***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Shiv: you are totally right, if she was a nightmare I would probably be praying to go back to work :haha: - Ah no it is just nice to have time really and not always running around like a headless chicken :haha:

Natasha does the very same with her potty and her minnie mouse and today actually started to get toilet paper for Minnie to wipe her bum with :haha:

I really hope David gets home for Sophias birthday and that that baby turns for you, I'm willing it to turn so badly for you :thumbup:

MJ: I was thinking of you tonight when I was watching sky news and Lewisham was mentioned, I'm so glad you moved just in time :thumbup: - I just hope little brother stays safe, it is mental.
Shiv, do you know what you're buying Sohia yet? In the other thread I posted a link to the doll house I finally decided to get, so Kira's getting that as well as her wooden tools :thumbup: I hope David can be home for her birthday.

I have a crazy idea, but they do sell hypnosis cds to help turn a baby head down. If you're really desperate, it might be worth a try. I'm going to get a reputation for recommending hypnosis for everything :haha:

I know I would be just as obsessed as you regarding turning the baby. I was very obsessed with keeping Kira in the right position and never dared to recline in those last 2 months. I always slept on my left side and spent hours on my hands and knees. Days after my due date she turned fully posterior and I was devastated. I actually spent the entire night on my hands and knees supported by pillows and slept as much as I could in that position. It was very freeing once I wasn't pregnant anymore.

jelr, Natasha is having a pretty big party isn't she? You better start making a check list! :haha:

I managed to check some of the to do's off the birthday checklist this evening!
Shiv- First of all, your bump is SOOO cute! I was just getting ready to ask everyone to post bump piccies since I'm missing out on the FB group. The bump photos is all I'm really missing though, the other pregnancy related chatter I could do without. :haha: How does your bump differ to the bump you had with Sophia? Shaped totally different this time around? I have 3 babyhawks actually. :blush: 2 normal mei tai ones and an oh snap! also. I HIGHLY recommend them. I tried a normal sling type of carrier and Emma didn't like it and I have a moby wrap as well. I loved the moby at first but as Emma got bigger it had to be retied frequently. I think a moby would be excellent for a newborn though because it's so snug and cozy. I didn't start wearing Emma until she was around 6-7 months old though. Well I started out trying with the sling carrier but she refused so I gave up until I came across the moby and mei tai kinds. I still use my babyhawk oh snap. It's great because it never has to be tightened with the weight of Emma since it has buckles instead of ties. I don't think it'd be comfortable as a front carrier though so I'd say a regular babyhawk would be best for the 'baby' months when you front carry.

My weight skyrocketed while back home. I forgot to mention that to you guys. :blush: I'm trying to not think of it too much. :haha: I went from 187 up to 198. :shock: But I think a lot of it was water weight because it was so hot there and I kept forgetting to drink lots of water. I started drinking more water since being back and I'm down to 192. And today I used myfitnesspal for the first time since being back so I'm hoping it won't take long to get back down to 187. And than down to 180 eventually. :haha: If I don't get pregnant by november than I am going to get down to 160. That's my long term goal.

I'm pretty sure I've ovulated today. I haven't been using my fertility monitor but I felt cramping for about half an hour earlier while cooking dinner. DH and I tried to sneak off to :sex: on the stairway while Emma watched cartoons but she snuck up behind us and said 'hey!'. :rofl::rofl::rofl: DH about had a heart attack. He said we should put a bell around her neck. :rofl: I think I'm already out this month because we seriously haven't had a chance to do it more than 3 times in the past week.

Trying to wean isn't going the best. Emma is on my right now. :dohh: Although she's falling asleep on me so I should probably put her down and go :sex: with DH. :haha: Last night she ended up having five minutes of boob before rolling over and falling asleep. But she only had it in the morning and for bed. So that is amazing. Today she had morning and just now and hopefully DH will be able to walk around with her until she falls asleep.

Gonna go see if I can lay her down now. :muaha:
I think I'm already out this month because we seriously haven't had a chance to do it more than 3 times in the past week.

I'll come back and do proper replies but just wanted to pick up on this... dear lord! we only did it once in the entire MONTH and I was certain we had no chance, and here I am almost 30 weeks along...

