have people to see all the time if that makes sense?

jelr - sorry the shopping didn't go as well as you had hoped, if you want some unbiased opinions you could alwways put the photos up here!

Cleck - Corey must be home some time this week - eek! best get your bikini line in order :haha:

My parents are coming over today - my Dad is going golfing for a few days so mum is staying here until Thursday night. This is going to sound weird, but my Mum has never stayed in my house. As in she has never slept over (we lived so close that there was never any need). I am looking forward to her coming, but think it is going to be a bit wierd "waiting" on my mum, making her dinner etc
Been doing some more searching for bedding and I quite like these, what do you think?

Oh and also, we took Sophia's pillow away last night before she went to bed, and it was a more successful night. She slept from 7pm to 6.30am, and she did wake at intervals but put herself back to sleep before we got to her. She ovbisoulsly doesn't like pillows!


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Shiv, I bet that will be fun having your mom stay over! My parents have never stayed overnight with me since we've always lived 5 minutes apart.

this is the pool we swim in:

It's my MIL's who lives next to us. In the picture you can see her screened in back deck and my house (and bedroom window). The bright green foliage on the left is bamboo which was planted by DH to create a privacy screen, but MIL was told it was planted to create a more tropical feel to the yard. Little does she know that it will "grow out of control" and create a solid wall between the 2 houses :haha: Kira makes us get in MIL's pool everyday. My MIL bought that pool about 5 years ago but has swam in it 10 times total. All day she will talk about how she plans to swim in it but she's so lazy that she never actually gets on her bathing suit and climbs in :dohh: This is the 1st year I've swam in it because I know that MIL will use it against me one day- either blame me for a hole or try to make me give her money to maintain it.

Shiv, I love all the bedding that you've shown so far! I really liked the bed frame that you're getting too :thumbup: Make sure you take before and after pictures because I love those kinds of things :haha:
We just make DH's father's day present...


DH has a wood working catalog and they play a game where DH says "what should Daddy buy?" and Kira points to a tool on the page. DH loves playing that game :haha: So we took his catalog and I asked her what we should buy daddy and I cut out everything that Kira picked! I hope DH doesn't notice :rofl: Kira had a meltdown at the end because she stuck the Dora sticker on it and then changed her mind. We're having a very whiney morning here!
Shiv- OMG I think you are reading my mind because I just whacked my lady garden off this morning so it's all smooth now. :rofl::rofl: It wasn't too bad to begin with. Oddly I shave that more often than I shave my legs and armpits. :rofl: Okay, out of all the bedding you posted, I like the first attachment in the last post if that makes sense. The flowers with the brighter pink bottom half. I love the wall decals and everything. I also like the bed frame you guys have chosen. It's gonna look so good when you guys are done. :thumbup:

spidey- Kira is so cute!!! She is much more like Emma with speech and behavior. I can't believe you are worried about Kira's speech to the point of thinking she'll need therapy. I think she's fine! That is totally awesome that your MIL has a pool you can use. So it's a nice pool but you don't have to do the upkeep. :haha: I would hate living that close to my MIL though. I love my MIL but I think it'd get old fast. You said your MIL gave you guys the land though right? So it's worth it since you didn't have to pay for the land. :lol: I love the fathers day gift too. You always come up with the most fun ideas.

I finally got around and went to walmart today. I seriously needed so much stuff like cleaning supplies that had run out so now I should be good for a few more months. :haha: And the dogs food was nearly gone. I always buy a giant 50 lb bag so I hate going because the cart is so hard to push while holding Emma's hand as she walks at the same time. Because she refuses to sit in a cart now. :dohh: I measured Emma's height yesterday because her dresses are suddenly too short. She's 32 inches tall now! So has grown 3 inches since I last had her measured. So I need to go to 24 month dresses because they are the right length. :dohh: She wasn't even in the 18 month ones very long. The jeans and tops still fit her in 18 months but I think I'm gonna be slowly making the switch again.
Spidey: Kira is so cute, I definitely wouldn't be worried about her speech, Natasha doesn't get the whole word a lot of the time either and will only get either the start or end of it. I LOVE the pool and would love to live in a climate that you could swim outside :haha: - Yay for 2 mommy friends, dont be scared you will be fine :thumbup: - I love DH's fathers day card, you have great ideas.

