***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Thanks Pippin - my temp dropped again this morning so I wonder if I did OV at all now. I'm not really sure though if I'm getting accurate temps as they are a different times and sometimes i have been up in the night with Natasha too so I don't know :shrug:

Shiv: Nope not cured and now have wasted money too :dohh: - I came out so positive and feeling really good and this evening feel like crap again. I actually want to cry, I'm so fed up with it all now. My main reason for quitting (apart from doing it before getting pregnant) was that I didn't want to spend time with Natasha and be thinking I wanted to go out for a smoke and now instead I'm fed up all day when I'm with her :dohh: I don't know I can't say I actually want a smoke the last few days, but I have uncontrollable hunger and I mean nothing I eat seems to satisfy me, so that is really upsetting me because if I do pile on weight It lowers my chances of getting pregnant with PCOS :dohh: - yeah the symptom spotting is driving me nuts - if I didn't have that funny hormonal month with symptoms before we were trying a few months ago, I would be certain I was pregnant, I have that bad ache just above my pubic bone that I had in the tww the last time I was pregnant, although I don't have any boob pain :shrug:

Sorry to hear Sophia is being horrible to David, that has to be really hard for him alright. Hopefully it is only a phase she is going through and that it will be short lived. Isn't it funny how they react to things :shrug:
jelr, I'm also curious how your hypnotism went! Good luck on your 2ww too. I really hope this is your month! oops, I see you just posted. Thats too bad about the hypnotism not helping long term. Is there some sort of home program you could do so every day you could listen to a track and re-enforce everything? With the hypnobirthing course I did, I had to listen to one 30 minute track every day, plus a second 40 minute track daily.

Shiv, Kira does sort of the same thing with DH. He drops her off in the morning at my mom's house and she says "BLEGH" when he tries to kiss her and then she points to the door telling him to leave already :haha: It hurts DH's feelings because I think secretly he wants Kira to miss him. Since Kira is so set on her rituals and routines, I've always explained to DH that Kira knows "daddy goes to work" as well as "daddy throws me on the bed" and "daddy swings me upside down". So it's just something that daddy does... if that makes any sense. :lol: She also ignores him when he gets home from work and prefers to hang out with me instead and I am sooo boring compared to him! Luckily for my DH, Kira can't talk so she only points to the door instead of telling him in words.

I got my blood test today and hopefully I'll hear back tomorrow or else it'll be Monday. Still no symptoms, but if I try really hard I might be able to imagine that I can smell things better :haha: Once I get the results back I'll tell my mom (if the results are good) :thumbup:
Oh Spidey - have you gotten your bloods done yet?
yep, I went in this afternoon :thumbup: The midwife said 48 hours but the blood lady said 24hrs until I get my results. So fingers crossed I hear something tomorrow. I've been feeling good today. It feels like I've done everything that I can do and now it's out of my hands.
Sorry Spidey we must have posted at the same time as I'm only seeing your previous post now :haha:

Yeah he gave me a CD and notes so I'm going to listen to it now and read the notes, he also gave me some self hypnosis and an anchor, I have tried using the anchor, but id didn't work :dohh:

I'm so glad the bloods will be back so soon, that is great, bloods here take about a week unless you are in hospital.

Good that you have no symptoms yet and hopefully that MS will stay away this time as I know you had it bad the last time. Maybe I'm getting your symptoms for you :haha: as actually I am feeling sick the last few days too, although that is probably from all I am eating :haha: - I hope your right Shiv and I'm only like this for the first month as it is driving me nuts as I never did it with Natasha, but then I think I was very naive and wouldn't have known what to look for :haha: - I mean the earliest I would have OV'd is CD14 and the chances are it was later with a 32 day cycle so the most I am is 7 DPO, and probably not even that, so implantation wouldn't have even occured yet :dohh: - and by looking at my chart I may not have even OV'd - My mind is just playing tricks on me :dohh:
jelr, I'm curious what an "anchor" is... I'm assuming its not a real life anchor :haha: Do you have a link to your chart so I can be nosey :lol:

I would love not to have MS this time. I'm using the power of positive thinking to ward it off... lets see how it goes :haha: When are you planning to test at the earliest?
ha ha no it is not a real anchor.

Quote from the notes he gave me.

Anchoring is a way to instantly bring back wonderful, happy and postive feelings. it is a great way tof contgrolling your internal responses to external stimulus (eg situations where cravings occur) by touching your wrist and repeating your key word. You could also recall a good day from the time when you were a non-smoker by vividly re-experiencing it, touching your tumb and forefinger together (creating an anchor) and say the affirmation, "Its great to be a healthy, happy no smoker."

