***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

I just learned that I have a really short luteal phase (last at 9 dpo witch showed) so I guess I will be speaking to a dr about this...
Well good news all round then, either you are preggers or this could be a 13 day luteal phase :happydance:
EEEeeeek Spidey :happydance: I totally see a line :yipee: and I would always get better lines in the evening. When do we get another update? :haha:

Cleck would love you to test too :blush: I want to know who I'm handing the baton over to...... maybe it's a few of you :winkwink: I can cope with that after all Ash has a baton going spare too :haha:

Overcomer I had a short lutual phase and it never stopped me conceiving, it was 10 days. Take Vit B50 to lengthen it by a few days, makes all the difference.
I'm at a family reunion but had to jump on to say af hit. :( better luck next month I guess! I have a feeling I'll be waiting until dh is done with his next deployment. But it'll give me time to get down to a healthy bmi I guess.
aw sorry she got you Cleck, still that is another 12 day luteal phase, so that is good. Good luck next month and stay positive............oh and treat yourself to some pie :thumbup:
Cleck, sorry about AF but it sounds like you're on the right track since you had another longer luteal phase :thumbup: I wonder if the B6 has finally kicked in and is working, or is Emma bf less?

I have so many of these cheapo pregnancy tests so I might take another one when I have to pee again :haha:
not to bee too obsessive, but I took another test and another BFN. Its in the 100's here and I haven't drank much water or peed since waking this morning so I had really concentrated wee. Hmmmm... I need Kira to ask for a booby so I can see how my nips are :haha:
You really should drink more Spidey - it's important to keep hydrated especiallu if it's hot. As for the BFN's, it is still early days and you are using cheapy tests so i would suggest keeping testing until the line gets stronger (assuming you have lots of tests?)

I have cricked my neck, I look like a complete idiot as I can't even hold it up straight, I am constantly tilting it to the left as if i move it any further to right it is agony. I have no idea how I am going to sleep tonight (badly I suppose :haha:)!

Sophia won't go to sleep tonight, David is up there and all i can here is Sophia protesting. I did warn him that if he let her nap so late in the afternoon that she wouldn't go to bed tonight, but would he listen. It does make me laugh when our men folk think they know best even if they are not around the child as much as the mother!
cleck sorry about the witch getting you. It sounds like you have the problem that I just discovered.

Pip: I'm glad to hear that. I go for my "annual" august 2nd anyway so I'm going to talk to her about ttc. I am going to go get me some pre natals even though...that might help?

I should also point out that this was my first month of using FF and it might not have pinpointed O correctly.

Spidey: I am feeling you on these hot temps!!! 100 here too! We took James to an indoor playground and he is still asleep from that after eating a big lunch!!

I was asleep until the wind started getting up so now worried about tornadoes so checking alerts but nothing as of yet except a "special weather statement".

Oh geez Shiv...I hope James doesn't have Sophia's problem as this is a late nap for him but we DON'T dare wake him as he will make us PAY!! :haha:
yes, Spidey, I went through so many (I'd venture a guess of 70+) tests, they're so cheap. test again, and keep hydrated!

ouch, Shiv, that sounds nasty. what did you do? aw, poor David, but I agree with you, I see it a lot with Chris, he comes in and tells me what to do, as though I don't spend practically all my waking hours with the child and know him and his habits inside out. but you can't tell them. or at least you can try. :lol:

sorry about AF, Cleck, but a 12-day luteal phase is definitely on the right track.

and sorry about your short lp, OC, hopefully like Pip said there will be something that can help. I have also read good things about the B vitamins.

Jean, really hope Natasha has got over being a grumpy girl and is being her usual sweet self this weekend!

thanks for the nice comments about Adam's video. he just loves that cupboard. I forsee trouble when the time comes that it's full of stuff he can't have. might have to make it his cupboard and use it to store toys. I used to have photo albums and vases and candles and stuff like that in it, so it was off limits. he is pretty much back to normal today, full of beans. phew. it is awful when he goes so weak and tired as he did, Chris always tries to say, oh he's just tired, you don't need to give him the drinks, but it will progress fast if we don't. and the other day was weird. it's not normal for any child to sleep almost 4 hours, get up, pick at lunch and then lie down exhausted again! it's not like Adam anyway.

didn't have a shift at work today, so I went swimming with my friend who has cancer. she told me a bit more about what's going on - apparently the doc doesn't want to delay the hysterectomy because although the cancer is just in the uterus, it's a big tumour so waiting for her to lose weight wouldn't be an option because the worry is it'd spread in the meantime. the doc has to take the case to some cancer board or something, to discuss the risks. but that shouldn't delay things too much. it's scary and I feel bad we're moving further away from her at a time when she needs me. and annoyingly her op is going to be at a hospital really close to where we are now (as there is an intensive care unit, it's a private hospital). I had hoped she'd be in somewhere closer to where we're moving.

