***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

I would like a lion club sticker too!!! how do I do it?
I believe it's illegal in my state because there is a case right now where they're prosecuting a midwife for doing an "illegal" HB and the baby ended up dying from complications. I don't think anyone is willing to take that risk right now and considering that I made a huge baby, the fear of getting stuck shoulders might scare any renegade HB midwives away :haha: But we have birth centers which are a nice alternative and I'm very lucky to have 2 within 30 minutes of my house :thumbup: Although I do fantasize of delivering in the car on the way to the birth center... I love a little bit of added excitement!

LOL about the finger marks in the head... our poor babies! Good luck on finding an American midwife :thumbup: Are you starting your search already?
jelr- I couldn't keep any secrets either, and there is no chance of me getting away with an affair, Sophia likes nothing better than telling David that the Tesco man has been!

I saw on fb that it was your first day on Champix, does that mean you have set your last day as a smoker?

MJ- internet shopping is AMAZING. I was very against it until about 9 months ago, but now I love it. I strted to dread taking SOphia to the supermarket and had fed her half the food in the trolley by the time we got back tothe car just to keep her happy! You'll never look back!

Great news about your friend and being cancer free.

It used to upset me so much my mum smoking and I used to get on at her a lot about it when I lived at home. It used to bother me that she would come in from having a cigarette outside and want to hold SOphia straight away.........so I am very glad she has stopped. not sure she'll stay off them forever but if she can manage it through her father and sisters disowning her then I guess she can cope through most things.

I hate to tell you but when I had my booking in appt here they re-did all the tests again!

Don't feel bad about wishing your mums back hadn;t gone again. You have been looking forward to having help for awhile now so to find out it might not be quite what you ahd hoped for is bound to leave you feeling pissed off. I would be the same.

I reckon Adam will adjust to being in his room quiker than you think, they aer so adaptable,a nd I am sure he will still come in with you for big family cuddles.

Spidey - I hope the midwife can get the ball rolling for you. Such a shame homebirth is illegal in your state as I think you would like one.

Oh and i like your new avatar!

Does my bump look really big then? I can't really tell, I am definitely more mobile this time. Iguess I have had to stay mobile to play with Sophia so if you keep doing stuff then you don't struggle as much with it. My friend was very impressed with how quickly I was still getting around!

Cleck - I have been keeping up to date with the BFing thread and see you have had success with reducing the amount Emma feeds - that's great! Sophia loves lemons - she asks for them as a snack so it would never have worked with her!

Well my midwife appt went well, LO is still head down although not engaged (explains the lack of SPD for me i think). Am measuring right and my wee was ok. My blood pressure was 80/60 which sounds low to me but she was happy with it. So i don't see anyone now until 40 weeks when I see a GP and then 41 weeks when I see the midwife again. I went to weekly appts in Kent at this stage, I do feel the level of care here is much less. Fingers crossed I won't need either of those appts though. The midwife joked that Firday night would be good for her as she is on call, and I was like Deal - my parenta are back then, and it would be good for David to start his paternity leave at a weekend. If only it worked like that eh?
ooo.. I just had a peak in the bf thread too. The lemon juice sounds great Cleckner! :happydance: And no tears- I can't think of a better solution. Kira had herself weaned down to morning nap and night too, but she's had a major booby resurgence these past 2 weeks. I really don't mind bf but it was getting a little tiring having her bf ALL day long and having it cut down to those 3 times made it enjoyable again. I've been feeling a bit drained these past 2 weeks so I hope she cuts back again soon or I might have to get out the lemons :haha:

Shiv, your bump does look full term to me but you're small everywhere else so it makes it stand out more. Do you have any bump pics from Sophia to compare it to? Or was it you that lost all your pictures with a broken computer... I hope not :-( That's great you're still mobile, but you're right- you don't have much of a choice with this pregnancy. I remember being mobile until 40 weeks and then I got stuck in bed a few times and was so massive :haha: My last day of work was 3 days before my due date because I couldn't do the walk to the parking lot anymore. Just think, the next time you see a midwife is when your in labor! (unless you go overdue!) Are you going to give us hourly FB updates from your pool? You know I would really love that :blush::haha:
I believe it's illegal in my state because there is a case right now where they're prosecuting a midwife for doing an "illegal" HB and the baby ended up dying from complications. I don't think anyone is willing to take that risk right now and considering that I made a huge baby, the fear of getting stuck shoulders might scare any renegade HB midwives away :haha: But we have birth centers which are a nice alternative and I'm very lucky to have 2 within 30 minutes of my house :thumbup: Although I do fantasize of delivering in the car on the way to the birth center... I love a little bit of added excitement!

LOL about the finger marks in the head... our poor babies! Good luck on finding an American midwife :thumbup: Are you starting your search already?

I didn't know it was illegal in your state, but I did recently read about that midwife that is being persecuted, it is a really sad story. I am not really looking right now, until I am completely sure that this baby is gonna stick. I had a MMC in May and another one early MC in Feb and right before my first baby another early one. the first one was pretty sad, the second one disappointing but the Missed Miscarriage I find it is a cruel trick of nature :( i was 10 weeks along and thinking that everything was fine and it wasn't. Bu anyways to judge by the strength of the morning sickness this one is probably gonna be alright :)
I will probably start looking after 14 weeks.
Me too I am still nursing, and it has become very painful as i am pregnant. Althought Narain doesn't nurse a lot, and since she turned 14 months we no longer nurse outside the house. I wish she could wean herself, in the past she did it, I mean, I stop offering that she stopped asking and I think we went one day without nursing but then then next day she fell sick and everything restarted with vengeance :haha:. Now the problem is that i feel very tired so i can use the breaks of nursing just to lay in bed and relax with her for a bit, well, as now it hurts so much there is no so much relaxing., so i think i will stop offering again to see how it goes. Other wise I will try the Lemon :) although my daughter eats play-dough and paint , so she will probably like the lemon too:dohh:
Hey ckc!! I haven't seen you around for a while! :D I'm moving in November from here. But won't be around all of october either bc we plan on having our Los Angeles vacation when DH is back next. So it all depends when you plan on being here! :flower:

Shiv- your bump is massive!! I will seriously be shocked if this isn't a boy. You are all bump.

Spidey- Sorry AF hit but YAY for 14 day luteal phase!!! I'm so jealous! :haha:

MJ- I hope your mom's back is okay so she can watch Adam enough for you to get a break. :flower: I just looked at your ticker and I feel like your pregnancy has flown by!! It probably helps that you were sneaky and didn't tell us till late into it. :winkwink:

Ok, well the neighbors are still friendly with V. V was out with her youngest daughter helping her ride a two-wheel bike with training wheels and the attached wife came out with her youngest and they stood there talking. V called me right after she came in to tell me about it but I guess the attached neighbor brought it up immediately and said she had no clue that her husband went outside until after the fact. :roll: She's lying because they only went in for like 20-30 minutes before he came back out to get in Corey's face. So that was just enough time for her to explain what happened. She also asked V if her husband was rude. V just gave a grunt I guess but didn't really respond. So the attached neighbor was like 'my husband is always very professional' :shrug::wacko: She's freaking crazy and stupid. lol That's all I can say really. V said she would love to be mean to these people but she has to live here still after I leave and their older daughters are in the same grade in school so they run into eachother all the time. Which I understand.

The other day I was out getting my bike around to go for a ride with Emma and the attached neighbors pulled in from wherever they was. Well the husband stared at me the entire time and I just stared right back. :rofl: He didn't smile or say hi and neither did I. But when V came out to get her bike ready to go with me, he waved to her. :roll: So they hate me for no F'ing reason and are still fine with V and her husband apparently. I hate having people hate me especially when I did nothing wrong. V hates it because she feels like she's in the middle. Which I don't know why she feels like that because she doesn't like these people either. But she's too nice to stop being friendly.

