***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

No my family didn't really comment on me BFing. Most were just surprised a bit that I was still doing it but when I was back home she very rarely wanted it during the day so most of them didn't even see her BF.

Emma calls it da boob too!! In fact everything seems to have da in front of it now. Anytime we are in public and a kid is crying she says 'da baby!!' :haha:

Anyone else at the annoying 'mama? mama!' phase yet? Emma will say repeatedly 'mama look!! mama! Mama? mama look!' And she will do it until I look. :rofl: And it's always the dumbest stuff that she wants me to look at. Yesterday in the car she wanted me to look because she put her foot up on the window. :rofl: It's really cute but gets SOOO annoying when I'm trying to accomplish something. It reminds me of family guy when stewie does it with lois. :haha:
da boob :rofl: that is sooo cute!

Kira's not in that phase yet. Her current thing is pushing me while grunting, and then pointing to the location that she would rather have me sit and says "der". It's very cute, but sooooo annoying when I just need a moment to sit down and as soon as she sees me relaxing on the couch she gives me orders to sit on the floor and then she'll point to which toy I need to play with. :haha:

She does call DH "DAAAAAA DAAAAAAAAA DAAAAAAAA" until he answers, but she never calls me like that. LOL about Emma putting her foot on the window, I bet if Kira and Emma were in the same room they would be making each other laugh as they both have a silly sense of humor.
Yay for Emma and Kira's word growth spurt! There will be no shutting them up now! Sophia doesn't stop to take breath ALL day! My mum always says that she thought I talked a lot, but apparently Sophia even tops me! it is mainly cute, but can be draining, as like your LO's she is very demanding of attention, and because she can do sentences I get stuff like "Mummy, come into the playroom and take a peek in the oven"..........but she just repeats it over and over until I go and look in her play oven at what she is "cooking". Sophia amazes me as she will pick up on really strange words and she has the memory of an elephant, which is dangerous!

Jelr - I hope the party goes well and teh weather is good for you. It has pissed it down all day here, so I think our birthday picnic tomorrow may turn into a floor picnic!

Well I have mainly been baking these last 2 days, Peppe pig cake is carved and covered in sugarpaste so I just need to decorate it tomorrow. I did two batches of cupcakes, and the Peppa Pig toppers (which don't look much like Peppa Pig :haha:) and then I had a go at cake pops tonight which turned out better than I expected.

Sophia's presents are all wrapped and out in the lounge for when she gets up. We built hertable and chairs and one of the chairs is faulty so will have to go back which made me sad. I am really excited for tomorrow which is the complete opposite of how i felt last year (I was so sad). What made it easier was that Sophia was SOOOOOOOOO kissy and cuddly today, and I kept saying to her "I am gonna kiss and cuddle you so much today while you are still me little girl becuase tomorrow you are two". Gosh I love her!

David's big boss asked to see him today and gave him letter that basically said thanks for all your hard work, we'd like to pay for you and Siobhan to go out for dinner as a thankyou - so that is our anniversary dinner on Saturday night paid for. It is a nice gesture I think as they are such a small company that thinsg like that probably add up to them. I think David was chuffed too that his efforts had been recognised.

I am worried about tomorrow as I would love to get some lovely photos of Sophia but she refuses to pose for the camera (still - we haven't got a photo of her that isn't blurry for about t6 months now!). I just want some pretty pictures to show off to everyone and i bet she won;t co-operate -any tips?
ack, so much to catch up on... been so tired and stressed lately, and I mean to sit down and write a post and then it all feels like too much. getting through the day feels like too much some days. not really very happy right now, just struggling, I guess.

anyway - to start while it's fresh in my memory... Spidey, Adam calls his dummy a deedee as well. I only noticed a few weeks ago, and I don't know how he came up with it because I have only ever called it a dummy. it's cute. but I am hoping he will cut back on needing it at all. something tells me I'll have a fight on my hands. his language has also improved lately, in terms of the words I have heard, but he doesn't speak in sentences (sometimes 2 words together is about the stretch of it). I've read it's normal and ok but I'm sure he'd get along better without a lump of plastic in his mouth.

happy birthday to Emma and Kira! I saw their pics on FB, lovely. :D and the cupcakes - mmmmm

ok, going back a few pages...

Jean and Shiv, yeah the riots were scary. so glad we moved when we did. not that our part of Lewisham was affected (though where the cars were burnt out was right next to the Sally Army hall my AA meeting was held at) but I would have been terrified, if we hadn't exchanged or completed, that it would somehow mess things up for us and it would be be the final nail in the coffin for our buyer. so we were massively relieved to be out of there. Sutton wasn't hit much, even though it's next to Croydon where there were arson attacks - few shop windows put in but nothing much more that I heard about.

yay for baby turning at least once, Shiv. there you go, s/he'll shift him/herself nicely in good time for your home birth. s/he has just been comfy lying crossways while s/he can. soon enough that won't be comfy.

how's the weight-loss going, Cleck?