3 times in a week? jesus. neither C or I have the energy for anything close to that! :haha:
:rofl: We usually manage about 5 times a week. But don't forget we have to make up for the 7 months of celibacy a year. :haha:
Mother of God Cleck how can you walk after 5 times a week :rofl: - Twice a week is all we ever manage it and that is usually at the weekends :haha: - Remember it only takes once to catch that eggy, so you would never know :thumbup:

I think you have done great on the weight now that the water has sorted itself out it realy is only 5lbs and that is great after being away and at so many family gatherings, so well done you :thumbup:

MJ and Shiv: None of the riots have moved near you have they, I only got to see a bit of sky news this evening and know it has moved further than central London, but didn't get to see much more. Hope you are both safe and well away from it. Scary stuff.

Spidey: I know I really do need to make a big checklist :haha: - Well I'm not even sure who is coming yet, but we have invited both families and a few friends, but I'm still waiting on replies. I have bought the paper plates and some decorations and DH is getting her birthday presents during the week, and I have just ordered her birthday card, so not much to do really only organise the food and I can't do that until I have more idea on numbers. Not long left for you now, are you excited?

We have the plumbers in fitting the new stove, so myself and Natasha headed to town today and got her new shoes as she had grown out of her summer ones, so hopefully these will do for the last few weeks and then we called to my dad, who I think I told you all before is an alcoholic and had to have major surgery when I was pregnant on Natasha, but has been off the drink since (well so I thought), I have had my suspicions over the last month or so, but I didn't ask out straight as I decided when Natasha was born that I was going to stick my head in the sand as if the surgery that he went through couldn't stop him, I definitely couldn't and I had spent so many years stressing and worrying about it and didn't want that going on now that I had a child of my own to look after, but today when I called, when I had rang the bell with Natasha in the car in the drive as I didn't want to take her out if he wasn't it, so when I was taking her out of the car, all I could hear was the clank of bottles, so I said it out straight, what was all the clanking of bottles, hiding the evidence and he said yes :dohh: - I am so annoyed with him right now, I know how much of a battle it is to stay off of it, but he hasn't really tried really, he only went to aa once about 20 years ago and it was the local one here and there were only two others, so he has decided it is not for him, instead of trying again and going to one in the town that there are loads of people at and not two locals that he knows. I dont know how he can be so selfish and not at least try his hardest. I gave him a bit of an earful and said it was very unfair that Natasha loved her grandad to bits and could he not even try for her seeing as I obviously was never good enough to try for and he said, it was all fine that it was only a weekend thing and it wouldn't get out of control again - eh he was told that it would definitely kill him early as it has already done so much damage to his pancreas, ffs they took out of huge tumour already because of it, his theory is when your time is up, it is up and that the pain we will feel of his loss will be as bad if it is tomorrow or in 20 years, never mind the fact that my youngest brother hasn't even turned 21 or that Natasha is so young and should have years to love him. Grr it drives me nuts, anyway rant over and I'm going to try and put it to the back of my mind again now because the one thing I have learned is that he has to want to do it himself and I can't make him, so I really dont want to stress about it like I have in the past, but it does make me so mad and it does worry me to death.
jelr, thats awful to watch someone like that drink their life away and selfish too since he'll leave this earth too early if he keeps it up :hugs: You can't stop him and you shouldn't feel guilty about it- he's the one who needs to decide to stop. Even if you took away his alcohol he'll go out and get more.

We never dtd 5 times a week either.. maybe 2 if we're lucky. The only time we have is in the evening after Kira goes to bed, and half the nights DH is out at his various meetings or playing games over the internet with my brother. I wouldn't dare dream of :sex: on the stairs while Kira watched tv :rofl:

Cleckner, It sounds like you're doing a great job cutting back the booby. It might be hard on her to stop cold turkey, so if you have it cut down to just sleepy times you should be really proud! I read somewhere that if you make a change (ie, cut out feeds, change the bedtime routine etc) and the next morning the child is happy and acting normal, then you can be certain you've made the right decision :thumbup: In the past I've tried forcing a bf cutback and it has always backfired on me with a VERY cranky sour Kira. So I'm feeling really good about Kira's decision to cut back on feeds by herself since I've had no luck taking charge of it myself.

MJ- I hope the unpacking is going well!!

