***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Aww you all get to go trick or treating before us. It's only 4:30 here so I'm trying to get Emma to nap right now and than we'll get her dressed for tonight. :dance: I'm excited. I've been dressed all day in flannel, jeans, and I have my hair in cute pigtails with ribbons in. I'm a country girl. :rofl: I didn't want to do a full costume since we did the full costumes for our party. Emma is going to be dorothy tonight instead of pebbles. We bought the dorothy costume last year with the 70% off halloween clearance after the fact so I figure it might as well get used. :thumbup:
Shiv :hugs: you have a right to be pissed hun!!! I would she sounds unreasonable and I think if I was you I'd just go to your Mum's or have Christmas just with the four of you at home where you are :hug: I'd rant too. Grrrrrr

Spidey :yipee: for good results hun. So glad you have no symptoms. I'm not going to wish them on you as you were so poorly last time. Every pregnancy is different :hug:
Hey girls how is everybody.

Spidey: Yay I'm so delighted that your results are so good and that you are not sick. I didn't know you had a phobia of being sick, that must have been so tough when you were so sick with Kira. I really hope you don't get any this time.

Shiv: I would totally rant too, you are not being a bit unreasonable. Could you go to your mums and tell MIL that there is no way you can stay in an empty house that hasn't been lived in with two small babies as there hasn't been any heating on for ages and it would be damp and that it would be rude to stay at your mums and not eat there, and that there isn't enough time between dinner, naps and feeds to call over, but that she is more than welcome to call to your mums to see the girls and hopefully she won't call at all. Grrrrr how selfish is she, I loved your come back about the days off :thumbup:

Cleck: I bet this is the time when you will get pregnant because you are not worrying about it. Fair play to you with 5 times in the week, we are really boring and tend to stick to weekends when we are not working so are usually up later because I'm not into quickies :haha: and also a lot of the time DH is in bed far earlier than me during the week, we really are not spontanious that often, well DH would be, but I'm hopeless :haha:

MJ: Congrats again, Joel is only gorgeous, I can't wait to hear your birth story.

Pippin: I see from FB that Adelie is 3 months now, where has the time went??

Well I'm doing a bit better with the smoking this week, am reading Allen Cars book and have listened to the CD a couple of times.

If I was a betting woman I would say I am pregnant, but I'm not 100% - I would say that I'm about 70% certain - I have the very same nagging pain just above my pelvis for since last week and now behind my pelvic bone, which I had with my pregnancy on Natasha (although not until after 5 weeks) and also with the last pregnancy and I did have it in the tww. I also am bloated, starving (both could be to do with not smoking and my bowels slowing down and lack of nicotine) - Arthritis and psoriasis is kicking up which did in all pregnancies early on and I'm shattered and mainly because I have the same gut feeling that I did the last time. I didn't really have any of these symptoms with Natasha until after I had a postive test, but then I could have but maybe didn't put any pass on it.

I'm taking off 10% of being certain due to the fact that I don't have sore boobs at all, which I usually do.

I'm taking off another 10% because of my funny hormonal month a few months back that gave me symptoms before we were ttc.

I'm also taking off another 10% as it could all be down to quitting smoking - I only ever quit before when pregnant so maybe some of the pregnancy symptoms were not actually pregnancy related and more withdrawal related.

So AF is not due until this day next week, but I bought a frer today and will try it on Saturday, I have never gotten a postive before 32 days though, but I'm not sure if I actually ever used a frer. I think I may have - I normally just go for whatever brand catches my eye or doesn't cost a fortune lol.

So we will see then whether I really do have a good gut instint and have predicted pregnancy before testing again or whether it is all just wishful thinking - which it could very well be too :haha:

Not much other news - have just been keeping myself busy to stop thinking of smokes, but my brain is a bit garbelled the last few days so I can't even think of how or what I was busy at :haha:

Natasha went trick or treating for the first time yesterday and loved it, we only went to about 5 houses as it was really cold, but we parked the cars so as people would have to come to the side door instead of the front and that leads into the kitchen so when we were having dinner she got to see all the trick or treaters that called to our door.
How was trick or treating Cleckner? You must be in the middle of moving right now!

Pippin, I can't believe its been 3 months already! How is Adelie sleeping at night?

jelr, the possibility of you being pregnant sounds promising, especially the arthritis symptoms since those can't be caused by nicotine withdrawal. I like how you have everything mathematically figured out :lol: its something I would do :haha: I liked the pictures you posted of Natasha on FB. She's an adorable little girl.