Also right before I got on here, my brother called to tell me his daughter is nearly potty trained. She's 8 months younger than Emma. :cry: So now I'm sure he will hold that over me and crack jokes when we move back and his kid is potty trained and mine isn't. He sees his daughter for like 3 hours a day. That's it because she is at daycare all day. And the daycare people are potty training her. But that won't register with my brother. He'll just gloat about it. So now I feel like shit because Emma is no closer to being trained. I can manage to get her to sit on the potty with a bribe for about half an hour in the mornings while watching spongebob and eating breakfast. But she never goes on it. She will hold it until she's off the potty and than go in her diaper. She's so stubborn. She will pee in her diaper and than immediately take it off. But she won't pee in the freaking potty. :dohh:
Cleck - your neighbours are wierdo's and attention seekers that's for sure. I know what you mean about not liking it when people take a disliking to you for no reason. I can rub people up the wrong way (apparently :haha:) because I am very sarcastic and blunt, but at least if someone hates me after i have made a cheeky comment then I know why - it pisses me right off when they turn against me for no apparent reason. Makes me wanna give them a reason :haha:

Gosh I didn't realise i looked that big, here was me thinking I looked quite neat :haha: I'm such a loser :haha: I am going to go and find a pic of me with SOphia at a similar gestation to compare! First photo is with Sophia at 39 weeks (day I went into labour) and second is 38 weeks this time. What do you think?

It is David's birthday on Friday and I agreed to make him a load of mini muffins to take in for his work mates and I had already planned an extravagant cake for him to have at home, so I am going to be mainly baking over the next few days. For his main cake i a hoping to do a round chocolate sponge, covered in chocolate ganache buttercream with a layer of chocolate cigarillos around the edge, with a load of cake balls (like cake pops but without the stick) in a big pile on top, the cake balls will be covered in white chocolate, light brown candy melt and dark brown candy melt. The idea is that they look like fancy truffles, but David prefers cake balls. Goodness knows what it will turn out like!


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Oh and my main reason for posting was to reassue you about potty training Cleck. I seriously cannot understand how a child of what 16 months can be potty trained. Sophia couldn't get her trousers down at 16 months (and isn't quick at it now), so how can you be potty trained unless you can a) know you need a wee/poo (which i doubt a 16 month old can do) b) get to the potty and c) get your trousers down in time

I am sorry but to me it doesn't count as potty training if you are placing the child on the potty at intervals and seeing if they wee/poo. ..........which is what I think your brother might be talking about. I mean maybe I am wrong, maybe his daughter can say "daddy I need a wee", walk over to the potty, take her trousers down and wee............but I doubt it. And if she can then she is the exception to the rule. Don't feel bad, Sophia has complete lost interest in her potty and has been fine keeping her nappy on for the last couple of weeks............in fact today was the first day she showed any interest in her potty and that was to tell me "Sophia is having a shower", to which she stood in the potty and pretended she was having a shower :haha:

Emma isn't behind her peers with this, and I truly believe if you try to push them into it then they will just get upset. I bet Emma will one day (maybe in a few months) just get up and go and use the potty. I think they can pretty much train themselves IF they are ready..................at least that is what I am hoping for!

Ignore your brother, I bet his little girl will be having accidents all the time for months to come and you are better off not putting Emma through the stress of that
rant over!
Yeah he did say that she said 'ucky' so they knew she had to pee so they hurried and put her on the potty and pulled her diaper down. She peed and said 'pee pee yay!'. But she didn't pull her own pants down. They just rushed her over and did it. I hate the whole unspoken 'competition' that comes with parenting. I feel like he's turning it into a competition and I'm losing. :dohh:

And shiv, I think your bump is definitely bigger this time around! It's so adorable. I can't freaking wait to be pregnant again.
Well in my opinion she is far off being potty trained then!

