***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Kira is a pro at sound effects :haha:

I would say you are probably not if you gut is telling you that your not Spidey, but then you are not out until :witch: arrives, so fingers crossed.

Ouch your nips sound sore. My boobs are sore this cycle for some reason, but it is the whole book and one more than the other, so maybe I banged it or something :haha: - Strange though.

Kira is so cute making the tool sound effects, she is brilliant at them too and does a better job than I would myself :haha:

I think that is a lovely idea for DH to make her birthday present, we are looking at a wooden kitchen for Natasha for Christmas and DH was talking about making it too, but he just wont have time, so we decided against it, but I do think it is a lovely thing for them to actually make the stuff.

Had a quiet day today, i just did some batch cooking and went as far as the supermarket and bank and played for the rest of the day, my mam is going to take Natasha tomorrow and I'm going to head into town to meet a friend for lunch and get a few bits that I need and think I will have a look around for stuff for Natasha's birthday as it is not far away now at all.
Jelr, a toy kitchen sounds great. Kira really likes hers and I like playing in it too, which is always a plus.

Still a negative test today so I'm certain I was only pregnant for a moment. Right now I'm waiting for my nips to stop hurting since they're a direct indicator of progesterone levels (according to my theory :haha:) and then AF will come. I hope she comes soon so I can get going on another cycle!! This 50+ day cycle is a real bitch. DH is really disappointed so next time I might not be so quick to tell him.
sorry you nips are giving you mixed messages Spidey - any sign of AF today?
Your DH is so awesome to be able to make Kira's birthday present himself! i am at my parents house and can't get any sound to watch the video of Kira, but I'll watch it tomorrow when I am back home.

jelr - SOphia LOVES her play kitchen and i just know she will get a good few more years play out of it.

I am thinking of getting Sophia a little table and chairs forher birthday. She is obsessed with little chairs and is like a little removal woman, rearranging furniture. It would be her craft table, so use it for painting and drawing etc and we'd buy her a load of new crafty stuff too. Seems very dull getting her a table and chairs for her birthday though, but I know she'd love it.

MJ - how is the packing going, not long now until you ar ein your new HOUSE! Which playhouse did you get Adam. I looked at them but they all seem so damn expensive!

Cleck - thinking of you and hope you are havign fun at home still x

As for us, I have been at my parents for a couple of days as David is away all week (AGAIN! grrrrrrr). Went out for dinner with friends last night which wa snice and had the most amazing gnocchi.

My weight gain is not going as well as you MJ, i am now up at 11st 5.5 lbs, and had put on 4 lbs in the last 2 weeks again. Even though I feel I haev been pretty good. Aw well, I met with a friend last night who is 24 weeks preggo with her first. She was a size 6 pre preg (that is a US2) and still looks very slim but has already put on over 2 stone, so that made me feel better!

I am off out for dinner on Friday night with my new mummy friends, and have a playdate with them on Thursday, so that is all going well.

We went to see the local birth centre at the weekend, it was ok, but it made me think that really there isnothignon offer at a birth centre that isn't available for ahome birth (apart from a midwife if that nasty midwife is to be believed). So I think I would choose home birth over birth centre. We are going ot go and see the hospital as well so that I have seen all my options, but I am really leaning towards to a home birth now which is quite scary really. David has told his boss that he needs to be home from Holland no later than the 9th Sept (due ddate 26th), which I am happy about, and best friend has said she will come and staty from 3rd -8th Sept if I need herto (she is also a doctor, but quite frankly I think Iknow more about babies than her :dohh:) but she is the only other person that would feel comfortable having as my birth partner. So I feel quite sorted now. Just need to hope a) the next midwife I see is a bit more positive about home birth and b) that bubs decides to move from transverse to head down ASAP!

No other real news, my bump has deffo grown, I'll post an updated photo next week, but a metrnity top that I think saw me through to the end last time is feelign decidedly snug (not stretchy material!)!

Hope everyone is ok x
Aww Spidey I'm sorry that you got another bpn, It sounds like either a chemical or a dodgy test, but I know even if it was for a moment you were pregnant in your head so that is disappointing for both you and DH :hugs: I really hope AF comes quick as I know from previous experience those long cycles make you feel crappy and really are a bitch when it comes to ttc. At least you have a lovely long luteal phase this time though, has Kira cut down on feeding this month?

