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***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Aimee - yes you have to take it like Clomid so CD2-6 for me. If it was just light AF then i've missed out :( You know, every time I see your avatar, it makes me smile, she is just so gorgeous x

Spidey - not really, they are never particuarly heavy even after waiting a few months but this was really light. Its so hard to know because my cycles are so up in the air, i never know whats going on! I def know what you mean about not getting hungry as I was exactly the same. I had mini cheese biscuits in my bag ALL the time and just nibbled on one all the time. If I got hungry that was when i felt worse.

Shiv - yay for Sophia using the potty, thats fab. I'm not sure about long car journeys as we are yet to tackle that. Nappy free at home for ages but only ever do knickers outside of the house if she's just been and we're not going far! We were out yesterday though and she wanted a wee when I changed her bum but she was on a blanket in a car park so i took her to the corner and held under her legs and she went (took about 3 mins and my back was killing me but can't blame her TBH as her bum must have been chilly)!!! Def not ideal but seeing as Imi won't use a potty now, only a toilet stopping at the side of the road could be tricky! What a pain your MiL is, you have offered now and she can't make you feel bad. Its her decision x

Jean - I put on most of my weight when I gave up smoking but now i'm so glad. I'm very proud that I don't smoke anymore and whenever I have a craving I think of how much of a waste itd be if i had a ciggy lol (been just over 6 years for me and i still feel like one sometimes). Polos or gum seem to be a good idea for keeping your mouth busy rather than food :) PCOS is bloody rubbish isn't it! If it isn't bad enough that its there in the first place, then add an intolerance that makes you put on more weight than anyone else that in turn will make your condition worse - bloody cheers!!! Hope AF stays away for you, no signs isn't always a bad thing!! Fingers crossed x

AFM - still the same, although my back is killing me today and I have tender boobs (more than they've been for last few days!!) This is my chart as of today....

My Ovulation Chart

Not really sure what to make of it! If i test -ive at 17DPO then i might change the spotting to AF and see where that takes me for next cycle xx
jelr, I'm sorry all your symptoms disappeared. You still have a chance as long as AF stays away! It's nice to hear you had the flu and it didn't affect your pregnancy. So far I haven't caught Kira's cold (fingers crossed!)

Vici, if your temp didn't dip down those 2 days you'd still be okay... grrr how frustrating.

Kira is feeling so much better today! I've been lazy mommy though and we've sat on the couch all day reading books, watching tv, doing water color and making bracelets. I also let her eat a chocolate cupcake for breakfast... so the good mommy award of the day goes to me :blush::haha:

I've got a question... how many children would you like to have, but how many will you probably have realistically? I would like 2, but I can see how a third could happen by accident :lol: Knowing this will probably be my last pregnancy I'm trying to enjoy even the sh*tty parts :haha:
Vici: That chart would be perfect only for CD 20 and 21 :dohh: - Were you extra tired or anything else that could have made it drop. I have no advice as my chart is all over the place. I was so intent on pcos on Saturday first thing I didn't temp and then I was so fed up since I didn't either as I felt what was the point, but I should have to see how my chart changed if AF comes.

Yep PCOS is a real pain when it comes to the weight, I know people look at me and say sure you are not overweight now, but they have no idea what it takes for me to maintain that. I literally eat two wheetabix with skimmed milk for breakfast (if I'm not working I don't have any at all) - Then a toasted ham sandwich on brown bread with low low for lunch and then a healthy dinner and the only snack I might have is 1 pack of some type of light crisps. I do have a takeaway on a saturday and that is it and if I go out side of this I pile it on and the only way I can lose it is Low Carb or Lipotrim if I have a good bit to go which is basically 3 shakes a day and loads of water and that is it :dohh:

How long did you find you stopped really longing for a cig, Well done on the 6 years, I really hope i can do it :thumbup:

When will you test if AF doesn't arrive, I really hope this is it for you too :hugs:

Spide: I so glad Kira is feeling better and you have stayed well so far, hopefully you have managed to escape it :thumup:

I was really lazy last week, when I was off too and we did loads of arts and crafts and watched a few disney films. I am shattered this week, so hopefully that is a good symptom too.

I think initally I would have loved 3 children, but realistically I think we will have 2, because being honest I don't know if I could give as much as I would want to give to 3 and still work and as I have said before, we could live on DH wages, but it would only just cover the bills and being honest much as I have always said I would love to give up work since Natasha was born, I was so glad to have my job when DH lost his, we wouldn't have survived those 3 months without my wages. Also DH is a few years older than me, so time isn't on our side either and after the second MC, I would just be so happy if I do have another I don't think I would jinx it all and look for more if that makes sense.

