***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

MJ- I like the name Luke too. It goes really well with Adam. Out of your list, Evan is my favorite though. :haha: But I like E names. EEk about the flooding!! I would've been panicking if that were me. :hugs:

shiv- Have fun tonight!! :dance: I'm sure it'll be great even without the kids.

spidey- Well I just calculated my phase and it was actually 12 days!! OMG! :shock::dance: Hopefully it will stay that way now!! I wonder if my losing weight has helped at all.

I think it's a mixture of things that is making me grumpy. I definitely want to be back home. There is no question about that. But thinking about living with my inlaws for 7 months or more is just making me freak out. I love my inlaws but I have a feeling they will start taking over with Emma and telling me how to parent her, I know they will hate that I'm still breastfeeding her because they were against me still feeding her the last time I lived at home. SILs kids are always around because they live right next to the inlaws. Well her kids are always sick and they get Emma sick every single time we go home to visit. So that makes me freak out a bit about being there so long because soon we won't have health insurance so I'm freaking out that Emma will be sick and we can't pay for a doctor. I am going to keep looking at houses but I have a feeling we won't buy yet. I'm thinking it's pointless to buy yet when we don't know where DH will find a job and the school he wants to go to is 2 hours away so we would probably have to move to that town for a few years while he goes to school. :roll:

I'm so glad DH can just take me being grumpy and roll with it. :haha: This morning he sent a text saying he knows I'm not awake but he loves me. Which is a nice thing to wake up to. Although I also woke up to Emma screaming at me for no reason so that soured the morning a bit.

Anyone elses LOs sometimes just seem to wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Emma has these days where she just screams at me for every little thing. This morning was because I got up to pee and she wanted me to stay in bed to cuddle longer. :dohh: Than it was because we took a bath together and I got out before her to get dressed while she kept playing and she didn't want me to leave so she screamed and climbed out following me while screaming. :dohh: She is SO clingy lately. It's driving me crazy. I'm sure it doesn't help that her life is always changing. DH is in and out with having duty every 4 days. We are always moving house so she is dealing with me packing away our stuff already. It must be really hard on her. But even knowing how hard it must be, I still get upset when she screams at me all day. :haha:
Aww Cleck, sorry your feeling so grumpy. It is probably stress from not knowing what is going to happen in your future and money being tight. I know how hard that is over the last while and I think it is hard to get used to when your not used to worrying about money ifkwim. Dont be mad at Corey though as he is probably just as worried as you, but I dont think men show it as much. I know my DH is really laid back and acts like he doesn't have a care in the world but I know a few times lately he has said that he was worried about work or money and just didn't want to let on so as not to worry me. Once all this stress is over I bet everything will work out and you will be much happier closer to friends and family and Corey will get a good job and you wont need to worry about health insurance. :hugs: - Yay for a 12 day luteal phase - I bet it increased this month because you weren't even thinking about it :happydance:

Yep Natasha has days like that particularly if she hasn't slept well and is tired and she just gives out for absolutely everything. She is probably more clingy as she knows you are stressed too. Last week when I was upset Natasha spent the two days I was off giving me loads of cuddles and kisses and just lying on my shoulder anytime I was carrying her and as I have said before she is not a cuddly baby so I think she just sensed that I was upset and was trying to comfort me :thumbup:

MJ: I would say you can not wait to see the back of your freeholder - he/she sounds like a right arse. I really hope that the buyer loves the house and realises what a good bargain it is even with the work that is needed. I'm so glad Adam is being good for you and wow for a 4 hour nap, did he still go down tonight for you. Natasha usually only sleeps for an hour or two and if she has anymore she wont sleep at night :dohh: - Glad the heat has settled down a bit. I really like Luke too and Jamie, although Jamie is something I would never call one of my own because it is too near James and I'm convinced that it is a bad omen in my family :haha: as DH, my Dad and my brother are all James and they all have had to fight the demon drink, although thankfully DH as you know is in recovery for 19 years now and my brother about 5 I think and my Dad is meant to be off of it, although I have my suspicions that he has slipped lately, although since Natasha was born I have decided I am sticking my head in the sand and dont want to know because I have realised that if all his surgery didnt stop him I can't and he has to get to that place himself so it is best if I dont know. I know it is silly but if I had a son I would be convinced that he would have to battle it one day which is totally stupid because of a name :haha:

Spidey: Yay for having a job past September again :dance: but OMG that is so annoying about that they keep changing their minds :dohh:, I think getting something in writing this time would definitely be a good idea, that would drive me crazy. - I have 1 sister and 5 brothers all younger than me, we are like steps of stairs and my youngest brother is 20.

