***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

thanks everyone, I think Adam is going to be ok, and I don't think we're going to have to go to hospital, thank goodness. :)

not a great night, though in terms of broken sleep for me... Adam woke around 2am, chattering away, so we went with it and decided to see if he'd eat something (still refusing all but the smallest sips of the glucose drink) and he had a biscuit and his cold sausages from dinner (I thought since they're salty they might make him thirsty, but really a sugary snack would have been better). and he had some plain water. at first he was just sitting in bed, quite bright, but not standing or walking, so I was concerned he was too weak, but then he did get up and ran around the bedroom a little. up again playing at 4am. he went back to sleep, but I had to get up at 7am and go out before C left for work because we didn't have enough sugary food in the flat. I got him a box of Frosties (sugary cornflakes) and a malt loaf and a bottle of Lucozade, which he is fine to have as the glucose drink according to the papers I have, it's one thing we hadn't tried (just desperately trying to find him something he will drink willingly). it's hard because he is just too young to understand - please drink some of this because if you don't you might have to go to hospital and have blood taken and needles in your hand. might be easier when he is older.

so Adam slept till 10.15am. I went back to bed just after 8am, so I caught up a bit on sleep. when he woke he got up when I said it was breakfast time and we walked downstairs together. he then finished the carton of adulterated Ribena that Chris made for him last night, and has eaten a bowl of Frosties and a half slice of malt loaf AND I made up another carton of adulterated Ribena, and he's had most of that (I can make up these drinks with juice or water or sugar-free drinks, the amount of powder to add if different if it's an already sugary drink, so I bought no-added sugar Ribena so I could use it like water. the cartons are 200ml, so if he has one of those over the course of 4 hours I am winning the game of give the baby a special drink :D )

if he goes on like this he should be absolutely fine. if we'd left it chances are he'd have started feeling sick and/or puked because of hypoglycemia, and then it would have been extra hard to get him to eat or drink. so I think our efforts have worked. touch wood anyway. :)

he hasn't wanted the Lucozade. took a couple of small sips and made a face. I don't care so long as there is some way of getting the glucose in him, and so far the Ribena is the only thing that's worked. and I think *that* worked because it's in a cute little carton (I had to cut it open, pour the juice into a jug, add the powder, mix and pour back in and tape it up, so he could drink it with the little straw). a bit of a palaver, but if it works it works. he doesn't get juice that often but he really likes it, so I think he's seeing it as a forbidden treat, like you suggested, Spidey. :)

as for the birth centre - I guess some women must have been turned away. it's just rotten luck if you are in labour when it's busy (rotten luck on a few counts, the lack of attention you get from the midwives is another).
Adam is pretty much back to normal now. he's had more than enough of the drinks, he is ok with them mixed with Ribena.

I made this video this morning after breakfast - Adam and his new obsession, the empty cupboard:


excuse the dummy, and don't mind that he's grabbing his nappy, it needed to be changed! (he's not very talkative with the dummy in but given he has been a bit below par I haven't been fighting that battle today)
Spidey- so when are you going to test again. Anymore nipple premonitions. I know it is impossible not to get your hopes up each month, but then again each month coul dbe THE Month! Fingers crossed!

MJ - It is good news that your friend's cancer is localised to the uterus. I know a hysterectomy is a major op, but it could have been much much worse. How much wieght do they want her to lose, and what help are they giving her to lose it?

I am so glad Adam is brighter today, must be scary stuff.That video is really cute, I forget that you are from 'borough, your accent is lovely.

jelr - I think i will be potty training over winter as well, as i can't see Sophia being quite ready before new baby is here and I am guessing i won't really want to try it straight after!

I hope you don't feel too bad mid cycle and that if you do it passes really quickly.

As for us, today was a better today. Last night was not good sleep wise, but Sophia only had a little nap in the car today so she is tired so I am hoping for a better nights sleep tonight. I need it having not had a nap!

