***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Thanks spidey, yes it was condoms, so thanks for putting my mind at ease :haha: that is the only thing that has made me think that I'm not because they are so safe, which is why we have protected this way since Natasha was born as I didn't want to go down the road of using anything with hormones in it as I was on the pill for years and think that contributed to it taking so long to get pregnant the first time, but with these bloody sore boobs and AF pains I was questioning it, but feel better now to hear it from somebody else.

I actually dont know whether I was hoping or panicking, in one sense I would be just so grateful to be pregnant as I know how stressful ttc can be, but on the other, I'm the type of person who likes to have things planned and everything in place and my head goes into a spin for a few days when things go differently than what I planned until I can get my head around it and re-adjust my plan ifkwim :haha: - I know I'm a fruit loop really and should be just grateful instead of panicking if I was (and I would be so so gratful once I got my head around it :haha:) - I just have an awful fear that maybe the stress I have put myself under in the past by quiting smoking once i found out I was pregnant has maybe contributed to my mc's.

Dont know what is going on with my body then as they only time I get these symptoms is when I'm pregnant, maybe the fact that I didn't have the middle of the month depression like I have since the mc just means the hormones are just doing something funny and everything is evening out this month, or maybe it is actually OV time now for me and instead of the mid month depression, my mind is just in a frenzy :haha: and I can't even weight myself to check as I have eaten so much this weekend I'm bound to be up a few lbs :haha:

That is a pity about the weather being so hot for Kira's birthday, I definitely think the idea of having an indoor picnic sounds great, your party games sound really fun. I love the idea of making butterflies out of pipe cleaners :thumbup:
wowzers everyone's bodies are playing games with them this month. Jelr - I agree with SPidey that condoms when used properly are really effective, but not 100%, so you do never know. You always seem to have a gut feeling when you are pregnant, so I say go with your gut. And on the whole stress casuing your MC, I think you know that it has nothing to do with it, it is just pure damned bad luck and nothing you do or don't do affects it :hugs:

I am back up after going to bed as it is just too hot to sleep. I came down t the lounge to find a moth the size of a bat flitting around, and my cat cowered in the corner. Seriously this thing is massive, much too big for me to take a swipe at as it would make some serious mess on the wall :haha: i hate moths ever since my brother told me when i was little that they were poisonous, what a git :haha:

David's work front is all a big mess at the moment, basically the company he works for took on a contract from another company who are basically idiots. The project was supposed to take a week but because of their incompetence has now taken over 3 and is likely to take another 2. I very much doubt they will take on any more work from them as David's boss is getting seriously pissed off. He will pretty much be away from home (at leats during the week) until 9th September, but after that it should settle down a bit I hope.

His big boss has agreed to give him an extra 2 days of holiday to use as paternity leave (as he is not entitled to any as he hasn't worked there 6 months). So it isn't much, but hopefully he will take 2 weeks off, but only have to use 8 days of his own holiday, which will leave him with another few days to take before Christmas. I was hoping they would be a bit more generous, and perhaps just offer to give him statutory leave (which is 2 weeks off where they get paid about £120 a week), which would leave us more out of pocket but with lots more holiday to take so he could take some time off when baby is a month or two old. Never mind!
Shiv, it really sucks about DH working away from home, but if it's not the norm, then I guess it's a tiny bit easier to live with. It came at such a bad time though. Did you ever catch that gigantic moth :shock: ??

jelr- any more pregnancy signs??

so my crazy BIL killed one of these with a giant pole. It ate my entire veggie garden and was working on eating my BIL's garden so he snuck up behind it. He's lucky he wasn't bitten as they are viscous and the size of a medium dog.
after he killed it, he came over my house with it :dohh: YUCK! I still need to sanitize my doorbell. I think he felt bad... and then DH told him he should stick it in the refrigerator before it goes bad. So right now a giant dead groundhog is in my MIL's fridge :rofl: She will piss her pants when she discovers it. I feel bad for the giant rodent, but in a way I'm getting some thrill out of knowing a giant rodent is in my MIL's fridge. I can't wait to hear the screams when she gets home :haha:
OMG Spidey - thats hilarious! Although i must admit i would not want to find that in my fridge!

As for our giant moth, I left it locked in the conservatory last night and there was no sign of it this morning, so it is still in there somewhere - it was seriously huge, when it flew you could hear its wings flapping!

I have been stood in the dark for the past 20 minutes with a torch held to my pubic bone :haha: I tried the frozen peas on my belly last night to no avail, so tonight was light and tmorrow i will try music to turn this baby!

i just spoke to David who has just finished work at 9.30pm having been at the farm since 6.30am - shame he is not on overtime payments - he sounded exhausted bless him.

So hot here still, Sophia is just in a nappy togo to bed and it took her over 90 minutes to settle. She had a disrupted night last night where she was up for an hour getting upset about random stuff, most to do with books that she wanted to read. i hope she sleeps through tonight, for the neighbours sake at least!