Jean, I'm really sorry about your dad. you know I understand it, so hard to deal with an addict. they honestly think other people won't be harmed or bothered or upset or hurt when the truth is a million miles from that. I can say when I was drinking I had no idea of the impact it had on others. it's a truly selfish illness and all you can do is take care of yourself. my grandad was similar, he drank himself into an early grave. mind, he somehow made it to 70, but his sisters both made it well into their 90s, so longevity was in the family, but he screwed himself over well and truly. I was 10 when he died and I had lots of happy memories of him because I was too young to be involved with the dramas. as an adult though, I feel both sympathy and empathy for him, and for my grandmother and my mum and what they suffered, and angry for myself that he possibly wouldn't have died that young had he not drunk the way he did. I guess I can see all sides now. very very sad when someone thinks they are invincible and it won't happen to them, when everyone around just sees what's coming and that they are selfish and stupid for not doing something about it while they have the chance. but if it were that easy... and it isn't. ack. makes me so glad I stopped drinking well before I had a family. :hugs: awful for you having to live with that fear. it's really terrible. I'm sorry. :(

glad to hear you had a good weekend away, Shiv, despite the runs. must have been good just to get away. great that David can be home for Sophia's birthday. :happydance:

am loving hearing about all the plans for birthday presents and parties. almost makes me wish I could be there (not that anyone would really want my little bulldozer Adam around :haha: ) loads of pics will have to suffice.

sooo... as for us... where to start? ok, house things. we're not fully unpacked yet because the bed (which has storage drawers) and the chest of drawers only arrived on Tuesday, and we haven't had a chance to put stuff in them yet. so what will be Adam's room is still full of bags of clothes and bedding etc. we can get on with that this weekend though. the flooring is all done, and C has done the woodworm treatment and some painting. then the next step is to order carpets, for the stairs and anding, and Adam's room. but before we do that Chris is making an alteration to the staircase. really hope that doesn't drag out for weeks because I am ready for my carpets now.

he's taken pics of the staircase as it's been changed. don't have an absolutely "before" pic, with the old carpet, the first one is once the carpet came up before C did the woodworm treatment. the skirting boards were painted dark blue, which I hated:


after painting it white:


this is the top of the stairs, where the staircase splits, one side goes up to our bedroom and the other to a landing, where his bedroom and the bathroom come off - this is the landing side:


view from the bit that goes to our bedroom. note the "v" shaped bit:


the plan is to fill that "v" shaped bit in to make a solid step (he is going to make a wedge out of wood and slot it in). it'll be a lot safer, as it's kind of perilous as it is.

the other thing he has done is to make a rail thing at the top of the landing side:






so it's going to be at least a few weeks. I just want the stairs fixed and carpet down now, before Oct. there's other stuff to do, build shelves and paint the living room, and ideally that would all be done, too, but it's not the most urgent. however we have this big understairs cupboard that is at present full to bursting with boxes (mostly books and other stuff we packed ages ago) and I want my cupboard back, because that's where I am planning to store my new pushchair...

...which arrived last week. I ordered a Phil & Teds Explorer, it was a package that was pretty decent value, AND I had a code for an extra 15% off at Mothercare, so I got it there, plus the P&T carrycot, a new mattress for the moses basket and a breastpump. the code ended up saving me over £100, lots more if I calculated the saving for buying what I did (the basic pushchair, extra seat, sleeping bag, cup holder and rain cover) as a package. haven't had time to put it up and play with it yet, far too much other stuff to do, we just opened the boxes to make sure it was all there and they didn't send us anything in lime green.

I love the new house, don't miss the old flat at all, fortunately. however, I have been concerned with my mood recently. sort of worried. and annoyed and upset because of it... I thought after the months of stress of trying to sell and buy, that once it was over I'd be nothing but straighforwardly happy, but I'm not. I am anxious about stuff I haven't done, anxious about stuff I don't know but might forget to do (this is stupid), SO SO weary... every day is like trudging through treacle. I did myself a to-do list today, and I did manage to get some stuff done (I pushed myself) but at one point I couldn't even face reaching up to a shelf to find some documents I needed. it's horrible, like when I have been depressed in the past. 95% sure it's all just pregnancy tiredness, plus feeling hugely daunted about the idea of another child like Adam. I love him more than anyone else in the world but he's in a phase that is such hard work. very demanding. and I feel like I have zero energy. I am barely treading water, it feels, just struggling through the day. NOTHING gets done to get me ahead of myself, like I am always a couple of steps behind. the house is a tip, I can't imagine finding the energy to do anything about it.

