***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Cleck - I am so sorry that TTC is proving tobe so stressful for you. I wish there was something I could do or say to help, but there isn't is there? Corey will be with you full time at some point so if (and i hope that isn't the case) you don;t get pregnant soon, then you will have ample opportunity. I understand getting mad at himfo rnot being there. I know it isn't the same but I get angry at David, especially when I was over 37 weeks pregnant and he wasn't here. Massive massive hugs to you.
Aww Cleck sorry AF hit you - Like Shiv said I really do wish there was something I could do or say to make you feel better - you too Spidey I wish I could make you both pregnant (well not that I would make you pregnant :haha:) - but I do wish that I could make it happen now for you both.

Spidey: Yeah I'm kinda disappointed that the tablets are doing that and not making me not want them in the first place, but then I guess that would be too easy and I guess it is just going to take a LOT of will power when I do actually stop too :dohh: - Funny thing is I have done total food replacement diets and had the will power for that, but the cigs are my downfall and purely out of habit, like tonight myself and DH were cleaning the house once Natasha was in bed and out of habit when we were half way though we went outside for a smoke (with the baby monitor of course) and I do tend to have one whenever I need a few minutes to re-motivate myself like people stop for a cup of tea or coffee, except I don't drink tea or coffee, so I just don't know what to do with myself and I'm also terrified it will be food and I'm terrified of putting back on the weight, which I know I will as even the tablets themselves are making me so so hungry :dohh: - I guess I may just get over it and find something :haha:

Shiv: Are you going to try hot curries or pineapple or anything now that you would like baby to move when s/he is head down and your parents and David are home or are you just going to go with the flow and hope?

CDC: I hadn't had any scan before the 16 week one as over here they don't scan until 18 to 24 weeks, the only reason I had found out was because at my 16 week check my nurse still hadn't detected the heartbeat and I got really upset at home in case anything was wrong and DH decided to we go into A&E just to put my mind at rest, but unfortunately it didn't. Thankfully now I get early scans because of this. I know it is hard not to worry, but the fact that everything was fine at the previous scan is a good sign so hopefully everything will be at the next one also.

Not much news here - pretty mundane day of cleaning and washing - Natasha made it fun though as I laughed at her so much today, First at lunch had a sandwich for her lunch and had some of the crust left which was in the shape of an L - so she put off the crust of the second sandwich so she had two like an L one longer than the other and then she stood them up and said "look me boots mammy" ha ha I love this age and their little imaginations - then this evening she was at the back door (our back door is now at the side since we put on the kitchen, so DH has put up a little gate, so Natasha can be outside when I'm cooking but can't get out onto the road, so she was out playing at the door this evening waiting for DH to come home and she started to sing, no particular song just random words, and next she started singing at the top of her voice she started singing "mammy and daddy's boobies" - she is still obsessed with boobs bless her :haha:
Spidey and Cleckner, I don't know if this can help at all or if it is even an option for you. But as I mentioned before I got pregnant twice before this time after Narain was born. i mean I got AF after 13 months, so we started trying then, that was almost a year ago!!! always use the ovulation detector, and my charts were perfect, once you get a positive in the test, it is better to keep testing until the peak value decreased ( until it changes colors to a lighter one) once that happens, then you can be sure that you will ovulate within 24 hours. Anyways, the whole process was a bit stressful cause I couldn't understand what was wrong , now I know but that is besides the point. What I wanted to say was that the two times that I did get pregnant ( regardless of the results) I had acupuncture and Chinese herbal treatment from the previous cycle and quite frankly trying for that long and getting pregnant when I had the treatments, I have to believe that it worked.
Also one of the two times I got pregnant we conceived on ovulation date ( because my husband was traveling the days before that ) and i remember being upset and thinking we wouldn't be able to make it:) . Anyways I can definitely relate to the stress and frustration/anxiety that this process implies. And of course at 25 you have a pretty high success rate :)
Shiv, I have read that is very common for second times moms that the baby engage until delivery, I guess you will confirm this later. You look beautiful with your belly by the way!!!!!!!! is it different than last time? Who is going to help you with Sophia when you have the baby?
Spidey, Actually Narain still can't pull her pants up or down. We have one potty that looks like a little toilette in the bathroom and another regular in the living room where she plays. At the beginning we would take her when she said pee pee, and after a while she started going by herself, i would keep her with dresses and no panties so she could do it by herself. She never says she has to poop but when I see her collecting books and toys I now she has to poop, some times she even asks for a pillow so she can relax more in the potty lol.
She is still using diapers at night and for nap time but that doesn't bother me. I am not willing to get up at night to take her to the bathroom, so i am just gonna wait and see if naturally she can hold her pee the whole night.
I also have a great potty that I carry around with me, it folds easily in the diaper bag and she can use it anytime. I never see people carrying potties around, i wonder how they do it then. Here public bathrooms are nasty.