How are you feeling today jelr with regards to pregnancy?

and spidey anysign of AF yet?
OMG Spidey I would freak too if I found that in my fridge, although I lol when I heard it was in your MIL as I know you dont get on the best and thought that is sweet revenge :rofl: - that thing is huge, no wonder it ate half of your garden eeeekkk.

And eeek at the moth shiv, I have to say creepy crawlies dont bother me at all, but I do find moths freak me out a bit as they are so ugly :haha: - and by the sounds of that one, I would say I would have bricked myself :haha: - I hope he has just died somewhere with the heat :haha:

Yeah it is really warm and clamy here too, we have the windows open slightly at night and both myself and DH didn't sleep well last night with it, although Natasha slept through thankfully so it doesn't seem to be bothering her, although she did get up from her nap in bad form and was really sweaty and clamy.

You would think DH's boss would give him a bit more time when he is away so much when he wasn't supposed to be, but then I guess that is bosses for you take, take, take most of the time. I'm so glad my boss is so so nice as nobody elses seems to be :thumbup: - that really takes the buscuit that he is going to be away all week until September and at such a bad time too. FX it all settles down then.

Yeah I dont know what to think really, my gut was telling me yes yesterday but then logic was telling me no so I didn't have that 100% feeling like I did before but I'm not sure if that was because the logical side of my brain was saying no and this morning I was more convinced because my arthritis was really bad in my knees and even though my arthritis affects mosts of my joints on and off, it only affects my knees when really overweight or when I'm pregnant and not just heavily pregnant but from the very, very start and this morning they were killing me, but that seems to have settled down now and my boobs are not so sore, so I'm thinking no this evening, but I still have the AF pains :shrug: being honest I'm starting to think maybe I OV'd late this month and it was something to do with that because looking back to how I was feeling yesterday, my mind was in a flap and panicked which I tend to do at the mid month time, where as today I'm back to my positive self and feel that what is meant to be will be and if I am, I will give up smoking and even though it will stress me, I will do it like I did before and really as you said shiv, I think it is bad luck mc before as I stressed myself out when giving up with Natasha and my dad was really sick and had to have open stomach surgery and we didn't know he if he was going to make it when I was pregnant on Natasha too, so if stress was my cause of mc, we wouldn't have our little woman here either and people have been far more stressed than just quiting smoking and all has ended well.

I will see how the week goes though as I still dont know 100% what my gut is telling me :haha: but then that could be more wanting it to tell me that I am now as it would be so nice and I would be so lucky if I was, but I do have a funny feeling it is more wishful thinking now at this stage and if I actually got a bfp I would probably be in a panic again.

I swear hormones dont do me any favours at all, I am so calm usually, well maybe not calm as I am a worry wort, but usually very postive and have good coping skills, well at least I think I do :haha: and then a surge or hormoes, let it be pregnacy or OV and I turn to a mess :dohh:

I actually had a lovely day, (well apart from Natasha having a few strops :haha: I had two long phone conversation with my friend, so I feel so much better now, knowing she is doing well as I was anxious to speak to her and I also met up with a very old friend, I went to school with her and we were good friends, but she moved away just after school when her parents split up and I haven't seen her in over 13 years, but we have been back in contact through fb, her dad still lives here so she was down visiting and I got a pm from her today to say she was staying a few more days and would love to call up and meet Natasha and bring her baby who is a month old and it was lovely to catch up with her, I was so nervous though and was afraid we wouldn't know what to say, but we had a great old chat and it was as if we saw each other regularly, the time went too quick though as she only got here at 4 and then I was getting dinner ready so she headed off about 5.30 which was a pity if I had known sooner I would have had something quick to cook or stuck something in the slow cooker this morning, but I didn't get the pm until lunch time today and then I sent her a text as she sent on her number and she didn't get it straight away, the baby was gorgeous also, maybe with all these babies I'm actually getting psychosomatic pregnancy symptoms :rofl: - Imagine I think I would need to see somebody :haha:
no word yet if she found the groundhog. I can't see how she would miss it with how large it is :haha: DH was telling me how all the parasites will flee the body and crawl around her fridge, ugh!! I told DH NO groundhogs EVER in my fridge :rofl:

Shiv, I have a mental picture of you holding a torch (flashlight) to your tummy :haha: Imagine if your neighbors saw you through your window! Fingers crossed the baby gets the message and moves!

Jelr, with all your symptoms it does sound quite promising, but don't get your hopes up just incase. I hope you're not having a psychosomatic pregnancy :haha: My mom says if she spends too much time holding a newborn, she feels milk letdown :shock:

You both must have gotten our really hot weather from a week ago. It's no fun to sleep when its hot. Fortunately we have air conditioning- couldn't live without it!

No AF yet... still waiting....
Eeeek spidey I'm cringing at the thoughts of all those things crawling your MIL's fridge, I think I would just get rid of the fridge after that, it would never feel clean :sick: - well have you heard any screams yet :haha:

What CD are you now, this really is a long cycle, have you tested again just in case or are your nips not sore anymore?