I really liked the Moby for the newborn stage too. I used mine from around 3 weeks until about 10 months for more than an hour each day and thats the only thing I used when I took Kira shopping since it was easy to bf in too.
Happy Birthday Emma - I hope you all have a great day Cleck.

Sophia had a wee in her potty today - unfortunately she still had leggings on:haha: Sheis being really awkward and refusing to wear nappies a lot. So I let her run around naked but every 2 minutes I am saying "remember if you need a wee wee or a poo you must sit on your potty", which she usually says no to. Anyway, today she was naked and put some leggings on whilst I was making dinner in another room, then I hear "mummy, I've done a wee in my potty" - so I run into the lounge and she is sat on her potty with her leggings still up. I stand her up and there is a big wet patch on her leggings and some wee has made it through them to the potty :haha:

I should be happy that she went on her potty to wee,but really I didn;t want to potty train her until well after the new baby was born. I amnot going to officially do anything, if she wants to be naked then I'll let her and see what happens!

I am away for my weekend off tomorrow so won't be on until Sunday night. Everyone have great weekends.

Spidey - I hope Kira's birthday party goes really well and can't wait to see some photos!
thanks spidey, unfortunately I do feel guilty sometimes and think maybe I should call to him more or do more, but I do know deep down I have done all I can and have tried everything and that he has to want it himself and all I can do is support him when he does. I guess I'm scared too that he is going to land back in hospital, number one because I dont want to see him sick or lose him and also because I'm the only one out of 7 of us that really has much time for him and has forgiven him for everything he put the family through when we were younger, so I was the only one who looked after him over the 2 years that he spent in and out of hospital and I spent most of my evenings visiting him when he was in hospital because I felt so bad for him that none of the others were, but if that happens again I wont be in a position to do that as I have Natasha to look after and I know I will end up wracked with guilt then. All I can do is hope for the best and that he will find his way or that it wont spiral out of control this time :dohh:

In case I'm not in over the weekend, I want to wish Kira a happy birthday and hope you all have a fantastic day. :thumbup: :hugs: I can't wait to see photos either.

Shiv: Well done Sophia for doing a wee in her potty, even if it was through leggings :haha: - I think you are doing the right thing and just do it unofficially and if she goes on it she goes on it and if she doesn't then you can sort it all after the new baby is here, on the other side of it I know you didn't want to do it until after the baby is born, but if she is ready now and keeps on going without you really officially training her, wouldn't it be great that it will be all done stress free before the baby comes :thumbup:

I hope you have a fantastic weekend away, you deserve it after all the stress you have had this year, and you and David definitely deserve some time together :thumbup::hugs:

Cleck: Happy Birthday to Emma today, I hope you are all having a fantastic day. :thumbup: :hugs: I can't wait to see your photos either.

Well hope you all have a fantastic weekend, we are going to town on Saturday morning to buy all the goodies for Natasha's party and then I have a girls night with some friends and DH a boys night as friends of ours are getting married and although they have both had their hen and stag, not everyone got to go including us as it was the week after the last wedding and we just didn't have the money as they were going away for them, so they are having another night just in some of the houses, so a busy weekend here too.
Hi girls! I hope everyone had a good weekend!! Shiv, I hope your weekend get away was fun!

Kira's birthday weekend was very busy and so much fun. I managed to have everything organized so I didn't have any freak out moments beforehand :haha: She really loved being the center of attention I think. I posted some pics on FB so you all can see :thumbup:

Some funny things... I had some prizes leftover and couldn't think of any more games, so DH suggested that everyone guess what time Kira was born and whoever was the closest would win a prize. I said that DH should play too since I didn't think he really remembered, but he said he did and it wouldn't be fair. Then my BIL said in all seriousness "yeah, he should know the time better than you since you were asleep when Kira was born" :rofl: Hmmm.. if he only knew :haha: My BIL is so clueless :lol:

DH's tool kit that he made for Kira was a huge hit. I saw it for the first time when Kira opened it. Kira also loves the little critter doll house that I got her. It's intended for much older kids since it has super tiny parts, but I thought she would like playing with it since she's gentle and likes tiny things. But just to be silly she stuck one of the parts completely in her mouth tonight :dohh: so I'll have to watch her more closely from now on. She was so spoiled and even got presents from people who didn't come to the party and aren't even related- crazy!