Well still no AF for me and she was due today, although I think I did have a 33 day cycle last month and it could be a lot longer with the weight I have put on and the crap I have been eating. I did POAS today and it was still negative, but it was only a cheap one from boots. I did have some milky discharge this evening which could be a sign of pregnancy. I actually thought AF had arrived as I could feel it and went to the loo, to see this, which has now got my hopes up again as I had this on some of the other pregnancies. I have got some digitals so I'm debating whether I should test tomorrow or wait a few days, I don't really want to waste them as they are €17 for two, but I reckon curiousity will get the better of me :haha:

How is everyone else? Hope the move has gone well Cleck. Shiv did you get out any more with the two girls this week? MJ - thinking of you and hope you and Joel are home soon. Pippin: how are you this week?

Here is my chart to have a look at Vici - I know I just got the friend request, but I said I would post it here as I know spidey loves looking at these https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/3827b2:haha:
oh darn jelr, I was really hoping you'd get a bfp today. You're still not out though and I still have hope. How are the cigarette cravings?

I've been feeling really crappy the last few days. I managed to make it into work for a few hours today and had to tell my supervisor about the pregnancy since I can't see myself making it into work over the next few weeks. A couple of nights ago I had to start sleeping in Kira's bed so I could wake up and eat through the night and not disturb them. Kira has been forced to fully night wean, and I hear her calling for mama from the bedroom in the middle of the night and I can't be there to comfort her. DH has been handling it well and is the one snuggling Kira back to sleep now. I've gone to sleep crying every night because I miss them :cry: I'm also feeling like an awful mother because I sit on the couch all day and watch cartoons with Kira while feeding her chocolate to keep her happy. I know its only temporary but I can't help but feeling like crap about it. DH and Kira are grocery shopping right now. I couldn't even make up a grocery list because the thought of food makes me ill. I normally plan out a weeks worth of meals and write down all the ingredients. DH is out there on his own- I have no idea what foods he'll come back with... chips and beef jerky maybe :haha: I keep telling myself that it's only temporary and by Christmas I'll be feeling good again and can cook, clean and be a good mommy again, ugh.
Awe spidey big :hugs:, I'm so so sorry you are so sick and feeling so rubbish. But you are not a bad mommy, it is only temporary and Kira won't even remember and I'm sure thinks its great to watch tv and eat chocolate, don't we all :hugs:. You need to just do whatever you can to get though the next few weeks and this sickness. On the up side though, it's is a very good sign that the pregnancy is progressing well. Would you think of taking anything for it?
Hi ladies :)

jelr - i don't really remember how long it took for the main craving to go away - I still get them now occassionally but it seems more to be when i am out having a drink or I go out for dinner. It really is so worth it, and i' can't tell you enough how well you're doing. When are you next testing?

spidey - o hun, don't feel bad, sometimes we just have to do what is necessary to function. Crikey, if i have a migraine I practicially let Imi do what she wants until Shaun gets home and I can go to bed! I know its hard but you need to try and relax, Kira is fine with her daddy and it sounds like he's doing a grand job of looking after her at night. Maybe it'll help you in the long run ready for when new baby arrives.

How did the move go Cleck? Hope all is OK x

Shiv - how you doing hun? You been out with the girls?

AFM, spotting seems to have stopped and back and boobs still ache like a biatch!! Stupidly tested yesterday (i have no idea why as I got a def BFN at 14DPO with Imi and only faint BFP at 15DPO) Going to wait till Sunday if no AF then test again!!

Also I seem to have developed a climbing child. We tried the sides off her cotbed a few months ago but she was getting up about 10 times a night for a week so they went back on. Well the last 2 mornings (although not this morning) she has wandered into the kitchen having taken her sleeping bag off and climbed over the side!!! I have ordered a bed guard which should arrive tomorrow so looks like we're on operation get Imi to sleep in a bed again!!

quick run in as i'm meant to be working.

I was so good this morning and didn't test, but then caved a moment ago and used one of the digitals and it was another bfn :dohh: - I still can't help but feel that I am and it really is annoying me as I'm obviously not and it is just my mind playing tricks with me. I was never like this when ttc Natasha, maybe it was just because I never expected to get pregnant and really didn't test that much as AF was all over the place and only ever test if it was past 4 weeks and I had a night out planned just in case. Where as now I know I can get pregnant and know the symptoms and am thinking about it far too much and THINK I'm getting all the symptoms :dohh:

I suppose don't want to believe that my cycles are gone wonky again too as today is CD34. I'm so annoyed with that. I got pregnant in Jan and then the D&C was done in march and since then I have had either a perfect 28 day cycle for the first time in my life or 32 days (which is still really good for me to have it all the time) and I think 1 33 day cycle, so why now that we actually do ttc do they have to go wonky again. I'm kind of mad now that we didn't try earlier :dohh:

Vici: Sorry you got a bfn aswell, it is so disheartening isn't it. FX Sunday will tell a different story for you. Eeeek for Imi climbing out of the cot, I hope you can manage to get her to stay in bed this time. I haven't even attempted to take Natasha's sides off and know I really need to start thinking of it, but she goes through phases where she will cry for no reason until we go in and this will happen several times a night (like the 4 times I was up last night) so I just know she will be in and out of bed if she can. So I am so glad she hasn't started climbing yet and I haven't been forced to do it. Hopefully the bed guard will make a difference.