I swam 16 lengths, and really took my time over them (used to do 40 but it's been ages since I went swimming, not since I went back to work last April because we always went to ladies' swimming on a Sat lunchtime); I was so tired after swiming just 2 that I had to stop and take breaks! but I enjoyed it. so tired after, though. got home and C took Adam out to the park and I went and had a bath!

packing is going well, I still haven't done any of it. :haha: We got rid of the bed frame, we were selling it (just for £25) but the person who wanted it let us down at the last minute so we just took bits of it outside this morning with a sign on saying what it was and to ring our doorbell if they wanted it, free, and sure enough someone rang and off it went. so we're hoping to fit in a trip to Ikea on Friday night after we've moved and while we still have the van, and we'll try to get a new bed and one for Adam, and maybe a wardrobe. I've never had my own wardrobe (since I left home), we just have a rail here, and a big chest of drawers. :D
Cleck sorry you are out this month :hugs: glad to hear you LP is lengthening. xx

Spidey definitely drink more hun, not good for you or a potential bean and keep testing I can defo see a line on that test.

OC definitely go for the vits you should be taking folic acid now anyway, you need three months ideally on folic acid before you conceive to really help.

Shiv hope your neck feels better soon :hug:

MJ I forgot to say congrats on signing the contracts I bet you feel so relieved and I am so happy for you guys :yipee: I remember the relief well when we finally exchanged. We tried to exchange and complete on the same day and it was a nightmare as half the money got lost from our buyer and we had to stay at a friends and beg for our seller to let us dump our stuff. Madness!!!! Never again and never recommending that.
thanks Pip. :D it's just been such a very different experience to when I bought the flat in 1999. I guess I was stressed then, but it was also because I was breaking up with the guy I had been living with, and because Christmas/Millennium holidays were coming up. I ended up exchanging, completing and moving in on Dec 22nd, which was the last possible day before the solicitors and estate agent closed for the 10-day holiday. I *was* shitting myself that it wasn't going to happen in time (and all my stuff was going to go up in a van to my ex's family's garage till January) but never did I think it would fall through. don't think it ever crossed my mind, actually.

this time, it's been 9 weeks almost from the day our new buyer viewed the flat to the day we'll move out, which isn't too bad itself if that was all it was! I can date it all very easily because we had the offer the day I was 20 weeks, she saw the flat 4 days before, and I'll be over 28 weeks when we move. it's been such a long process. we put the flat on the market in November. had the 1st offer beginning of Feb (just about the time I got pregnant), he pulled out middle of May, and this 2nd offer 1st June. during that time we have had offers on 6 places. one was my downstairs neighbour's flat (SO glad we didn't get that), another was a small flat near here (we pulled out after C decided he wanted to leave the area), 3rd was on a really nice freehold flat that needed a load of work, the old lady selling "changed her mind" a few hours after accepting that offer - she was meant to be selling to go into a retirement flat), the 4th was on a leasehold flat that was nice but had issues with the garden, plus the owners lied to us about having found somewhere themselves; they hadn't and were not prepared to go into a rental, so we pulled out, the 5th was a bank repossession that we wouldn't have got in the end anyway because it went for more than we could afford (plus it was too big for us right now, at least it would have been great but way too much work needed doing) and the 6th was our lovely little damp woodwormy house that we're buying. :D work to do there as well but hopefully it'll be ok.

I'd never had agreed to exchange and complete on the same day again, have read too many horror stories of people being all packed up and loading the van when the whole sale fell through. I don't think I could cope with that.
Pippin, do you have a gut feeling for when baby will come? My gut is telling me Tuesday for you.. just long enough to be really tired of waiting :)

Cleck, how is your family reacting to you bf Emma? I hope you're having a blast and getting a much deserved break too.