I cant wait to go to the US!!!! I cant wait to go to target!!!! I can't wait to have nice Mexican food :) not looking forward to the jet lag though.
ckc, I would really miss Target too :haha: Thats neat about your folding potty... I wouldn't want to use public bathrooms here either. The one and only thing that Kira seems "advanced" in is that she will hold her pee all night and hasn't had a wet overnight diaper in a very long time (I'm a very proud mommy :haha:) :thumbup: To give you some background on me TTC, I started the month after AF returned, so Kira was 11 months old. For the first couple of months I didn't track ovulation but I figured out that my nipples get sore 2-3 days before I ovulate, so I've been going off my nips and opk's for a long time and this month I'm temping too. My problem is my luteal phase is usually too short (9 days) but last month I had a nice normal 14 day LP :thumbup: I think bf is really keeping me infertile, so it'll probably be another 6 months- 1 year before I get my bfp. I need to be more patient, and like what Cleckner said, I must remember how grateful I am to already have one healthy baby :thumbup: I have a good friend who used acupuncture to get pregnant too... so I would definitely try it one day. I'm glad to hear it's worked for you too!

jelr, it's going to be hard to break the habit. I wish I could think of something you could replace smoking with that wouldn't have its own bad outcomes. The first thing that came to mind was chocolate :haha: Natasha is such a cute thing! I love her booby obsession :haha:

Shiv, I hope you're having fun during your bake-a-thon!
ckc- Yeah I have the same problem spidey has had. Although the sneaky bitch got a 14 day phase this month. :haha::p My luteal phase has only been 9-11 days and it's meant to be 12 or more I believe. I never had to do any of this stuff when trying for Emma. I got pregnant in the 2nd month trying for my first pregnancy(MMC) and with Emma it took a month and a half cause the first month was totally half assed trying while on vacation. :lol: But I've only tried for 5 months so far so I think I'm just impatient. But my trying has been split up because DH keeps deploying. So it's really been almost a year since we first started trying. He's just been gone for most of it. :wacko:
Goodness you girls write so much I can't keep up :shock: Love to you all though. xxx

hahahaha we do tend to gibber away :haha:

So how are things going with 2 children to look after pippin? Go on be honest!

I won't lie and say it doesn't have it's moments as sometimes when I'm on my own it's hard but the good bits waaayyyyy out weigh these times :) The hardest parts is when Sam wants me and I'm feeding as he just doesn't understand I can't help him right at that time. I'm getting round that now by having sticker books or iPads to hand to distract him. He's getting better all the time so that's good. Having the second is lots easier than the first. More relaxed I guess and done it all before. It makes me cross I stressed out so much with Sam! I think I worried to much with him but I guess you do when things are soooo different. Having two is fun and already Sam entertains her it's lovely to watch. Just be warned though she might get jealous of your new one like Sam and instead of taking it out on the new baby she might take it out on you like Sam does with me. I was expecting him to hit Adélie or something but no he loves her just hates his Mummy most of the time and Daddy is number one now. At times it hurts but I'm expecting when he goes back to work properly that will change.

Cleckner I understand you frustration. I was like that when trying for Sam when DH wasn't in the 'mood' to perform iykwim and I took it out on him all the time. Lots of tears when I thought we'd missed our chance for that month so goodness know how you feel :hug: It can really take over your life so big :hugs:
Spidey and Cleckner not sure if I've said before but I've got pregnant all three times (including the one I lost) with a 10 day lp so don't dispare. I've never had more than a 12 day one when charting and that was a fluke! Good luck lovelies hope it happens soon. Xxxx
CKC - do you mean who is helping with sophia during the birth or afterwards? We are planning for a home birth so Sophia will be around at the start until my parents can get here (they are about a 2 hour drive away). It depends on what time of day it is as to whether my parents take Sophi aback home with them for a day or two or just stay here. If it is in the middle of the night then I will ask them to just go to bed upstairs and be there to look after Sophia in the morning if I am still in labour. If it is during the day I might get them to take her away. I am going to see how I feel at the time. Part of me wants her here so that she doesn;t go away and then come to a new baby, but part of me wonders how I will EVER catch up on sleep if I labour throughout the night and then have to take care of Sophia and the new baby the next day.....................so basically I don't know! What would you all do?