Well I really had better go and do something. I have no motivation at all the last two days and am actually so tired today, I'm stupid :dohh: - So much for starting my exercises this week, although I'm half afraid to anything too heavy until AF arrives just in case too. I hate how everything has to go on hold until AF arrives and you know :dohh:

Sorry for the moany post today girls.
Just popping in real quick. I haven't read thoroughly through so sorry about that ladies. :hugs: But I did read a few snippets.

jelr- I'm sorry you keep getting BFNs and stupid symptoms. :( That must be really upsetting for you. :hugs:

vici- I hope you end up getting your BFP this month. :hugs: Your not out till the stupid witch shows up!

spidey- I'm so sorry you are feeling unwell. But I can't feel too bad for you because you are preggo and I'm not. :p :lol: I would take those bad feelings in a second if it meant I was pregnant. :haha:

Well we are in albuquerque new mexico right now. We are going to take it easy tonight because Emma isn't feeling well. :( She popped in her first 2nd year molar. Well I had noticed she was getting a runny nose and fever two days ago but didn't even think about teeth. Well yesterday her fever spiked to 103. :cry: I checked in her mouth and noticed all four corners of one molar came through. She was really lethargic and last night she woke up and her eyes were twitching up and down really fast and she wouldn't make eye contact with us. I was panicking. Screaming for Corey to come in and check her. He held her and I said 'Emma look at mama' and she just looked behind me and she grabbed my face and squeezed it. It's hard to explain how she was acting. Definitely not like my baby and I had visions of her being blind and even having downs syndrome and I panicked and started bawling. I ended up finding cold medicine that had never been opened in our luggage and it said it helps reduce fever and helps with toothache. So I gave her half of one dose and it helped bring the fever down to 102. :wacko: She went to sleep and I slept in fits because I kept waking to make sure she's still breathing. But as of this morning she is fairly back to normal. A bit grumpy and wants constant cuddling and booby but I can deal with that. She's on my lap right now as I type. Her temperature is now down to 100 so I hope it keeps going down. She has no other sickness symptoms besides the runny nose and fever so it has to be teeth right?! We are still going to drive a little today but only 3 hours and 50 minutes today instead of the 6 hours we've been driving each day so far. We want to make it to texas by tonight. But I will keep checking her and stop obviously if we have to. There is a children's museum here in albuquerque that we are going to go to for a few hours this morning. I'm hoping it helps distract Emma and hopefully tires her out so she can sleep for most of the right later. I don't want to push it though.

Also, my period started out of nowhere three days ago. So we are done now. It's like a cruel joke because I keep having dreams that I'm pregnant. Last nights dream was me using the doppler and listening to the heartbeat. :cry: So I'm done and I probably won't be on here very much anymore until he returns. I'll try to check up on you all when I can but it's kinda painful for me atm. And Facebook is sometimes even worse than here with all the randoms popping up with pregnancy announcements. I hate feeling this way. I feel so selfish because I should just be happy for what I've been blessed with. Emma is everything to me. But than I get around babies and Emma goes nuts saying 'baby! baby!' while she gently touches them. It kills me every time cause I want to give her that. Ugh! Okay, enough whining and negativity from me. I do genuinely hope all of you fall pregnant quickly. :hugs: I love seeing you girls pop up pregnant. It's the rest of the world that I hate. It's so weird and hard to explain. :haha: Anyways, I'm off to get around for the museum. :wave:
I really hope you stick around Cleckner. I need my fellow booby momma so I'm not so alone in having a booby loving toddler. And I was planning to somehow convince you to take pics of your new place so I can be nosey. :blush: And more pics of your fridge :haha: We need you here when we start posting about Christmas presents, and I need someone to complain about the snow with.

But I can understand you needing to step away :hugs:. I know you're not thinking of leaving because of me, but I promise not to moan about being pregnant for the next 9 months :rofl: And when I do start to moan you need to be here to tell me to STFU you ungrateful b*tch! :rofl: But seriously, I hope you stick around, perhaps just for this thread :hugs:

That's very scary about Emma's high fever. Do you think it was one of those febrile seizures? Kira had a very high fever for 3 days in a row and no other symptoms right when her 1st molars were coming in. We ended up taking her to the doctor on day 3, and she got antibiotics (which she became allergic too :dohh:) but I'm convinced it wasn't an infection and it was her teeth. I hope her fever goes away soon, poor girl :-( It's funny how she was the last to get her 1st tooth, but is already getting her 2nd molars- unless the other LO's have theirs and I missed it??