MJ, I'm sorry to hear that your friend will need the surgery sooner than later. How far is it from your old place to your new place? Adam is in your bedroom now isn't he? Is he going to go straight into his own room once you move?

OC- the heat and humidity are so bad right now. We got up to 106 yesterday and 100 today plus with the humidity it feels even hotter. Right now a 90 degree day isn't looking too bad :haha: I bet the indoor playground was packed!

Shiv, get DH to give you a neck massage :thumbup: I hope your neck miraculously feels better when you wake up in the morning. Have you booked your weekend away yet? If it's a fancy hotel you must share links to pictures!

I've been drinking lots of water after my scolding from Shiv :lol: Crazy me tested again this evening and its still negative, so I'll see what it says in the morning.
Spidey: Eeeek I see a line too, FX for you, it does sound like you are though with your nip pain and the dizzy spells so it might be just that some of the cheapo tests are duds or it might be just a little early with you OV so late in your cycle this month. Dont worry about panicking, I think we all do that. We had been trying for Natasha for 2 years and I still panicked even though I was over the moon. It is totally normal.

Cleck: Sorry to hear AF hit you, very good news that your luteul phase is longer though, so fx next month is your month and that you dont have to wait until DH comes back again. Hope you are enjoying being home.

MJ: Yay on exchanging contracts, I hope the move goes smoothly for you. Sorry to hear your friends surgery is sooner rather than later, although maybe it is better to get it over and done with so she is not spending the next few months worrying and killing herself trying to lose weight.

Shiv: I really hope your neck is better and glad to hear DH is home. I hope Sophia went down last night after, Did you tell DH I told you so :haha: - I love saying that to my DH when he thinks he knows best on things like that - I such a bitch aint I? :haha: - Did you speak to DH anymore about the home birth. Funny after we just talking about I actually found out today that there is access to home births in my area, funny the stuff you think you know :haha: - Remember I was saying that there is what is called the domino service in our area which is midwife lead, well I wasn't a candidate for it, but know others who have said it is brilliant and they are now cutting it now, so I signed an online petition to have it saved and in reading more I discovered they also do home births, I have never actually known anybody to do it here, so if they dont cut it I might just look into it next time. Mmm I wonder if they allow home water births?, although I doubt I will be a candidate again after having a hard enough time with Natasha and even when I had the follow up on my mc, the consultant said you really did have a hard time on the birth of your daughter didn't you, so I dont know if he will let me, but it is definitely all food for thought as I would love love love a water birth and I know the only way you can have one here is through a home birth and I thought they were only available if you go privately, dont know if DH would go for it though as our hospital is only 10 mins away and if you are allowed to use the dominos you are home within 6 hours anyway, but anyway we will see, sorry am thinking/waffling out loud there :haha:

Overcomer: FX your luteal phase gets longer.

Pippin: Hope your all caught up on your sleep after your horrilbe experience with the hospital and that you enjoyed your brothers visit.

Not much news from me, the mid cycle depression hasn't hit in yet, although I found myself being very short with everyone yesterday and my tolerance was much much lower :haha: - so maybe it has sorted itself out, that is the way it has been for the last few years instead of the horrible depression that I have had since the Mc and I also had it years ago. Hard to know whether it is a good or bad sign, definitely a good sign that I dont have to suffer it anymore, but wondering if it is lowering my chances of getting pregnant quickly when we do try - Must stay positive as it definitely helps things and we conceived last time without the depression or even trying, so FX we will next time too :thump:

Had a nice relaxing weekend, myself and Natasha called up to one of my friends yesterday afternoon, while DH took our our old fireplace so that the stove can be fitted and today we are all going to go over to a field day that is in our local area for the afternoon. Do you have field days in the UK or US. they are like a boot same with family fun activities also, ie, bouncy castles for the children, competitions and people have stalls to sell goods too.
still a bfn this morning. So what do you girls think? I'm thinking I'm not pregnant since surely these tests should be giving me a line. Like what jelr suggested, I tried an expensive first response test also and it was a bfn too.