Shiv: I hope your dinner is going well, which I'm sure it is and I'm sure you will all have lots to talk about even without the children there. I'm also glad that DH got your MIL down to babysit, although I know it is a pain having her for 2 days but at least you didn't have to cancel. You were right to flip out, I would have too, that is one of the only things that DH and I tend to fight about is if he has to work late or do extra work - thankfully with this new job he is home by 5.30 and 6 at the latest. Did Sophia's furniture arrive yet and have you moved her into her bed?

Well not much news from me. Only next week left in work I hope :thumbup:

Oh I meant to tell you all, I think we had a big conversation at the weekend and I think we are actually going to put ttc off until Oct / Nov. DH is happy enough to ttc whenever I am really and just wants me to be ready and I thought I was but now that the time is getting closer I really want to just enjoy the summer off with Natasha and not be stressing about ttc or giving up the fags - I know you probably all think I'm terrible for not just giving up but they really have been my comfort since I was a teenager and I know it is more an addiction in my mind than a physical one, because I dont even smoke that much now since I had Natasha because I dont get a chance to get outside when I'm here on my own with her, but I know if I do it over the summer when I'm off I will have more time to think about it and stress about them where as I know September will be busy so I will have less time to focus on it if that makes sense and I know on the other hand there is not going to be a good time to do it and I'm probably just kidding myself by thinking that but when I quit this time I want it to be for good and not just because I'm pregnanat and have to, so the plan is to start the champix around the middle / end of August because you keep smoking on them for the first couple of weeks and then my date for stopping will be when I go back to work.

I suppose I'm scared too that if I was to become pregnant over the summer I would be stressed and worrying that it would end in another mc and I dont want the time off with Natasha to be stressful and full of worry and I just really want to enjoy maybe / hopefully our last summer on our own together because if the one thing the second mc has taught me is that we are so so lucky to have her and that her pregnancy didn't end in the same way so I just really want to treasure this summer and again I know if I was to fall pregnant with more time to think I would only worry more. My mind works better when I dont have too much time to think :haha: - I know I will be kept plenty busy with a toddler to look after but you know yourself it is all more pysical work than mental work and because playing doesn't take too much brain power I know my mind will wander off to either cigs or pregnancy stress where as when I'm back to work, my mind is tired when I come home and is too tired to think about anything else only looking after Natasha and playing :haha:

Ack I'm probably just kidding myself but it just feels like the right thing and feels like this summer is family time for us all (obviously DH only gets a look in in the evenings and weekends and it is more me and Natasha time) but I just want it be about the 3 of us with no stress as it feels like this year has been stressful enough and still is to a certain extent with money and getting his new job off the ground and it does feel like one thing after another this year even with stupid stuff like stuff breaking around the house. The shower went last week and our washing machine went on new years day (think maybe that was a bad omen for something so big and expensive to go on the first day of this year :haha:)

Hopefully I wont need the full 3 month course of the champix and will be happy to come off of them after a month or so and as soon as I do we can ttc then :thumbup: - Hope you dont mind me still coming in here when we are not ttc but I miss you girls when I dont and really feel a bond to you all after you all helped me so much after the mmc.
thanks for the input on the names, ladies. :D at the moment Joel is definitely the front-runner, since I really can't have Luke :cry: - tried C with it again tonight and he said absolutely no way. I do like Jamie but I think he'd get people assuming he was James, and it wouldn't be James, since it breaks a rule of mine not to have a name ending in "s". If I didn't mind that, I'd be pushing for Linus, but I just think it's all too much "s" what with our surname beginning with "s". my mother prefers Euan, a good Scots name, but I'm not feeling it.