The bake-a-thon was a bit of a disaster, my weighing scales broke, so i had to guesstimate everything (where being in the US would come in handy with your cups!). This led to a cake that was uncooked in the middle! Got there eventually, and the photo is on facebook. It is the most ridiculously choclately cake ever, I have been nursing a slice since 6pm (now 8.40pm) and just can't get it all down me :haha:

I have come down with a cold, booooooooooo

David's mum and her partner are coming to see us tomorrow, they invited themselves (as I would have rather been visitor free to be honest) but it was David's birthday today so she wanted to come and take us out for lunch. Only it turns out she is broke so can't afford to take us out, which means I need to provide something for lunch (she told us this tonight), wouldn't normally be an issue but she has recently turned vegan so goodness knows what i am gonna give her. I am abit pissed off to be honest (it doesn't take much!) she is forever letting people down. She always promises stuff "oh when you come down I'll take you out to dinner", "Sophia next time I see you I'll have a present for you" etc etc but never sees these promises through. She has never taken us out for lunch or dinner, which wouldn't bother me in the slightest if a) she didn't tell us that she would and b) she wasn't happy for us to spend a lot of money on taking her out! Rant Rant Rant!

I hope you all have great weekends.

oh and jelr - Natasha's booby song made me laugh a LOT!!! you know you were saying that the other week she ruined teh suprise for Jim's birthday card, well Sophia not only told David about his card, but even told him what was on the front of the card! I had built this card up to David saying that he was gonna really laugh when he saw it (basically it is a picture of a cat that looks exactly like our cat, but in a funny pose that I swear is OUR cat and they have stolen this picture somehow. Anyway we were in a pet shop the other day and there was a stand of animal related cards that Sophia found and she saw this one and immediately said "its Rufus" so we got it)........anyway Sophia handed the card to David and said its a rufus card :dohh: No more secrets!

hmm that just posted before I had finished

enough rambling from me, I might get an early night :kiss:
Shiv: :rofl: at sophia telling David what was on the card, I could see Natasha doing the very same if it was an Oskar (our cat) card as every tiger cat in books now is Oskar, so I know she would have said that too - Nope no secrets in our houses anymore :haha: I saw the cake on my phone on fb and it looks fantastic :thumbup:

I'm glad Natasha's song made you laugh, when you are fed up with your MIL. That would drive me nuts too, I never want anything from anyone, but can not stand empty promises. this morning Natasha spent the morning saying "the baby sucking on mammys boobies" because DH had put on the tv, but we weren't watching and from here to maternity was on and we hadn't realised, because we don't usually have the tv on except for cartoons or sports when Natasha is around, so we didn't cop what was on, but little miss did :haha: I really hope your cold goes soon and that bubs is in the right position.

Pippin: Lovely to hear that Sam loves his baby sister so much, sorry to hear that he is taking out his jelousy out on you, that must be hard, but hopefully that will only be a phase and won't last long.

Cleck and Spidey: Hope you are feeling a little better after the weekend.

CDC: Hope all is going well for you.

MJ: How are you doing now, have you done any more with the new house.

We didn't do much over the weekend as I was too wrecked and sick from these tablets, so we just relaxed and had a friend visit yesterday and my sister and her husband were out most of today. Hoping to stop smoking completely either tomorrow morning or evening once I have increased the dose of the tablets - So wish me luck.
oh good luck tomorrow jean - I hope that this time tommorow you will be cigarette free and stay that way, I hope it is not too awful for you :hugs:
hey ladies, sorry I've been quiet, my mum has been down and I've been busy out and about with her and Adam, and consequently really tired in the evenings. this pregnancy thing is starting really to drain me! haven't been napping in the day at all, and I have been up several times a night with heartburn and toilet trips, but when I *do* sleep I sleep like a log.