My bump looks bigger and lower...........At this time with Sophia i think I weighed about 13st 2lbs and this time round I weigh 11st 12lbs so I am pretty happy with that. Although I know a lot of it was water and I haven't really swelled this time. I got really bad carpal tunnel last time and this time not a jot :thumbup:

I can't wait for you to be preggers as well Cleck, i would love to see photos of a little Cleckner boy with red hair and all cheeky looking!
Goodness you girls write so much I can't keep up :shock: Love to you all though. xxx
Goodness you girls write so much I can't keep up :shock: Love to you all though. xxx

hahahaha we do tend to gibber away :haha:

So how are things going with 2 children to look after pippin? Go on be honest!
CKC, I'm sorry to hear about your earlier m/c's :hugs: I can understand about bf to get some rest... I enjoy the bits of rest when I bf Kira. It's too bad its so painful now though :cry:

Cleckner, I hate it when someone is mad at me for no good reason either and like what Shiv said, it makes me want to give them a reason and I usually do! And that totally doesn't sound like potty trained to me! It's like people claiming their baby can walk because it took 1 random step. Don't argue with him because it will make it seem like you're up for a competition and even if you are a competitive person it's totally not worth it. If he wants to start a comparison game, just say "it's not even worth discussing it since your daughter is obviously way more advanced than Emma". The meanest thing you can do to a competitive person is to tell them they win right away :haha:

Shiv, can I come to Davids birthday! That cake sounds sooooo chocolate-y divine! I can actually picture the final cake and please take a picture! Your bump is bigger now and it sticks out more in the front for sure! And you look noticeably thinner too and less swollen :thumbup:

Pippin, how is it going!??
Hey girls

Shiv: You definitely look neater and lower this time around - I definitely still think a boy :haha: - Yaaaaaay :dance: for baby staying head down.

Spidey: Best of luck at your appointment, I hope the midwife can make a start on some tests and you won't have to be referred.

Cleck: I wouldn't worry about the potty training either - I was speaking to a couple lately and was saying that i had tried Natasha but she wasn't ready, so I stopped and they said I had done the best thing that they trained their oldest daughter at 2 and she is now 3.5 and still having loads of accidents and they think it was because she wasn't ready.

MJ: I really hope your mam can come down and give you that break, you are not being selfish at all. I'm so glad your friends surgery went well and she is cancer free, I hope getting back to work helps her.

CKC: Sorry to hear about your mc's - I have also had two mmc and they are definitely so cruel, my first one wasn't discovered until 16 weeks and like you I had no idea anything was wrong. Very cruel - Best of luck with the pregnancy.

Pippin: Hey hope you and your two gorgeous children are doing well.

Sorry guys I know that is a really quick post, but I'm doing this extra project for work at night (which is actually not that much time, by the time Natasha goes down and then by this time I shattered this week with only being back in work) - So I really havn't had a minute. It will be an extra few bob though and hopefully it will be done in a few weeks and things will get back to normal. I'm actually working the 3 days instead of 2, because some of the others that do my job in other parts of the county really kicked up, so it has been left with HR and we are to work as normal until it has been resolved, so have been working the last few days and then at night, am finally off tomorrow, but I have to get the car serviced as it is due for its first NCT this year and I may get cracking on some housework and washing.

Well I started the champix on Monday, felt fairly sick the first day, but it has gone now, I'm still smoking as normal and even though I am now putting them out half way through and they are giving me a taste, I still have the urge to smoke, but I think most of it is habit, which I know I'm really going to struggle with as bar being pregnant, it is a habit of 18 years I need to break. the dose increases tomorrow and then again after 2 weeks, so I'm hoping that puts me off more and It helps me stop wanting them - FX I will be a non-smoker in the next week and a half.

Hope that post made sense, am exhausted tbh and a little stupid today :haha:
thank you jerl, spidey and cleckner,

Cleckner I am going to LA too, but I will write you when I am there and see where you are at, if it is convenient we meet other wise maybe another time:) .

