***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

K girls. I have a question. when I go back home I plan on watching my friends two children. One is only two weeks old and the other is preschool age. What should I charge her? She works a full time job. She said she pays $175 a week for just her son right now. I thought $175 a week for both children would be good for me. But she isn't responding to the text now so I worry that she doesn't think it's reasonable. Maybe because I don't have childhood education as a background or anything like that. I don't know. I just don't want to rip her off. But at the same time I am going to be providing for my family too and I want it to be worth my while. So what do you think? What's the rate for childcare? I know most of us stay home with our LOs so don't even have to worry about paying for it. But maybe you guys still know what the rates are. I plan on taking CPR training and doing whatever I need to do to be licensed as well. Another thing is I plan on driving to her house to watch them every day. So that's gas money too that will be spent on going to her. She's only about 5 miles at the most from where I'll be living but it is still a factor. I just don't know what to do.

spidey- Kira is so cute! Emma gets excited about airplanes too. :haha:

My DH has never been too good about just jumping up and doing things. He has to be asked every time. But he will do things when I ask. Cooking dinner, taking trash out, etc. He tries his best to take Emma for me too when I need but he has no clue what to do when she throws tantrums and acts up. He just panics and ends up bringing her to me. :dohh: But our situation is a bit different because he's only been around like 9 months of her 2 year life. :wacko: I sometimes wonder how he'd be if he were here every night. Because even the days that his ship is home, he still has duty once a week so is gone all day and night. It's going to be odd being 'normal' next year. Terrifying really.
Okay my friend still hasn't responded so I'm thinking I may have F'ed up. She put in the text 'I pay for both 3 dollars an hour. and it was 175 for just westen.' (westen is her first son). But she didn't put a . so I thought she meant $175.00 a week. But now I"m thinking she meant $1.75 an hour for just her son. So my offering to watch them both for $175 a week is overshooting it if that's the case and I'm thinking I F'ed it up. :dohh: I don't really want to watch her kids for any less than $150 a week. And if she works a 40 hour week at a mere $3 an hour for childcare expenses, that's only $120 a week that she's paying for both children. That doesn't seem right. :shrug:
To put one child in nursery full time here is about £40 a day (minimum up to £50) so that is £200 a week, so 2 children would be £400 a week = $630

SO over here what you are offering is a complete bargain! I can't say for the states though, hopefully SPidey can help you out.

I find it hard to believe she is paying someone less that $2 an hour for childcare..........is there no minimum wage over there as surely nobody would work for that!

If you charge $175 dollars a week then that is $87.5 a week per kid. That works out as just over $2 an hour which seems ridiculoulsy reaonable to me, especially because even if she is only working 40 hours a week she will be away for longer as she will have to get to work etc I would wait for her to get back to you. DO NOT message her again. If she feels you are being unreasonable let her tell you so. do not reduce your offer without her giving good reason. If your minimum is $150 a week then you did right in going in a bit higher.

Sorry if that isn't much help but wanted to reply ASAP
Thanks shiv. :hugs: Yeah there is a minimum wage here but I don't think it applies to some childcare providers because they mostly work out of their home IYKWIM. So it's also under the table and taxes wouldn't be taken out of it. My brother pays $100 a week at an actual daycare at a church. And that's only for like 3 days of childcare because my SIL only works part time and is home part of the week.

I haven't texted back. At this point I would probably seem like a crazy person because I have texted twice since her last message and she hasn't responded so texting again at this point would be overdoing it. :rofl:

It's times like this that I kick myself for never going to college and getting a career. I feel absolutely useless at times. I want to be able to help DH provide for our family but making $3 an hour isn't going to cut it. :wacko:
Cleck - I went to university and I still can't earn any money and one of my biggest fears is that when I am ready to go back to work full time (in a couple of years or so) that noboday will want me! I was SO career driven before Sophia and had quite a high powered job before I left, but I know I will haveto start again from the bottom...............so I don't think you are at that much more of a disadvantage to be honest!
Cleck, that seems very fair. Here you can expect to pay $18,000/ year for a baby under 2 at a reputable center, so thats DOUBLE what you're offering to watch 2 kids (one being an infant). Minimum wage is 7.25 I think ($14,000/year). Cost of living might be slightly higher in Baltimore/DC, but I don't think it's that much higher. :shrug:

I wouldn't watch 2 kids for any less than 175/ week. I'm assuming its 40 hours a week and that's alot of work to watch 2 more kids in someone else's house. Heck, you could get a part time job for $10/ hour and work 2-3 days a week and make the same amount (but you would have to find someone to watch Emma for free to have it work out)
oh and Spidey - Kira is a feeder :haha: Her words are coming on really well now, she is a cutie pie
I'm sitting here worrying all day now. :dohh: I keep thinking maybe I should just take a lot less because we will need the money. I want to be able to make enough to pay for our car insurance, cell phone and gas at the very least. I need to sit down and add it all up. I'm thinking if I can't do this, I need to find someone that needs a house cleaner that wouldn't mind Emma tagging along. :haha:
Cleck: I pay €35 a day / Roughly £30 or $47 a day so I definitely don't think you are looking for too much, that is a long week when you are minding them in her house, it wouldn't be so bad if it was in your own, where you could do your own housework and so on, but this way, you will only have the evenings and weekends to get your own bits done around the house, plus go home and cook a meal for you all, so why should you get any less.

I agree with Shiv, don't be so hard on yourself about work. I went back and studied and look how my job could be going and I'm kind of stuck if it does as I haven't done any teaching in 4 years since I got promoted, so I couldn't actually go back to it now because I would end up having to work full time, just to get my teaching notes done, because all my old ones are now obsolete.

Spidey: Kira is so so cute in that video, I hope the tantrums have gotten a bit better today. I do agree with Shiv that going upstairs and giving her booby seems like you are giving her her own way. Natasha had one of those evenings yesterday and refused her dinner (and it was her one that she likess) and screamed the place down for cheese, but I decided not to give in and said no that if she was hungry her dinner was there and if she wanted cheese, she had to eat it first. She did scream louder for a while, but then she stopped and actually ate it, so I gave her the cheese, so it showed she did listen and understand - I can totally understand the time to yourself too, I think that is partly why I'm struggling with the smoking as it gives me 10 mins here and there when DH is around to just go outside and have complete quiet time to myself.

Shiv: Would sitting down and talking to your DH help, I used to do most of the stuff here before Natasha was born because I wasn't working when we moved in together - well when I say most of the stuff, I mean cleaning, cooking and washing as he always looked after the garden, bins and any diy. That was just the routine we got into and I did get mad and have strops every now and again, but he never got the hint that I was pissed off still doing it all when I was working too. Like David he was great when I was pregnant and did nearly everything and also when she was born, but then it slipped back to normal after about a month. So when Natasha was born and it came to me going back to work, I did sit him down and said I wasn't going to be the martyr and just do everything and get mad, but that I was telling him now I wanted more help as there was two of us living here and two of us were now responsible for Natasha and it really has made a difference. I still look after most of the cooking, but that is because I finish up earlier, but he now cleans up after the dinner with me and when I do the once a week deep clean on the house, he does half of it now too. I definitely think men do need that extra push and even still I sometimes need to give him an extra push - like last week we had a huge row, because he was home late a few evenings and I knew it was because I was back at work and dinner was now at 6 instead of 5.30 so he just presumed he would work later and take the pressure off himself in work, where as I said I didn't have that luxury as Natasha had to be fed and I was running in the door and trying to get a dinner and entertain Natasha too all by myself, so this week he has been really good and is home not just on time, but early and is helping with getting the dinner ready. How long it will last I don't know.

MJ: I'm so glad you got lovely midwives and are going to be checked for ppd too. The birthing centre sounds lovely, I do hope you get in.

Glad your mum got to get down too and you are enjoying some days out. Well did Adams hair turn out the way you wanted. I hope so as he has beautiful curls and it would be a shame to get too much chopped off, but some hairdressers do what they want don't they.

It wouldn't panic on what you have to do, think of how much you have managed to get done in the last few weeks and it sounds like you are pretty much sorted on top of moving house.

Well I'm officially a non smoker. It is a lot harder than I expected it to be with the tablets, I think I thought I wasn't going to need any will power, but unfortunately I do and I am struggling with it, but I'm getting there - well I must be as I haven't had any now since 12 last night. I do think the tablets may have taken the edge off though as it is not on my mind 24 hours a day like it was when I quit when I was pregnant, although it is on it about half the time, and part of that could be because I spent most of the morning trying not to vomit on anyone in work, but it was better than constantly wanting a ciggie, so I guess it was grand in the end :haha: The sickness has subsided a lot this evening, and hopefully the cravings will tomorrow also.