sooo... Jean, how's the Champix going? and what's it like being back at work? Natasha is so funny with her booby song. :lol: I taught Adam what a boob is, he doesn't go yelling about it, though, but if I ask he says "boop". :D

cleck, sorry to hear about AF. I hope you do take heart from the fact that you are really young still, though I understand you had hoped for a less than 5 year age gap. I also think a Cleckner boy would be super cute. Emma looks soooo like Corey in her latest pics. your hair, and very like you, but she has his face! you're right about this pregnancy flying by, though when I think about it, I found out 7 months ago (Feb 11th), so that feels like ages, but I didn't go public at all till I was 12 weeks. in some ways it's been as long as usual, in others, I guess we've been so busy and stressed with moving that I haven't had the chance to spend much time thinking about it. in fact I feel like I am now squeezing in all the stuff we have to do for the baby, rather than having the luxury of doing it all at my leisure and enjoying it, as I did with Adam. last time I knew exactly how many weeks and days I was at any given point, now I have to think about it. and I was aware of what developmental stage baby was at - now I don't really have a clue. though headed towards 37 weeks is a relief. not that I think baby will be early but it's good to feel that if he was he has better and better chances of not needing special care as each day goes by. hard to believe there's only 10 left till full term.

Shiv, hope you're feeling better and your cold hasn't amounted to much? how did D's mum's visit go? your bump at 38 weeks now does look a lot lower than 39 with Sophia. you look great, and that's brilliant about your weight gain. well done! I have not done as well, I was weighed on Thursday (our scales are still awol) and fully clothed after a big lunch and needing the loo I was 12st 4lb. :cry: so going on 5 weeks left (and the way I have been eating) I might hit 40 weeks at a few lb less than last time but definitely a good bit over 12st, which was my upper goal.

David's cake looked fab, v envious. there's been no baking in this house yet as my kitchen still isn't organised as I want it. plus I am lazy. haven't done any internet shopping yet but I did go on Asda's website last night and started a list. we don't have fridge space to stock up *so* much, but I can get a week or so's fresh stuff, plus more than that of stuff like cheese, which keeps longer. it's my aim to have it so there's only milk and salad and fresh veg we have to buy in between times. I am stocking up on loads of frozen food and tins and things like washing liquid and toothpaste and toilet paper, so I don't have to think about it. it's a really bugbear of mine that we are not properly organised in that way.

so, my mum came down on Wednesday. her back *is* bad, but she's putting an extremely brave face on it. fortunately - so she says - the most pain free thing she can do is go out with Adam in the pushchair, so that's great, and I've had some time to relax. though we have been out most days.

Thursday I had my booking in appt - it went well, I really liked the midwives I met, there was an older, very experienced one and a newly qualified one. the appt took ages - an hour and a half - because they were very thorough, much more so than the ones who did my booking in at 9 weeks. they basically went through what had been written in my notes and questioned me further about some things, and expressed surprise that despite me telling them about my mental health history, it hadn't been taken that seriously, and they asked me more about that, and about my state of mind now. I guess because I've had so few actual mw appts, and I knew we were moving, and I *wasn't* in a bad way (though I have been stressed for months) nobody picked up on a thing before now. but I took my chance to say I have some really bad days, and they have referred me to two people, one is the the mw who sees depressed mothers to be, and the other will keep an eye on me (or at least be aware and a contact) for possible PPD. I didn't have it last time but I think that was in part because I did have someone I could contact. plus I just felt like I coped a lot better than I expected and that made me feel actively good about myself. obviously I hope this time is the same, but it's a different baby, I am different now (more experienced), and I have a toddler to cope with. so I am glad they know my fears and they were really nice.

other than that, the experienced mw said she was 100% that baby is head down. my bp was up but I am hoping it was a one-off. pee was ok. my bp was 121 over 75, which to me is high as I am usually around 102/70, but they said it was perfectly normal. they told me I had to make an appt for my 36 week appt within 10 days, so I did call and that is tomorrow (35+5), they're at the place I have to go on Mondays only, so I am quite glad I'm not having to wait till 36+5.