I have put my chart online for you to nosey at. It is in Celcius as that is the only thermometer I have bar Natasha's ear one. I even looked in town for a bbt one with no joy not even in boots :dohh: - I think you can change it to Fahrenheit, you can when I view it anyway so if you can let me know and I will change it to that and publish it again.

From this I didn't ovulate at all - the put my projected ov day at CD18 because of my 32 cycle and I did think it was going to plan as I did have a temp drop that day. I have also discovered that my temp spikes after two glasses of wine :haha: as you can see on both Saturday mornings after the Friday night - I had always noticed I woke up too warm after alcohol but it is funny to actually see it on the chart.


This tummy pain is driving me nuts though, it is there all day and sometimes feels like hunger and other times like I need to poo and other times like AF pains :dohh:
Just popping in real fast bc we are finally moving boxes out today into our storage unit that we just rented yesterday!! :dance: So I'm sorting the boxes so we know what goes to the back and what goes to the front of the unit. Like DH's clothes will stay towards the front in case he needs them.

Anyways, jelr- I'm so sorry the hypnotism did nothing. :( Fingers crossed you really did ovulate this month and end up pregnant right away. :hugs:

Pip- Hi hun! :wave: Sounds like you are doing amazing as a mother of two!! :thumbup: Adelie is so pretty! I wish I could squeeze her. :haha:

Shiv- That really would be heartbreaking hearing her tell her dad to leave. :( I'm sure she isn't doing it to be cruel. I hope it's a quick phase though because that must be really hard to see. :hugs: I don't think I said it earlier but you look fab in your post pregnancy pictures. Your so lucky everything is going down so fast!! I hope I can do that good next time around. :thumbup:

spidey- *whispers* TWINS :rofl:

Okay, I'm off. I have no clue where I am in my cycle and no clue when I'm meant to have my next period. :dohh: We have been having sex every day that we are together but he has duty every 4 days so that's really only 5 times a week. :haha: It's not really sex with the thought of getting pregnant though. We just know he's gone in a few weeks so we want to make the best of it. If I get pregnant I'll be quite surprised.
jelr, your chart is all over the place! Lets hope we find out soon that you're pregnant so your tummy pain can be explained. What were your early symptoms with Natasha? As for the hypnosis, you might have to practice the part where you associate a happy non smoking place with a touch on your wrist a bunch of times before it actually helps you. The hypnosis I did for birth has a similar thing where I learned how to get really relaxed and then link that to a certain word or touch. It took a long time to make that connection so if you can stand listening to your smoking hypnotism cd, it might be worth giving it more time. I can't see how 1 session of hypnotherapy can "fix" your cravings. Nicotine is a really addictive chemical so it's going to take a long time to stop craving it.

Hi Cleckner- that's so exciting you're packing! Did you get one of those POD things? Sex 5 times a week is ridiculous! You animal! :haha: Fingers crossed you get a surprise BFP this month.

No blood results today. I called and asked if they were in and the lady said they wouldn't be faxed over until the afternoon, but since they're closing at 1pm they won't see them till Monday :growlmad: I'm still making up symptoms and having pretend nausea. I'm not sure if I ever told you girls, but I have emetophobia (fear of vomiting) so every little thing related to vomiting sends me into an anxiety attack about feeling sick. I think that's why my MS was so bad. Normal people would have vomited and moved on, but I would spend hours trying to prevent it from happening and right on the verge of puke. I honestly believe if Kira wasn't an accident, I would have never gotten pregnant on my own since my vomiting fear is so bad. I've gotten a little bit better since having Kira because there was a time where I always needed to keep gingerale, water, hard candy and dry cereal with me "just incase". I haven't packed my anti puke materials for the last 2 years. Yeah, so now you all know how crazy I really am :haha:
spidey- You aren't crazy. :hugs: In fact I think that fear is fairly common. I have a friend that was terrified of vomiting too. If anyone even made a gagging noise around her even as a joke she would freak out and start panicking. Okay, so it was a little weird. :haha: But I do think vomiting is a fairly normal fear. I mean, who wants to vomit? It's not like people wake up in the morning and think, 'man I hope I vomit today'. Now if you were scared of orgasms or something equally nice, than I'd be worried. :D Cause who doesn't want an orgasm every day? :rofl:

We didn't get a POD. Those are like 5k!! Which was a shock to me because I did look into them. But we just rented a storage unit. It's $230 a month for the biggest unit they have and that's what we rented because we have so much stuff. :haha: But we are going from paying $1930 a month in rent to only $230 for a storage unit so I will be seriously banking a lot of money when DH leaves. :thumbup:
My goodness you guys chat some :rofl: haven't got heaps of time to post but just wanted to pick out a few things (hugs to you all though)

Shiv, Sam did that to me a lot at first and totally went to Simon so I know how David feels. All I can say is it doesn't last I promise. It's a phase and it hurt me so much. If he hurt himself or something normally it would be me but for month or so he'd push me away and say Daddy. I just had to remember he was two and that it'll pass and now we are far more equal. Dad is still favourite but I'm much more in favour.