I'm actually quiet proud of myself as I have smoked since I was 14 so 18 years, bar the pregnancies and that wasn't for me, so it is a big acheivement.
ha, I thought the same, Kira is a feeder! she's making you all eat. :lol: I love the video, Spidey, K is adorable. and I am very envious because there is no way on this good green earth that Adam would sit with us and have a picnic when there's all that grass to escape off to and explore. I wonder if it's a girl thing? I frequently see parents with little girls out and about, around Adam's age, and they are walking nicely, not even necessarily holding hands, but staying within 2-3 steps and being so well behaved. while Adam has to be in the pushchair else I cannot cope with chasing him around. I took him to the park early in the summer with my friend who has a little boy a month younger (before we moved, I have no friends now) and we really did chase Adam round the entire time (and this was a really big park) till I forced him into the pushchair and strapped him in, in order to eat a sandwich. it was less than fun. I cannot wait for the day that he cooperates. I fear it is far away. :(

about the tantrums, though - I definitely empathise. Adam is being difficult at the moment. same sort of thing, I cannot get half a minute to myself, unless his attention is captured by something on TV, and I confess to letting him watch more than I'd ideally like simply because that time turns out to be all the break I get while he is awake. there's only a couple of shows that he'll watch all the way through anyway, other stuff I try he'll glance at but not be bothered about. Adam also pulls at me, and he wants to be lifted up a lot now, something he never used to ask for. he'll pull on my top and squeal/scream, and sometimes it's clear what he wants (a deedee that's "hidden") or a piece of fruit, but other times I have no idea and he can't or won't say. it's immensely frustrating. he wants to go outside, so I'll go, and he pulls me into his playhouse, which is really small and not easy for me to go in and out of, or he drags me round the garden wanting into the shed, which is locked and I pretend not to have a key. he is such hard work. constant hard work. if it wasn't for his naps I'd have been taken away by now.

I don't know what to suggest. I think it's harder when the child in question isn't very verbal. Adam has lots of words but doesn't string them together, so to all intents and purposes he can't communicate too well. or at least not verbally, and I am getting sick of the non-verbals, especially when screaming (seemingly randomly) is part of it. it is especially annoying when I know he understands so much and will follow instructions very well, yet seems not to understand "mummy will come and play soon". sorry, I wish I had advice or suggestions for you but we're in a similar boat.

jean, massive well done on being a non-smoker! :D that's briliant, and I hope it gets easier as the days go by. I know just what you mean about being angry when your OH comes in late and you still have to do everything, Chris has been busy at work lately and been in later, and not told me, so I have waited and then poor Adam is waiting for his dinner as well and it's really not fair. fortunately I don't have to do everything in the house, C, for all his faults, is not too bad in that sense. though he has problems with deciding when to carry out the stuff he wants to do. if he's doing it, he's doing it, even if it is midnight, even if I have had Adam all day and need a break, even if Adam is standing behin the gate screaming for his daddy. this annoys me because I think he should try to do things at a good time for us all, not just for himself.

cleck, sorry, I know less than nothing about appropriate childcare rates, but I hope you don't end up selling yourself short and stick to the price level you are looking for. as for the job situation, I do empathise. although I have somehow managed to work 1 day a week (more likely 3 days a month lately) I feel less than hopeless about getting work again once my maternity leave is up this time round. and especially, the idea of me ever being offered a decent part-time job, let alone a full-time job, seems unrealistic. nothing like that would be an option till the 2nd baby is in full-time school anyway, since childcare costs would likely prohibit anything much earlier, so we're looking at late 2016 anyway. eeeek. 5 years away. I try not to think about it or I get so scared. cant see the job I do being open in the next few years, as it's a dying industry and we have all been well aware of that fact for the last 3 years. I also want to help contribute financially and I have been, but it's a huge worry that I won't be able to in the future. just hope I have some majorly bright idea for money making in the meantime.

how's things today, Shiv? any hopeful signs of anything imminent?

we have managed to get a few things done, Chris came home yesterday to take me to the hospital for the scan that didn't happen, and afterwards we bought more wood for more shelves and he put the new car seat cover on and dug out my birth ball. so we do have a car seat now all ready. and Adam's haircut went well, I explained I didn't want it too short, so she went the other way and didn't really cut enough off. it's still curly and fairly long, but a lot tidier. he doesn't look different, which is what I wanted, I have seen too manylittle boys go to the hairdressers and come out looking 2 years older. I want my baby to look like a baby for a while yet. he was very very well-behaved at the hairdressers, he sat on my mum's lap as no room on mine, and we had got him a lolly (like a giant boiled sweet on a stick). this is only the second non-ice lolly he's ever had (first was to calm him down when he was distraught at the doctor's a few months ago, after his time in hospital when he was very traumatised by all things doctor) and he sat lovely and still. it probably helps that he's a bit of a narcissist and loves gazing at his own reflection. :rofl:

so, that was fine, but I am not in a good way at all, not coping, stressed out of my tree. part of it is the fear that baby is breech (after yesterday's appt where 1 mw thought he was and then being sent for a scan and being told they wouldn't scan till 37 weeks, and then 2 more midwives saying he *isn't* breech, but still not managing to convince me). I want to be able to chill about it all and strip away my hopes for a birth centre birth, and just be grateful if we both get through it alive and well, but I can't, and I feel so down. as well as this, like I was saying ^^ about Adam being difficult, I can't cope with it. I just can't. it drives me mad and I feel like a bad mother. I've had my mum here to help since last Wednesday, and she's amazing with him, taking him out so I can get a break, and just sharing the load, and she was supposed to go back home today, but I went with her, with Adam, to the station this morning and when she said goodbye I just burst into tears. this was after a difficult morning with Adam (and it was still only 9.30am - in his attempt to make me get out of bed, he slapped me in the face and ended up busting my lip - this after seeing how many of his dummies he could fit in my mouth at once, fortunately he only had 3 available). so my mum, who'd already asked me if I wanted her to stay (and I'd said no, I'd cope) said she was staying, and rang Chris to tell him. this is where I feel bad. Chris gets really sick of my mum being here. and he is so selfish about it because she helps *so much*. with Adam, with the house, with going out and getting our shopping, she just wants to make life easier on me, and all he sees is how he is inconvenienced. and I hate him feeling like that. it doesn't help that my mum has witnessed blazing rows we have had in the past, and that he knows I have told her about other much more major blazing rows (we had one the other week that got totally out of hand when he called me a fat fucking bitch, this would make me see red at any time, given my anorexia history, but at almost 8 months pregnant I was just livid and so upset). so because he thinks she thinks badly of him (even though they actually get on fine) he is antagonistic to me when she is coming down. you'd think she was on our doorstep every 5 minutes but she really isn't, because of her bad back in the spring, she wasn't here at all between February and May. he seems to project how he feels about himself onto other people, so I think he feels badly about how he has behaved to me and he projects that into thinking other people feel badly towards him. and he wouldn't be 100% wrong, my mum is angry that he's upset me, but she somehow sets it aside. she can see his good points, and he does have a lot of them, but empathy doesn't seem to be one of them.

anyway, he was fine when my mum spoke to him about her staying. though we haven't discussed how long she is staying. he won't be happy if this is her here till after the baby is born. the original plan was that she left today and came back on Oct 7th, so 2 and a half weeks' time. I just don't know because I can't see me finding things any more tolerable as I get even bigger.

I'm clinging to the idea that it won't be this awful and I won't feel this bad after the baby is here. I feel so awful because I am pregnant and huge and tired and unable to comfortably run around after Adam. I hate myself, I feel like I am a failure, that I should never have tried to do this (have another baby) because I cannot cope, and I am afraid (with good reason, he has said so) that Chris really thinks I won't manage 2 children. I remember having a few bad days at the end of my last pregnancy, but of course then it was all about me, and I didn't have to cope with it while dealing with a 2 year old. I just keep on bursting into tears. everyone is put out because of me. Chris isn't comfortable or happy in his own home, my poor mother, who should be resting as she is 62 and has a bad back, is forced to stay because she is so worried about me... poor Adam isn't getting much of a nice mummy any more (I do try but then my temper is so short when he won't cooperate; every time I tried to put him in his high chair for a meal today, and also his pushchair when my mum was taking him out, he fought against me, and he doesn't usually). my mum was seeing to him while I was making dinner tonight but still he wouldn't leave me be. and I am concerned that we've still never put him in his own room and we're not going to get him out of our bed before the baby is here. my mum said she'd sleep on the settee and let him have his bed, but C said no. I am scared that we now have 6 weeks max before baby is here, and how upset is Adam going to be to be evicted all of a sudden and not just evicted but usurped. I never wanted to upset or traumatise him, I hoped we'd have a good few clear months for him to get used to not co-sleeping, but now if we have a few days it'll be a miracle. :cry:

I just want to be able to cope with the life I have. C keeps saying "my mum will have him for a day, I'll take a day off a week" and I think, ack, that would be nice but being this pregnant it's not 1 day off I want or need, it's help every day. I cannot store up my rest or my quiet time and have it carry me through the other 4 days I am by myself with Adam. if only. C's mum is a non-option anyway as she goes away on hols on Fri for 2 weeks.

tomorrow should be better as I am working and C took the day off for it when I was booked, and he's planning to take Adam swimming, so my mum will have a rest. a day at work sounds like heaven right now. even though the trip into town won't be a breeze, a day with no screaming and nobody to pull at me will be amazing. and I feel like a terrible person for thinking it, let alone saying it out loud.