they were also very encouraging about me hoping to go to the birth centre, and tried to make an arrangement for me to go straight up and have a tour, but there wasn't a mw available, so I went the next day. that also went well, the only thing that worries me is not getting in - either because it's full (there are 3 rooms with pools etc and 1 with a regular bed, which they said was a post-natal room) or because there are not enough midwives, as if they are busy on the regular labour ward they might draft them in. the labour ward is just through a set of double doors on the same floor. I really hope I can get in there, I have a feeling it would be quite a different experience to last time. but it's down to luck on the day. :shrug:

my mum and I have had our hair cut in the last few days, and we made an appt for tomorrow lunchtime for Adam's first haircut. :cry: I am not looking forward to it, though I said in no uncertain terms that it's just to be a trim and a tidy up, I don't want a short back and sides. I love his curls, but I do admit now that it's getting a little long, especially in the front now. the curls at the back are tight corkscrew Shirley Temple style curls, so so cute, and they don't hang low because the curls are so tight, but when wet it's beyond his shoulders. if he was a girl I think I'd leave it a while yet apart from a fringe/front trim. but Chris has been on about it for ages now. I just want him to have longer hair while it is so curly, and really hope it stays curly. my brother's is very very curly, and thick, though he wears it short now so it doesn't appear curly. when he was a teenager he let it grow and it was a bit like a poodle. he was about 20 here, I was 18, that's my dad and my gran as well

oh, and I posted this on the FB group, but here it is again - 35 weeks:


so mw in the morning. really hoping he or she is also certain of baby's position. also that my bp is a bit more towards my usual. my mum is coming with us then we'll go to the hairdresser after. :( my mum is going back up north on Tuesday, then I have a day's work on Wed, so C is taking the day off and is planning to take Adam swimming. then I will be counting down to my mum coming back on Oct 7th (if no baby by then, surely not as I will only be 38+2). unfortunately C's mum is off on holiday this Friday, till the 8th, so no chance of her having Adam for the day again. poor timing, really, I could have done with him going there, but by the time she is back my mum will be here.

eeeek. so much still to do. I've washed nappies and clothes, and the wall stickers are up in Adam's room (they look fab, I'll take pics once he's in there and his bedding is on). haven't had a chance to get the new pushchair out, or fix up the car seat with its new cover. bit anxious about everything really, just want everything a *bit* more ready so there is no major panic.
Jean, you posted as I was writing - yuck, the sickness sounds bad, but fingers crossed the quit day goes well and you feel better soon.

we've not done a lot with the house this week, though this morning we got some wood for shelves and C has made 2 of them. this is good as it's an important stage towards getting my big understairs cupboard emptied of books and DVD and stuff in box files, and getting the cupboard filled with miscellany that's not got a proper home yet. so am quite excited about that. :lol:
Pippin- your 10 day LP is what keeps me going :haha: I'm glad things aren't too impossible with 2 babies.

Shiv- I think you need to plan on having everything done for you for the first week after the new baby is born and everyone should expect that too. So David and your parents can entertain Sophia and they can cook, clean and make sure all your needs are met. Sophia can snuggle with you and watch tv and read books, but besides that, all you should do is feed the new baby and rest. I hope thats good advice :lol: Too bad you're a weirdo and rely on a scale for baking... if only you knew how to bake with cups! :haha: Your cake looked REALLY yummy though! How was your lunch with MIL?

jelr, thats too bad the champix is making you sick. Good luck on not smoking at all tomorrow!

MJ- I wouldn't cut all Adam's curls either. He is adorable with his hair and there is no doubt he is a boy in all his pictures, so its not like he needs a super short haircut. And I do love your bump picture... it really is a keeper for the scrap book! I'm glad your midwife appointment went well and they're taking precautions against PPD.