Shiv: How did the flashlight last night or music tonight work, Any luck?? - Yeah the neighbours will definitely be wondering with all your weird positions and sticking a flashlight to your stomach, they will think they live beside a mad woman :rofl:

Well girls the gut feeling has gone, so I know I'm not, AF ache only comes and goes and boobs only hurt now if Natasha bashes against them and not everytime I carry her or cuddle her so it was either some freak hormones or else maybe I am cracking up and it was some sort of psychosomatic symptoms :rofl:

My poor friend is still in hospital as her baby was showing signs of infection and they were afraid as her waters were gone so long that she didn't get antibiotics in labour on time, so they have to wait until his blood cultures are back tomorrow and he is the special care until so my heart goes out to her as all her family are visiting and she is stuck in the hospital and she is missing her baba so much as I can only imagine. My heart is going out to her and I hate that she lives so far away now as it is not the same over the phone, I just wish I could give her a big hug. Myself and two of our other bfs are going up in 3 weeks time to see her and the new arrival :kiss:

I'm presuming it is strep b, but they dont tell you anything about that here, I only know anything about it from bnb and what I have googled as they dont test here and just treat you if you are showing symptoms. I had a massively high temperature in labour and was given antiobiotics and had to be treated later with antibiotics when I am home as I ended up bleeding heavily and being really sick a week later and again nothing was explained I was just told I had an injection so i'm not 100% if I already had strep b or if it was because my waters were gone so long. All I know is that the public health nurse said it was probably step b when I had my check and explained my history and that is when I googled it. My friends experience has made me think of it more though and I'm going to ask if there was a swab done in labour the next time I get pregnant and according to the AIMS Ireland site you can request a test here, but they try to put you off, so I think the next time around I'm going to ask for one, so as at least if I test positive I can get the antibiotics because it really isn't nice what she is going through. I can't belive that I didn't ask more the last time, but then I guess with being wrecked after labour and a new baby I didn't even think being honest.

The health system drives me mad here because you are treated for stuff and nothing is explained. It was always the very same when I was up and down to the rheumatologist, in the end he hated me because doctor google was my friend and I came armed with 50 million questions about my treatment and medication and the funny thing is I had appointments every 6 weeks or so I have only had one since I came off all my medication to have Natasha and have stayed off it apart from the dose of steriods i needed when Natasha was born and maybe one or two more since then, so now that I'm not their guinea pig to ploy lots of stuff into they dont want to know, although I'm not complaining as I hated sitting around the hospital half the day and it was the regional hospital which is an hour away, so it actually suits me fine not to have to go often and I want to stay in the system as I can get an appointment if I need it but there is a waiting list of a few years for new patients to see the rheumatologist, which is ridiculious - okay rant over now :haha:
hey ladies, feels like ages since I posted, even though it's less than a week... guess a lot has happened. :haha:

any sign of AF, Spidey? and any news on the MIL's house? would that mean you had 2 houses? what would you do, knock them down and build a new massive one? eeeek at the beast in the fridge! I would completely freak out if I found that in mine. though it would take up the entire fridge as it's not very big :lol: (fridge that is, not beast)

how are you doing, Jean? I also say go with your gut feeling, but not get too hopeful because yeah, condoms are generally very reliable. but nothing is 100%. and as for stress, well, I managed to conceive and gestate thus far while enduring some not very nice moving house related stress... I have always been amazed my blood pressure isn't through the roof (it's something like 104/68, which is a little lower than when I was pregnant with Adam).

Shiv, FX your efforts will encourage baby to shift head down! at least like Spidey said, there is only a half turn to be done, and you do still have a good few weeks left. I know how worrying it is to be told they're not in a good position, I freaked out hen at my 39 or 40 week appt Adam was allegedly transverse oblique, after being nicely head down and in the same position since about 32 weeks. am really hoping this baby decides to engage sooner rather than later because I am convinced this is what led to my being induced (mildly, to hurry things up after my waters had broken) last time. he just wouldn't engage so no pressure in the right place. annoying. and I bounced like a lunatic on the ball as well. am very inspired by both Ash and Aimee having relatively quick labours with no time for epidural second time round, and really hoping for the same myself.

eeeek, re David's work, that doesn't sound like fun at all, for any of you. :( good that he's getting some extra holiday to make up for the lack of paternity leave. Chris is only planning to take 1 week of paternity and 1 week holiday, because we can't afford the 2 weeks at £128 or whatever it is.

and super-eek at the moth ... I don't know if my cat would have been scared or would have been a trouper and gone for it - she always used to go for moths, and I noticed they made her either sick or get diarrhoea. twice she shat or threw up on new rugs the same day I got them. so I think I'd have encouraged her away from your giant, because I have too much nice new stuff in the new house to take a chance!

speaking of the new house - the move went very well, though crikey, I was shocked by how much there was still left to do the day we moved. and by how absolutely jam-packed the massive van we hired was. but we managed, my parents were a huge help. the calls from the solicitor to say we'd first completed on the sale and then the purchase came through nice and early, which was a relief I cannot begin to explain... and then off we were! goodbye to my little flat. I did shed a small tear, but tbh, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I was the last to leave, and I locked up, and I did feel sad but it's not the same place all empty.