As for the others, on the non-C-sanctioned names - heh - I really liked Evan but then twigged it's just one letter away from my brother's name (add a K to the beginning). and Jonah, it's such a shame, but C really cannot get past this bloody rugby player. it would be up there on the short-shortlist if he liked it. makes me so mad, actually. grrrrrrr!

have a feeling my mother will dislike Joel as she doesn't like Joe. oh well, tough!

as for Adam being good... well... I guess this doesn't count as naughty... but: he went up for a nap around 11-11.30am. I think I heard some sounds of non-sleeping toddler crashing around bedroom, but he will put himself to bed when he's tired, so I wasn't concerned. rang my mum for a chat, since she's been in Oslo the past 2 weeks and we had to catch up.

1/2 an hour into the call and Adam starts wailing, so I went up, still talking to my mum. wasn't even at the top of the stairs when I smelled this - bad smell. I first thought it was puke, and I like like, oh no, where's he been sick, hopefully not the bed... but then saw his dirty nappy. on the other side of the gate, on the landing - exactly where I always put dirty nappies before rinsing them and putting in the bucket! poor Adam is standing there crying, shit on his hands, shit on his face, shit on his arse, shit smeared into the floor (my poor floor! flooded one day, shit smears the next). poor baby had been wearing shortie pyjamas, and he'd somehow managed to get the shorts off (didn't know he knew how to!) and took the nappy off and put it in the place dirty nappies go - I am sure he was trying to change his own nappy! he wan't running around triumphant, in fact I think the shit was spread over the floor because he'd tried to clean it up! I couldn't be annoyed with him (but I wish he'd learn that after you take the nappy off you wipe your bum) and got off the phone and started running the bath.

hours later and it still makes me laugh to think of the poor baby trying to change his own nappy. need to steer him towards the potty, I think... :rofl:

Jean, Adam has been a bit funny about sleep lately, he used to be so easy to go to sleep for naps and bedtime, but he does play up sometimes now. goes to bed ok but then I hear him out of bed rattling the gate. last night and tonight he's done a poo after getting ready for bed, which is annoying because he has never been a night-late evening pooer! but a 4-hour nap wouldn't usually put him off his night's sleep. I think the heat is affecting him just the same as me. though I am expecting his sleep pattern to change, he won't be napping this way for ever (more's the pity).

totally get where you're coming from w/r/t the name that you see as a bad omen/curse. it *is* superstitious but understandable when people with the same name have had similar issues.

your TTC plan sounds like you've given it a lot of thought, and for what my opinion is worth I think you've got some great reasons for waiting. definitely think planning for a fun-filled stress-free summer is a great idea, also knocking the smoking on the head first, just so you don't have the added stress of that when you do get pregnant. just think, TTC in Oct/Nov and you could have another August baby!

Cleck, ouch, you've got a lot on your plate. :( re grumpy babies, yes, definitely Adam has days when he's on the grouchy side - and because he doesn't speak much yet he leaves it to me to figure things out. it can be quite the challenge. his latest thing is to take my by the hand and pull me to whatever he wants, which is ok, only half the time I can't tell what he means, he drags me to the kitchen and pulls my hand up to the worktop, and cries or wails. sometimes I lift him up to see if there is something up there he wants (today he grabbed an apple and seemed happy enough with that) but sometimes there isn't anything! though it's usually actually a bloody dummy. I try my hardest not to let him have one other than sleep times but he finds them or cries so much that I crack. he is also teething again, I caught him poking right in the back of his mouth and then crying, so I had a poke in there myself and there was a hard lump where a 2nd molar would be coming through.

I feel for you on the screaming all day, I find it hard not to scream right back. it really grinds you down. on those days I just pray for a decent nap (him not me) because it's so nice when he goes to sleep grumpy and wakes all cheery smiles.