Shiv: Glad you are enjoying being at home and catching up with friends while DH is away and glad you are starting to get a plan sorted for the birth. I really hope that the next midwife is more open to it and gives you the proper information that you need and want. I think it makes it less stressful if you have a plan anyway no matter what it is and glad your friend can come and stay with you too. Actually that is food for thought I'm really close to my friends and some from when i was a child, but I actually dont know if I would be comfortable with any of them or any of my family other than DH being my birth partner, so I'm glad you have somebody that you are comfortable with and I'm sure bubs will be still cosy at that stage and wont come until DH is home anyway.

Yeah I can't wait to get the kitchen for her as she is really into helping me at the moment, so I would say she will love it, but we are going to wait until Christmas to get it and get a few smaller bits for her birthday. We have decided on a singalong keyboard as she loves singing and music and a couple of our friends children have one and it is the first thing she goes for when we visit, we are also getting a toy shop, with some play food as she also loves shopping and at Christmas when we have the kitchen she can go shopping for the food to bring home to make the dinner :haha: - and also an inside playhouse tent thing as she really loves her outside one that she got for her birthday last year, but doesn't get enough use out of it with our weather :dohh: - (we got a bargain on our playhouse last year with smyths Shiv, do you have smyths in the UK? - It was about €70, it is smaller than most, but does the job as the rest were extremely expensive to me) - My mam is also going to get her an art table and chair as she loves colouring at the moment so at least she can sit up at the desk to do it. Other than that people have been asking what she wants and I'm saying autumn / winter clothes as she has enough toys already and doesn't play with them that much and we are getting those 3 things along with the one my mam is getting which is enough when Christmas is so near.

Well I met my friend for lunch today and went to town and came back with sod all really,I got a maxi dress and two tops in new look so I still have most of my birthday vouchers left and I couldn't find anything for Natasha to wear for her birthday as the sales are on and there really was nothing nice left :dohh: - I did get the paperplates and cupes for her party though and some of the presents as I need to go to the nearest city to smyths to get the other two and other than that trip which hopefully will get the toys and something for her to wear, I 'm pretty much sorted as I'm going much more low key than last year.
From all the presents Kira got this past Christmas, she's gotten the most use from her plastic picnic table. She likes to randomly sit at it throughout the day and it's also where we play with playdough and eat snacks and breakfast. At the local snowball stand they have 8 kiddie chairs that Kira busily rearranges. So Sophia isn't the only one obsessed with rearranging furniture :haha: I know Sophia and Natasha will both love their table and chairs!

Shiv, it sounds like everything is falling into place for the birth! I'm glad DH told his boss that he needed to be home by the 9th. It will be nice not having to worry about when to leave for the hospital or birthing center once you're in labor. When do you get to meet another midwife?

jelr, you'll need to plan another shopping day soon and maybe you'll find some nice things to spend your birthday money on!

Wednesday morning Kira is having a playdate! This one is with a little boy who is 6 months older. Me and his mom went to middle and high school together and haven't seen eachother since we graduated, so we'll have lots of catching up to do. Most of my high school friends live within minutes of me but I haven't seen any for 12 years, so it's a little sad how antisocial I am :lol:

So one of my nips no longer hurts and one still hurts but not as bad. I'm expecting AF to be on her way during this week. The whole thing has been very frustrating and emotional, but I would rather only be barely pregnant for a day then pregnant for a few weeks and then lose the pregnancy. I hope I don't have to go through this again and again as my luteal phase gets into the "almost there" zone. Kira has cut down on her feeds and there have been some days where she only nursed upon waking, nap time (before and after) and bedtime. But most days she'll have 2 or 3 other feeds thrown in there. My mom and I are synched up on our cycles and she still hasn't gotten hers this month :haha: She knows I'm late on mine but I haven't told her why.. so she's waiting for me to get my period so she can start hers. No one in my family knows I've been trying to make a baby for the past year.
Aww spidey I know it is the one saving grace that you didn't have a pregnancy that was lost further down the line, but still the whole thing must have been really emotional and heartbreaking, it is amazing, it only takes a split second of knowing or thinking you are pregnant to have 100 plans and dreams in your head and it is so hard to have them taken all away. FX it doesn't happen again. I hope AF does come soon so you can get on with baby dancing.