I don't remember being so emotional about her birthday last year. She was born at 9:02pm so I was having flashbacks of her birth right at 9:02 tonight- psycho hormonal Spidey! Now that Kira's party is over I'm afraid I'll feel empty since there's nothing else to obsess about for awhile- Christmas is months away :haha:

Anyway, enough babbling... here are some pictures from the party, there are lots more on FB



jelr - so sorry that your dad isn't taking his issues seriously. Please try not to feel guilty for not being able to care for him like you used to. He is your dad and should be looking after you and Natasha not the other way round :hugs:

Spidey and Cleck - I loved loking at your birthday pictures. It look slike Kira and Emma had great days.

Spidey - did everyone join in the games with gusto or did they moan?

It is Sophia's birthday on Friday and I have just wrapped her presents (well apart from the table and chairs which are too big to wrap - i have put a link in the other lion cubs thread of which one I got here, it is really cute and I think she will love it.) We also got her a couple of DVD's (she only watches in the night garden so we got her some postman pat and pingu DVD's to hopefully keep her occupied when new baby is here). We got her some new painting stuff and an apron, and a little watering can as she loves helping in the garden. A lovely weekend, but gothome feeling even more tired than when I left!

I had a midwife appt today and unfortunatley it was with the same one i saw last time who was very anti-birth! Everything is fine, baby was head down, if only for a short time as s/he wriggled around soon after :dohh:. I mentioned home birth again and she told me to ring the woman who should be my midwife to discuss (she is on holiday until next week). i am feeling a little better about bubs position as at least I know that s/he CAN be head down and isn't stuck transverse. So I guess i need to get on and order a birth pool etc....................eek I need to really think about this home birth business now!

So how is everyone, Cleck and Spidey where are you in your cycles?

jelr- it sounds like you had a great night out staying up until 5am at the weekend. Have you recovered yet?

MJ - how are you doing? How is your SPD this time around and your heatburn?

I am really struggling to sleep, my ribs seem to ache after only a few minutes lying on myside which is weird.

David is home for her birthday :happydance: and he has taken teh day off:happydance:. So we plan to take her swimming in the morning (she loves swimming and we don't go nearly often enough), then a picnic lunch if the weather is good. Home to do some painting and then dinner and cake (I am just going to do some chocolate cupcakes with a strawberry on top, as i have to bake a peppa pig cake for her joint birthday party on Saturday). I am REALLY looking forward to spending the day as a family. Especially as David is off to holland on Monday for goodness knows how long :happydance:

Our weekend away was a bit of a mixed bag. We went out for dinner on the Friday night and then to see a play which was good. But I was then on the toilet ALL night with diahorea and cramps. It hurt so bad at one point I considered I might be in labour. ANyhow, once I got it out of my system I was fine. Saturday we went to buy Sophia's birthday presents and had a late brunch at our favourite tea room. A swim at the hotel (water was freezing so was a quick dip!) then out for dinner with friends. Dinner was lovely and was great to see everyone. Ended up staying up until 1.30am. Lunch at my parents house on Sunday then home again. Sophia had a ball and slept really well there (so it os obvioulsy only when I am there that she is a pain :dohh:).
Hi everyone. It has been a busy august! I'm sitting here trying to plan James' birthday party (doing it at a children's art museum, mommy is VERY excited!!!). I am sitting here waiting for the witch to show so I can start serious baby making next cycle. James didn't sleep well on vacation (the time I o'ed so NOT optimistic about it at all!!!)

I start back my fall semester tomorrow...it is going to be so busy but am thankful I have a job. I have taken up running (mostly to distract me from ttc but I have lost 3 lbs:D)

Fx'ed for everyone trying.
oh and Cleck just for you here is my 34 weeks (+1 day) bump photos


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Spidey: I'm so glad the day went well for you, I loved looking at all your photos on fb, it looks like everybody made a really good effort with the games too from what they all made, lol at your BIL, wouldn't it be nice to be able to sleep through labour :haha: - I am quiet emotional this year about Natasha's birthday and wasn't at all last year, I just want to stop her growing up :haha:

Cleck: I loved your photos too, they both have made me very excited for Natasha's party, although she will only get to unwrap gifts from everyone else as the ones from us need to be put together.