so we arrived at the new house, my mum and I drove over with Adam, and we got there last as we had had to drop the keys off at the estate agent and then pick the new ones up. but C had managed to open the back gate and had started unloading the van already. we were (mostly) kind of pleasantly surprised by the house (glad it didn't go the other way and be unpleasantly shocked) - no real signs of damp, so though we're not disputing there is damp and it does need a new damp proof course, it's not something we're rushing to do right away. the rooms are small but they are not ridiculously tiny. the carpet in our bedroom is in really good condition so we're not replacing it, and the one in the dining room is all fine, and though we're putting down wooden floors we're going to put the carpet up into Adam's room as the one there, while ok, is the most vile shade of orange and there's no way I'm keeping it. we thought all the carpets would have to be ripped up. the hall and stair ones do have to go but that is more because we have to take them up to treat the staircase for woodworm and we wouldn't get them back ok (plus I don't like them). the bathroom is better than we thought, we knew there was a damp problem there, and thought it would be expensive to fix, but C thinks he can do it himself as the shower is not electric after all. the kitchen is fine, the only room that nothing needs changing on. the walls in some of the rooms need to be skimmed as the plaster is marked with gouges, but no rush there. the biggest thing we have to do is have the electrics checked as the meter is from when jesus was a child, and there is a scary looking electric cable running up one wall from the outside to the meter.

so we moved in, and then C and I went to Ikea, leaving my parents with Adam. C had put up his playhouse first so he was thrilled with that, and while we were out my parents cleared the garden (it's only small), cut the grass, which was knee high, and put the slide up. no word of a lie, but Adam spent the majority of the couple of days we were there out in the garden on the slide! he loves it! he seems so so so so happy having space to run around, he is SO much better behaved than I dreamt he'd be, for example, the dining room is just packed with boxes and stuff piled everywhere, and he's not been into it at all, not really shown any interest, whereas in the flat I couldn't leave my bag on a table and it would be down and the contents everywhere. NOTHING was safe. I realise now how small and limited his world was, and probably how bored he was. so this is a great move for him. for all of us. I think it's going to be brilliant.

so we went to Ikea and bought a 3-seat sofa and an armchair, and a wardrobe. still got to order a bed for us, one for Adam, plus mattress, and a chest of drawers, but waiting till some of the stuff C is doing has been done. we wanted the bed (ours) while we had the van but it was not in stock, grrrr. then Saturday my mum and I went and got a load more stuff, including the wooden flooring we'd ordered ages ago. Sunday, C's mum came over to see the new house, and C and I went and got more stuff, washing line and pole for me etc. and then it was decided that me and Adam should return up north with my parents Monday, so C could get on with the messy work he had to do, including the woodworm spraying, painting skirting boards, and laying flooring. he's taking next week off work, and will do some DIY then, but didn't want us away then as he still wants us to have some nice family time, so he decided if we were away this week, he'd do everything in the evenings after work (which he wouldn't do if we were around). I just couldn't deal with the thought of him being around but busy, and not just busy but busy with messy stuff. Adam loves him so much and wants to be where he is (he is fine if he's not around but he knows he is, he'll raise the roof) and I could see it being very very hard work on me if I was the one having to keep him away from paint and chemicals and saws and other items of potential danger. much easier for us just not to be there.

it was weird to disappear just 3 days after moving in, I really didn't want to, but it's been the sensible decision. it's ok up here, as my dad works in a school he is on holiday and my mum is retired so I have help with Adam. he's been mostly very good, a lot lot better than last time we were here (Christmas), but not great at night. tonight hasn't been too terrible but last night was. he wants to open the bedroom door and go wandering and I say no, because there are no gates and he'd be down the stairs and I won't have that. we had a mega tantrum, really awful, but then he stopped and went to sleep. :lol: this was after midnight, when he'd first been sent to bed at 9pm.

so we're coming back south on Friday, and I have this train trip to contend with. eeeek. not confident I'll cope without losing it, but what choice do I have??!

some pics... ot many, these are ones my mum took. Chris tells me he's taking progress pics of the work he's doing so I'll post them after Friday. :D







our house is the one on the right with the sold board. :D

first dinner I cooked, on Sunday (that wallpaper on the chimney breast is not long for this world)
MJ- I'm so glad the move went well and everything managed to go smoothly. Your backyard looks really nice and I can see why Adam loves it. Having an outdoor place for Kira is so nice for her mood and she'll ask to go outside every day rain or shine. Adam's slide and playhouse are great!! I really cannot wait to see pics of the improvements- you know how nosey I am about things like that! I bet it was hard to leave your new house so soon, but it sounds like it was for the best. When DH does things around the house its 5 times as much work for me since Kira throws fits when she can't be involved with daddy, so I can completely understand why it was smarter to take Adam to your parents for the week. Plus you would want to unpack and it would be impossible having to run after Adam.