I hope Kira enjoys the playdate and so do you, it will be nice to meet with somebody that you already know and catch up over the years :thumbup:

Poor Natasha wont be able to rearrange her chair though as this one is attached to the table :haha: but still I think she will enjoy it as she loves colouring so she can sit at her own special table to do it rather than sitting on the floor or standing and leaning on one of the kitchen chairs :haha:

Well we went to the beach today as we finally got some sunshine and my two brothers took Natasha into the sea, I thought she would be terrified as most children are of the sea for the first time, but she loved it, she was splashing and wanted to go deeper, but I wouldn't let them take her any deeper than waist high and then she was still a bit apprehensive of the sand, but then found a shell and was pouring sand with it onto her legs and then onto one of my brothers and she didn't want to leave :haha: - I had forgotten how much a pain the sand is with sun cream though :dohh:
Spidey - hope your body gets with the program soon, but if you aren't pregnant then i do believe that yoru body is onviously changing and therefore i think your chances of getting pregnant now are much higher.

jelr - aw it sounds like Natasha had fun on the beach. That is so brave of her going in to teh sea up to her waist, it must have been bloomin freezing.

We are back home now and i am praying for a good nights sleep from Sophia. visiting my parents is turning out to be a bit of a nightmre, i come home ten times more tired because Sophia sleeps badly there.

Sophia sang Frere Jaques today in French :haha: Just goes to show that she doesn't have a clue what she is singing about and just learns things verbatum and copies me! She has also started reciting books word for word, an dI mean whole books. She has a Mr Birthday book (mr man series) and she sits down on her own and I hear her say the story out loud, pretty much word for word, her memory is incredible. I think i am going to have to get a video and make everyone beleive she can actually read :haha:
oh and Spidey I just watched that video and Kira is brilliant at sound affects, i particularly liked the saw, seriously there is no way I could do an impression of a saw that good :thumbup:
ack, I'm sorry about the BFP turning N, Spidey, that's really upsetting. but hopefully like Shiv said it's a good sign that your body is gearing up nicely. must be so frustrating having such long and unpredictable cycles. have you ever temped or is that inconclusive for you? I found it worked well for me, I never got on with OPKs and my nips have always been a bit oblivious.

and yes, Adam is still in with us. the plan is to use his new room in the first few weeks as a dumping ground/storage room :haha: so we won't be letting him in there and he'll be in with us. this was the idea anyway, since I think it's going to be a lot of upheaval for him anyway. over the next few weeks, we'll sort things out and put his room together, with his new bed, and then let him play in there, then hope he'll take naps, and then if that goes well (and please god it does) he'll sleep there at night. obviously the aim is for him to be happy in his room by October because I don't want all 4 of us co-sleeping, at least not while baby Joel is tiny and up through the night. :lol:

as for distance - it's not actually so far (15 or so miles) but it takes about an hour to drive over from our old place to the new one, more in rush hour, less overnight or on a Sunday morning. I'd probably use public transport if I was to visit my friend in hospital.

Jean, yeah, about my friend, I have mixed feelings about the surgery. on the one hand it'll be great to have it over and done with so she can get on with recovering and the rest of her life. on the other, I wish the doc had said she could leave it and my friend could lose some weight first, a) because that would mean the cancer wasn't serious or likely to spread and b) because the surgery might be more straightforward if she was a little thinner. on balance I am nervous for her, just got to put trust in the professionals and presume they'll take as best care of her as is possible.

Shiv, packing is going well, Chris has done it all, but we've run out of boxes. my parents are coming down tomorrow to help and they're bringing us some. tomorrow afternoon C goes for the van so we can start loading it up. then Fri morning, all that'll be left is to finish loading the van and the two cars. I am hoping my mum will take Adam out while we're finishing up, so we can take the safety gates down and be in and out without worrying where he is, especially since his toys and the TV will be packed!

we got him this playhouse, it's not perfect because there aren't shutters or glass/perspex in the windows, so it's not somewhere he can get decent shelter from the rain but I think he'll like it anyway!

Jean, I bet Natasha will love a kitchen! we're getting Adam the Ikea wooden one as a gift from the baby, he is so drawn to toy kitchens at playgroup and other people's houses, so I know he'll be thrilled. we weren't planning on getting him much for his birthday but decided we had to get something for the garden, so that'll be a slightly early birthday present. he's also getting toy food from C's mum, C asked for it specifically.

sorry you didn't get much for your birthday vouchers and nothing for Natasha. I hate the sales as well, most of the shops end up like jumble sales, and I just can't be bothered. I like a bargain as much as the next person but I do like clothes shops to be nicely presented! I'm also looking forward to the autumn/winter stuff coming in, I have done no new baby shopping for clothes yet. not that I need much as I have a lot of Adam's, but the stuff I need is small baby cold weather specific, what with Adam being small in summer/early autumn when it wasn't cold.

beach sounds like fun! how far away are you from the coast? I think I remember you saying it's very windy where you are so I am thinking you are on the coast somewhere? south of Dublin? good on Natasha for being brave! I guess the water was still quite cold :haha:

Spidey, I think we'll be getting Adam a little table and chairs as well at some point, he always amazes me with how well behaved he is when he goes to C's mum's or his sister's and sits at a small table for his meals. How did the playdate go?