what I'm worried about now is letting this slide and it getting worse. when I was pregnant with Adam I was seeing a psychiatrist (had been for a couple of years), and then, because of my mental health past, I was referred to a perinatal mental health midwife/nurse. so this was all out there, and I ended up being ok. now... I have nothing. I was seeing a psychologist up till March, but that finished. and I am concerned Joel will be born and I won't be able to cope. I have cried more in this past week than I have in months, a combination of terror and exhaustion. I need to call about seeing a midwife, still have seen nobody here yet. I registered us with a doctor last week and we had to go last Thursday for a basic check up, so I had my bp taken and urine checked. bp was normal but quite a bit up for me (I am usually around 102/68, this time I was 123/72) and there was a bit of protein in my urine, so the nurse wanted me to wait and get an appt with the doc, which was fortunately only 40 mins later (also needed to see doc to get referred to hospital). when I saw doc bp was back down to my normal but she was still concerned about the protein and wanted me to go back in 2 weeks (though I have no swelling or headaches so no pre-eclampsia at the moment). in the meantime I have not had my iron levels tested, as they should have been at 28 weeks. so there's loads of reasons I have to call and get things moving. but I have no energy to do it. grrr.

part of what's made me feel so down is that till Tuesday I hadn't had a day alone with Adam since July 27th, 2 days before we moved. we had my parents down, then I went up there, then when I came back C had the week off, then parents came back on the 11th for Adam's birthday weekend, and they left at lunchtime on Adam's birthday, which was Monday 15th. I have all these things to do, it's all a mess, I am not getting anywhere, and I feel like I'd be getting nowhere with it all even if I didn't have Adam because I am so tired I'd probably stay in bed. only I can't because of Adam, and he's being, at times, extra demanding and hard work (other times he is great and very well behaved, but not so much when I am home alone with him except when he is asleep).

Adam had a nice birthday, I think... we had a little party on the Sunday, the day before. I didn't make any cakes or do anything special (I got a train cake from Asda, and we also had crisps and dips and fizzy pop), C's sisters, BILs, nephews, mum and grandparents came round, also to see the house, and it was fine. kids played in the garden, weather stayed ok. I have a few pics that my mum took, which I'll try and put up tomorrow. his actual birthday - Chris went to work because he forgot it was the 15th and took the previous week off instead. :dohh: so it was quiet. my parents took Adam out in the morning, and then he slept most of the afternoon, and we had his favourite dinner (sausages and mash and ice cream). I guess he's still young enough not to realise. I know I won't get away with a low-key day in years to come.

other than that - we went for a 4D scan, and it wasn't such a great experience, baby was camera shy and hid most of the time behind his hands, feet and legs, or with his head turned in facing my spine. so we got 2 pics that are ok and the rest are terrible. but he is growing well and seemingly healthy, so I was happy about that. not happy to find out he is breech. it's just another stress to add. even though Adam might have been breech at this point in my pregnancy with him and I'd never have known (he was kind of head down at 27 weeks, and then from when the midwives started telling me, he was always head down lying down my right side, but there's no telling if he ever switched and then switched back). I really don't want a c-section, and I know I have ages and he'll probably turn, and I can try to get him shifted, but what if he doesn't? ack. :cry:

physically, health-wise, other than being tired and slow, the SPD isn't too bad. I am wondering if it's because he is breech and there isn't the same amount of pressure down there yet? it still hurts in the evenings and at night, and I am very careful when getting up, but considering it kicked in at 9 weeks this time, I really thought it would be a lot worse by 31 weeks. crossing fingers it stays tolerable. as for the heartburn, yuck. I guess it depends on what I eat, but the omeprazole isn't the miracle cure it was last time. I've had some horrific heartburn, and have had to buy Gaviscon Advance and Rennies to have in the house, and I've had to take 2 omeprazoles some days. I got another prescription from the new doc (thank god, I was scared she'd say it wasn't safe, but she looked it up). maybe this is also because he's breech and sitting right up there? my bump is really high up and sticking right out. lost count of the number of people who think I am due in the next few days/weeks.

ok, I'll stop rambling now. should really go to bed.
Shiv, my only tip for taking pictures is to take them outside in the sun so even if she's wiggling they should turn out pretty clear. I usually let Kira play and then I snap a bunch of pictures and atleast one turns out :haha: Happy birthday to Sophia tomorrow :happydance:

MJ- that was a record long post, but I read it all! I have so much to say so I hope I don't forget! It sounds to me like you could be depressed, so if you could make an appointment with a psychologist to just talk through things it might really help. Even though you sold your house and that stress is off your mind you have tons of other things going on right now that could certainly overwhelm you to the point of feeling really down. Plus pregnancy hormones never help and if you can't openly talk about things to DH it can make you feel alone. :hugs: I think you said on FB that your mom is coming to help, so that might be all you need to give you a break to let your energy levels come back up. It'll be good to get the results of your iron test too because low iron might be the culprit. Being depressed is awful and if you're heading that way you'll want to get it sorted out before the baby comes. :hugs:

I showed DH your stairs since he loves things like that and he noticed your transom window and was impressed :thumbup: He likes your idea of making that triangle stair a normal shape and his suggestion for the hand rail was to make it semi-easy to remove incase you need to move something large in the future. It's very neat how your stairs are laid out- I have never seen anything like it.

I took a video of Kira talking- you can see how she says the first sounds correctly for many words. She also does that wooo wooo woo thing, and that means she wants me to play with mini electric cars and have them ride all over the house chasing her :haha: You'll also notice how she pushes me as a signal to GET UP MOMMY! :haha:
Cleck: ha ha for da boob and da baby, even though Natasha does sentances, she tends to leave out the a lot for example she just say there bee instead of there is the bee, we have more me everything still like me house, me bath etc. Yep we have the repeating here too, its "mammy mon" for come on and that means she wants me to come with her to see or do something and she calls "mammy" all day :haha: funnily enough though I actually thought all the chatter would drive me mad as it does with others peoples children, but with Natasha I love it and would listen to her chattering all day :haha: - that is probably because I'm now in the frame of mind where I know I'm going back to work in the next few weeks and miss her already even though I'm not back yet, ifkwim :dohh:

That must be tough going being used as a pacifier - did you decide if you are going to use the lemon juice yet, I had never heard of that before.

Spidey: Aww that video of Kira is so cute, she is definitely getting more words, Natasha is the total opposite and tends to miss the start of the words and get the ends, its amazing how they can completely learn and do things the opposite way. I love the ways she does the woo woo sound :thumbup:

Here everybody calls a pacifier / dummy a doodee, I used to call it a soother as that is what we called it growing up, but my mam and dad are from a different county and nobody in our county called it that and DH and everyone else was calling it a doodee so I decided to switch rather than confuse her, I'm not even sure if I have spelled it right because it is a slang word, I have only ever seen how others spell it and there seems to be different spellings, the doo is prounounced doe so maybe it should be spelled doedee :shrug:

Shiv: Thankfully the weather has been good here the last few days, although it is windy and overcast today so fingers crossed it just stays dry tomorrow. I hope it is nice for your picnic. I'm so glad you are not sad this year, I'm a bit of both, I am so excited about her party and seeing her face with her own cake and seeing her face with her presents and the playroom, but I'm a little sad that she is growing up so quick and is more and more like a little girl everyday instead of a baby.

That was really lovely of Davids boss. I didn't realise it was your anniversary this weekend too, hope you have a lovely meal out too, how many years are you married?

MJ: Massive :hugs: sweetie, I have to agree with Spidey I think you need to talk to somebody as you do seem to be depressed. It could be all hormonal too as I think you were very down in last tri when you were pregnant with Adam too if I'm remembering right. Is there no way you can talk to DH about how you are feeling, I do always it helps me, mind you I think the reason my DH is good like that is because he actually doesn't listen half the time :haha: hense he never remembers to hold it against me :haha: - or if not maybe your mum, as I find with me, I have all these fears in my head especially when I'm hormonal and once I actually say them out loud they dont seem as bad.

Also dont be so hard on yourself, I think you are doing great considering all the stress you have been under and are still under. As I said on FB - moving house is one of the most stressful things that anybody goes through in life and you are heavily pregnant and have a toddler and the stress doesn't stop once you have moved in, when you still have work to do, it ony stops once everything is done and you can relax in it, we have had major work done on the house before and I was like a basket case and toddlers do seem like such hard work when you are exhausted. When I found out I was pregnant the last time I was completely panicked because Natasha was going through a phase of not sleeping and I was shattered and couldn't cope at all and the same when I was miscarrying I was so stressed and shouted loads at poor Natasha as there was so much on my mind I was mentally drained, which I think you are at the moment.