Shiv, hope everything went well tonight and you found something other than kids to talk about! are you managing to still see a fair bit of your family now you've moved? it must be hard on them, too, not getting to see you whenever they like.

omg, just clocked your ticker - over 27 weeks already, lordy, off to 3rd tri for you :haha:
Cleckner, could you afford to get an apartment back home, one about 5-10 minutes from the inlaws? 7 months is a long time to live under someone else's roof especially if you've been living on your own for years.

grumpy babies- Kira screams at me all the time too. She does the same thing- after we wake up I can't get up and go pee right away or she cries. She'll scream if I do anything that she doesn't agree to. For example, if we're upstairs and I want to come downstairs I might say "hey Kira, lets go downstairs" (Kira shakes her head no) "come on, we're going to eat breakfast, mommy's hungry" (Kira shakes her head no) "ummm.. we can play with blocks" (Kira shakes her head no) "how about we go downstairs and play with playdough" (Kira nods yes and heads downstairs) :haha: She'll scream non stop if I just drag her against her will. Somedays she's much more laid back and other days she's very clingy. MJ- Kira still uses her pacifier. I try not to encourage it but she is really persistent about needing it and it quiets her.

Cleckner- a 12 day luteal phase!!! That is the longest one yet- I thought my 11 day one was awesome last month :happydance:

jelr- I can completely understand you wanting a nice stress free summer with Natasha. :thumbup: Maybe by November my luteal phase will be closer to 12 days and we can be pregnant together :thumbup: I would love another August baby.

MJ- poor Adam and his poopy disaster! He sounds like a sweet and smart boy trying to clean up his own poo. I have a mental image of the mess! The poor floor, first water and now poop! :lol:

Shiv- how did your dinner date go with your mommy friends? Since my playdate I haven't heard from my new mommy friend. I even emailed her a picture of our kids sitting together but never got a response. :shrug:

Joel- Joel is my BIL's name but MIL pronounces it like it rhymes with Noel although everyone else says it with 1 syllable. I never think of his name as being like "Joe". I like the name Joel but of course I would never use it since it's taken in my family :lol:

my work- there's nothing in writing regarding my job. But back in March I had a meeting with the big boss who was supposed to put it in writing that I would lose my job in September. He asked me a few personal questions (where I grew up, etc) and then he felt sorry for me :lol: and said he would try to keep me if he could. I work with very educated people who come from educated well-to do families and I am from a "poor" family and the first one to ever go to college. I guess he felt bad for firing the only local trashy girl he had working for him :haha:

I spent the evening painting the bathroom! It's a light blue color now, I'll take pics when its all done.
Cleck - great news about your 12 day LP, I hope it stays that way for you. I was wondering if it was your weight loss as well. Or maybe Emma fed less? Either way fingers crossed for a BFP real soon x

If Sophia doesn't have enough sleep then she can be a grumpy moo, and nothing I do is right. Luckily is doesn't happen too often!

jelr - sounds like you have really thought through your TTC options and have come to a good decision. You and Natasha will have a blast over the summer. And of course you can stick around here, I feel this group is far more than a ttc group now.You're my friends and I love hearing about all aspects of your lives.

Everything for Sophia's room has been delivered but we haven't decorated or put her be dup yet. I keep delaying as I am scared! And people keep saying they are coming to visit and I want her to able to stay in her bed to get used to it for a few weeks before we kick her out so guests can stay in it. SO we are looking at another couple of weeks.She as started playing in her cot a lot before she goes to sleep at night. I don't mind, she is happy and when she is tired enough she just goes to sleep, but I am guessing it won't be that simple when she can get out of bed. If I am honest I feel David is pushing me a bit into moving her. He was the same with putting her in her own room, and using a duvet etc. I'd keep her the same way forever if it was up to me!

MJ- eek about Adam's poo incident. but bless him for takign the initiative and trying to change his nappy. And he got the dirty one in the right spot!

I am not seeing as much of my family as I did before but am still trying to see them twice a month, which is way more than a lot of people get to do so can't complain!

And yes 3rd tri! I have started really feeling pregnant now. And having not had the hurumphy feeling whne I was pregnant with SOphia about feeling massive (i love dmy bump), I am finding it more difficult and much more tiring with a toddler to run after. I have it in myhead that I will go into labout before the 40 weeks as I went at 39 weeks with Sophia. But then I think - no I assumed last time I would be overdue by 2 weeks which is why I never got to the really fed up stage. But I can feel it will be a moany Shiv for a good month or so before the birth - sorry in advance!