Shiv, hope Sophia settles down for you now you're home. were you sharing a room at your parents' or was she just not settling there? clever girl singing in French! Adam makes a noise that sounds like Twinkle Twinkle but if you didn't know what to listen for you'd be none the wiser. :lol:

oh, and I wouldn't worry about your weight gain, I have decided not to. fully expecting a big increase on the scale this weekend, since I have eaten really badly at times. Chris isn't helping - on Sunday he went over to his mother's with some boxes to be stored, and came back with McDonald's for us all. only he didn't realise I normally have 1 double cheeseburger and brought me 2! plus fries. and I ate it all. (but not much dinner later on!)

good to hear things are going well with your mummy friends, and that there is a plan all set time-wise for D being home with you. I'm sure it'll all be fine. home birth plans sound great, you're a braver woman than I am!

oooh, just watched the sound effects video! LOVE :D Kira is so so sweet. :D

sooo... I think Adam is either a little unsettled by the changes round here, boxes everywhere, bed gone, and now his cot is in bits, or else he's just being a typical annoying toddler, but he's been driving me mad the last couple of days. he keeps bursting out in tears whenever he is frustrated. he won't speak to ask for anything, he just cries. I find it hard to keep my temper and I know it's bad to be cross with him. and he keeps screeching as well. today really dragged, even though he napped for 3 hours. I left his nap even though I knew he was a bit tired in the hope that there wouldn't be any argument when I did put him upstairs, but I left it too long (chatting on the phone to my mum) and then we had to pop over to the doc's surgery to see if I could pick up a MatB1 form from the midwife as I forgot to get it last week but really wanted it in hand before we move (this is the form I need to apply for maternity pay from my employer). I had rung the receptionist so she knew I was coming, but still had to wait for a few minutes, and Adam started crying and screaming in the reception. I felt bad about it because the receptionists were trying to get on with calls etc, and I was rather grumpy with Adam... took him and pushed the pushchair round outside for a few mins, and he shut up but every time we went back in he screamed again. and stupid me didn't have a dummy for him (I couldn't find one as we were leaving the house, I don't know what he does with them). then when we got home, he lay straight down on the bed and fell asleep, and slept 3 hours. I hoped he'd be less screechy when he woke and he was not in a bad mood but the screeching carried right on. I can cope with that but not with the bursting into tears every couple of minutes. :( and screaming tantrums, proper good ones.

I've spent the last few days making a million (ish) phone calls about everything, so I have done a lot and don't feel too bad about leaving the packing to C! I am really organised, we have a plan for the next 2 days. I even have an appt made for my cat to see a vet first thing Monday morning to get her started on her injections (hers lapsed some years ago since she's been an indoor cat the last 11 years, she did go out in the flat I was in before here). just looking forward to being into the new house and get started on making it our home. we are planning a trip to Ikea Fri early evening (sans Adam, he can stay with my mum and dad) to buy furniture (bed, wardrobe, Adam's bed & mattress, couple of small sofas). we have to measure up before we go else I'd have been weeks ago! the rooms are really small in the new house so I can't just have everything I want, it's got to work. plus it's got to be cheap, since we're £4k down on our savings what with having to pay off the buyer for the major works. :cry:

we'll only be offline for about a day, since we'll be turned off here sometime on Fri morning, and turned on in the new house Sat afternoon (priorities! I had to make sure it'd be done quickly!) but I have 3G on my phone so I'll probably post at some point and let you all know we're in! (or not, in case there is some disaster...)

getting excited now, even though it'll still be sad (for me) to leave my little flat after all these years.
Shiv: Well done to Sophia for singing Frere jacques and for reciting her book, that is brilliant - Natasha can sing the Frere jacques bit and Sonnez les matines, but to the untrained ear it sounds nothing like it :haha: - I remember the first time I sung it to her, she was completely mesmorised by it and followed my mouth without blinking and It was so funny, probably because they were words she had never heard before. I would love to see a video of Sophia reading her book, it bet she is so so cute.