Vici- is the sleeping bag the kind that has separate leg holes, or are her feet in a sack? That's some skill to climb out of the crib and take off her sleeping bag! We haven't had Kira get out of bed and surprise us in another room yet :haha: She still calls out for us when she wakes up.

jelr, I'm sorry that you got another bfn. It would be nice to have your symptoms explained.

Shiv, how is the week of activities away from home going?

As for me, today has been better. It's really strange how all the foods that I could stomach with Kira are the same foods that I can stomach now. So I'm surviving on dry rice cereal, lettuce smothered in salad dressing and grapefruits. Healthy aren't I :lol: Kira has been obsessed with painting, so every 15 minutes she requests to "pay" :haha: Her version of painting is squeezing the tubes of paint until they make a farting sound :rofl: and then she's done! I was using a tooth pick to remove dried paint from one of the tubes, so now she's obsessed with sticking toothpicks down the nozzles of the paint tubes :dohh: When I take her to her art class this January they're going to kick us out!
I definitely won't be leaving completely from here. I just don't think I'll be getting on every day anymore like I have been. It becomes too obsessive for me with looking at threads that I know will just make me angry. I don't have the willpower to just stick to this thread. :haha:

I just looked up febrile seizures and I think you are right spidey bc the definition is pretty much exact with a fever that came on really quickly and her body was rigid but twitchy and her eyes were open. She wasn't responding to us bib according to Wikipedia she was probably unconscious but her eyes were still open. It was all very scary and I was bawling by the end. I did the right thing though bc it says a lot of parents wrap their babies up to give them comfort but I did what I could to cool her down. Water and a cool bath and fever relieving meds. She was fine by the late morning and has been her normal self since. Thank god. It makes me think what I would do if I lost her and I don't think I could live I'd Emma died.
Cleckner, I'm glad she's back to her normal self and I hope her fever is gone now. It's good you did the right thing without even knowing and cooled her down :thumbup: I feel the same way about Kira. If something happened to her I wouldn't be able to go on living. Where are you at now in your cross country journey? I was able to avoid all those other potentially annoying threads by keeping this as my fav place on my browser :haha: Sooo... you never made a comment about my request for more fridge pictures :rofl: :blush:

Kira has never seen another child throw a tantrum, nor have I ever thrown a tantrum :haha:, but she just started to do that action where she crosses her arms and makes a mad face when she's angry. Her other new thing is to collapse onto the floor in a ball of tears! And yesterday she started throwing things! It's all happening so fast, but she's a proper temper tantrum throwing toddler now! It's so hard not to laugh sometimes, but I've been trying to take her emotions seriously and talk her through them when I can. It doesn't help that she's very particular so she throws these fits all day long!
Oh God Cleck that sounds so so scary and it does sound like a febrile seizures, my friends little one had one a few years ago and it sounds the very same. I am terrified of temperatures because of it and sponge Natasha down if she gets a temp at all. Big :hugs: - I also know what you mean, I even shed a tear reading your post, because I can't even think about if something happened Natasha, I don't think myself or DH could live after that. It really doesn't bear thining about. I'm so glad she is back to her old self now :thumbup:

I'm so sorry the stupid bitch got you and that you feel you need to step away, but I agree with Spidey, I hope that you don't as I would miss you terribly too. I also have a link in my favourites straight to here, so maybe that is worth a try.

Spidey: I'm glad you are feeling a bit better today, No Natasha doesn't have her 2nd molars either, I keep thinking they are on the way, but nothing. Although she won't let me look in anymore and I try not to stick my finger in for fear of losing it :haha: so I really haven't had a proper look in a few weeks.

That is weird that you are able to eat the same stuff again, funnily enough I had this conversation with my friend today as they are also ttc and she said she knows she is not pregnant because she can still stomach weetabix - she had a major aversion to this on all 3 pregnancies.

Natasha had a good few tantrums a few weeks ago and also did throw stuff, but it seems to have stopped, I did have to stop myself laughing a few times :haha: - I usually ignored her and told her I didn't listen to screaming and I think she got fed up of doing it :haha: - mind you it could all start again :dohh:

Well still no AF for me and I still feel pregnant, and today I kept feeling a dribble sensation down there :blush: and thinking it was AF but nothing and then remembered I had this on the last pregnancy as well, so there is another symptom. I'm not going to test until Saturday though as that will be CD36, because when I think about it on Natasha I tested on CD28 and then I didn't do another until CD35 and it was very faint even then, I just presumed it was after the CD32 because that is when I got the positive the last time, so we will see. If it is still negative, I might go to the doc next week and see what is going on with my stomach or if I am just mental :haha:

I got very upset last night thought and said to DH that because I have felt so sure that I am pregnant, that bpn yesterday felt like another loss all over again and I really hate this limbo. I'm so bloated and my bowels are so sluggish that I'm uncomforable all day, but am afraid to take anything in case I'm pregnant. I feel annoyed at myself with the extra weight but am afraid to exercise or diet in case I'm pregnant and I'm terrified I should be on the baby asprin if I am.