Since my nips are still sore I've come up with a crazy ass theory that only has 1 detail that doesn't make sense. 2 weekends ago I got an almost positive opk Friday and Saturday (almost positives = negatives in the opk world). I ran out of tests and couldn't test Sunday or Monday. I assumed I peaked Sunday and ovulated Monday. My nips were constantly hurting from the biting incident so I couldn't really go off them. During this week my nips healed and started to hurt how they do when I'm ovulating. I assumed that I was pregnant since my nips never hurt that long after suspected ovulation. SO... perhaps I didn't ovulate until Wednesday or Thursday this past week. The only thing that doesn't fit with my theory is that slight line on the pregnancy test. Today is cd40 for me, but I have a history of long cycles so I can't go off that.

jelr, I hope the worse of your mid month depression/ irritation is over. I can't think of anything here like a field day, but we do have fairs which have rides, games, food and animals and carnivals which are mostly rides, games and food :thumbup:
No time to reply to everyone, but Spidey - I'd get baby dancing just incase youovulated recently. It is weird though, usually I struggle to see lines on tests if they are faint (dubious) but I can see it clearly on yours. hmmmmmmmm weird, I'd keep baby dancing and maybe test again in a few days? What does DH say?
Aww MJ that sounds manic house buying but thank goodness you had this sale go through in 9 weeks. That's the best I have heard for a long long time. The quickest I've ever heard of is 5 :shock:

Spidey sorry you are getting bfn, I really hope you haven't had a chemical :( Also you can get lines if you touch an opk to a hpt whilst it's wet so make sure you keep them separate (I'm sure you did but worth remembering). Also ic are notoriously crap in my opinion despite me using them.

Jelr glad you had a nice weekend hun, we have fairs here but it's more a country thing and often run by schools as a fundraising activity. They are fun and miss having them in London, mind you they might happen it's just I don't get to know about them.
Pippin, thats interesting about getting a bfp by touching the 2 tests together. Luckily we dtd during this past week and also on the day that I noticed my nips getting sorer so if I did ovulate late I still stand a good chance this month :thumbup: I'll retest in the morning and then wait it out for awhile. My nips are super sore today so something's going on.
Spidey: Mmm yeah that is a mystery alright. I still think you could be in with a shot when your nips are so sore and the fact that you were dizzy too, does that mean that you are only 14 days dpo?? if so it could be that the test is not picking it up yet as with all my pregnancies even though I knew in my heart and soul that I was pregnant, I didn't get a positive until I was 21 dpo (cd35) with Natasha (got bfn at 15 dpo (cd29)) and 18 dpo (cd32) with last pregnancy. The first one I tested at 21 dpo (cd35) and got a negative so presumed I wasn't pregnant and was having a long cycle and then when AF still didn't arrive and my boobs were sore I tested again at 40 dpo and it was positive, so it definitely takes longer for the tests to show positive for me. I dont want to get your hopes up though as it may just be a dodgy test :( - What is your gut telling you? because I know with Natasha and the last pregnancy I just knew I was pregnant, more so with the last one as I had the same pains in my pelvic area.

Pippin: That is really interesting about the 2 tests touching, I never knew that either but then I'm very thick when it comes to all that really :haha: and dont have much experience with opk's at all.

Yeah the fairs sound a little like a field day, there was loads of animals, stalls to buy stuff, bouncy castles for the children, music and loads of bbq and ice-cream stalls and it was a charity event for the community. You can get really good field days and bad ones, being honest there wasn't much in this one, but we still enjoyed having a look around and Natasha got a blow up (think it is a deer as it has antlers, although it doesn't look anything like a deer and it is blue :haha:) toy that she can sit on and bounce and she absolutely loves it and there was a lovely playground next to it so we spent time in there too.
My gut tells me I'm not pregnant. Although its nice to hear that you needed to test so late to get your bfp jelr. It'll be interesting to see what my nips do in the next few days. They even hurt rubbing against my shirt... my poor nips!

I realized today that in 2 weekends is Kira's birthday! I'm still trying to plan the menu since I'm going to have her party at dinner time. She's usually much happier in the evenings than the morning. I have all my game prizes and decorations bought, and DH wasn't thrilled with any of the tool themed gifts I wanted to buy so he's making Kira's present by hand! It's going to be a wooden box with a wooden hammer, screw driver and saw, and some wooden pegs to hammer or screw into holes. I'm going to post a movie soon of Kira showing off her tool knowledge :haha:

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