If we bought MIL's house, we would own 2. She would live there rent free until she died and then we could bulldoze it or rent it out. She's 65 now, but I suspect she'll live to be 95 atleast... so I'll be old by the time it's mine :lol: She was not too pleased with the groundhog in her fridge. As far as I know, it's still there :lol: but she banned my BIL from butchering it or cooking it in the house :haha: She's very dramatic so she stood out in the back corner of her backyard, which is the only part of her backyard that I can see from my windows and she put on a big emotional show by hold her head and crying. It's awful of me, but when she puts on drama shows like that I can't help but laugh. She does it ALL the time though. Our houses are quite close, so if she knows we're outside, she'll suddenly start bawling at top volume from inside her house. She'll actually stand in the street and put on these shows too- I would be soooooo embarrassed if she were my mom and I was 13 years old.

jelr- I wonder why you had sore boobs for so long this month. I'm sorry about your friend. I was strep B positive and got antibiotics while in labor. But once Kira had her health problems, they suspected she had contracted strep B despite my antibiotic treatment and started antibiotics on her too, so apparently the antibiotics during labor aren't 100% protective. But taking the antibiotics were so easy and I would do it again if I tested positive next time. I hope your friends baby can go home asap! Kira needed a 10 day course of antibiotics and they had a home health nurse come and administer them thru her IV the last couple days so she could come home a little early. I hope they can do the same for your friend.

I think AF should come soon... I'm being extra mean to DH today :haha: and I've been extra emotional. I've been thinking about how Kira is almost 2 and thinking back to what I was doing 2 years ago since the 4th was my due date, and crying about it. I'm tearing up just typing it! LOL, I am sooo emotional right now! And I've been thinking about how I thought Kira wasn't going to live and then I really start to bawl. So AF better come soon so my brain starts thinking normal again! I did test a few days ago and it's still negative, plus my nips aren't hurting.

Shiv, any success on getting baby to turn?
MJ: I'm so glad the move went well, it sounds like you are making great progress, I think you did the right thing taking Adam out of the way, I always do the same here, because you would want eyes in the back of your head to make sure they dont touch anything dangerous and they dont understand at all why they can't "help" so it is only a recipe for disaster to have a toddler in the middle of it. Honestly dont worry about your train journey as it will all be fine, you are so prepared and armed with stuff, he wont have a minute to misbehave :thumbup:

It sounds like Adam is going to love the new house with all the extra freedom, he probably just didn't have enough space to run around and be a little boy in when you were in the flat, so instead had to find other mischief to get up to :haha: - His playhouse and slide are lovely, the house if very similar to Natashas and she loves it and more so the slide, hers is a little smaller though and she has now taken to sliding down head first, but thankfully it is so small she is not in any danger doing this as the first time she did it I nearly had a heart attack :haha:

I love the pictures, you all looks so happy in your new home :thumbup:

Spidey: I'm so sorry you are feeling so emotional, It is no wonder when you are waiting on AF for so long, I bloody hate hormones, I swear they turn my brain into a somebody else :haha: so I completely understand. I'm also a little anxious about Natasha turning 2 because that age to me seems more like a little girl age than a toddler :nope: and the time is going so quickly. I can't believe your MIL kept her fridge let alone still has that thing in it eeeeeekkkkkkk, so I think you could be right on the little drama, because I would have made your BIL take the whole lot out, so it can't be bothering her that much :haha:

Unfortunately there isn't a hope of my friend getting the antibiotics admisistered at home as our healthcare system doesn't have enough staff in it to manage the hospitals at the moment with all the cut backs, so there is no hope of a home visit. She still didn't get the results of the bloods back tonight, but they reckon that is a good sign as if it was bad news, they would have come up on the computer quicker, although it is looking like she will still be in until at least Sunday to monitor him, the poor thing my heart goes out to her, I wish I could make it all better for her. I can't imagine going through that or what you did when Kira was in special care and not being beside you, yeah I think I would definitely like to know if I had strep b next time around and just get the antibiotics as I didn't even notice I was getting them, I had already been hooked up to an IV to induce me as my labour wasn't progressing and my waters were gone so long.

Well girls I'm definitely not pregnant and not having a psychosomatic pregnancy either :haha: - I woke up the is morning and all pain is gone from my boobs and I even managed to do my exercises without holding my chest to stop the pain (I would say my neighbours would have had a right laugh at me last week, I didn't even attempt to exercise this week as they were just too sore) so my gut was telling me a definite no no, which if I'm honest I'm a little disappointed but then i'm okay with it too because I can just go back to the plan of a lovely stress free summer with Natasha and concentrate on the smoking first in September, although it would have been nice to not even have to ttc :haha:

Anyway then I spent the day with really bad cramps and thought it was going to end up on the loo all day, but nothing and I also had an awful headache and then this afternoon :witch: decided to appear so I'm guessing it has all been some weird hormonal thing my body has been doing, so strange though as I have never gotten AF pains since I was in my teens and AF started first and I have never had sore boobs except in pregnancy and especially for nearly 2 weeks and funnily enough i had a perfect 28 day cycle again which I did have for the first two months after the mc, but other than that I have always had at least a 30 day cycle and more so 32 days (even then it is usually only if I'm on low carb that I even get that short of a cycle) when I'm not on the pill, so I have no idea what it is all about. I'm hoping it doesn't happen again, although i'm trying to take the good from it and say it has to be a good sign that I'm having regular cycles regarding the pcos and hopefully the fact that I didn't have the really bad mid cycle depression this time like the other cycles after the mc that hopefully it is just my body getting back to full working order after the mc and that hopefully ttc will go smoothly.