I've been having a rough week with Kira. She's been throwing tantrums for the past week and it's really pushing me to my limit and I don't know what to do. As soon as I need to do something, like eat breakfast, make dinner, use the toilet, etc., she screams and hangs off my legs, and tries to push me in another direction. I always get to her level and say "mommy needs to make dinner now." and she screams even louder. A few times I've stopped what I was doing and said "show mommy what you want" and she takes me through an elaborate process of collecting 15 different items and then makes me go upstairs and give her a booby on her bed. Once she's done, she refuses to go back downstairs so another tantrum and elaborate process of collection starts all over again :dohh: During her item collection process she cries the whole time because things are dropping from her hands. When I run out of patience, I've said "mommy needs to make dinner now" and I let her hang off of me and scream for 15 minutes, or however long it takes. Then I have to spend 30 more minutes giving her booby. Usually when DH is home, Kira ignores me and plays with him, but during this past week she won't do anything without me right there too. The only time I get to myself is the 45 minutes between Kira going to bed and me going to sleep, and I end up spending most of that time trying to clean since I can't get sh*t done during the day. Thankfully DH got Kira away from me today and gave her a bath without me there, so that was 20 minutes to iron clothes. And DH is leaving at the end of this month for a vacation without me and I am dreading him going away. Not only will I have to deal with the tantrums all day, I'll have to somehow get her to sleep at night too (I have never put Kira to sleep on this new routine). And my parents are out of town the same 4 days as DH so I will have no help if I start to feel a little Casey Anthony :lol: I shouldn't complain because you girls have it much harder than me, heck, my DH even comes home for 1 hour at lunch each day. I'm not cut out for this and I find it hard to be a loving mommy under these circumstances. I've had mornings this week where I feel anxiety when I wake up, rather than joy when I see Kira's face. :cry: I know that once I get out of bed to spend 3 minutes straightening my hair, she'll hang off of me and start the screaming. When I'm not around, she is a sweet girl and perfectly content with whoever is watching her, but as soon as she sees me it's nothing but tears and demands. My left nipple is about to fall off it hurts so bad.

AND... if my cycle follows it's "normal" schedule, I will be ovulating when DH is gone too. :growlmad:

I'm just feeling sorry for myself. Advice I could use is what works best in these circumstances? I might have had a break through today because during one tantrum I finished preparing dinner and then I said "show mommy what you want" and Kira pointed upstairs. Not wanting to give her ANOTHER booby upstairs and get stuck up there, I said "do you want a booby on the sofa, or do you want to play outside?" she cried of course, and I repeated it a few times and then miraculously she picked booby on the sofa! So that might work. To prevent a tantrum, I've tried giving warnings like "in 2 minutes mommy has to make dinner". That doesn't always work. And normally Kira loves to join in and "help" me but when she's gearing up for a tantrum she doesn't want to help me.
Cleckner and Spidey, luckily for you guys short lutheal phase it is no hard to fix. Cleckner I hope your husband can be home on time to give it a good shot.

Spidey: That is really nice that Natasha can hold her pee at night, Narain can't, not even for nap, some times her nap diaper is heavier than the overnight diaper LOL

Pippin: thank you for your post about having two, often times i wonder the same thing, how is it gonna be with two children. Narain will be a bit pass 2.5 years when her little baby brother or sister is here. You make it sound manageable. I am really hoping Narain can wean her self from the boobby soon, I can't see myself doing tandem nursing :)

Actually my husband said something kind of unusual the other day... he said that he could never love anyone like he loves Narain, and no matter how the other baby will be, Narain will always be his baby princess... at the beginning I didnt know what to make of that comment, then I felt hurt, especially given all that we have gone through to conceive that baby, and how much we want this baby!, then, I remember a time when Narain was about 6 months old and someone asked about when we will have another baby, I remember thinking or feeling the same way, I was so full of feelings for Narain that I couldnt believe myself as being capable of feeling more love than that. But of course after some time I was ready. Anyways, after my husband saw the heartbeat something changed for him and now he is super excited, I think he feels bad about what he said before.

Shiv: Yes, both. We are planning for a home birth too and I don't know how it is gonna happen. Some women that give birth at home let their other children say through the whole thing. But I don't think I can do that I think Narain will be freaked out. But it is good that you have your parents there to help you. I dont have any family around and I dont think I want my mother in law to come and help, she is more needy than a women in labor and a toddler together so I don't think she can be useful. When Narain was born I stayed inside the house for a few weeks and it was so nice to have all the time in the world to bound with her, I loved that time, and now I am worried I wont have the same with the new baby. Well I guess my husband will take care of her. If I was you, would let your parents take her away and come back when you are all rested and ready ! I also I will ask them if they can stay at your house for a little bit so they can play with Sophia and take her out and give her a lot of love an attention. And also help you cook :) I would love that.
I mean I would like for Narain to take part in everything ( I thin you do too with Sophia) but I think she will be better having her own fun and I will be less worried knowing that she is good and having fun and has the idea and the excitement to come home to a new baby.