Spidey - look forward to seeing your bathroom! Where are you in your cycle?

Well my dinner with my new friends was ok. We still talked about the kids a lot. The problem is that mostof conversation starters would revolve around stuff like, hwo did you meet your OH, how did he propose, wedding talk, honeymoon, etc etc and because one of teh ladies husband just ram off with a younger woman I dont feel I can ask. So it rules out a whole load of getting to know you questions. But hopefully we will go out and again and it will get better.
Yeah I think it is the right decision. I just feels right at the moment anyway although I nearly did a u-turn after seeing my cousins pictures of her triplets - they are just adorable and so cute together. I would say my cousin gets little sleep though and dont know if I could do it cute and all as they are :haha:

MJ: Sorry but I did laugh reading your post, bless Adam for trying to change his own nappy the poor thing and poor you having to clean up that mess :wacko:

Spidey: that is a pity that the lady didn't respond and that you have heard nothing back from her - how long ago was it again? - Maybe she has something going on and will come back to you soon. I can't wait to see your bathroom once it is all done.

Shiv: I'm so glad the dinner went well, yeah that is a tough one regarding the lady who's husband has left her it really does leave out a lot of conversation starters and it probably brings lots of conversation droppers too depending on her response if she discusses it at all :dohh: - At least you do have the children to talk for conversation starters though and I think it is alright to talk about them too. I know with any of my friends we would talk about them and even the ones who dont have children always ask and are interested in Natasha, although I try not to talk too much about her when they dont have their own to talk about in case I bore them :haha:

I can totally understand you being afraid to put Sophia into a big bed, because I'm terrified of doing it :haha: it was top of my list when we thought there was another baby on the way, but now it is moving futher and further down my list :haha: that is why I'm really interested to see how Sophia does and maybe it will kick me up the bum to start thinking about it again if it goes well :haha:

Well I definitely jinxed myself last night by talking about Natasha having cranky days as she most definitley had one today and we haven't had one in ages. but nothing I did was right today - not food - not playing not anything :dohh: and then to top it off she was turning around and around and made herself dizzy and fell and has a little lump and a bruise on her forehead. I really hate it when she hits her head as I'm always terrified it will do damage, although I'm not good with her falling at all really as she rarely does, I would say I will really die the day she first falls and actually cuts herself which I know is part of toddlerhood but my heart just stops with panic when she is hurt.

Tell me something I would always try and put a cold cloth on her head if she hits it but my friend that has the three small girls was telling me tonight that you actually shouldn't do that as you are meant to let any bleeding out, which actually makes sense but I'm just wondering what everyone else does or if anybody else has heard this. Even though she is nearly two I still feel like I'm constantly learning the best things to do :dohh:

Well I'm going to head to bed I think as I'm wrecked tonight and hope I have a happy little girly tomorrow as it definitely is far more tiring when they are cranky like that and think all the running around trying to get finished for work is catching up on me too as my arthritis is playing up badly today.
Shiv, I can't believe your in 3rd tri already. The time has flown by! More than likely you'll have this one at 39 weeks too but it's best to mentally prepare yourself for a 42 weeker :haha:

jelr- I hope Natasha has a better day tomorrow. I've tried putting cold rags on Kira after she bumps herself but she refuses to leave them on. She hasn't had a bleeding cut yet- just head bumps which I hate too.

I'm expecting to ovulate in 6 days since I started spotting yesterday and the recent trend is that I ovulate 7 days after I spot. It's all becoming so predictable! I never use to spot before I had Kira so its another new thing for me.

So the lady who I had a playdate with must have read my mind because she just sent me an email apologizing for not seeing my earlier email (it's been about 2 or 3 weeks). She's changing jobs so once she's settled into her schedule we're going to arrange for another playdate :thumbup:

Me and DH have a 4 day weekend so today is technically Friday :happydance:
oh Spidey, glad your friend got back in contact! and I hope you are enjoying your long weekend.