Shiv: I see from fb you are sitting with the torch to your belly again, any luck this time?
jelr, that's bizarre your cycle was so different this time. It'll be interesting to see how it is next cycle and if you skip over your mid month depression again. I use to have awful cramps each month but since having Kira I don't get cramps anymore. It's strange how things can change overtime.

I'm still waiting for AF. At some point I'll start getting concerned about it. I was in a much better mood today although I felt really ugly, so she must be on her way. My skin and hair always look awful right before AF arrives.

Does anyone have fun plans for the weekend? I'm baking my MIL a cake since her 65th birthday is on the 8th. It's going to be a cake based off of a Smith Island cake, which is the official cake of Maryland. The original cake has 9 thin layers of white cake with chocolate frosting in between. I'm going to aim for 6 layers, because I doubt I'll have skill to carve out 9 layers :haha: I'll post a picture if it turns out. We're also taking Kira to a carnival for the first time and I can't wait to see if she'll get on the rides.
AF finally came! 52 day cycle this time, but I suppose it could be worse. I'm having awful cramps with this one too so I jinxed myself when I said I don't get cramps anymore :haha:
MJ - so glad the move went smoothly. I love pictures, you look incredibly proud of your clothes line! Adam's playhouse looks great, I think Sophia would love it too.

Also glad the train journey went well, you just can't bank on any behaviour from our Lo's can you!

Did C manage to get all his jobs done when you were away?

JELR - sorry your friend is having such a tough time in hospital, I hope she gets to go home with her LO soon.

So AF got you, I hope youa aren't disapointed. Enjoy your summer and then get to it come September.

Spidey - you should make the cake for your MiL in the shape of a groudhog!

AF got you too, weird cycle, but and Iknow you aren't going to like this.......perhaps the cramps (as horrible as they are) are a sign that things are getting back to how they were pre Kira and therefore you are back to being fertile again after breastfeeding etc?

Cleck - i have been enjoying looking at your photos on fb

As for me well David was allowed home for a whole 24 hours, so he got back yesterday evening and left again today. And he got food poisoning from a take-away last night so has been in bed the whole time he was here! I felt really bad for him, but could have also cried for myself as i was SO tired and could have done with some rest! Never mind. SO he is away again now until I meet him at the hotel on Friday.

I have decided to book myself in for a fish pedicure thing on Friday after I drop Sophia off at my parents. i quite like the idea of little fishies nibbling all my dry skin and leaving them super soft, then I am gonna get my toenails painted a pretty bright colour to try to detract from my cankles!

I have been doing lots of things to try to turn baby (David's helpful suggestion was that he had read that sex was a good way to get baby to turn, I did nottake him up on his offer, and ver glad too seeing as a few hours later her got sick!). But baby has not turned. I am guessing that unless baby decides to do it of his own free will, my ice/torch/all fours action is not going to help. I am sad and really think that baby will stay transverse, which I have read could mean that they admit me to hospital from 36 weeks until they do c-section to ensure that if my waters break I don;t get cord prolapse. Quite frankly, being admitted is not an option with David not here so they will have to go jump for that one!

My parents are coming over for lunch tomorrow, I am doing roast lamb, I don;t usually do raost lamb but last time I did it SOphia gobbled an adult sized portion of lamb and begged for me, and she is not a massive meat fan really so i enjoy watching her enjoy it.

Oh I had an amazing dinner tonight, I seriously haven't enjoyed a meal so much in ages ................scrambled egg on toast with bacon and sausage! yum, not terribly nutritious but never mind, I REALLY enjoyed it and so did Sophia!

Right well I am off to bed, to fall asleep with a torch on my belly (I know just in case it works!), I hope you are all having lovely weekends x
ooooooooh I just did a long post and it said that it won't be visible until mods have approved it, I can't think of anything even particularly interesting that was in it. Unless there was an unfortunate typo somewhere!

Lets see if it gets approved!
aww, that is awful David got sick to ruin his 24 hours at home. So you had 2 babies instead of just one :haha:

A fish pedicure sounds really fun! I've heard about them, but I'm not sure they have them here.

That seems a little extreme to stick you in the hospital from 36 weeks on if the baby isn't head down just to prevent a prolapsed cord. I have no idea who told me- perhaps my midwife- that if your waters break and you can feel the cord coming out of you, you're supposed to invert yourself and call for an ambulance. It prevents the babies weight from compressing the cord. If the baby doesn't want to turn with all your tricks, then maybe you're right and the baby isn't going to turn (for now). The position of the placenta might make it more uncomfortable to be head down at this point.