then Thursday I have an appt with the midwife who deals with depressed mothers. it was actually great timing, as I was only referred last week I didn't have great hopes of the system getting me in for an appt much before the baby is due, but the lady rang today, right after my mum said she'd stay, and offered me an appt for Thurs at 12.30pm. the way I feel right now it couldn't have come at a better time. it's not that I think she can change anything but I am very close to thinking I am in as bad a way as Ive been in some years, and I *need* to talk to someone professional about it. I'm even thinking more open-mindedly about medication. I haven't been on any (for my head) in about 3 years, but if it would help me cope then I'd consider it. and that makes me feel more like a failure but if it can help me be more the sort of mummy I want to be for my babies, then so be it. :(

sorry I'm on such a downer right now. I've wanted to write it all down all day but never had the chance.
MJ, I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. :hugs: It sounds like you're putting too much pressure on yourself to be a perfect mom, wife and daughter and too worried about other people's feelings. You shouldn't feel bad about your mom staying and I'm sure she loves the time to bond with Adam. I'm sorry DH isn't more accepting of your mother staying to help out. Do you think DH gets jealous that your mom helps out more than he is able to? I think with how we live these days, we have too much pressure on us as mom's to care for a baby all day and we don't have a large extended family close by to help us out. I think talking to a professional will be great and you'll have to tell us how it goes. I had to laugh though when you said Adam was stuffing dummies in your mouth to wake you up. Once the baby is here you might actually get better sleep and with more sleep you'll find everyday tasks easier to deal with.

Cleckner, did you ever hear back from your friend? How hard is it to get a home daycare license? Do you have family back home willing to watch Emma 2 or 3 days a week for free? If you did, you could work a few hours here and there to make extra money and Emma could have time to bond with her grandparents (or whoever). It is nice getting a break and making a few extra $$. My MIL hands out free samples at Sam's club and started at 11- something an hour! So you could be a free sample lady too :haha:

jelr, congrats on being a non smoker!! Has DH hid all the cigarettes so you're not tempted? What are you doing instead of smoking?

Oh, and MJ, Kira does not walk nicely with us if we're in the store. She runs off and starts removing things from the shelves :haha: But when we have a picnic she stays close by, which is great for me so I don't have to keep chasing her down!
Cleck - did you hear back from your friend?

jelr - We have dinner at 5pm in this house and I am REALLY lucky that 9/10 David is home for it. the thing is (as I am sure you all understand) dinner time can be the most stressful part of the day. So David used to get in at 4.45pm, just to give me enough time to finish up dinner. He does it for a few weeks then reverts back to rolling in at 5.02pm in time to sit down. He got in at 5pm tonight and said to Sophia "mummy looks a bit stressed" so I hit him with the fact that he is supposed to be here at 4.45pm if possible and he said "you just have to ask".............but this isn't a new arrangement! SO we'll see what tomorrow brings!

Congratulations on being a non-smoker - I hope that today was easier than yesterday.

MJ - as far as tantrums are concerned I am not sure what is worse a toddler who can't communicat ein words and screams or a toddler who can communicate in words and screams the same unobtainable wish on repeat! hahaha there is no pleasing us!

I know how you feel about not returning to work (full time) for many years, it scares me as I already feel that I am unemployable!

I am glad you have got some stuff done in preparation for the baby. Remember as long as the baby has some clothes and a boob/bottle then everything else can wait.

I am sorry you are not coping well at the moment. you are not a bad mother, you are a heavily pregnant, hormonal mother of a very demanding toddler, who has not been receiving the cupport she needs from her husband. No wonder you aer stressed! i am glad your mum has stayed around with you, tell Chris that perhaps if he helped out a bit more and didn't make you feel like sh*t sometimes then perhaps you wouldn't need her there.

You WILL manage with 2 children, because you will HAVE to manage with 2 children. What other option do we have?! you are a great mum to Adam and you will be to Joel as well. Everyone has off weeks and with all teh hormones going round, try not to be too hard on yourself.You feed Adam, you don;t beat him, you clothe him, you are there for him if he needs you............you are not a bad mum. Adam is testing the boundaries, he can see you are at breaking point and as horrible as it sounds that is what they want. But you CAN do this. Adam isn't going to be scarred for life by having a stroppy mum for a few weeks, he won't even remember!