Potty training: Narain has been potty trained since she was 19 months, I find that the younger they are the better because they become more stubborn and strong willed with age. What work for us was that three day method, Fellom method. We took a long weekend and did just that. I am not gonna say that she was completely potty trained in three days but it laid a strong foundation and she totally got it. At the begging was a novelty and she did it accident free for a few weeks, however like a month or so later she started having accidents ( only pee accidents) which was confusing but then talking to other moms I found out that they always regress for the most part and it is not a big deal, it will pass as they now the are doing something wrong. For peeing in the potty was never a problem but for number two she was so freaked out! so we started telling her that her poop is so beautiful! and complimented her, and then she was so proud of her poop that even now when she goes she says "hello poo" and blow kisses to it and then wants to show every body and says that is beautiful. lol
Anyways, my sister's daughter is almost a year older than Narain and she is not potty trained yet, but I personally find it more difficult with older children. So often tell my sister not to worry that she will do it when she is ready and most importantly it should be a good experience for them. But if you guys feel like devoting three days to the fellom method you should give it a shot it worked for me.
Jerl, I am so sorry to hear about what happened to you. Can I just ask you, when did you do your last ultrasound before you found out at 16 weeks?

I am kind of freaking out a little bit, thinking that I should go and do an ultrasound. I had on at 6w to for the heartbeat, and now i would like to have another one, but I also wanna have trust that this is gonna go well. Where i leave ultrasounds are quite affordable and technically I can have them anytime I want. But i don't wanna go all psycho having ultrasounds because i am afraid. So I am trying to hang in there and wait until I am ten weeks.

It has been a long process, with my daughter we got pregnant right away, and for this baby we have been trying for almost a year and two MC in between. I hope this is gonna be alright.
AF hit today. It was only a 27 day cycle. I'm almost certain that I didn't ovulate this month so I can't tell you a luteal phase. Every website I've read about those monitors say it does the stupid high every day thing if you have an anovulary cycle. Go figure when my husband is actually home I don't even ovulate. :gun: I've calculated it and we've only tried for 5 cycles but some of those can't even count because he's gone a few days before and on ovulation day. But it feels like we've been at it FOREVER with the long breaks in between. Looks like my babies will have a 5 year age gap. :(
Cleckner, I am so so sorry :cry: I know how frustrated I feel about the whole thing so I can only imagine how much worse you must feel since you don't have nearly as many chances as me. The ups and downs each month really hurt. Do you remember which day your monitor showed the darkest line? Perhaps you could take a guesstimate and say you ovulated the day after the darkest line (assuming you did ovulate). Since AF came this weekend I've been especially down about the whole thing so I'm in no place to say anything positive :cry:

ckc, that is very cool that Narain is potty trained! Your method is how I plan to do it one day too, so I'm so glad it worked :thumbup: Kira can't aim her behind to sit down on the potty and she can't get her pants down either, so I'm being a lazy and putting off potty training until she is more equipped to use the potty independently :haha: Will Narain run off to use the potty by herself, or do you accompany her each time? Does she wear a diaper at night? We also get very excited about poop too- me and DH will cheer and clap if there's a poo poo, and then we'll put it in the toilet and wave bye bye :lol: I even get excited about my own poop :blush:

jelr- that's interesting that the champix is making cigarettes not as enjoyable. I guess that's how its supposed to work. I hope you get some rest this weekend since it sounds like you've been really busy!!
I have to keep reminding myself when I get upset that I'm only 25 and it's not the end of the world if our kids have a bigger gap. But when I'm in the moment and not thinking clearly I do get really upset. I think if DH was actually home every month it'd be easier. I can't help but get mad at him sometimes about it all. I know it's not his fault but he's an easy target for my frustration. :blush: I also sometimes read in the LTTTC section on here and I feel so bad because I'm getting upset about not getting pregnant with a second kid when these women haven't even been blessed with one.

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