Kira has been cutting back her bf pretty heavily, so it's quite possible the cramps are a sign my body is going back to pre-Kira days. I'm still on the fence about skipping ttc this month, but I have a feeling once my nips get sore and I get a positive opk, I'll be ready to baby dance again!

Tomorrow is cake baking day! I need to whip my egg whites into soft peaks, something I have never done before!! LOL about making a groundhog shaped cake. If my multi layer cake is a disaster that will be my backup plan :haha:
Hey girls. :wave: I've been around but not really in the mood for BnB lately. I'm glad you guys like my facebook photos. We've been staying pretty busy since being back. Oddly enough, we are suddenly hanging out with our neighbors across the cul de sac and the ones attached to us occasionally as well. Every night this weekend we've all hung out in the front while the kids play in the cul de sac area. They have power wheels vehicles so the kids like driving them. Emma loves them too but she mostly just rides because she can't figure out the pedal. I've spoken to the across the street neighbor before but never like this. She keeps saying 'thanks for hanging out with us now that you are leaving in four months'. :lol:

I'm cutting Emma back on the boob too. But she's not doing it on her own, I'm pushing the issue myself. Although she just fed all morning this morning while we were still in bed. :roll: I won't let her have boob again today if I can help it though. She hasnt' even had it to go to bed for the past two nights. We have kept her up real late and corey walks her around until she falls asleep. But tonight DH has duty so I'm on my own with it. We will see how it goes because of course she immediately grabs for my shirt trying to get my boob out. I'm just done with it though. She's 2 in a few days and that was my goal and now I want to stop. I'm thinking I may go the lemon juice on the nipple route so she notices that it tastes bad and than won't want it anymore. Because I don't want it to be traumatic for her.

I've still been asking her if she wants to sit on the potty and nothing yet. She flat out tells me no. :rofl: She asked for a diaper today too when I asked if she has to go pee pee. So I think I have a very stubborn little girl on my hands. The neighbors next to us have a daughter that is only 3 months older than Emma but she's already fully potty trained so it kinda makes me feel like I'm a bad lazy mother. But I really don't know how to train Emma. She just refuses me flat out.

And in ttc news, theres no news. :haha: We've barely had a chance to :sex: at all this month. Emma is a total cockblock. :growlmad: The other night every single time we tried to have sex Emma would wake up upstairs and interrupt us. We were so pissed off and tried several times before finally just giving up and going to sleep. But the next night we put her down in her own bed and she slept there until 7am. :shock: So she made up for it I guess. :haha: I have no clue where I am in my cycle. I haven't kept track this month either. I just found out my attached neighbor is pregnant and it was an accidental pregnancy so that is like a kick in the gut. :roll: She said her first daughter wasn't planned either. And her second daughter took only 1 month of trying. I just stood there thinking 'way to rub it in bitch'. :lol:

Shiv- I hope that LO turns for you soon. I hope they won't try to make you stay in a hospital. And hopefully you can avoid a c-section. It's probably a scary thought since you had a vaginal birth the first time. I never knew the UK girls called a flashlight a torch. When I first read about you holding a torch to your belly I was thinking 'doesn't that hurt'. :rofl:

spidey- :sick: about the groundhog. I love Shiv's idea of making a groundhog cake. :rofl: Sorry AF hit you and the testing turned negative for you. :( I think you should still try this month. :D

jelr- Sorry AF hit you too. :hugs:

MJ- Your new house looks really cute. I love the backyard. Looks like Adam has a great little play area. :thumbup:
Spidey: Sorry Af got you and that the cramps were bad, I do think like shiv though that it might be a sign that you body is getting back to normal :thumbup: Ha ha that would be funny to do a ground hog cake, hope it all went well.

Shiv: that is crappy that they will keep you in hospital if baby is transverse, I do know they do that here too as when my friends baby was transverse she was brought in at 38 weeks i think, 36 does sound like a long time :nope: - sure if the baby is not early, will they wait and schedule a c-section after 40 weeks or before as surely they wont keep you in there for a month. FX baby turns before then so you dont have any hospital stay :thumbup: - my friends baby turned 2 days after being in hospital. Poor David with food poisoning, I hope he is better now, that is a real pain when you had so little time together already. I hope you have a great weekend, I would love to know why your post had to be checked, I can't see anything in it that might cause any offense :shrug:

Cleck: :wave: - good to see you. Sounds like you are having fun getting to know the neightbours. Sorry to hear Emma is being a cockblock :haha: - Natasha woke up screaming the other night, right at the crucial moment :dohh: - nothing as bad :haha: - I hope weaning Emma off the bf goes smoothly and is not too traumatic for you both. I wouldn't worry about the potty training, I tried with Natasha and she wasn't ready at all, it is like everything they will do it when they are ready and it has nothing to do with you being lazy. From what I have seen here anyway, the majority dont do it until 2 and a half.