Sorry to hear she is not sleeping in your parents, Natasha was the same when we were away and the same the few nights we were out and she was staying in my mams, I think partly because there was somebody in the room with her, but more so because it was different from her routine, she seems to get knocked out so easily if her routine is disrupted at all, it is the same everytime I go back to work after being off for a while, she wont sleep properly or eat properly :dohh: - hopefully if she get more used to staying there she will settle down.

Yep Natasha was definitely brave as I was in up to my calves and I was freezing I hadn't brought any swim gear as I didn't imagine she would go into the water, thankfully I had brought a spare t-shirt and shorts for her just in case she did put her toes in and splashed a bit, she wanted to stay in longer but she was shivering so I got her out and dressed and warmed up and even though I loved to see her enjoy it, I was slightly panicked that it wasn't be in control of holding her :dohh: and it was silly really as my brothers are very responsible and so aware of danger around her, but she looked so deep in it up to her waist and I hadn't brought her inflatable jacket, so I was terrified she would fall over and swallow a load of water or get an awful fright.

MJ: Yes we are about two minutes away from the coast, but it is not that accessible as the beach itself is down a clif side or about 200 wooden steps, I actually drove down today as I knew Natasha would never be able for it. We are right on the south east so you are exactly right it is the south of dublin.

I can totally understand you being concerned about your friend, I would feel the very same if it was somebody close to me, it would be nicer to here that she didn't need surgery or that she had time to lose the weight, but all you can do is keep positive that the surgeon is going for the best option and it will all work out for the best and she can move on as quick as possible and not have months of treatment, still worrying though I'm sure of that.

I would say it is probably all the disruption that is causing Adam to play up and the fact that you are both so busy and partly the age he is at too. Natasha has had a few bouts of crying for nothing as I was saying to you on fb, yesterday she started to cry as I was about to drop her over to my mam before I headed to town because she didn't want her jacket on and wanted a coat on instead and then once we hit the side of my mams house, she had another melt down of crying because she wanted to go back and go in my mams front door that was locked and she cried buckets, but was able to switch it off so quickly too when I asked her if she wanted to go in and wake up by brothers. I have noticed though that she seems to be doing it more if I am on the phone or have been on the phone or of myself and DH are talking when he comes in from work, so I think it is partly to do with not getting enough attention, do Adam is probably just knocked out with the move and hopefully will settle down once you are on settled in.

Another bad habit Natasha has gotten in to is saying ouch for everything whether it is putting on her shoes or moving her on the changing mat, she is saying oww me feet or oww me back, it was funny at first, but is starting to wear thin now that it is all day :haha: - I guess this kind of stuff is what they call the terrible twos :haha: - I just hope it is short lived, I am fine with it most of the time and find it funny, but on the days where I am tired I do find it does get to me, so you are probably on a shorter fuse yourself MJ with having pregnancy tiredness and the stress of moving. - They reckon it is the most stressful thing you can do in your life let alone to be pregnant and have a toddler as well, so dont be so hard on yourself and it is an emotional time when you are saying goodbye to an era.
jelr, yipee for Natasha having fun at the beach! Is she the one who didn't like sand? It sounds like she realized how fun sand was today :happydance: Kira's new thing is saying Uh Oh for everything. She was helping me bake cupcakes and we were putting those paper cupcake liners in the tray, and she pointed to every hole and said "uh oh" (12 times!) :haha: I think they get stuck on something for a week and then move onto another annoying habit :lol:

Shiv, Sophia sounds amazing with her skills! You should declare that she can read and put a video on bnb and irritate all the other moms :haha: Kira has never sang and hasn't hummed a tune either so when everyone here talks about their LO's singing, I can't even imagine it! So you must post some videos of her singing and reading!! I'm not sure if it was you who suggested singing a song and leaving out the end word... but I've been doing that and Kira still hasn't caught on :dohh: :lol:

MJ- I think your plan for slowly getting Adam in his own room is a great one because you want him to love his room and not hate it. It's too bad Adam can't be on his best behavior right now so you can pack and get things ready to move. He's probably feeling a bit stressed from all the extra activity around the house, and he can't be the center of attention right now. Plus they have so much they want to do and say, but they can't really communicate yet, so he's probably getting really frustrated. Times like this always seem to come in waves, so perhaps after a few bad days you'll have a few good ones now.

The playdate went well! Kira and Jack were very much alike and they actually played with each other and ran around the house in circles giggling together. Jack is shy too, so it was nice having another mom who understands shy kids. We blabbed the entire time, so there was no shortage of conversation. It's been 12 years since we've talked and I wonder how much I've changed.