Had a playdate this morning, with the usual girls and it was nice and pretty relaxed. I am off out to dinner next Friday with them as well, so all going well.
MJ: I'm so glad Adam is much better today and that he has taken lots of the drink for you, I would say you probably wouldn't have slept with worry even if he hadn't of woken. I love the video, he is so cute. Isn't it funny even with all the toys in the world its the simple things like an empty cupboard or box that keep them entertained for hours :thumbup:

Shiv: I'm glad your playdate went well and that the dinner goes well next Friday and I'm glad Sophia is a bit brighter today. I really hope she sleeps tonight and you get to catch up on some much needed sleep :thumbup:

Spidey: Best of luck with testing tomorrow, will be looking forward to your update. I would definitely keep up the meow mommy if Kira behaves better for her :haha:

Well I had a cranky girl today, she was awake last nigth so I think that was the problem, although she is becoming very demanding these days and shouts when she wants something and her patience seems to have gone out the window :dohh: - She was shout "me dinner, me dinner" and I mean shouting it this evening while I was trying to dish it up and there was no telling her that it was coming :dohh: - The joys of toddlerhood eh :haha:

Well has anybody any nice plans for the weekend? Just a quiet one here after being away last weekend, although I reckon I will be busy enough calling to friends and catching up over the next few weeks, I can't believe 2 weeks of my holidays are gone already and apart from the wedding I haven't done anything yet and all my friends have been on about meeting up, so I'm going to make a start on that next week and have made plans to meet up with two of them and have told the rest that it will the couple of weeks after that as I dont really want to be out all day with Natasha everyday as I really want to have some time with her on my own too and its not fair to be dragging her out everyday either. It really is hard to fit it all in, especially in between naps and mealtimes :haha:
MJ, thats a really cute video. I like how he put all his toys in there and sat on top :haha: I can see why he likes that cupboard! I'm glad he's feeling better today. He looked great in the video :thumbup:

Shiv, I hope you get a good long sleep tonight!

Jelr- Kira is quite bossy and impatient these days as well. If she sees me sitting on the couch she'll come over and push me and grunt and then shows me where I should be sitting on the floor.

No weekend plans for me. It's really hot here with temps in the 100's and high humidity. The mosquitoes are really bad now too so no more outdoor fun for awhile. So I think we're doing some shopping instead! :thumbup:

Since I have 20 cheapo tests and some really concentrated pee, I decided to test this evening :lol: It was a BFN... I'll test Friday morning too. It's fun having tons of tests to waste. I finally had some pre- AF symptoms today like super ugly hair, so she might be on her way soon if I'm not pregnant. Nips are still a bit sore too.
I'll come back later with a proper post but just wanted to say:

WE HAVE EXCHANGED CONTRACTS!!! Completing and moving next Friday, 29th! :happydance:

Get packing! Or may I suggest you get someone to pack for you!
thanks Shiv!! we are so so so so SOOOOOOOOOOOOO unbelievably relieved. :D

as for packing, I have barely been able to stop Chris from packing so far (even though I didn't want to do a thing till exchange) but now he can go right ahead. :lol: we're doing the move ourselves (with my mum and dad's help, thank goodness), so we're hiring a van, and during the week Chris is going to take a car-full of stuff over to his mother's to store, so we don't have such a big amount of things to get into the van on Friday (my friend already has a load of our stuff in her basement, plus she is giving us an old settee and tv, which we go back for Fri night). so with the van, plus 2 cars I think we'll be ok. we don't have so much stuff anyway, we're not taking any kitchen appliances, have included the fridge and washer dryer in the sale, and we'll be getting a new bed frame as ours has a big ridge round the edge, which wastes a lot of space, and our new bedroom is pretty small. so there's just the settee (which comes to pieces) and the mattress and our dining table. plus boxes and boxes and bin bags galore.

I don't expect to do any of the hard work, I'll be the one making phone calls about various things all week. :D
oooo!!! That is such good news MJ!!! :happydance: I'm glad things are finally moving in the right direction!

Well girls, I might be pregnant :shock: I tested this morning and it was a BFN but then I just tested this evening with some nice concentrated pee and there is a very slight line. My nips are still sore and have been getting sorer, so I know it must be true. To be honest I'm scared and hoping the test is wrong. I don't know what's wrong with me. I guess I'm so scared of everything and life seems so perfect now that I can't see how this could be a good thing. I haven't even told DH yet. The only time we DTD around ovulation time was Sat July 9th, and I think I ovulated Monday July 11th. Today is CD37 and 11 days post ovulation, so I conceived on a long cycle. Ahhhh, sooooo scared!!!!!!! I'll test again in the morning and see if its darker.
ooooooooh SPIDEY!!! YAY!!!!! test again and post the pics! congratulations! your psychic nips were on the money after all. :happydance:

(fwiw, when I got my first bfp this time, I was totally totally shocked and scared and wondering what the hell we'd done, and wishing we'd left it a few months. :dohh: but I came round to the idea pretty quickly. hopefully you'll be the same once it's sunk in :D )
heres the test from tonight... can anyone else see that super faint line?