Lord this ttc lark is really frustrating isn't it and this is our first month :dohh: What will I be like after several :dohh: Innocence and ignorance were definitely bliss when ttc Natasha and it was a far more relaxed approach than this, but I have no idea how to get back to that, now that I know about temping and ways that could help and now that I have experinced the symptoms to look for when pregnant :dohh:

Well Natasha is in staring questioning phase and it is very funny, I know people say it is annoying and it probably will get annoying, but I just think it is gas to hear her come out with some of it now. We have "why" - "what are you doing" - "whats going on" and "whats happening" all this week. :haha:

God this week is so long, I'm working again tomorrow and I can't remember the last Friday I worked and I have to do some training with a load of tutors from another dept around our quality assurance and assessment guidelines and they are a really cross bunch and will not like the extra paperwork that I will be training them on how to do, so I could be lynched, so I'm bricking it eeeekkkk. Wish me luck and I hope you all have a great weekend. Xx
spidey- I can try to post pictures but obviously it's not my place this time, it's the inlaws. :haha: So I'll have to sneak around when they aren't home otherwise they might think I'm nuts.

jelr- I agree, TTC is very frustrating. I never thought I'd get this stressed about it. With my first pregnancy and with Emma it was so easy. I guess I'm getting payback now for being so smug about it back than. :dohh:

I think I'll give your ideas a try with just favoriting this thread. Although no matter what I won't be on here as often simply because the inlaws only have dial up and it is ridiculously annoying and slow.

We are now in an unknown city. :rofl: I really have no clue where we are. In missouri. I know that much. Edit: just checked the hotel door and it says lebanon, missouri. :rofl: So I guess that's where we are. We have about 3 hours until we hit st. louis. We plan on stopping in st. louis to go up in the arch and there is a children's museum I want to take Emma to that is there. Than from st. louis there is still 7-8 hours of driving before we will be home. :wacko: We are doing quite well though. We had one meltdown today where I ended up screaming at DH to just fucking pull over already because Emma wouldn't stop screaming and I couldn't calm her down and I'm tired and I let it all get to me and burst out in one giant adult tantrum. :shy: All of these time changes and sitting drives a person nuts though. 4 straight days of driving and we still have 1-2 days to go. :hissy:
jelr, I'm so sorry you're in bfn no AF land :hugs: Could you start taking baby aspirin just incase. It shouldn't hurt and if AF comes, then you can stop taking it so your bleeding isn't too heavy. I use to get my hopes up every month even after promising myself that I wouldn't. It was only this past month that I had no hope of being pregnant and didn't care if I wasn't. I hope you figure out what's happening soon so you can either celebrate or move on :hugs:

TTC sucks, I never realized I had it so good when I accidentally got pregnant with Kira.

Natasha is such a cutie with her questions :)

Oh Cleckner, I forgot about the inlaws part :haha: But pictures would still be nice :blush: :haha: Only having 1 meltdown is good. I am known for long trip meltdowns- we drove to Florida a few years ago and poor DH was yelled at so much and I didn't even have a toddler screaming in the back seat :lol: Your inlaws need to get with the times and get real internet!! Who uses dial up still?? :haha:
Sorry I haven't been in much lately, I have been readng everyday but couldn't face writing a long reply one handed! Cora has been perma-feeding in the evenings.

Cleck - eek that sounds so scary, well done youfor knowing instinctively what to do.
I hope your journey is going ok and Emma is all better.
I do hope that you will still come in here, with Christmas coming up I want to hear all about your plans for Emma etc.

jelr - any sign of AF? Your symptoms do sound very promising, especially the milky dribbles! Have a great weekend as I don't expect you'll be in until Sunday/Monday

Spidey - I hope Kira is better now. Don't feel bad about using the tv and chocolate to keep Kira happy. I have been doing the same here (much to David's disgust!). As far as parenting goes there is far worse we could be doing..........and I bet Kira i sloving having all those snuggles with you.

I am sorry you are feeling so ill, but am happy because it means everything is going well with the twins.

Pippin - hey lovely.

Vici - any sign of AF for you? when will you test?

As for me well, i have been trying to get out and about a bit more, managed a trip in to town, a trip to the park and a trip to a friends house this week. Sophia has been quite good this week, apart from tipping Cora out of her bouncy chair :dohh: I don't think she meant any harm, just over zealous bouncing. She got yelled out though, the first time i have properly lost my temper with her. She burst in to tears and crumbled to the floor so I ended up comforting her and Cora! Cora was fine and we were told not to take her in to A&E by the ambulance man who DAvid was on a first aid course with.