David has decided that Sophia will go into her new bed(room) tonight, so we have been decorating today. David just put her down and she is already banging at the door - it is not going to go well and I blame David entirely! i am sending him up to sort her out! I have put some photos of her new room on facebook, set so only you guys can see them, so let me know what you think! I'll give a full report of the horrendous night ahead tomorrow!
I LOVE Sophia's room! so pretty but not OTT girly :D she is very very lucky - hope she appreciates it and doesn't give David too hard a time!

what made him decide that tonight's the night?

(will be back later with a better reply, at work but just wanted to do some gushing!)
Shiv- Her room looks so good!! :dance: I hope the night isn't too bad. :hugs:

I've been really burnt out with BnB lately so haven't been on much. I've been packing still and started reading the sookie stackhouse series of books again. :haha: I'm such a geek. But just haven't really been in the mood to be on here as much for some reason. Must be because I spent SO much time on here when DH was gone so now it's all caught up with me. My post count is ridiculous. :rofl:
Cleck - it is understandable that you might not want to be on here as much as when Corey was away, still nice to hear from you though :flower: How are Emma and Corey getting on now?
Better! She will run up to him and shove him around a bit on the living room floor now to wrestle and play rough which is good. And she has been holding his hand when out in public. Also, our front door beeps when it's opened and every time she hears that beep when he gets home from work she gets this giant grin and giggles because she knows he is home. He still isn't completely satisfied with it all yet though because she refuses to give him kisses. She gives me kisses all the time and it hurts his feelings I think.
I hope Sophia is still asleep for you Shiv. Her bedroom is very pretty and I can't believe how grown up she looks! She's looking a bit mischievous in those pictures and I can't figure out why. Maybe because she's looking right at the camera and grinning :lol:

Cleckner, it sounds like Emma is doing great with Corey. Even if he was home the whole time, Emma would still treat you 2 differently since you're her mommy. I can understand about taking a break from bnb... I go thru periods where I'm here all the time and then sometimes I need a break too.

So far my 4 day weekend is turning out great :thumbup: I have a huge list of chores for DH (want want want want) and he's getting them done :haha:

Kira's been obsessed with a huge bag of flax seed that we keep in the basement. She will spend an hour running her hands through it and pouring it on herself. So right now DH is working down the basement and Kira is entertaining herself with flax seed (and I'm supposed to be making dinner). :haha:
Weeeeeeeeeeeell, actually much better than I expected! David put her down as normal at 7pm, read her a story and left the room. She was immediately up at the door (which she can't open as the landlord put in new carpets and they are so thick that the door needs a real shove to get open - lucky!). David went up and read her another story, then sat by her door, told her not to get out of bed (whcih she didn't - she's such a goody two shoes for him!) and then ignored her until she fell asleep. It took an hour of her pleading and singing and moving around the bed until she just put herself back under the covers and went to sleep. We checked on her when we went to bed and she was lying across the bed with no covers :dohh: But she slept until 7.30am and then refused to get out of bed until David said it was ok!

David just put her down fro her nap and even that seems to haev worked. She cried for a few minutes and has been silent for over an hour!

Problem is it will be my turn to sort her out tonight if she gets up and she doesn't behave as well for me!
yay!!! well done Sophia!! :happydance:

I'm sure she'll soon get used to it and not need encouragement. :lol: do you have toys in her room, or is it just for sleeping? Adam's generally better for C as well, at least at actual bedtime, but he does know that if he makes enough fuss daddy will just come up to bed himself. he never used to be like that, but I guess that's toddlers, keep us on our toes.

though I managed to kind of bribe him into bed myself a bit last night (it didn't last, but he was quiet for a bit...) I got in from work at 10pm and Adam couldn't have been asleep or properly so, because I heard him up and shaking the gate straightaway. so I went up. he wasn't looking like he realised it was bedtime, so I picked up his baby (my old Cabbage Patch doll, Carina, we call her "baby" now!) and sat down with her, ignoring Adam, and cuddled her and talked to her. "Awww, poor baby, do you want to go to sleep but Adam won't go to bed and he's keeping you awake? AWWW, poor baby! let's lie down and try to have a sleepy". Put baby down in Adam's bed and next thing Adam was up at the bed, too, to give her a cuddle as well! so I said, "aww, are you both going to have a sleepy now, awww, goodnight Adam and baby!" and left the room.