I think it is a good idea to speak to the specialist midwife, I am sure she can give better advice than me! But it will get better. I don;t know i fyou remember me posting a week or so ago about how demanding SOphia was being. Well someone asked me if I was sick of being pregnant and my reply "no - I'm sick of being a mother".........what a terrible thing to say, but I felt it at the time. I wanted to go away somewhere for a week without Sophia and sleep, and be myself and not just a mum.............being is so all consuming and it gets on top of the best of us, you are not alone. Big hugs x

Oh and I just did a route planner and you are only a 20 minute diversion frommy route when I go back to Kent, so perhaps we can meet up once we are both a bit settled with the new babies?

As for me, I feel far away from labour, no signs at all..........hurumph!
Shiv: I totally understand, that was exactly what our row was about, like David he is 9/10 times home in time for dinner, but over the summer when dinner was at 5.30 as he can't get home before he was home at that time and the minute I went back to work and dinner had to be shifted to 6 as I'm only in around 5.30 myself after collecting Natasha, he wasn't arriving until 6. But thankfully now after the row he is back to being here at 5.30 and even arrived at 5 on Monday and it makes all the difference to half a second person there, when I'm getting Natasha in and trying to get veg or pasta or something on to go with whatever has been put in the slowcooker or oven if I have been working from home.

I think with men, you do have to spell it out sometimes because my DH didn't even think about it, he just thought "ah sure I may as well get some more work done and take the pressure off myself as dinner is not until 6" and it was only when I said it to him that I found it extremely stressful, just finishing work, having to run over and collect Natasha and organise dinner so that it isn't too late for Natasha, while he gets to saunter in and have it handed to him :dohh: - So I think he gets it now, how long it will last though is another question. I really hope that your DH is home on time tomorrow and every other day and maybe like he said, ask a bit more when you do need help with stuff around the house as you really should be resting as much as possible now, so he should be helping more with Sophia.

Did you send the email to your friend after, is there anymore news?

Spidey: Don't you know I have replaced smoking with food - I have ate more bread, peanuts, crisps and chocolate over the last few days :haha: - Although I am also using my no nicotine cigarette if it is really bad - I don't mind the food too much though if it gets me over the first week or two and then I'm going to put myself on one of my strict diets, number 1 to stop all the eating and rein myself back in, number 2 to lose the weight I'm already putting on and number 3 as I always seem to get pregnant if ttc striaght after so hopefully it will be a win win situation.

How is Kira now? Has she settled down any? I hope so as that is exhausting. I'm hoping Natasha is as good as gold for the next two days when I'm off or I could be heading to the shop for smokes :haha: - No DH didn't hide them on me, he actually has more faith in me this time than I do, he reckons he has never seen me more determined and he has been great and not went out to smoke at all in the evenings, so that is helping too.

MJ: I'm so so sorry that you feel so bad, but you are not a bad mum, you are a great mum and are just having a hard time with being heavily pregnant, exhausted and full of hormones that is doing most of the looking after of an extremely active toddler by herself. I wouldn't feel a bit quilty for your mum staying to help, think about it, I bet there is nowhere else she would prefer to be. I know when I was pregnant on Natasha, my mum was over here every day helping with this and that, In fact herself and DH had me drove nuts not allowing me to do anything (ha ha it will a total different story the next time with Natasha to look after too and I will be letting them) and I totally agree with Shiv, if Chris has a problem with it, well let him do all that your mum is doing at the moment. Honestly please stop being so hard on yourself and trying to have everything perfect. You are doing 3 of the most stressful things in life together, being a mum, moving house and being pregnant. I would be a basket case.

I do definitely think that it would be a good idea to talk to specialist midwife too as she is dealing with this day in and day out and we are all here if you need us too.

Yeah Day 2 is not too bad, I'm not as sick on the tabets today so that is good, and the craving was a little less, although I felt really sad to be off them today, how stupid is that :dohh: - Although I have done lots of reading and aparantly that is normal, that you do kind of grieve after smoking for such a long time. It is weird as it is so different to when I stopped when I was pregnant, whether it is to do with the tablets or just because mother nature took over before I don't know. But hopefully it is all for the better and because I'm making the decision for myself I will stick with forever. Other than that it has just been work and more work today.

Looking forward to being off tomrorow in one sense, but I'm scared that I will have mor time to think about smoking. Although I nipped into the office shop on the way home and got a few bits of arty things and we are going to make sock puppets, so hopefully Natasha will enjoy it and it will keep me busy :thumbup:
Kira's been really good these past 2 days and I've been better at preventing tantrums. I've been doing a good job giving her 2 choices, and even if I know she doesn't want either, she'll pick one of my options and be happy about it. So for now that's working :thumbup:

I did something really drastic today. I put bright pink/red streaks in my hair :shock: They are bright and I have to go to work tomorrow- oh gosh :blush: I think from all the stress recently I needed to do something semi-destructive to myself although DH thinks it looks good :haha: When I was younger I use to give myself piercings, or cut, neither of which I'll allow myself to do now. I know its probably nothing, but my mom got called back for a second look at one of her breasts after her mammogram, and I just lost my Aunt to breast cancer. It's been a bad year for things like that. Atleast the hair dye is semi-permanent, so it won't be bright red forever :haha:

Have fun with the sock puppets tomorrow jelr and let us know how its goes. I collected a bunch of pine cones and plan to make a pine cone wreath with Kira this weekend.