Jelr, I think you said it perfectly about coming up with 100 hopes and dreams once I got my bfp. I kept telling myself the chances of having a baby next April were sooo low, but even so, I couldn't help but be hopeful. Thanks girls for your support- I haven't told anyone but DH and he's much more upset than I am so I feel like I need to comfort him. MJ, I haven't tried temping, but thats an option. I've had pretty good luck with going off my nips and confirming with opks though. I'm not sure if I would remember to take my temp in the morning, so I would have to get on a routine. The good thing about temping is I could use that as well as my nips after ovulation to see if I was indeed pregnant. So double the evidence!
At my parents so trying to catch up a bit. Spidey, I'm so sorry it turned BFN. :hugs::hugs: Have you had AF yet though? I say you're never out until AF shows.

Okay, I was gonna talk longer but my parents are wanting to go putt-putting. Mini golf for the UK girls because I"m not sure if you call it putt-putting there. :haha:

All is well with me. AF wrapped up 2 days ago so it's a fresh cycle now. I keep forgetting to take my vitamins though. :blush: Gotta run. Miss you girls. :hugs:
Cleck: glad you are having fun at home and glad :witch: is gone so you can concentrate on baby dancing for another cycle, you just reminded me I need to start taking folic acid before we start ttc. We miss you too.

Spidey: I know you are comforting DH but dont forget about yourself either, have you talked to him and told him how you feel as you will probably find it helps, as you both had the same hopes and dreams when you did get the bfp and feel the same way now that it is a bfn :hugs: - fx you dont have to go through that again and just get a bfp :thumbup:

Yeah I'm hoping it is just a phase with Natasha, we also "uh oh" here too and I dont mind that at all and I actually thought the "ouch" was funny at the start but now that it is all day about everything, it is getting a bit wearing because it is a real whining ouch and you would think she is really hurt :haha: - it is not as bad today so fx the phase is passing :haha:

I'm so glad the playdate went well and the little boy is very like Kira and that you enjoyed chatting with his mom too :thumbup: - Are you going to arrange another playdate?

Well so much for our weather, we are back to rain and drizzle today grrr, It seems we are not going to have much of a summer at all, which is such a pity as Natasha really loves playing the garden and loved the beach yesterday (oh spidey by the way, no I think it was Sophia that didn't like the sand, Natasha was a bit wary of it the first time we went, but didn't hate it either) - we still had a lovely day though and called to my friends who has the 3 girls (6, 4 1/2 and 3) and Natasha had a ball playing with them and all their toys as they were all knew and my friends lives in the country and actually has chickens and their are horses in the field next door so she really loved seeing them :thumbup: - Going to have a relaxing day at home tomorrow though as I'm wrecked after all the visiting this week and am spending the mornings getting dinner ready for that evening so we get a good few hours out after her nap and then spending the evening getting everything else done that I wasn't around to do during the day :haha: - but it is all worth it though as Natasha is having a ball everyday and it is lovely to have time when I'm not working to catch up with everybody :thumbup:
Cleckner, putt putt is fun :thumbup: I hope you have some nice courses there with water pits and windmills! I miss your posts Cleckner- you'll have to tell us about your trip when you get back!

Jelr- its too bad you're not having good summer weather. One summer you'll have to plan a trip here and you can get your fill of hot sunny weather. If you ever travel to the States you have a place to stay in Maryland!

MJ, I hope the unpacking is going well.

Shiv, :wave: I hope David's home this weekend and you're having fun together :thumbup:

Still no AF for me. She'll have to come eventually I suppose! I've been stressed the last few days since we found out MIL is out of money and is considering getting a reverse mortgage on her house. It's a program for old people where the bank either pays you a small amount each month, or the bank pays your mortgage for you, but after you die the bank owns your house. So me and DH are trying to figure out a way to buy the house from her, which we can afford if I keep working. I would LOVE to own her house since it's next to mine, but I would also like the freedom to stop working one day too. I seriously need to win the lottery!
Been quiet in here recently - I hope everyone is ok?

MJ - so how did the move go, and how is the new house, and how has Adam found it all?

jelr - glad you are enjoying your time off and getting to catch up with your friends. The weather here has been very changable too. Today it has been SOOOOOOOOOOO ridiculously hot though. Luckily Sophia doesn't seem to mind, but I am melting!

Spidey - has your AF showed up yet? I hope that you are managing to chat to your DH about everything. I really feel your body is sorting itself out though and feel positive that you will be getting a BFP really soon.