Well not much from me, cramps finally went after 2 days, I'm a bit dissapointed, but not too much as I'm really really enjoying all the stress free time with Natasha, we did loads of painting on Friday, yesterday we headed to the city and got her something to wear for her birthday and we picked out her toys, we forgot to take the pram out of the boot and didn't want to let her see them on by putting them on the seat beside her :haha: - so Dh will be down that way during the week for work and will pick them up and today we just had a lazy day around the house. I will probably jinx myself now, but she is in such a lovely routine at the moment with me off of work and is sleeping through without crying in her sleep most nights and she is eating everything I give her and more, although I have a funny feeling she is going through a growth spurt too, she is eating so much and it is not just being content that I'm at home with her all day :haha: - She is such a sweet little thing and loves cuddling so much now and gives us hugs and kisses all day long and is finally actually cuddling in at every oppertunity she gets, so I'm loving that and we are getting more and more sentances every day, even funny ones. Yesterday before we headed off DH had been doing some work around the house and said I must go and change and she said "change daddy bum bum" - we laughted so much :haha: - I just wish I could win the lotto and be at home everyday with her.
It's nice having you back Cleckner! How did your family react to Emma BF during the visit? Kira's been veeeeeeery slowly cutting down on her booby. Some days she only wants it upon waking, nap time and bed time. We still have days where she must not feel well or needs more reassurance and gets much more booby, but I can see a trend towards completely weaning probably over the next 8-12 months I'd say. I think if I get pregnant and my nips hurt the way they did this time, I might have to force weaning. Don't worry about the potty training thing. Kira's not ready yet either and she doesn't want to sit on the potty and would rather pee on the floor, so I'm not forcing the issue. :haha: I will ask "do you want to sit on the potty?" and she shakes her head no, and then 10 seconds later will pee on the floor and splash her hand around in it. :dohh:

LOL about all the cockblocking :haha: Luckily (knock on wood) Kira hasn't interrupted anything yet :lol:

jelr, thats wonderful you and Natasha are having a great time this summer, and yippee for the cuddles. I really love this age and even though we're in the terrible twos, it seems like I have a much easier time figuring out what Kira wants and it's really fun seeing how fast she learns. When your mom watches Natasha again she'll be amazed at how different she is. You'll have to take another video of Natasha and her talking. It's the cutest thing when kids this little can come up with whole sentences!

I didn't get any cleaning done this weekend, but I did make the cake for MIL, although only 4 layers instead of 9. I can't wait till Kira's party this weekend! I made a huge checklist of things I need to do over the next 6 days :blush:
well done on the cake spidey, I would have a clue when it comes to baking, so I would be lucky to get one layer :haha:

yeah I really love this age too, they are so cute and funny and as you said I find it much easier, I think I found 12-18 months the hardest really, but I think that was a lot to do with back teeth and not a lot of sleep :dohh:, but no all in all they are better able to communicate and it does make things so much easier.

I must actually get another video as we haven't done one in ages. OMG I can't believe Kiras birthday is only a week away, Natashas is 2 and I really need to get my finger out and get organised :haha: - Well enjoy all the preperations :thumbup:
Spidey - glad the cake went well, would love to see a picture!

Kira's birthday is coming around quick, but sounds like you are well on top of t too

Cleck - hello! Nice to get a lovely long post from you. It sound sfun hanging out with your neighbours. THey aren't the weird ones from nextdoor are they?

It sounds like you are ready to wean Emma, and if she isn;t protesting too much at bedtime then I would say she is ready fo ready for it too. I hope it goes smoothly for you both. How did it go getting her to sleep without Corey there?

Potty trainig - SOphia isn't ready either. I honestly think it is the exception to have them trained by two rather than the other way round. I have read that if you leave it until they are truly ready then youc an have the job done in a week. SO I am waiting until SOphia can pretty much say, mummy I need wee, until that day the potty is there for her to sit on if she chooses to. But mainly she puts her soft toys on it and says "bunny is having a ppoo on the potty" or the like!

Sorry you are not gettin as much chnace to do the deed, hopefully Emma will sleep in her bed more and more which will help.

Did you think I had been holding a big flame to my belly? That made me laugh!Saying that, if it would make bubs move I'd give it a go!

How did your weight maintaining go whilst back home?

Jelr - glad that Natasha is being a dream for you, I wonder if she was being a nightmare if you;d be as keen to be athome 24/7 with her!

MJ - eek at the riots, I am so glad you moved from Lewisham!

As for us well. Sophia's birthday is next Friday and I haev planned nothing! I don't even know if David will be here for it. She is having a joint party on the Saturday with her NCT (antenatal group) friends back in Kent, so I am not too worried if she doesn't have one just for her. Must get to ordering her presents though.

Weigh in this week went well, just a quater pound gain, which evens out the 5.5lbs from the previous 3 weeks a little bit! I have so far put on 26lbs at 33 weeks, so I am ok with that. I am 11st 7lbs so still just about on target for 12stone overall.

I need to order my baby carriers for the new baby. I think I am going to get a babasling and a babyhawk. CLeck - you have a babyhawk don;t you? Do you rate it?

Only 4 nights until my weekend away! hurrah

oh and here is a pic of my bump just fo ryou Cleck as I know you don;t see the fb group anymore.Check out the weird shape - awkward baby - must be a boy!


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