it was quiet for about 15 mins anyway. :rofl:

been to Bluewater today and bought a maternity tankini. we're going to take Adam swimming next Fri, and poss the following Monday as well. really want to be able to go, I know he'll love it, and I really need some form of exercise. thinking about roping my friend in to go to ladies' swimming Tuesday evenings at one of the local pools.

also went to John Lewis and scoped out the Phil and Teds. Chris looked utterly horrified, complaining they are too big. um, no, no they aren't, not for a tandem double. I told him we *are* getting one. and then showed him the Bugaboo Donkey and said how about this then? he nearly collapsed. don't blame him, it's bloody massive! so we will be getting a P&T, we saw loads out and about and I pointed out every single one. :haha:

Cleck, so glad to hear it's going well with Corey and Emma!

well done for cracking the whip, Spidey. :rofl: Kira sound so cute with the flax. what do you use it for?
Yipee for Sophia sleeping in her big girl bed :happydance: She's such a sweetheart listening to DH and not getting out of bed. Fingers crossed it's easy for you tonight, but it sounds like it was an overall success so she might go right to bed willingly!

MJ- That is the cutest way to get Adam into bed! :haha: Swimming will be so much fun and I'm sure Adam will love it too. Kira loves swimming even though she's not thrilled with her bath these days.

Flax seed- DH had this strange vision of turning our back yard into a flax field and then harvesting the flax to make fiber. :haha: So he bought several pounds of seed from the farm store and it's been sitting down the basement for a few years now tempting the local mice to find a way into our house.

Kira has been a big time Daddy's girl these past few days and I'm loving it! I've had free time to play on my computer AND I cleaned the bathrooms and started the laundry and its only noon. I might even find time to bake a cake this evening if she keeps it up! DH is trying to get all his chores done and entertain Kira at the same time so maybe by the end of the weekend he'll realize how hard it is to be me :haha:
Sophia went straight to bed tonight after David read her story so I didn;t even have to go in :happydance: Of course there is no guaranteeing she will stay there but woooohooooo anyway!

MJ - how is your weight coming along. My weekly weigh in tomorrow. I have moved my goal from onlyputting on 2 stone to being 12 stone or under when I have baby (which would be a gain of 2st 5 lbs). I wonder what my aim will be in a few weeks time :haha:

Oh and Cleck - how was your weigh in on Friday?
wow, good girl Sophia!

:haha: at the flaxseed - that's the sort of thing Chris would do, I'm kind of dreading how he'll be once he has a garden. he has visions of being self-sufficient. I have visions of a couple of tomato plants. :lol:

I am ashamed to admit but Adam has only been swimming once before, when we were on honeymoon, he was 7 months old. :shrug: but he just loves bathtime, he dives forward and makes a huge splash.

ouch right now he is crying at the loudest possible volume. eeek. it's my mil's birthday in a few days so C wrote the card and let Adam draw inside with crayons. he wasn't best pleased to have it taken away once there was nothing left to colour in. jesus, I don't know when he developed such a LOUD VOICE.

Shiv, I feel like I'm out of control, weight-wise. part of me thinks oh fuck it, I'll lose it after, but I *know* I will regret that... but I can't stop eating shit. weighed this morning (usually weigh on Sat but forgot yesterday) and I was up 2lb from last week. 11st 1lb. ack. it's all too much considering I still have 15 weeks to go. I'm up 19lb. it's not good. 19lb. even if I only gain 1lb per week, that's 34lb. which admittedly would be a lot less than last time's 45lb. a 2lb/week gain would be 49lb. which would leave me at 13st 3lb, or 7lb above my top weight last time.

I have got to get this in check. don't know how, though. :cry:
I am EXACTLY the same MJ - each day I think "today i will not eat crap" and every day I eat crap! I've just had a double caramel magnum, it was amazing! I too just can't find the motivation to stop, i think i will just have to face that i will put on more than i would like and deal with it afterwards:shrug: i have no self control!

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