Cleck - I miss you! When are you back home? I am glad you are having fun at home though. I bet Emma is having a ball getting lots of attention.

As for us, well David was home for the weekend, but has now gone again and I won't see him until 12th August when we meet at the hotel for our weekend off. There was only one hotel with any rooms left where we wanted to stay so we really didn't have a choice, luckily the hotel looks ok and it has a pool which is good. I can bob around whislt waiting for david to finish work on the friday. Here is a link:


I can't wait for a weekend but am very aware that it will be a long time before I get anytime alone for a LONG time!

I have been spending a lot of time on my hands and knees trying to get the baby to turn but I can still feel a bum and head laying across my tummy :cry: I want thebaby to turn before my 34 week midwife appt as i don't see teh point getting my hopes up about home birth when there is still a chance I will have to have a c-section.

here is my 32 week bump, it is getting big now! I put on 1lb last week which I am happy with, better than 2lbs anyway :haha: I was asked at least 3 times last week , "so you can't have long left to go?" - I just replied with "you'd think so wouldn't you":haha:

Oh and it turns our David might be working in Holland for Sophia's birthday, hurrumph!


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Shiv, I'm sorry DH will be gone so long :hugs: Isn't there something you can try with a frozen bag of veggies to get the baby to flip, like the baby will try to get its head away from the veggies?? I guess on the bright side, the baby is transverse and not breech, so it only has a half turn. I remember spending hours on my hands and knees trying to keep Kira anterior since she kept wanting to lie posterior... it must be even more frustrating getting them head down since the impact on a good birth is much greater. Once the baby turns you'll have to bounce on that ball to get it stuck in there! You do look quite pregnant and seriously all bump!!!

AF is still not here. I don't feel like she's on her way either except every gas cramp makes me think she might be here. If AF arrives soon I'm debating taking a TTC break next cycle. We'll see though, even if I did TTC I doubt I would get pregnant anyway. I haven't talked to DH about the whole thing- we're actually focusing our attention of finding fun local places to go once the weather cools down, so it's been a nice distraction for both of us. Plus I'm obsessing over Kira's birthday party :lol: I think we both need a little break. We've been wishing for an April baby this entire time since April is a very nice month here with all the flowers in bloom and the bamboo shoots (DH's dream month!) so it hurt even more when it didn't happen.

So I need party food advice. My first thought was to make a very nice dinner with roast chicken, eggplant squash lasagna, salad, coleslaw, and bacon almond green beans. The party starts at 4pm and my fear is that everyone will be sitting down eating soooo slowly and we'll never have time for the party games I have planned. So now I'm thinking of serving hotdogs, potato chips and beer, LOL! People can stuff the food in their mouths while sitting on the floor if necessary and then we can get on with the party. And if anyone doesn't like the menu I will tell them to go somewhere else :haha: Hmmmm... maybe AF will arrive soon with the attitude I'm having today :rofl:
A strange cycle you are having Spidey, hope it sorts itself out soon.

I think finger type food would be better, especially as then Kira can move around whilst eating as sitting down while everyone else eats is never fun for a toddler! So yep hotdogs etc, or you could go all "english"and have an afternnon tea type thing. Lots of sandwiches and cakes etc, or have a big picnic on the floor, lay down picnic rugs etc (would make it easy to clean up as well!)

What date is Kira's birthday?
Hey girls, sorry I have been quiet, myself and DH just stayed off the internet for the weekend as we were saying we give out about not having time together and then get stuck on the net too much in the evenings and even though we are in the same room, and are talking we are only half talking to one another, we already dont turn on the laptop on a Saturday night, but lately somebody has called and we still haven't got any time together, so this weekend it was a long weekend here so we just stayed off it until last night and even at that we were meant to stay off of it but I got a text from my friend saying she was in labour so we turned it on in case the news went up there first instead of in a text. She had a lovely baby boy and both mammy and baby are doing well, I was so excited for her though I didn't sleep a wink until the actual text came in at 5 this morning to say he was here, I haven't managed to catch up with her properly as she has moved about 3 hours away and is still in hospital so it has only been a few texts here and there as she has had family in the hospital all day. I can't wait to speak to her though and see how she is properly.

Spidey: I'm really sorry your body is still playing up and you are feeling rotten - big :hugs: - I really hope it sorts itself out and AF comes soon to stop playing with your mind, what CD are you now? Also sorry to hear about the stress about your MIL - did you decide what to do?