Cora has been having issues with wind and pooing - she really struggles for ages and then often can't pass anything and her poos have started to go mucousy. SO I decided to try to go dairy free to see if it helps. It is hell, i am so miserable and it has only been 14 hours. I have realised that food is definitely my crutch at the moment, with chocolate I am thoroughly miserable. I went and bought some substitues which are ok, but I seriously don't think I can keep it up, soI hope Cora's gut matures and she gets better quick!

So Cora turned 6 weeks old this week, my 6 week weigh on was as follows

pre-preg weight = 9lbs 9oz
fully preg weight = 11st 11lbs (i think)
6 week post partum = 9st 12.5lbs

so only 3.5 lbs left to go, but i have only lost a couple of lbs in the last 3 weeks so it has definitely slowed down. I'll attach a picture.

Spidey - you asked hom many kids we would have. I always thought I would have 2 or 3. After Sophia we decided to stick to 2, and David is still sure about that but I am having a funny week. I feel kinda ........redundant. I feel like all the big exciting things in my life are now done (university, finding true love, getting married, buying a house, having kids), so I feel like I have nothing left to do and that makes me feel very sad. It probably sounds ridiculous, David thinks it is. He says our live snow are about watching the girls grow up and do all those exiting things. But I doesn't feel right that that is it for me now..........I dunno I just feel a bit sad about the most exciting times of my life being over.

David dropped the bombshell that he will be away Monday to Friday next week - eek, scared! Will go to my parents for a couple of days, but dont want to spend the whole week there. Sophia is a bit of a hnadful and when at home if sh ebehaves badly I can cope, but when we are there it reallt stresses me out.

ah I forgot to tell you all about Christmas plans! So david came up with a compromise for the mother in law. We asked her if her and her artner would like to come her eon Christmas eve afetr she finished work (at 3pm) and stay over, then open pressies with us Christmas morning and then they go off to David's brothers in time for lunch and we will go to my parents. Well she turned us down! She can't leave her cats apparently! So has now suggested that she comes up on the 23rd Dec for the day, which is great, don;t know why she didn;t just say that before (oh that's right because she lied and told us that she only had Christmas Day off). BUT that she also wants to come to my parents house on Boxing day for a few hours to see the girls. Say what? If she has seen them 3 days previously why does she need to do that? My parents have met her twice, once at our engagement party and once at the wedding. They are very different people and they will have a hosue full in boxing day. BUT I can't exactly say no as then it looks like they don't like her! I haven't asked my parents yet. They will say yes but I know my dad will be pissed off and it will be MEGA awkward. Why can't the woman just be normal! rant rant rant!

right gotta feed Cora, hope everyone has lovely weekends! xx
No I'm here on a Friday for once :haha:

DH said this evening that he wouldn't mind seeing the Ireland match, so I told him to go ahead as he usually takes or leaves them and is not a fantatic, so I'm lucky in that way. Even though we have 4 tv's in the house, they all show the same station as they are all hooked up to sky, so I jumped onto the laptop when he was watching it :thumup:

Cleck: you did well only having one meltdown I would crack up with that amount of travelling and would probably crack a few times, especially if I had a screaming toddler. I'm glad you decided to try the favourites. We would all miss you here. I can totally understand you not being on as much on dial up though, that would drive me insane. I have no patience :haha:

Spidey: Funny thing is we did try for nearly two years with Natasha and I don't remember being this caught up in it. I really did prefer the relaxed approach we had that time and wish I could be there this time because it was so much easier. I suppose in one sense I'm terrified I have left it too late and that it might take 2 years and Natasha will be 4 or 5 and DH will be much older and I just had it in my head that it would happen straight away after our "accident" last time.

How are you feeling now? Is Kira better now too? I saw your post on FB and am sorry that her speech is still worrying you, those babies (or I suppose I should say toddlers, really like to worry us) - I do think she is going to start one of these days and pass them all out :thumbup:

Shiv: I can totally understand you feeling so miserable without chocolate and you sound like I feel about missing the cigs - I know you are probably wondering why, when chocolate tastes so good and cigs smell so bad :haha: - Food is now my crutch and I'm starting to wonder if everybody has one. I hear most non smokers talk about food as if it is thier crutch and food honestly never bothered me before, but now it is all I think about since I quit :haha: - I hope that the dairy and choc is not Coras problem and that it sorts itself out. I know you probably don't want to give her anything, but if this doesn't work. I know we had to give Natasha infacol and it really did help with wind.

As for Davids mother, she really is being a pain. Is she a good mixer, would she maybe just come on boxing day and be totally uncomfortable with your parents having a crowd around and head home after a half hour or an hour - or could you even say, yes that is no problem as long as you don't mind a houseful and hope that it does put her off and that she might be happy to just see them on the 23rd. At least you don't have to face going over there on Christmas day.