Hopefully when your mum comes down it will help and give you a rest and then when LO is born, the house will be all done and you wont be feeling so tired, crappy and hormonal and I know you will do great, you did with Adam and you will again. - I wish I was nearer to you and run over and give you a big cuddle and tell you it will all be okay, which I know it will. :hugs:

And thanks you so much for giving me your insight into my dad, DH always tells me the same to treat him like a sick person and that it is nothing to do with me, or him not caring, but that he can only think of drink and as I told you before DH hasn't drank in 20 years now because of the same problem and even though I know he knows what he is talking about, I still find it hard not to be angry as I see that DH has done it and sometimes when DH is giving me an insight i think he is only trying to make me feel better so it is good to hear it from somebody else. That is another thing, look how far you have come in your life and what you have coped with, you dont give yourself enough credit, you have done great with your life and have been through so much, so you are stronger than you think.

Well things have nearly gone too well for me, I am normally like a headless chicken for anything we have in the house, but I'm on top of it this time for some reason, I hope it all doesn't go to pot tomorrow :dohh: - I left Natasha over with my mam yesterday and scrubbed the house from top to bottom, I id the stuff I do everyweek like sweeping, mopping, dusting and the bathrooms and mirrors and then I cleaned the oven, the fridge all the crystal and glass in the cabinet and the inside of the windows, DH is going to do the outside tomorrow and this morning I got loads of veg chopped and frozen to fill up the freezer and made the rice crispy buns and jelly all by 10.30 - Oh and this evenings dinner prepared. Some friends are calling this afternoon that can't come tomorrow and when they go I'm going to get Natasha bathed and when she is in bed we will decorate and set everything up so all I will need to do tomorrow is dump everything in bowls and make some sandwiches and get myself showered and ready.

I'm delighted with myself :haha: - I even got in here to do this huge post when I didn't think I would get in at all over the weekend :haha:

So happy Birthday today to Sophia and hope you all have a great weekend. Xx
AF hit. :cry: Only a 10 day luteal phase than. Not sure if we'll be able to try the next two months because his ship schedule keeps changing so I have no clue if he'll be here for ovulation. I'm starting to panic now though. If I don't get pregnant soon, we won't have insurance when I DO get pregnant. :cry: If DH gets out in June 2012 than our insurance ends like 90 days after that. So if I don't get pregnant before he leaves, we are probably done having kids unless I get on medicaid or something. :nope:

In good news, I was up to 195 lbs after Emma's birthday but I'm down to 191.6 today. :thumbup: DH and I both got bicycles and I got one of those bike seats for Emma so she sits in that behind me with her cute little toddler helmet. :haha: We just got them two days ago so yesterday was our first day riding them around. But we plan on going every day so I'm getting good exercise again. :thumbup:
Spidey - Kira has a foot fetish :haha: She defintiley has the start of her words sorted, she is just so expressive facially too.

Cleck - sorry AF hit you. Don't give up hope. If Corey's schedule keeps changing then there is as much chance that he will be with you for ovulation as he won't. Fingers crossed for your BFP hon.

Good work on your weightloss. I would love to see a photo of you and Emma on your bike. I am not confident enough on my bike to get SOphia a seat, I fall off quite frequently (well I did when i used to ride which was a while back now!)

Jelr - I hope the party is amazing tomorrow, it sounds like you are super organised so will be able to really enjoy the day.

MJ - massive hugs, I am sorry you are feeling so down and like there is no way back up. It does sound like you could be a little depressed. I think you should mention it to your midwife so that if you do need some help and reassurance after Joel is born then you will get it. Hormones and lack of sleep are a killer and cumulative too so they just build up and up making you feel more out of control. Try to tell Chris what is going on and perhaps he could lighten your load a little.
I didn;t realise how much work you would still have to do on the house. I don't blame you for being stressed out still. If I am honest what I can see and have heard boys do seem to be harder work at this age (I guess girls will make up for it in the teenage years :haha:). SO please don't beat yourself up about finding Adam hard work. I am sure your mum coming down will lighten your load and your mood considerably. Most of all as Jean said, give yourself some credit, most of all Adam is a happy and bright boy and that is mostly down to you, be proud :hugs:

Well Sophia's birthday has been lovely. She wasn't really that fussed about her presents and spent a good while just putting them in a tower and then transferring them to another table and making another tower :dohh:. We went swimming which she loved and then had a floor picnic at home, with lots of SOphia's favourite foods (olives, mango, houmous and carrot/cucumber sticks, cocktail sausages) followed by a cupcake. Then in the afternoon we did some painting and played withher new toys. Her favourite is a wooden cake stand and cakes and a cat called coco who came with a little cat sofa!

So tomorrow we go back to Kent for the joint party and she will see both sets of grandparents and get more presents.