I think finger food sounds perfect, whether it be hotdogs or sandwiches, it sounds much easier to prepare and clean up and I agree with Shiv, Kira will enjoy it much better and you will also have much more time to play the games. is the weather still too hot there to go outside as If you could, you could maybe bbq and have the games outside at the same time.

Shiv: :hugs: to you too, that is really cr*p that David will be away for Sophias birthday too, so much for him being away only a couple of weeks a year, it seems like he is gone more than at home at the moment, Is this only a short term thing or will it be an ongoing thing?

I think your bump looks great, in fairness you do only have 8 weeks left, so I think you look perfect for that :thumbup: I'm glad you got the hotel booked, it looks lovely, I really hope you have some lovely alone time there together.

MJ: I hope the move is going well and you are getting through the unpacking and are settling in well.

Cleck: you should be home soon, shouldn't you. I hope the trip back goes well.

Well we had a lovely weekend, we went to a park near where DH lives and had a picnic on Saturday, it wasn't sunny, but was warm and dry and Natasha got to feed the ducks and we went on a pony and trap around it and there is a lovely playground there too, we also met a friend of ours and her little boy there as her husband was working and her little girl was gone to birthday party so we arranged for the two of them to have the picnic with us and it was lovely, her little boy is 8 months older than Natasha and we really dont get to see them enough, Natasha and him were going around holding hands which was really cute. then yesterday it was raining so we baked some buns (cupcakes) and Natasha decorated them, it was actually far less messy than I expected :thumbup: and then today we went to a local garden centre as they have a new small petting farm and playground and then we went out for something to eat, so it really was a lovely weekend.

I have a sneaky suspicion though that I may be pregnant, but I'm only telling you girls and I could be completely off the wall on this one as we have been protecting, and I'm not sure when I OV'd or even if I did because I forgot to weigh myself last weekend so dont know if my weight went up as it usually does when I OV and I didn't have that mid cycle madness that I have had over the last few months just a few days of bad form, but then that could have been anything. but we dtd last Friday and Saturday (but did use protection) which would have been around the middle of my cycle if I have a 28 to 32 day cycle like I have for the last few months. Anyway what is making me wonder is my boobs have been sore all week and now I have an ache in my pelvic area all day which is exactly what I had when I was pregnant with Natasha and last time as I never get sore boobs or AF pains other than in pregnancy, the last time though I actually just knew I was pregnant and had more strechy like pains that I dont have this time and even though I have some of the symptoms I dont have them all or have that feeling that I just know like last time, so maybe it is just some crazy hormone thing going on this month that is causing the symptoms and making me read into things and from my dates I wont be CD28 until Thursday and have never gotten a postive before CD31 or 32 so there is no point in even testing until then which will be this day week. Ah I'm probably just being silly and it is some hormone thing causing my boobs to be sore and I'm probably just thinking I have AF pains because it has put the idea in my head - tell me I'm just being crazy will you as I'm terrified that I am and will only MC again because I'll stress myself out giving up smoking when pregnant instead of being off of them like I had planned to do in September - so much for a stress and worry free summer, on the other side if I am it would mean not stressing about ttc and worrying that I wont get pregnant with the pcos or it taking too long like with Natasha and I will be just gratful that it happened without the stress (that is if it all goes well and beanie stays put) - Sorry girls I know I'm babbling, but it is all going aorund and around in my head and I have only said it to DH and that is another thing that makes me think I might be as those first few weeks of hormones tend to send my head into a loop always, which it is at the moment and It is bringing all the memories and fears of another mc back.

Okay sorry babble over :(
Jelr, probably too personal, but what sort of protection do you use? If a condom then try not to get your hopes up, but if you use some other less effective method then perhaps your hunches are right! I'm looking forward to you testing now!!! Your weekend sounded really nice :thumbup: That's adorable that Natasha and her little friend were holding hands. So sweet :cloud9:

Kira's birthday is on the 14th, but the party is Saturday evening on the 13th. It's way too hot here to be outside for Kira's birthday unfortunately. The temperatures are in the 90's and 100's with full humidity. The picnic on the floor idea is really good Shiv and whoever can't sit on the floor can sit on the sofa instead. I want people to eat fast otherwise they'll have excuses not to participate in the games. I'm expecting some resistance from my guests when it comes to coloring and making pipe cleaner butterflies :haha:

no more news about buying my MIL's house.

I don't know what to think about AF not coming yet. I'm assuming the pregnancy test and my nips were right so I guess my body is trying to figure out what to do and eventually I'll start my period. I hope its not extra heavy.

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