Hey girls
Shiv: You definitely look neater and lower this time around - I definitely still think a boy
- Yaaaaaay
for baby staying head down.
Spidey: Best of luck at your appointment, I hope the midwife can make a start on some tests and you won't have to be referred.
Cleck: I wouldn't worry about the potty training either - I was speaking to a couple lately and was saying that i had tried Natasha but she wasn't ready, so I stopped and they said I had done the best thing that they trained their oldest daughter at 2 and she is now 3.5 and still having loads of accidents and they think it was because she wasn't ready.
MJ: I really hope your mam can come down and give you that break, you are not being selfish at all. I'm so glad your friends surgery went well and she is cancer free, I hope getting back to work helps her.
CKC: Sorry to hear about your mc's - I have also had two mmc and they are definitely so cruel, my first one wasn't discovered until 16 weeks and like you I had no idea anything was wrong. Very cruel - Best of luck with the pregnancy.
Pippin: Hey hope you and your two gorgeous children are doing well.
Sorry guys I know that is a really quick post, but I'm doing this extra project for work at night (which is actually not that much time, by the time Natasha goes down and then by this time I shattered this week with only being back in work) - So I really havn't had a minute. It will be an extra few bob though and hopefully it will be done in a few weeks and things will get back to normal. I'm actually working the 3 days instead of 2, because some of the others that do my job in other parts of the county really kicked up, so it has been left with HR and we are to work as normal until it has been resolved, so have been working the last few days and then at night, am finally off tomorrow, but I have to get the car serviced as it is due for its first NCT this year and I may get cracking on some housework and washing.
Well I started the champix on Monday, felt fairly sick the first day, but it has gone now, I'm still smoking as normal and even though I am now putting them out half way through and they are giving me a taste, I still have the urge to smoke, but I think most of it is habit, which I know I'm really going to struggle with as bar being pregnant, it is a habit of 18 years I need to break. the dose increases tomorrow and then again after 2 weeks, so I'm hoping that puts me off more and It helps me stop wanting them - FX I will be a non-smoker in the next week and a half.
Hope that post made sense, am exhausted tbh and a little stupid today