Shiv: I love the 1st lot of bedding, where did you find it as I found it really hard to get something nice like that in a double, although it got to the stage where I had looked at so many I was goggle eyed :haha: so I could have actually seen and not actually remember, but I dont think so as it is exactly what I was looking for. Yay for Sophia sleeping better, isn't it gas how are LO's are so different. Natasha actually settled better when we put the pillow in the second night.

Yeah now that you say it my mam has never stayed with me because we live so close too, and I think it would actually be weird :haha: - my dad stayed with me alright when he got out of hospital when I was pregnant on Natasha as they are seperated. I have cooked for them both loads though as if they happen to call at dinner time I usually do extra and include them in the pot.

Cleck: Yay for a lovely clean cut lady garden :haha: - and yay for Emma's height, she is flying up 3 inches is a huge difference. Thats a pain in the bum for all new clothes though. Not long now, I'm so excited for you :dance:

Well the appointment went as I kind of expected it today with the consultant, he didn't really tell me anything I didn't know already, but he was really nice, he told us that he was very sorry for our loss and that he knew it was no concolation to us but that 1 in 5 pregnancies end in MC and that it was through no fault of my mine but that he could only put it down to extremely bad luck that we had been through two and that I was at an increased risk of this because of the PCOS and that he couldn't guarantee that it wouldn't happen again but to stay positive and that at least my fertility seems to have increased from when we were ttc with Natasha. He also had no explanation as to why both mc were mmc. He has given me a prescriptiion for asprin and I am to take that as soon as I become pregnant and take it until 34 weeks and I am to book into the Early Pregnancy Until to be monitored from 7 weeks. We also discussed how badly depressed I am getting lately with PMT I get around OV time and said that there is medication that will help but that we would look at that later as it is not suitable for pregnancy so he wouldn't recommend it at the moment if we are going to TTC soon. So at least I know I'm doing all that I can now to help prevent another one :thumbup: - I did find it a bit upsetting though dragging it all back up and seeing all the scan pictures again so I had a little cry to DH when we came out :cry: but I feel better now.

On the upside the nurse did my blood pressure and a height and weight check before I went in and my bmi is back to normal (just under the underweight, but I'm delighted that it is not over weight anymore :thumbup:) - I have started the re-feed as we are out for DH's nans birthday this saturday so I dont expect to lose anything this week but I'm only a tiny bit off my target (yesterday I was only 2 and 3/4 lbs away from it, but this morning I had put back up 3/4s so I have 3.5lbs to lose, but I reckon I could do with going to the loo and that is what the extra is today) - so hopefully I will do the maintance which is 2 shakes and one healthy meal and that will shift the last lot.

I also brought two of the dresses back and got another one which I'm happier with, I really think I did try on too many and panic bought the last day. I hate shopping anyway :haha: - I actually have them up on fb so my friend could see them so I will change the settings tomorrow and give you a look at them all, I'm too lazy to log back in now as I really should be in bed.

I must also put up some videos of Natasha singing I think the ones I have are from last month and one in April as I can't seem to get any at them moment but again I will stick them up on fb tomorrow so only you guys can see as I'm singing in some of them and I'm not letting the world see that :haha:
jelr- YAY for normal weight!!! :dance::dance: I've got so much to lose still before I get to that point. I'm quite jealous. :D I'm sorry you had to go through with the whole mc talk with the consultant. It must be hard having it all brought up again. I truly hope it won't happen again and the next pregnancy is a sticky one for you. :hugs:

I forgot to say I got a peak on my CBFM today. :dohh: So DH will JUST miss my ovulation this month. Which sucks but I did ovulate a day earlier than normal so I have my fingers X'ed that my luteal phase is a day longer somehow. :D
jelr- even though the appointment brought up tons of emotions, it sounds like all went well to me. The aspirin might be all you need, and having them keep a closer eye on you is really good too :thumbup: It's good they can give you something for the monthly depression, so if that returns after baby #2, you know you don't have to suffer with it.