Shiv: Yay for baby going head down, fx he or she is just wriggling around then and will move in the correct direction when the time is right. Your ribs are probably hurting so much from all that wriggling and funny positions - hope you get some sleep soon. It sounds like you did have a good weekend bar sitting on the loo of course, that is a pity it had to happen that weekend of all weekends :dohh: - so glad David is home for Sophias birthday and it sounds like you have a lovely day planned.

MJ: Well are you all settled into the house. How did Adams birthday go?

Overcomer: You never know your not out until :witch: comes, fx for you.

Well I had great night on Saturday night, I actually was very well behaved and was only a little tipsy going home considering we were there until 5, we right a right girly natter about everything and anything, but mostly children :haha: which was lovely my friend that hosted the party cooked dinner which was absolutely divine :thumpup:

Have had a busy enough week so far, but non eventful really, just getting some spring cleaning done before the party on Saturday and popped to town this morning and have a couple of friends calling tomorrow, which I'm really looking forward to as these are two girls that wouldn't be in my close circle and I only get to see them a couple of times a year, but one of them has a 3 year old, so Natasha will also have some fun tomorrow and that is about all the news I have this week.

I really am so excited to see Natasha's face the day of her birthday as she will understand so much more this year, she still sings happy birthday everytime she sees a candle or a cake, so it will be great that is finally for her. I am very emotional about it all though as it does feel like the time is going just too quickly and she is growing up so fast and my holidays are nearly over eeeeekkkkk.

DH has Monday off too as that is the actual day of her birthday and the local festival is on at the weekend so hopefully the weather will be fine and we will get to bring her down to that and to the carnival and then on Sunday night we are going to turn the sun room into her playroom as at the moment it is what used to be the nursery and she really doesn't get much use out of it as I dont like leaving her down the end of the house when I'm up in the kitchen, so it is only really if we are down that end of the house or go to the playroom with her, so I have got some winnie the pooh and mickey and minnie decals for the sun room and I think she will love that in itself and it is right beside the sitting room and kitchen so she can potter in and out all day now and have total access to all of the toys, so that will be a surprise along with her new toys for her birthday and also the nursery will be ready again for a new baby hopefully next year :thumbup:
Shiv- blah for the anti birth midwife :growlmad: So if you have a home birth, you'll get a different midwife? All the more reason to do a home birth! :haha: Yay for having David home on Sophia's birthday. Since both of you have gotten food poisoning out of the way, it should be a good time :lol: And don't forget to take pictures of your cupcakes and the Peppa pig cake.

jelr- you must take a picture of your sunroom after its converted to a play room! It sounds like it will be really nice. I can't wait to see pictures from Natasha's party too :thumbup: I spent the day reorganizing Kiras toys since I needed to find places for all her new ones!

Overcomer- fingers crossed you'll get your bfp soon!!

Kira had her doctors appointment on Monday and all is good. She's 35 3/4 inches tall and 25 pounds! I measured her myself a few weeks ago and she wasn't that tall, so either I messed up or she had a major growth spurt. The doctor isn't worried about her language, so thats good. The only thing the doctor mentioned was weaning her off the pacifier. She has it in her mouth right now, so I'm not doing a very good job :haha:

I'm going to be a social mommy this fall! There is an art class for 2-4 year olds at the local art center. It's for 6 weeks, every Wednesday and costs only $35. There is also story time at the library for 2-5 year olds and it's free. So I might do both, or have my mom take Kira to the story time one since its on a day I work (if I still have a job). I still haven't officially heard if I can keep my job- my last day is September 23rd.

As for my cycle, I might ovulate anytime between now and the next couple of weeks. No nip pain yet, so I don't think it's soon.
Spidey: that is great news about Kiras appointment, see I bet she will be chattering away in no time, somebody else said that to me lately actually that they took away the pacifier during the day and their child came on in leaps and bounds with speaking.

I do know what the fear of taking it away is like though, but for us, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I found hiding it from her, so she couldn't see it during the day worked really well, out of sight out of mind definitely was the answer here.