Eeek on Sophia knocking Cora out of the bouncy seat, I'm so glad she wasn't hurt. I know I would totally lose my temper too and hopefully she will have learned her lesson now, she probalby got a fright herself between both you and Cora. It all sounds so stressful though :hugs:

Well done on the weight - that is amazing that you have only 3.5lbs to go after just 6 weeks, ha I have more to lose after a few weeks of eating crap :haha: - I bet you lose the rest of it with giving up chocolate :haha:

I do know what you are saying about the big things in your life being over. I think every womans kind of feels like that once they have decided they are not having any more children. My mam had 7 of us and at one stage when she was in her late 40's, they were talking about maybe doing a hysterectomy and she was so upset and told me that even though she knew she was too old to have any more children and had enough that it made her sad that she definitely would not be able too if they had to do the op.

I sometimes feel like all Natasha's big things are over now that she had done her firsts and even though I will be there to love her to bits and nurture her more and witness plenty more moments, I do feel sad that all the really big firsts are completely gone and that they are such a huge and exciting part of our lives that is done with and won't ever be lived again, so I think I know what you mean or does that even sound remotely what you are talking about.

I'm glad I'm not the only one with the milky dribble :haha: and the likes of that is what is making me think I'm not imagining it as that was real and I definitely couldn't have imagined it :haha: and I haven't been even thinking about the symptoms or anything, they have just appeared one by one and it is only once they have come that I have remembered I had them when pregnant before.

Well AFM - I caved and did another test today at CD36 and it is still negative. I'm going to test again on Monday if AF hasn't come and if it is still negative I'm going to go to the doc and see if they can shed any light on it. I'm terrified that I could have had another mmc already and that is the reason for the bfn, but I don't even know if that is possible. I have looked on Dr. Google tonight and apparantly some people can actually be pregnant and still get bfn, although I may be crutching at straws now at this stage, but I'm not the type of person to imagine things usually or get symptoms that are not there and I know DH thought I was cracking up last time but I was right and I have that same knowing feeling this time, but the tests are telling me different or maybe because I still had a knowing feeling after the test the last time and with Natasha, I just have it in my head that I'm always right on this :haha: and I'm actually not, because surely the test should be postive at this stage right????

I have decided that if I'm not, I'm going to get one of your fertility monitors cleck - I noticed when I was buying my tests in boots that they have them on sale for €75 and I would like to know for definite if I am ovulating, because if I'm to go by my chart I'm not, but then I'm not sure how accurate it is as I only wake when Natasha wakes me and that could range from 7 to 10 am (unless I'm working of course) and I could also be up several times during the night with her. I think I'm more worried that If AF does turn up that I may not be because of my cycles going a bit crazy if I'm not pregnant this time and don't want to waste months, because if the monitor tells me i'm not then I will ask to be referred back to the specialist that was dealing with me for the PCOS and when it wasn't happening for us with Natasha.

DH is not too impressed and just wants to let it happen naturally, but my thing is it can't happen at all if i'm not ovulating.

I'm just thinking how is it when I think I won't have time to get in that I'm in here more than ever like this week :haha:

I'm glad work is over this week though as it was an awful long week for me doing the 4 days, but the training session went well and nobody lynched me and in fact the evaluation I got them to all fill out at the end was extremely postive and they were all happy, so that is good :thumbup:

Okay well I have waffled on enough tonight :haha: - Night all and I hope you all have a great weekend. Xx
I am sorry you are feeling so ill, but am happy because it means everything is going well with the twins.
:rofl: you are so mean!

Good luck next week alone. I hope you see some positive changes in Cora's poos with your diet change. I bet after a few days without dairy and chocolate you'll find it easier. I've had to eliminate a few foods from my diet over the years and those first few days are always the hardest because its like a withdrawal period. That being said, I've gone off chocolate but actually managed to eat a chocolate bar yesterday, yum! :evil:

Re: feeling redundant. It's so funny you mentioned it Shiv because I've been feeling the same way. I'm pretty sure this is the last baby (if all works out) so I've been a bit sad that I'll never TTC again, never be pregnant again and once this one weans, my boobs will no longer be useful. Kind of like there is nothing left to look forward to, but I know how ridiculous that sounds.

jelr, food is definitely my crutch and I'm lucky my metabolism is still keeping up with my intake. I had an easy time with using opks, so getting one of those fertility monitors might be the way to go if temping isn't working. I really hope you get some answers soon regarding your symptoms and your bfn's. I think when we really focus on our cycles is when we notice all the weird things that happen. Remember how I had that cycle where I got a very slight bfp for one day and then it took 14 more days before AF came? I think these misfire cycles just happen and it's only when we're really focused on things do we really take notice. I hope you get answers soon :hugs:

Kira is doing much better. She still has a lingering cough and stuffy nose, but finally has her appetite and energy back. I'm still sleeping in Kira's room at night, but I'm realizing it was for the best. She doesn't wake up in the night searching for booby anymore and I can officially say she's finally sleeping through. When I start feeling better DH is planning to transition her to her own bed.