I told DH and he's thrilled so I'm feeling a bit more positive about it all. After talking to DH I realized my biggest fear is having ms as bad as last time. I couldn't even sleep in the same bed as DH as his movement would make me retch. I can't imagine needing to take care of Kira like that. I missed 1 complete month of work and a second month was spent curled in a ball at my office chair. I need to keep any pregnancy secret at work since they need to make a decision regarding my employment at the end of September. If this pregnancy works out, it is absolutely perfect for the long term so I need to stop dwelling on the what ifs for the short term! Okay, enough crazy rants from me for the night :haha:

I found scratches all over the hood of my car today and I am 99% certain my stupid BIL was doing stunts off my car since he does them on his car all the time and his car is all scratched and dented up. I have secret security cameras around my house and I'm reviewing the footage now hoping he did it during the day so I can confirm it before I go rip his head off :growlmad:
Spidey - I dreamt last night that you were pregnant and then I log on today to see your news! Congratulations, I can see the line! I was freaked out too when I got pregnant this time, although we try when it happens it all becomes very real and scary. Could you not get some anti-emetics this time round to help with your sickness? My best friend is a doctor and although she was nothappy about taking anything whilst pregnant she did,a nd she woudl do so again. She was hospitalised a few times and would rather take some anti-sickness meds than go through that again. Just a thought!

Gotta love your psychic nips! :happydance:
I totally see the line as well.


yeah, I was mostly freaked out because of Adam. although I had a pretty easy pregnancy with him, with only very mild ms, it was harder by 3rd tri when I got SPD, and I just thought oh - GOD. can I actually cope? the realistic sensible rational considerations about another pregnancy never really kicked in when we were TTC/planning to TTC... I just wanted it so much I kind of came crashing back to earth when I saw the second line! but by the time I did the second test (about 3 hours later) I was completely on board with myself. :rofl:

I have had times of thinking, shite, can I manage being pregnant with looking after a toddler? 1st tri was the hardest so far, though I guess third will be hard in a different way. I had much worse ms this time, almost like motion sickness, if I moved I wanted to be sick. would you take anti-emetics, Spidey? sounds like a good idea. mine was never that bad, but even so the first 9 or so weeks just dragged by in a bit of a pit of misery!

:D so pleased your DH is happy about it. when I told Chris - showed him the test that said 1-2 pregnant on - and he said I couldn't be as I was on my period! I wasn't, obviously, but the night before, without my knowledge, I must have dripped a drip of blood into the toilet. I know, TMI, but it must have stuck on the side of the loo and not gone into the water, and we don't flush wees overnight because historically we were afraid of disturbing Adam. so he was convinced I was in the early stages of mc, whereas I thought, ooooh, implantation bleeding, maybe? obviously I did turn out to be pregnant, but there was no celebrating from him, he's far too cautious. it felt like he was pissing on my parade but he did come round to it (it sunk in when I was puking all the time!)
oh and I just had to say I told youto test on Friday, and I was right :smug:
ooh, meant to say - I weighed this morning and was exactly the same as last Saturday (11st 3 and 3/4 lb. I don't usually mention the fractions but this amused me). :D
ooooooooooooh well done on your weight MJ, make sure it doesn't keep happening though.
just woke up and took another test and it was a bfn... but my nips still hurt so I'm still pregnant for now. I'll test again tonight with my super good concentrated evening pee :haha: Last night when I told DH I was pregnant, he asked "why do you think you're pregnant?" and I said "because my nips hurt... and I got a positive pregnancy test" He thought it was funny that I listed the non-scientific evidence first :lol: Even if this one ends soon, I am very pleased that I can actually get pregnant AND my nip theory was completely right! :happydance:

I guess I never really considered taking medicine for the m/s, and there is no reason why I shouldn't. I didn't see a midwife about my last pregnancy until 10 weeks when the m/s let up a bit so I didn't really complain. I am much more educated this time around from being here on bnb :lol: MJ, mine was like bad motion sickness too. If I moved I would feel sick, so I spent most of 1st tri laying still on the couch! I'm trying to think more rational and not pre-worry about everything that could go wrong. Easier said than done! Oh yes, and Shiv you were right about testing on Friday!

MJ, yipee on the lack of weight gain!
Just popping in and saw the news!!!!!! OMG CONGRATS SPIDEY!!!! :yipee::happydance::yipee: Your nipples are amazing. :rofl:

No news here. No symptoms but no AF either but I had a 12 day luteal phase two months ago so I could be having that again. I don't think I'm pregnant at all though.
Cleck - so are you 12 DPO now? Hope you are having a blast back home x

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