Jerl: That is so cute! I agree this stage is so funny and cute! Narain made a song for the booby too! and played it in the guitar ( I was actually holding the guitar and she would stream and sing along) I send the video to my family and they all had a good laugh.
Shiv, I am so sorry you are having such a hard week. Read this if you have time https://www.awareparenting.com/tantrums.htm I hope it helps a little tiny bit or at least you can try.
MJ - I hear ya on the lack of sleep thing!I finally managed to get to sleep last night to be woken up by a bloomin police helicopter hovering overhead for over an hour!

I wouldn't worry about your weight, the doctors scales probably added a good half stone what with breakfast, lunch, a poo, a wee, clothes etc! You look great in your picture and certainly don't look like you have gained wieght anywhere apart from your bump. Plus if you are anything like me (our pregnancies do seem to have been a little similar this time) then you will lose your appetite in a couple of weeks! i actually lost weight last week - I was 11st 11.5lbs this morning.

I'm glad your mum has been able to take Adam out and about giving you a break.

Also glad that the midwives have been asking you how you are feeling and will be there to support you should you need it post partum.

I hope you can get into the birth centre, i had such a positive experience and wish I was still near the one I had Sophia in, chances are you will get in!

I saw th epic of Adam getting his haircut, looks liek he behaved himself, were you happy with the result?

Oh and you will get everything done, I really only just got everything organised this past week.......the pressure will spur you on!

Spidey - I agree I should be allowed ot just lie in bed with new baby for a week.......but I can;t see it happening. David used to be so good, when SOphia was first born he was great and used to prepare me food so that I ate enough etc etc, but to be honest he has become pretty slack, and I feel that whenever he does actually do anything that I am supposed to be really grateful instead of it just being him doing his share. I tried to talk to him about it in a *fun* way but I don't think he got the hint. I think because i have had to cope onmy own while he has been away that he thinks it can be just like that while he is home. But I would quite like to be taken care of just a little bit............but alas no. He better step up after baby is born, as he won't be at work so will have no excuse!

As for Kira's tantrums........well I can certainly empathise, although Sophia has been much better this week. My advice would be that by breastfeeding her you are giving her a reward for her bad behaviour. They are old enough to be reasoned with. Could you try saying something like "mummy needs to make dinner now, if you let mummy make dinner then youc an have boob afterwards".Can you make upstairs safe so that you can leave her up there. Sophia is often asking me to go upstairs so we can read and play, I don't have a problem with it unless i have something I need to do downstairs. If I need to go and make dinner I give her the option, you can either come downstairs with me or stay upstairs on your own. She often chooses to stay upstairs and then ten minutes later will call me to go and bring her down. Also Sophia is back to hating me making dinner (it used to be my most stressful time of day about 9 months ago but sh grew out of it), so now sh eis back to standing on a chair next to me and playing helper, or I fill up the sink and let her "wash up" - this keeps her entertained for ages.

Basically, I would try not to give in to her requests if there is really something you need to be doing. Try to get her to help, or if she wants booby to reason that if she is good and kets youget on with thinsg then she can have it as soon as you are finished.

I really feel for you as having no time to yourself is exhausting.

Oh and could you try offering a snack instead of booby?

Where is DH going on holiday? I swear these men lead the life of Riley!
thanks for the link ckc :flower:

I think you're right Shiv that I was rewarding her by giving her booby. She's right in the middle of her "no" phase where everything is NO NO NO, and she's testing her limits with me obviously, and looking back I definitely let her get her way when I shouldn't. Today was much better, most likely because I was more confident in the rules I set. Dinner was always easy since Kira would play in the sink and "help" me, but now she's not interested in that. I'm sure thats just a phase too.

DH is going on a manly vacation where he hangs out with other woodworkers and they sit around and chat all day :haha: There are some "famous" woodworkers from tv who will be there too. When Kira was 6 weeks old DH went on a a similar type trip, but it was for people who liked to grow bamboo. :haha: I need to come up with a vacation for myself because it isn't fair!

Shiv, perhaps after your DH watches you give birth, his helpfulness will reset :haha: I know my DH had a whole new respect for me after I had Kira and he suddenly became Mr. helpful, although right now he's slacked off too. Are you planning to have pictures taken during labor?

I took a movie of Kira during our picnic today and thought you girls might like to watch! Her new word is "eat" :haha:


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