I am all baked out, but am finished, I will put some photos up on facebook after the weekend. I managed ot get about two photos of her actually smiling at the camera but the others are just of her playing and not looking at the camera.

Right time for bed I think - big hugs to all that need them x
Shiv, I can't wait to see the pictures of Sophia and to peek at her new toys! Kira really needed some more advanced toys so this week she's been very entertained playing with all her new things. She also got some educational type things for her birthday like cards with colors and shapes on them, so we've been doing some educational type play too where I lay out 3 cards and ask "where is the triangle" etc.. it's amazing how fast she can learn now. Kira loves olives too :)

Cleckner, I'm sorry about AF :growlmad: Make sure you look into private insurance before you let your current insurance lapse since it's not a good idea to have a lapse in insurance or you might run into trouble in the future if they want to claim that you had "pre-existing conditions" during that uninsured time. You can get plans that aren't too expensive per month if you have a high yearly deductible. So instead of being stuck with a 20,000 bill for your next pregnancy you will "only" have to pay 2,500 for instance (if 2,500 is your deductible). Me and DH carried private insurance for several years and it wasn't too much money, except the deductible was very high so the doctor visits were ridiculously expensive (so we never went), but it was nice to have it just incase, if you know what I mean. We were required to have health insurance when we were in college, so if Corey goes to college after he gets out of the Navy he might run into the same problem. I'm really sorry things aren't looking too bright for getting pregnant now :hugs: But don't give up hope yet and things might be timed just right for a pregnancy next month. When are you moving back home?

jelr, it sounds like you were a crazy lady with all the cleaning and cooking you got done! Atleast now you can sit back and enjoy the party :thumbup: Fingers crossed for good weather!

I'm still going back and forth on whether or not to TTC this cycle. My main worry is that I'll get pregnant and the m/s will kick in right when they're deciding to renew my job at the end of September. I don't want to give them a good reason to terminate me. But I want another baby so missing one month could set me back 30-50 days, depending on my cycle. My job is perfect since I'm allowed to come in late every morning, leave early, sit around and chat for half my day and get paid really good money for being part time. There's no way I can find that anywhere else :haha:
Spidey - just go for TTC this cycle, if you do get a BFP then you'll figure it out, if you don't try you will always wonder!

I have uploaded pictures from Sophia's birthday weekend to facebook, i have put them in an album that only you girls can see as I will use one of the photos as a thank you card so don't want to spoil the suprise for those that will receive one. There are pictures of quite a few random children (well they will be to you guys!), they are Sophia's friends from my antenatal group so are all just turned or jus turning 2. Sophia is the giant of the group!

Everyone kept saying to me, she is actually a girl now, not a baby, not even a toddler but actually a girl! Made me kinda sad but proud at the same time. Who can believe that we have brought up such wonderful children for 2 years now............we all deserve a big pat on the back!
Shiv, Sophia is so adorable. Which picture are you planning to use for your thank you cards? In the 2 pictures where she's sitting next to the other little girl on the bench- is that other girl really the same age as Sophia??!! If she is, then no wonder you call Sophia a giant :haha: I bet Sophia is mistaken for being 3 since she's so tall and talking very well too. Her longer hair might make her seem more grown up too. I still consider Kira a toddler :lol: since she can hardly walk straight and she still babbles! It looked like she had a great time at her 2 birthday celebrations, and you looked great in the pictures too :thumbup:

Kira went poop in the potty this weekend. Me and Kira were taking a bath together and she started to make the poop face so I jumped out of the bathtub and then stuck her on the potty chair. She wasn't happy at first, but then settled down and pooped!
Yay well done Kira :thumbup:

The picture of Sophia on a bench is with a little girl called Sophie who is one week younger than Sophia. Sophie is the smallest of the group and SOphia is teh biggest but this photo really shows the difference!

A funny story is that Sophie was due on the 15th August, then Sophia was born early on the 19th with Sophie finally being born on 26th. The mum was going to call her little girl SOphia, but not only did I push ahead of her in the queue but I nicked her name (not that I knew that was what she wanted to call her, I'm not that mean :haha:). SO she opted for Sophie instead. Can you imagine her face when myemail came through saying that Sophia had been born and not only was she still preggers but now had to find another name!

As for thank you card, I am thinking of either using the one with the backpack, because it is just very Sophia, or one with bubbles. Not sure yet. Which do you think?
Thats so funny you beat her to the name Sophia. If it were the other way around, would you have still named your baby Sophia? The difference in size between the 2 girls is crazy.