Shiv, is the baby back to back still?
jelr- Well done with the smoking!! Keep it up hun, it'll be so worth it. :hugs: Sock puppets sounds like a fun distraction. :D

You girls are so creative. I need to think of more crafty things to do with Emma. I seem to go through spurts of doing creative things with her. Lately I've been so busy packing so Emma has been suffering for attention a bit. Right now I'm letting her play with a roll of christmas wrapping paper. She's giggling away so I think she enjoys it. :haha:

spidey- Pictures of your hair please!! Unless you've posted them on FB and I haven't noticed. :blush: You've had such a rough year. :hugs::hugs:

Shiv- Labor dust to you. :dust: You had already had Sophia at this point right? Didn't you have her at 38 weeks?

MJ- You are an amazing mother. I think you are putting far too much pressure on yourself to be perfect. You will cope with two babies. People have been doing it for centuries. Your DH seems to be making matters worse instead of better. :nope: I wish I could somehow help more. :hugs:

Well, I had never heard of the Fellom method for potty training until the lovely ckc mentioned it the other day. So today I woke up and thought, 'fuck it, I'm gonna try it today'. Emma hates wearing diapers and I'm sick of cleaning up piss all day. So this morning I immediately put her on the potty with a pop tart in front of sponge bob. :rofl: Than she stood up after about half an hour and she finally started peeing while standing there. I grabbed the potty real fast and put it under her. I caught more than half the wee and than immediately started cheering and dancing because I was so happy to finally catch some in there. Emma got this proud little smirk, we walked off to the bathroom and dumped the pee and said bye bye. Than all day today I've watched her. I've had her sit on it a few times but nothing happened. I think she must've been holding it being stubborn because after her nap I told her where the potty is and we ate a snack together. Well in the middle of eating the snack she hurried and backed onto the potty and started peeing on her own!! She nearly filled the thing up. :rofl: She held her pee from 11 in the morning with the first morning pee, to 6 pm. :wacko: But she did it on her own!! It's now 7:25 pm and she hasn't went since but I've been keeping an eye and plan on rushing over if she starts to go again. I ask constantly if she has to go too. :haha: Is there anything I should be doing differently? Or am I doing okay? It says to leave the house for an hour the second day but I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with that. We will see how the night goes. She rarely pees in the night so if it goes well I may try to leave tomorrow for a bit but I'm nervous about her peeing in public and ruining her confidence IYKWIM. Ahhh! I'm so excited even though it's minor compared to other LOs in the august group.
Hello Girls!!!

I have been down with some pretty nasty MS, and right now I can't write all I would like as I have to get ready to go and get an ultrasound.
So I will start by saying that up to now I have never had to deal with a tantrum ( at least from Narain ) , that is why I can't quite give advise, but I kept thinking about it and maybe one of reasons why she doesn't thrown tantrums ( yet) in spite of being born a quite high maintenance, strong-willed baby girl is because by principal I dont change my mind after giving a warning, so I put my self in that dinner situation, that actually I have to deal with everyday, 5 pm it is a difficult time, we just come back from playing she is tired and needy, i am tired too and less patient, I need to make her dinner and move on with our routine, a that time it is only the two of us in the house. I give the warning first ( with her i have to constantly tell her what's going to happen. With Narain, It doesn't work giving her options) " Mama is going to cook dinner and you are free to read your books or play with your blocks" and that is what happens everyday, but of course it is not always like that as sometimes she is not willing, and when this happens I don't nurse her, I don't play with her, i just stay with her while she cries and acknowledge her feelings, then I go and she stays crying and saying things for a little bit and then she calms down and does what she needs to do. When she asks for something and I say no, she doesn't insist or cry ( and if she cries she gets over it quickly ) and this Is because I have been constant in meaning what I say to her and i don't give in. BUT with my husband for example, Narain does what ever she wants with him, she is spoiled and whinny and a complete different child when she is alone with her father, he says no to her and 2 minutes later he says yes, she knows exactly how to get what she wants from her father. And sometimes I truly don't approve of her behavior with him. I have told him and he agreed with me and now he feels more comfortable about letting her cry and helping her integrate her feelings of frustration and anger as suppose to constantly giving her quick fixes to spare her a cry and on the way contribute to an spoiled behavior. I don't now if this makes sense to you guys. I am just trying to describe how it works for us, but I believe that children are all different and Moms know best what method is more suitable for their children.