Jean sorry the hypnotist didn't work :( that's a real bummer. Symptoms sound good though and hunger is one of the more promising signs. My boobs hardly hurt at all this time apart from hot and heavy at 7dpo. I have everything crossed for you.

Cleck sounds like you are at it like rabbits :rofl: I'll be surprised if you don't get pregnant :haha: Good luck though I have everything crossed for you.

Spidey can't wait to hear your results.

Ahhhh gotta go get Sam see you laters. xxx
Hi girls,

jelr - I think you need to practice your hypnotism for the anchor thing to become a bit more embeded. Listening to your CD can only help so worth doing I reckon. I hope it gets better for you.

Cleck - Hope the packing up is going well. When do you actually leave your current house? i don't think i have had sex 5 times in a week since I was a teenager!, in fact probably EVER!

Spidey - hop eyour blood results come back good for you on Monday, boo for having to wait

pippin- I hope it is a short lived phase as it makes me sad to see her beign so mean to David

right so here comes the rant, it is a MiL rant of course. Feel free to tell me I am being an unreasonable bitch if I am :haha:

So David's mum and her partner came to visit today for the first time since Cora was born. We went out for lunch and his mum asked what we were doing for Christmas. We were honest and said we didn't know yet as we were waiting to see how things went having 2 LO's. She tells us the only day she has off is Christmas day, but she is refusing to cook Christmas lunch as she has turned vegan. So one of David's brothers is hosting and he will cook the dinner (while she brings along her own nut roast). Now David's family is mental, he has 3 brothers and they fight like cat and dog, and shout and scream (serioulsy they have no volume control). Last Christmas when we saw them (on boxing day) Sophia was really unhappy, she doesn't know them because they have only seen her a handful of times. They try to pick her up and cuddle her and she cries and tries to get away as she is scared of them. Both David and I are thoroughly stressed when around them all with Sophia. Anyway we said that we find it a bit stressful, and his mum's partner said he knew what we meant. David's mum said well "I HAVE to see sophia and Cora on Christmas". We said it was difficult for us as we have to travel down and it is a long way to go for just the day, so she says "well won't you be coming down for a few days?". I said that i didn't know if we could as space is getting tight at my parents now with all the kids and my brother, his wife and 2 kids were alreday plannign on staying there. SO she says "but you have your own house down here"...........yeah we do but there is no furniture in it, not even a kettle etc. So she offered to lend us a camp bed :haha: She seriously expects us to travel down to spend Christmas in a stressful situation to then sleep in an empty house with two small children on a camp bed! By this point I had shut up as I was getting so angry. She barely visits us yet expects us to do this so that she can see the girls at Christmas. I said that to be honest we couldn't guarantee seeign anyone on Christmas day itself but would make sure we saw evevryone over the Christmas period at some point. I said we would consider our options but that we would be doing what was least stressful for us as a family. I don't *want* to stay at home just the four of us as I like someone else (ie my mum) cooking dinner etc, but i would stay at home if it meant not being stressed. So her partner (who clearly doesn't want to spend it at David's brother's house either) suggested that if we decided to stay at home they could drive over in the morning for a couple of hours then go to the brothers in the afternoon. David's mum says "oh no I don't want to travel", to which I replied "oh so it's ok for US to travel with 2 small children but not for you" (I tried to say it in a jokey way), she said, yeah I only have one day off and don't want to spend it in a car.............to which I replied, I have two small children, I don't have ANY days off!

i am REALLY annoyed, my parents never put pressure on us, they would LOVE for us to spend Christmas with them and although space is tight, they would make room for us somehow, but would never ever guilt trip us. I feel like staying at home for Christmas just to spite David's mum, but that is unfair on my parents..............My ideal would be to go to my parents and somehow squeeze in, get waited on for a couple of days and then go home. I feel bad because it seems like we favour my parents (and I say we becasue I honestly believe David is less stressed at my parents than with his family), we always stay with my parents as David's mum doesn't have a spare room. SO we only ever pop over to his mum's for a few hours then back to my parents. We can't stay at my parents house but not spend anytime with them, that is just rude IMO.

So I know that if we do go to my parents house for Christmas day then we will be expected to go over to David's brother's for a few hours whcih will make the day super stressful and will mess up any napping routine for Sophia and Cora (assuming she has one :haha:) and takes away from a relaxing day for us, plus puts my parents out as they will have to fit around us.