Cleck- how crappy for Corey to miss ovulation by just days!! But I hope you're right and you finally get longer luteal phases while he's here :thumbup:

I'm still waiting on AF. If AF comes Tuesday, then my luteal phase will be 9 days long. My last 3 have been 9, 8 and 6 days long. I have absolutely no symptoms of pregnancy or pms, so I'm expecting AF any hour.

Cleck- Emma really went on a growth spurt! If you're moving back to Indiana then you'll get to buy her real winter clothes this year!

Thanks girls for watching Kira's video :flower: I managed to get me singing Happy Birthday on video, although Kira couldn't blow out the candle. But it's still funny because you can see her fake cry and how she can't say the "M" sound for mama :haha: And notice how I have a bottle of cleaner and a knife laying right next to Kira :dohh: Shiv- I need to watch my other video to find the part where you hear her say "Daddy" :haha: So far I've only heard her say "DAAAAAA" but not daddy.

I haven't watched the video yet but I just LOLed at you saying you left a knife and cleaner by her. I am always forgetting that Emma can now reach the countertops and I accidentally leave knives close to the edge. :dohh: And recently I caught Emma with a bottle of cleaner and she was spraying my sliding glass door. :rofl: She even went and grabbed a towel to wipe after she was done spraying. I think she's learning my obsessive cleaning habits. :rofl:
OMG she's SO much like Emma! Seriously that just reminded me so much of Emma with her whining and than huge grin when she gets her way. :haha: And did she just tell you to stop? LOL! You are a pyro playing with candles and a lighter. Teaching her bad things. :winkwink:

About winter clothes, I KNOW! I keep telling my mom it's gonna suck because we have to get completely bundled up this winter now. The winters in virginia weren't all that bad either so I haven't had a real full winter since 2004 :shock: I got a taste of it last year while living at home for those 3 months but that's not too bad because it was already springtime by the time we were done there. I do still have a lot of zip up sweatshirt hoodies that I will probably live in during the winters. But Emma doesn't have anything that is suitable.
Well, I'm allowed to say now because it's only 24 hours away but DH is home tomorrow!! :dance::dance: They don't let us say until 24 hours beforehand that's why I couldn't tell you ladies. :( I've been cleaning the house like crazy trying to make it perfect before he's back. It's not like my house ever gets that messy in the first place but I feel good spraying down cabinets and light switches and all those wonderful OCD cleaning things that I do at least once a month. :rofl:
:happydance::happydance: Cleckner!!!! I am soooo happy for you!! :happydance: Do you get nervous before you see Corey? Do you have an approximate time, or will you be waiting for the phone call all day tomorrow?

I have slight OCD when it comes to cleaning too :haha: I don't mind having playdough in the rug or toys scattered all over the house while Kira is playing, but at the end of the day I like to have everything put away and clean. When I was pregnant my MIL said to me several times "you can either be a good mom or have a clean house". Grrr.. proved her wrong, huh :haha: I swear it's her favorite thing to say, but now she only says it after she talks about DH's Aunt who has kids. "Aunt Teresa decided she would rather be a good mom than have a clean house. Spidey, one day when you have more kids you'll understand" It makes my blood boil!

Cleck, I love hearing that Emma behaves like Kira. They are very smart and know how to get their way! Hearing you say winters in Virginia weren't that bad makes me feel like a wimp! Maryland winters are only slightly worse than Virginia- I can't imagine what a bad winter must be like!
Cleck that must be SO exciting for you! Have you explained to Emma that her Daddy is coming home? Do you think she understands? I am guessing we wont see too much of you for a while after tonight then :haha:

Spidey - I am sure Kira is saying more than you think, it sounds like she is saying words to the affect of you do it, when she wants you to blow out the candle. Sophia also does a fake cry.
i love the pool that you use, how lovely to have access to that in your back garden, and to have the weather to use it!
Did AF show up yet?
no AF yet, but I'm feeling really ugly today so she should show up soon! The urge to chop off my hair is becoming overwhelming once again :haha:

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