I haven't been feeling any worse, and if anything I've been feeling better because I remembered all the anti-nausea tricks that I learned while pregnant with Kira. Besides nausea I don't have any other symptoms, which is a bit worrying at times. I even managed to make it into work last week, although I had to sneak snacks in the lab and I ate my lunch in the car :haha: I eat ALL day long but I crave amazingly healthy foods so I stopped taking my vitamins since they make me sick. Every so often I get really worried that something will happen to this pregnancy. I even had a dream last night that I started to bleed. But my worry is much less than with Kira, and I think it's because I already have everything I want in life, and this baby will just be a really nice bonus. At the end of this month I'm going to try and find the HB with my doppler and then I'll have a better idea if things are okay in there.

DH has been doing ALL the house chores without me even asking! Laundry, cleaning, cooking, dishes... it's amazing! When we were TTC I kept saying "you know, if I get pregnant you'll have to do all this house work" so I must have brain washed him :haha:
Hi girls, finally found time to sit down and have a good ctch up - man you girls can type lol!!!

Cleck - o my word, well done you for surviving that long without a meltdown, i'd have cracked waaaaaaaay sooner. I just cannot even comprehend that amount of travelling. Glad to see that Emma is feeling better now. Hope you do stick around - i do know exactly how you feel though. Although for very different reasons, it seems we are both in limbo land :( I agree with Spidey, all I am doing is having this thread as my fav and not looking at anything else xx

Spidey - glad your DH is doing all your chores for you and well done for brainwashing him lol. Its a sleeping bag where her legs are in a sack! It is like some kind of olympic event how she manages to flip herself over the top!! Still waiting on her bed guard so we can take the side off her cot! The scariest thing about her getting out is the fact that she manages to sneak into our room without waking us and then stands about 6 inches from your face whispering "mummy, wake up" :shock:

Jelr - after seeing your chart on FB I def think you are in with a chance and are looking at an AF expected day of Wednesdya. You have good high temps though so got my fingers crossed. Can you not start the baby asprin and then just stop if you're not PG? We are having lots of questions from Imogen too - am coping pretty well with them at the min. The one thats really annoying me is Imi saying - "Muuuuuuummmmmmmmmmy?" "Yes Imogen?! then nothing. And repeat. After about 4 times when I look at her she just has this stupid big grin!! Shaun tried to play her at her own game and after about 5 mins of her saying daddy and him saying Imogen, he gave up lol!!

Shiv - glad you've managed to get out a few times. Def good for the system. O no at Sophia tipping Cora out :dohh: Glad all is OK though. Massive well done on your weight, that is AMAZING!!! You should be really proud of yourself. And well done for cutting out your chocolate - thats no mean feat!! Really sounds like you can't win with your MiL. Hope you manage to get something sorted out without upsetting anyone xx

AFM - completely and utterly fed up!!! Hate not knowing whats going on and now don't even think i ovulated!! Shouldn't be suprised really but I can't help but let it get to me. Why doesn't my stupid body work!!! Think i'm gonna have to go in for Cambridge Diet or something (if I can persuade OH to let me) as I just cannot shift it and am not going to put myself through docs and consultant when I know what they are going to say!!! Feeling utterly shit and to top it off DH was out at football all last night and has gone bowling with some mates this arvo and out drinking straight after while I'm at home with a grumpy snotty toddler. Grrrrrrrrr :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:
Vici, that's so funny that Imogen escapes and then wakes you up like that :haha: I spoke too soon when I said that Kira doesn't leave the bed without calling for us. Yesterday morning DH woke up because he felt something brush against his foot, and it was Kira walking around the bed to leave the room! Of course now we're shutting the safety gate at the top of the stairs once she's in bed so she won't tumble down the stairs in the middle of the night.

I'm sorry your cycles are so unpredictable and irritating. Are the doctors refusing to help because they think you have weight to lose? If so, that's so unfair.. it's like refusing to help a gay couple have a child. :growlmad:

So, I need to hear about the laziness level of everyone's toddlers :haha: I think Kira is extremely lazy and she has me well trained to do everything for her! If she wants something, she'll reach out her arm and wiggle her hand and make a grunting sound- then I pick it up for her. She doesn't go to her toy area and pull out a toy to play with- I have to pick out a toy and then she might play with it. She doesn't go off to explore the house on her own- she makes me carry her everywhere! And she becomes a ball of tears if I suggest she do something on her own. So I'm well trained, right? :haha:
I just can't keep up with you chatterboxes :dohh:

:kiss: to you all.

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