For the thank you card I really like the backpack one because her smile is so beautiful :thumbup:

Heres my funny story for how I named Kira :haha: You girls should feel special because this is the first time I've admitted this to anyone :blush: We were so certain that we were having a boy that we didn't give much thought to a girls name. We spent some time trying to come up with a girls name "just incase", and I went through some with DH and he didn't like any. I really liked italian-type names like Isabella or Gabrielle and since my family is mostly Italian, I thought it would be nice. I have an online friend who I met through a gluten free message board who was pregnant at the same time as me. She knew she was having a girl and had the name "Kira" picked out since the gender scan. I told DH about my friend naming her daughter Kira and DH said "I want to use that too" :rofl: I felt so ashamed to take her name and when Kira was born, I told her that I named her Zoey (Kira's middle name) because I couldn't bring myself to admit I stole her name :blush: Thankfully we haven't spoken since we had our babies because it would be hard to keep up a lie like that.
Shiv: I loved looking at your photos, Sophia is a real dote, she is definitely more like a little girl than a baby, I also think the photo with the backpack. It looks like you had a great few days.

Spidey: Yay for Kira doing a poop in her potty - I would agree with Shiv, I would ttc or else you will also wonder, also maybe it would actually jinx you into getting pregnant, and if you did you would manage with work and maybe they would feel sorry for you with being so sick and keep you.

Cleck: Sorry AF hit, FX Corey will be home on the days that you need him to be.

MJ: How are you feeling now, I hope a little better.

Well we had a great few days, but I'm definitely feeling my age, I am absolutely shattered after it all, it lashed after on Saturday, but it was fine as DH set up a gazebo at the door so any smokers stayed dry and it gave some more room in the house, as some were out there, and everyone else was between the sun room that we had the food set up in and the kitchen and sitting room and some of the kids were in the playroom - she absolutely loved having everyone here and being the centre of attention and seeing her face light up with it all was worth her weight in gold.

Sunday then, we got up and she opened all her present, she wasn't as mad about opening the wrapping paper as I thought she would be, but then most were clothes so she didn't have much interest in that I guess :haha: - she really enjoyed opening the cards more. We then went down to the festival and went to my mams for dinner where she blew out more candles and had more cake. Then on Sunday night we turned the sun room into her new playroom and put up some wall decals and I got really emotional putting her to bed and cried for about an hour, partly because I honestly feel so lucky to have her and partly because I just love her so much I can't explain it and partly because she is growing up so quickly and the time is going way too fast for me :haha:

Monday then, we brought her into our bed, where we all had breakfast and then we got dressed and up to get her presents from us, which she absolutely loved, the weather was gorgeous, so we spent the day in the garden and she got to play on the bouncy castle we had borrowed and had a bbq.

she is exhausted herself today after it all, but I really think she did enjoy it.
jelr, your pictures were great! I really LOVE your sunroom and I'm sooo jealous! I told DH that he needs to build me a sunroom :haha: I would have loved that store as a kid!

jelr, when do you start back to work and when are you quitting smoking? Are you going cold turkey? Are you going to TTC during your next cycle?

MJ, have you gotten any results back yet about your iron?

Shiv, how is baby turning going?

Cleckner, I hope you're having a good time with Corey! Are you planning any fun day trips?

Kira pooped again in the potty yesterday! Once again we were taking a bath together and she started moving around like she might have to poop soon, so I stuck her on the potty and she went! But she pooped today in her diaper so I don't think its a permanent thing. Kira is a career bathtub pooper so it's nice not having to disinfect the bathtub and all of the toys recently :haha:

I decided to go with what you girls are saying and I'm going to TTC this cycle. I haven't ovulated yet but I want to catch it with my nips and opk's so I can have a nice estimation of luteal phase this time. The time will never be 100% right and if Kira didn't accidently happen, most likely I would still be putting off having my first baby. I was super bloated today and had a very nice bump, and it was nice imagining it was a baby :haha:

This weekend a hurricane is supposed to come up the coast so if it hits hard I might not be around for a few days as I wait for power to come back on. We had a big hurricane in 2003 and we lost power for almost a week! It's been a crazy 2 weeks because we've had severe thunderstorms and tornado watches and then the earthquake and now a hurricane! So exciting!
No time for a big post but just wanted to say KEEP SAFE spidey and update us when you get the chance :hugs:
Eeek Spidey, yes do stay safe, will be thinking of you and hope it passes you by. It must be so scary.