Cleckner, I can help you with your day care thing I have so much to say. i just need time to write it down and I have to go, i will get back to you ASAP.

Hugs to all!!
ckc, I'm sorry your m/s is getting worse. How did your ultrasound go?

I guess I shouldn't call Kira's crying a tantrum- it's not fair to parents who actually have children who throw tantrums :haha: That's funny that Narain has your husband figured out!

Cleckner, we must have been thinking of the same thing! I gave potty training a test run too, and I was surprised at how long she held her pee. It was right before dinner and she somehow managed to remove her diaper. She wasn't going to wear another one without a fight, so I asked if she wanted to wear big girl underwear. She held her pee from 5pm (the last time I changed a wet diaper) until 8, when she finally peed outside the bathtub when she heard the water running. I got her on the potty half way thru, and a few dribbles made it in. She was so pleased with herself! I did the same thing as you and asked "do you have to pee?" over and over. The poor girl was probably sick of me asking. This is how is played out: Me: "do you have to go pee pee?" "NO NO NO!................ pee pee" Me: "do you have to go pee pee then?" "NO NO NO!..............pee pee" Me: "do you want to sit on the potty?" "NO NO NO!............pee pee" :haha: So I decided that when DH is away next weekend, I'm going to try potty training on my own. I'm going to roll up the rugs and see what happens :lol: I'm planning to put a diaper on her at night, and I'll use a diaper if we go out. If Emma pees while you're out, she might not feel embarrassed because she doesn't know that peeing your pants is a bad thing. So if you're brave enough give it a try :haha: I dread having to clean the car seat, so thats why I'll stick with diapers for the first couple of weeks. Thats super that Emma peed a second time on the potty- she is a quick learner :thumbup:

So here is my hair!


Also I started spotting, so if history repeats itself I'll ovulate in a week. I've tried searching for reasons for spotting 1 week before ovulation but can't find anything- does anyone have any ideas?
:rofl: Yeah Emma mostly just says no too when I ask if she has to go. :dohh: But I think I'm making progress because a week ago Emma wouldn't even sit on the potty. I've been writing it all down so I will know if she progresses for the better each day.

Yesterday was like this. -Total for the day: 1 full pee on the potty by herself - 3 pees half on the potty after she started to go on the floor - 1 pee completely on the floor. No poop.

Than she slept the entire night without a diaper and no accidents.

Today so far - 1 full pee on potty by herself. That's it so far. :haha: But it's only 11:45 am and if she follows the same pattern as yesterday she won't pee again until after a nap. It's the evening that she was suddenly peeing a ton yesterday. Which was bad for me because I wasn't as diligent about watching her at night because I was cleaning after the boredom of sitting around all day watching her. :dohh:

Each time she pees we get up and say 'bye bye pee pee' and wave bye and flush it down. Today when Emma peed by herself she immediately said 'bye bye pee pee' even though she was still sitting there peeing. :rofl: So I think she likes that part of the routine. I wish I could get this on video because I'm so proud of her but I think it'd ruin the moment if I shoved a camera in her face. :haha:

As a sidenote- I'm so glad we don't own these carpets. :rofl: We plan on renting a rug doctor one more time before moving out but I'm starting to think our next house should be hardwood flooring only.

Spidey- I love your hair!! I think it's awesome that when it's down you can't tell too much but you have the option of putting it half up to show the color off if you want. :thumbup:
more to say when I have the time and energy, but - to add to the pee talk, Adam peed in the wardrobe today. I was not impressed. I haven't had a chance to put stuff in it yet because he's been going in and playing peekaboo since we got it (plan was to leave the final unpacking till he is in his own room).

it was after his bath while I was tring to get him to lie down and let me put a nappy on. he went in and crouched down and closed the door. guess he wanted some privacy. gah. just glad it wasn't a poo.
Aww MJ. :haha: Emma did similar last week but instead of a wardrobe it was inside her toy box. She loves climbing in but now that she refuses to wear a diaper I wasn't quick enough to get her out and she pissed all over all the toys. :wacko: I was not a happy mommy that day. Her pee stinks now too. Not like when she was a baby. It's like adult pee now. :sick: Just another reason why I had to at least try to potty train right now. With her taking her diaper off every five seconds, my house was starting to smell like an old folks home. :rofl:

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