The art classes sound really good, I would love to do something like that, but I haven't heard of any here. I love doing arts and crafts with Natasha but am not creative at all and am no good for coming up with ideas, so you will have to let us know what you make.
does Natasha still use the pacifier at night? Kira's been cutting back on hers slowly, but all on her own. Most of the time she'll only ask for it right before nap time when she's feeling tired, and again right before bed time. She tries to bark orders with it in, and we say "we can't understand you with the dee dee" and she'll pop it out. I have a feeling that she heard the doctor talking about her pacifier usage and now she's retaliating! She's been using it non stop since the doctors appointment :haha: I'm going to give it a few days to see if she cuts back on her own, otherwise I might have to step in.

Today she's been a bit chattier than normal despite the pacifier. She was saying "pa pa" over and over and getting frustrated with me until I finally figured out that she wanted to play with puppets! She also said something like "chirp chirp tweet tweet" when she saw a picture of a bird. She knows most of her colors so if I ask her "what color is this?" she'll say geen, boo, pupu, pink and "DA" for yellow and red since "DA" is the word she uses for anything she can't say :haha: I can really see her language improving these last 2 days :thumbup: Oh, and she also says "peeewo" for pillow! AND... she said "baby" clear as day when she saw a picture of a baby today! Enough bragging from me :lol: I'll have to get some on video to show you all!

Shiv, I forgot to ask- has Sophia done any more peeing on the potty??
She does still use it at night and at nap time, but we keep it under her pillow and then when it is bedtime or nap time I say will we go down to bed and get your doodee and its like a little treat so she loves going to bed too :haha:

Yay for Kira saying loads of new words, now is the start of it and she wont stop. I would love to see a video of all her new words :thumbup:

Happy Birthday for tomorrow Sophia as I know I wont get in tomorrow as I'll be up to my eyes in party prep - I think we have about 10 children and 20 adults so pray that its not raining or I dont know how I will keep them all entertained inside eeekkk.

Have a great weekend everybody else. Xx
At least with a pacifier you can eventually just take it away from your LOs. I've been regretting using my boob as a soother for emma because she still BFs a lot some days and I know it's just for comfort. But I can't take my boobs away like you could a paci. :haha: :dohh:

Shiv- I'm so glad baby decided to flip over for you!! :dance::dance: LOVE the bump piccies!! :cloud9: I wish I was that bumpalicious right now. :haha:

Spidey- Sounds like Kira is hitting her word burst!! Emma seems to be saying something new every day now too. I've lost count on her words. She still doesn't say too many full sentences like other august babies though. :nope: Kira is so tall!! Especially for only being 25 lbs. I need to measure and weigh Emma again. I'm thinking she must've at least gotten a height growth spurt recently because her dresses are suddenly getting short on her again. :dohh:

I'm sorry if I've missed saying Happy birthday to any of the august babies. It's really hard to remember who is born on each day but Happy birthday to all!! I know a few are still coming up this week and next so I hope they are fab for all of you!!

I'm not sure the exact CD I'm on right now but it's like CD 10 I think so if I don't get AF by Sunday I'll test. I'm not feeling anything different as far as pregnancy symptoms though so I think I'm out this month already.
thats cute Natasha calls her pacifier a doodee and Kira's is a deedee. I haven't heard anyone else call it a doodee or deedee before.

Good luck with both your parties Jelr and Shiv!! They're a great age for opening up presents and it'll be so fun watching their faces :cloud9:

Cleckner- for the next baby will you try a pacifier? Kira didn't use a pacifier for the first 3 months but when I went back to work my mom got her to take one, so she really likes them now. It doesn't prevent her from wanting booby though :haha: She's been really good at cutting back on her booby this past month. It use to be 20 times a day but now its only when she wakes in the morning, at nap time, waking up from nap time, at bedtime and once or twice in the night. On days that I work, she'll ask for a booby as soon as I get to my mom's to pick her up and recently she's been wanting booby right after eating dinner too. LOL, when I type it all out it sounds like alot, but it really isn't. I'm very happy with her booby cutback. Sometimes she'll ask for it other times and I can usually see it coming so I get up and try to initiate a game of running around the house or something silly and fun and I offer her some juice. If we're sitting on the couch and watching tv or playing quietly she's more likely to ask me for booby. Now she calls it "da boob" :haha: Did your family say anything about Emma's bf?

yay for Emma's word explosion :thumbup:

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