I'm back to work Monday week :( and am dreading it being honest. I have so loved being off with Natasha and having extra time to catch up with friends and being honest I'm worried how I'm going to fit it all into the day. I usually co-ordinate 12 / 14 classes / groups, but for this term I have 20 and I already was under pressure to get it all done in the 3 days - before Natasha I used to work 4 to 5 days and I had the same work load last term, just squeezed into the 3 days and now I have more, plus I compiled a guide and policy and procedures manual for the tutors for preparing for assessment before I had Natasha and our National awarding body have made major changes and I have to update that also and there are so many changes, I need to more or less re-write it, so I may just do that at night time as I dont want to be away from Natasha for anymore time, poor DH will have to look at the back of my head on the laptop for the next few months. I had agreed to all of this last term when DH was on half wages as I was panicking about money and now I'm sorry as he is back on proper wages almost, so we are okay, but then on the other hand I guess it will all stand to me when I get pregnant again as the extra money will hopefully go towards me taking off extra time after maternity and hopefully my boss will agree to it with all the extra I'm going to do in the next few months. Anyway I'm trying to tell myself it is only for a few months and I have always worked well under pressure, so I'm sure it will all work out and the way things are going in this country I'm lucky to have a job and it is well paying too, so overall I am lucky.

I'm not going to go cold turkey on the cigerettes, I'm staring the champix tablets the day I go back to work and you actually smoke for the first two weeks on them and then stop, so I'm hoping I will be settled back into work and will be so busy I wont miss them :haha: - I know it wont be as plain sailing as that, but I'm hopefull.

The next week or so is going to fly though as we are getting some work done on the house and it is like a bomb and we have another wedding next thurs, so it will be a busy week.

Your DH would have no problem building you a sun room, DH actually built that on himself last year and only got somebody to do the electrics and plastering and I have to say I do love it myself, it is such a bright room with loads of lights. It wasn't expensive either, although we actually got the windows for nothing as somebody was throwing them out on a job DH was working on and he said he would take them, so it was more or less built around them and they would have been the most expensive part. Imagine throwing out beautiful and perfect windows like that. Some people have more money than sense.

I'm glad you decided to ttc again, as you said there never will be a right time for MS and so on, so hopefully it will jinx you into getting pregnant this month.

Shiv: I really hope baby has turned. How are you getting on in the plans for a home birth?

Cleck: I hope you are having loads of fun with DH and Emma.

MJ: I really hope you are feeling a bit better and the house work is coming along nicely.

Poor Natasha has a touch of a cold, it is not a full blown cold and she is not really put out by it at all, just a bit of a runny nose and a dose of sneezing every now and again. It has reminded me the winter is on its way back though as she hasn't had a cold since last Feb or March, I think it is bothering me that is is unwell more than it is her :haha: - She is loving her new playroom and new toys, so I think she is just too busy with them to notice :haha:

Well I hope you all have a great weekend and let us know how you are after the weather spidey.
jelr, if you work well under pressure I'm sure you'll do fine. It'll be an adjustment going back to work but once you get into the swing of things you'll be okay. It doesn't sound like you'll have much time for breaks at work though since thats a huge work load. Will you try to squish it all into 3 days again? Fingers crossed the champix tablets work, and it does sound like a good time to start since you won't have time for a smoke break while you're working :haha:

Thanks for the hurricane well wishes :flower: They're saying we won't be hit till Saturday night or Sunday morning, so I have a few more days of calm to enjoy. People are going crazy here buying bottled water and food. Apparently it'll be the worst hurricane to hit this area in a long time and they're worried that the damage will be extra bad since the ground is already softened from all the rain we've had- so the trees will come out easier. Normally we get hit with tropical storms which is a hurricane that became weakened and has lesser winds, so having an actual hurricane hit us is a big deal. We have tons of dried beans, rice and slim jims (preserved meat sticks) so I'm teasing DH that we'll cook beans with slim jims over the fire pit outside during the week or 2 without power. He complained about the dinner I made tonight and I told him that he better enjoy it because it'll be the last balanced meal he'll have in a long time :haha: And DH obviously isn't worried since his biggest fear is the "maggots might all drown in the compost pile" :dohh: :haha: He was seriously concerned about that today. I'm going to have major internet and tv withdrawal if we lose power though- what will I do with myself!!!??
Spidey - where abouts in Maryland are you? I want to know so I can keep an eye on what happens with the weather where you are -that way i can know how things are going :hugs:
Yep that is a great idea Shiv and if you see anything before me, let me know and vise versa.

Spidey I think you are great being so calm, I would be a basket case, but then we are not used to weather like that here at all. I does sound quite serious too, it was even on our news today that the US was expecting Irene and that the governor of Maryland had ordered Ocean City to be evacuated. I really hope you are not near there.

Will be thinking of you over the weekend :hugs:

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