I'm still feeling good and waiting for the morning sickness to kick in, but still hopeful that I'll be spared. Everyday that goes by where I feel good makes me extra happy, so I've been a little too cheerful these last few days :haha: I think my vomit phobia started when I was sick for all those years with my food allergy problems. I was nauseous ALL day and night with pains in my stomach and I learned how to hold back vomit quite well. Being sick all the time eventually led to tons of anxiety and depression and it all went down hill from there, so I think that's when it started.
jelr, how are your symptoms now?? Are you testing this weekend? I NEED to know :lol: :blush:
All my symptoms are still there and I even had some nausea, but I got a bfn this morning :(. It is only Cd30 and I have never gotten a bfp before 32 days, but I used a frer and it says they are 99% accurate 2 days before so I reckon there is something up with my body or else I'm going mad and all these symptoms are all in my head. The hunger is driving me nuts, my tummy is rumbling so loud after every 2 to 3 hous of eating and I have already put up 7lbs and that wouldn't bother me if I was pregnant but now that I'm not it's driving me nuts. I feel so silly for convincing myself that I would be pregnant first month into it. I guess the power of positive thinking doesn't always work.

How are you feeling spidey?

Sorry if post is all over the place on my phone and rushing as I'm supposed to be getting ready for this christening.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. Xx
jelr, fingers crossed you get your bfp after a couple more days.

It's been a hectic week because Kira is sick. My mom was really sick last week and Kira caught her germs. So she's been stuck to me all day and night (literally :haha:) and really really whiney. She's sneezed and coughed right in my face so now I'm waiting to get sick too. I'm worried about having a fever so early in pregnancy since it can't be the best thing for a developing embryo, but I don't have much choice at this point.

As far as symptoms, I've been napping with Kira everyday, so I might be more tired or I could be tired from restless nights with her. I was also a bit queasy on Friday and had to use my zappy watch while at work. It gives little electric pulses to the nausea pressure point in the wrist. After I took a nap that afternoon, I felt better, so I think the nausea was from exhaustion. I'm definitely not as hungry as I usually am, but I haven't gone off chocolate yet.

I'm getting really worn out from having an unhappy sick baby
Hello lovely ladies, back using my PC a bit more now so easier to read on here :) Mind if I come and join you? x
jelr - :hugs: honey, you aren't out until the witch shows up and as you say it wouldn't be "normal" for you to get a BFP so early so there is defo still hope! I hope you have a nice time at the christening and get the result you want in a couple of days time.

Spidey - I wonder if you are having a boy? Are you going to find out? how bad was your sickness with Kira at this stage? I hope Kira gets better soon and you don't catch her germs!

Vici - Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! more than welcome hon as long as you don't mind that the thread has become some what un-ttc related :haha: It is mainly a place for us to chat about our kids, moan about stuff and generally gossip!
I don't mind at all! Lol. Just seen your recent pic of cora, she is just gorgeous x
Spidey and Jelr I have no idea where that last three months have gone. My newborn is no longer a newborn :( but she is my beautiful little baby that I just love more and more everyday :) She sleeps well most nights. Last night she slept from 7:30-6:00 but pin contrast the night before she was up almost every hour bar one solid three blocks. Generally though she sleeps 7:30-3:30 then again until we get up.

Spidey glad you are keeping the nausea at bay. Mine really kicked in at 6 weeks and lasted a lot longer and was stronger with Adelie. The old wives tale was right for me!

Jelr don't give up hope yet hun. Lie you said you got a late bfp other times and I did this time as well. Trust you're body it's probably telling you something way before the sticks do I'm keeping everything crossed for you :hug: Also re Allen Carr, my husband went to his classes (by him personally) before he was famous and stopped for 7 years, he did start again but read the book a week before our wedding and stopped again instantly and has been clean every since. Six years again so far and looks like he's a proper reformed smoker. Stick with it it can work trust me if you have the will. xxxx

:hi: Vici, I'm a bit of a part timer in here to be honest but I always love having you around. How is the Soy going?
well, m/s is getting worse as the day goes on. With Kira at this stage I couldn't stand too long, or move too much or I would get very light headed and that would trigger my nausea. I also couldn't smell foods or imagine eating certain foods. Right now I can move around fine, but if I think about a certain food it makes me want to barf. The only thing I could think about that didn't turn my stomach was salad so DH got me a salad for dinner. I survived off salad and grapefruits with Kira. Lucky for me, grapefruits are in season in early winter :haha:

I already decided that if something happens to this pregnancy I'm not TTC again. I am such a wimp when it comes to being sick :haha:

Kira has been so miserable today and has made me part of her hoard :lol: If I leave the couch she gets so upset and pushes me back to my spot. I've been sitting here surrounded with blankets, pillows, balls, toys, and the rest of Kira's hoard all day. They say you can't give cold medicines to children under 6 anymore, but I just gave her a little decongestant.
Spidey - hope your sickness doesn't get any worse and that Kira gets better soon. Its awful having poorly babies.

Pip - not too sure about the soy. Ov pin pointed at CD13 but been spotting since 4DPO and Im now thinking it could actually be light AF but that's rubbish if it is as Im only 9DPO now. I don't know what to bloody think. Its stressing me out now which makes me eat which makes me not lose weight which makes me not go to docs. Vicious circle. If it was AF I've also missed the window for soy this month so hoping that its not another 100 + day cycle! Sorry for the rant! :-(
Awww Vici that is rubbish if it is :( implantation bleed thinking optimistically? Do you have to take the soy at the beginning then? Maybe it's your body resetting itself :hug:

Spidey would you consider anti sickness meds? Might help you cope a bit if it gets worse. xxx
Vici, do you ever have really light periods? Fingers crossed its actually implantation bleeding! How does your bbt chart look now?

If the sickness gets worse I might consider medication. I need to keep on top of eating so my stomach doesn't ever get empty since that's when I feel my worse. It's hard because I fantasize about food and eating most of the day, and I love the feeling of getting hungry, eating really good food, and then being satisfied :lol: The morning sickness is here to stay I think. I've been munching on cereal and canned pears and DH is asking me what's for lunch. Blergh
Vici - I hope it isn't another long cycle for you and that you figure out what is going on. If it helps, both Spidey and I had spotting inbetween ovulation and AF arriving (I had never experieced it before but had it the two months before I got my BFP), so perhaps it is nothing to worry about.

Spidey - well I am *glad* you ar ehaving symptoms as it means that things are progressing well, but I do hope your sickness doesn't get worse. What is your due date by the way?

Cleck - how are you, all packed up/ When do you leave?

As for us well I have a Christmas/MIL update for you all........ David came up with a compromise of invite MiL and partner to out house after she finishes work on Christmas Eve (3pm), they can they stay over and see the girls Christmas morning but leave about 11am when we will travel to my parents for a couple of days

SO David asked her and guess what................she doesn't want to leave her cats overnight, so she is having a think about it:dohh: She obviously isn't THAT desperate to see Sophia and Cora then.

Have I told you that she is a crazy cat lady? She started off with 2 kittens (normal ) and now feeds about 8 neighbourhood cats, that she now calls her own! :wacko:

SO Sophia took it upon herself to use the potty yesterday ( we were plannng on tackling potty training when David breals up for Christmas), she did 2 wees on there yesterday, and was nappy free all afternoon and evening without any incidents. SO today unless we have been out she has been nappy free, no wees, but while I was cooking dinner, Sophia came running in to the kitchen shouting "a bit of poo fell out of my trousers"..........she had obvioulsy done a poo and it had fallen down her trouser leg onto the carpet! She was quite upset about so I calmed her down and told her it was ok but that next time she should sit on her potty! What do you girls do on long car journeys, it would be a nightmare if on the motorway Sophia said that she needed a wee but didn't have a potty.

jelr - when is AF due and are you going to test again.

I need to be brave this week and get out and about a bit more, it won't do to stay in so much, it is not fair on the girls (still feels weird saying that!) and I need to get over the FEAR!! I want to find a gymnastics group for Sophia!
Yay for Sophia using the potty! We take a potty and toilet paper with us in the car and it sits on the empty seat. At some point she'll be more confident using a public bathroom and better at going wee before we leave the house.

I think that's a very good compromise for Davids mom to see the girls. If she doesn't take you up on the offer than you can't feel bad.