David's mum REALLY put the guilt trip on David (I had to get up to go to the loo as I was gonna lose it with her), she doesn't put herself out for us yet expects us to for her.

SO am i being unreasonable? what should we do? I always write this stuff down and then feel stupid like I am blwoing stuff out of all proportion. I just wish that as a family we felt comfortable with David's family, but we don't. It upsets me that Sophia doesn't know her Uncles. We saw them over the summer with a big group of people and she was saying hello to our friends but didn't even know her uncles. SO maybe we should spend more time with them so she does know them, but it is always so loud and manic, and they haven't made any effort to be known to her iykwim.

whadda you think? sorry for typos and length of essay!
LOL Shiv, I like your comeback of "I have no days off" so true!! I agree with your view on the situation. I wouldn't take Kira into a situation that caused me MORE stress than I already have unless I absolutely have to (ie. doctors appointment). So when she went through her phase of putting everything in her mouth I refused to take her into my MIL's house since it's a pig sty. I would have spent the entire visit freaking out rather than relaxing like I should be able to. As for the fighting and yelling, that's not a very nice situation for small children. It doesn't sound like a fun time to me. Your MIL saying that she needs to see the children on Christmas day is silly... if she NEEDS to see them, then she should come out and see them. Do you think she was playing "good loving granny" in front of her partner? As for Sophia not knowing who her uncles are- I feel like the adult should make an effort to know the kid and not the other way around. If they're not interested in forming a relationship with her, that's okay too. I hope David isn't guilted by his mom too much. My MIL is crazy too and a professional guilt-tripper and lucky for me, DH doesn't fall for most of her guilt trips. When someone tries to use guilt against me I do the opposite :lol: You should spend Christmas the best way for your family of 4 and say tough sh*t to everyone else!

Cleckner, I'm almost the same way as your crazy puke afraid friend. When I go into a public bathroom, if I see anyone's feet facing the wrong way in a stall I run out! :haha: I've had some exposure vomit therapy thanks to DH so I'm a little better with other people vomiting. He doesn't chew his food and almost twice a week will be Heimlich maneuver choking on his food and will vomit his meal into the kitchen sink :sick: I use to run out of the kitchen and cover my ears, but now I sit there and continue to eat :rofl:

Oh, and that's ridiculous about those PODS! Are you putting everything in storage in CA and then going to Uhaul it home later? Or is it a mobile storage unit?
I just called for my results and they can't give them to me until 1pm! It's only 9am now :growlmad: In my mind everything is okay, but I have zero symptoms and thats a bit concerning especially since I was full of symptoms at this stage with Kira. My boobs don't even hurt!
My boobs killed with Sophia but didn't even tingle with Cora. I think your boobs are all prepared this time, everything is good to go so they don't grow and your ducts are ready etc so no pain is normal!

I'll be checking back in 4 hours!
Good news :happydance: Progesterone is 25 (anything over 20 is good) and HCG was 982. I'm assuming the HCG was right since she seemed happy about both results. I would have been 4w4d at the test- off to google now for HCG results so I can rule out twins :haha:
:rofl: @ ruling out twins. :lol: Yay for good results hun!! I'm so happy to see a ticker on your siggie now too. :dance::dance:

Congrats to MJ too for the birth of your beautiful boy!! On halloween too!! What an awesome day to have him. :D
I'm pretty certain its not twins :rofl:

I decided that I needed to get over my fear of jinxing things. Seems so real now that I have a ticker.

MJ, I can't wait to hear your birth story! How are you feeling? When are you going home? A Halloween birthday is excellent and he picked it all on his own! Congrats again :happydance:

I am sitting here trying to make myself nauseous :lol: I'm grilling burgers for dinner and it brought back a dream that I had during first trimester with Kira. I had a dream that I ordered a HUGE bunless burger with a giant slab of butter on top. I woke up from the dream gagging and that stupid image stuck with me for weeks! It's actually making me feel a little sick, although the thought of a giant burger covered in butter would probably make me sick no matter what :haha: I seriously need a hobby!
So glad your results came back as they should be Spidey! has it sunk in yet?
I told my parents tonight. Honestly, it doesn't feel real because I don't feel pregnant. I will consider myself VERY lucky if this continues and I have a healthy baby at the end. After over-analyzing it, I could very well have an easy first trimester this time. Before Kira I had awful divorce causing pms :lol: and post Kira I barely got a symptom before AF arrived. So do you think its possible my body doesn't react to hormones in the same way now? Shiv, I remember you having almost no symptoms when pregnant with Sophia... did you have pms? I'm trying to prove my theory right :haha:

We took Kira trick or treating and she just ate her smarties (American smarties are small disks of powdered sugar) and a lollipop. She is being so silly on her sugar high :haha:

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