During my early days with Kira I would work up the courage all week to leave the house for babies-r-us. I figured if she cried or pooped everywhere, the women in the store would be sympathetic :haha:

The only thing Kira has eaten all day is chocolate frosting :dohh: The poor girl is so sick and is a little germ fountain. When she sneezes snot shoots out her nose across the room! My due date is July 1st, so add 10 days and we can expect the baby to be here on the 10th! I've been very surprised at how many of the 2nd babies come late... and also how large they are! Kira was 10 pounds so surely this one will be 12 pounds! :haha:
Yay for Sophia using the potty! We take a potty and toilet paper with us in the car and it sits on the empty seat. At some point she'll be more confident using a public bathroom and better at going wee before we leave the house.

I think that's a very good compromise for Davids mom to see the girls. If she doesn't take you up on the offer than you can't feel bad.

During my early days with Kira I would work up the courage all week to leave the house for babies-r-us. I figured if she cried or pooped everywhere, the women in the store would be sympathetic :haha:

The only thing Kira has eaten all day is chocolate frosting :dohh: The poor girl is so sick and is a little germ fountain. When she sneezes snot shoots out her nose across the room! My due date is July 1st, so add 10 days and we can expect the baby to be here on the 10th! I've been very surprised at how many of the 2nd babies come late... and also how large they are! Kira was 10 pounds so surely this one will be 12 pounds! :haha:

Poor Kira - but yum to the frosting! i hope she feels better soon.
They thought you had GD after Kira was born didn't they? Perhaps by keeping that under control you will have a slightly smaller baby?
Thanks girls - was really disappointed yesterday which is so silly to be when it is only the first month ttc and when it took so long with Natasha, am trying to think positive though as I really do think stopping to worry and relax is why I got pregnant eventually on Natasha.

Spidey: O no poor Kira, I really hope she is better soon, regarding the fever, I got a bad flu and was running a temp when I was pregnant on Natasha and the doc did say to keep it down by taking paracetamol and sponging myself down, which I did but it keep going up over a few days, but it didn't affect the pregnancy or Natasha at all. Hopefully you won't need to worry and will stay well, but I just wanted to let you know that a fever doesn't have to always be bad for pregnancy.

Shiv: Your MIL would drive anybody nuts :haha: - you and David have done your bit now and have made the offer so that she can see the girls and it is up to herself after that what is more important, so you have nothing to feel guilty about. I bet once you start getting out and about it will be easier and you won't fear it as much.

Pippin: Sounds like Adeile is thriving, Your husband is very lucky, I would love a seminar with Allen Car himself. I'm nearly finsihed the book, but have also gotten a loan of the one for women and am going to read that as I reckon every bit of reinforcement helps and being honest it is keeping me busy in the evenings so I'm not thinking about them as much :thumbup:

Vici: Of course you are welcome to join us, it is lovely to see you back as Shiv said I hope you don't mind our rantings and ramblings about everything and everyone :haha: - I'm so sorry you are getting down about it all, I can understand eating when your fed up though, I haven't stopped eating since I stopped smoking and I hate it as I know the weight i'm putting on is going to impact on the pcos and ttc, but I just can't help myself :dohh: - I really hope it is implantation for you and not another long cycle, you definitely deserve a break at this stage.

AFM: Well symptoms nearly completely disappeared yesterday so I'm thinking it is all in my head as I want it so badly now and maybe I am a bit mental :haha: - although the pain in my tummy is back today and boobs are a little sore, but that could be AF on the way, although I don't usually get sore boobs before AF except for that wonky cycle I had a few months ago. I don't know my body seems to be doing stange stuff lately, although maybe it is just with knowing we were starting to ttc I have just been reading it more since the mc, whereas it could have been happening before and I maybe wouldn't have noticed as much :haha:

AF is due on Tuesday if I do have a 32 day cycle but the extra half a stone may delay this :dohh:, so if for some reason that she doesn't make an appearance I will test on Tuesday.

We had a lovely day at the christening and Natasha was really well behaved and only really kicked up a bit when my mam collected her that evening, but that was only as she didn't want to go home, we were home by midnight which is really early for me :haha: but I only had a couple of drinks and didn't go to town on it just in case the test is wrong. I know AF will probably come now and I will be raging for staying sober, but then it is better to be safe than sorry. I did still have a lovely day though and chatting with the girls really cheered me up after my disappointment and I actually didn't mind so much not really drinking :thumup:

Dont know how much I will be in this week as I'm working the 4 days and really want to try and get some exercise done every evening to try and shift the extra I have put on and try and curtail my eating before It does get out of control. 7lbs in two weeks is not good :dohh:

I will definitley write a quick post if there is any other update on AF or any POAS.

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