Thanks girls - was really disappointed yesterday which is so silly to be when it is only the first month ttc and when it took so long with Natasha, am trying to think positive though as I really do think stopping to worry and relax is why I got pregnant eventually on Natasha.
Spidey: O no poor Kira, I really hope she is better soon, regarding the fever, I got a bad flu and was running a temp when I was pregnant on Natasha and the doc did say to keep it down by taking paracetamol and sponging myself down, which I did but it keep going up over a few days, but it didn't affect the pregnancy or Natasha at all. Hopefully you won't need to worry and will stay well, but I just wanted to let you know that a fever doesn't have to always be bad for pregnancy.
Shiv: Your MIL would drive anybody nuts
- you and David have done your bit now and have made the offer so that she can see the girls and it is up to herself after that what is more important, so you have nothing to feel guilty about. I bet once you start getting out and about it will be easier and you won't fear it as much.
Pippin: Sounds like Adeile is thriving, Your husband is very lucky, I would love a seminar with Allen Car himself. I'm nearly finsihed the book, but have also gotten a loan of the one for women and am going to read that as I reckon every bit of reinforcement helps and being honest it is keeping me busy in the evenings so I'm not thinking about them as much
Vici: Of course you are welcome to join us, it is lovely to see you back as Shiv said I hope you don't mind our rantings and ramblings about everything and everyone
- I'm so sorry you are getting down about it all, I can understand eating when your fed up though, I haven't stopped eating since I stopped smoking and I hate it as I know the weight i'm putting on is going to impact on the pcos and ttc, but I just can't help myself
- I really hope it is implantation for you and not another long cycle, you definitely deserve a break at this stage.
AFM: Well symptoms nearly completely disappeared yesterday so I'm thinking it is all in my head as I want it so badly now and maybe I am a bit mental
- although the pain in my tummy is back today and boobs are a little sore, but that could be AF on the way, although I don't usually get sore boobs before AF except for that wonky cycle I had a few months ago. I don't know my body seems to be doing stange stuff lately, although maybe it is just with knowing we were starting to ttc I have just been reading it more since the mc, whereas it could have been happening before and I maybe wouldn't have noticed as much
AF is due on Tuesday if I do have a 32 day cycle but the extra half a stone may delay this
, so if for some reason that she doesn't make an appearance I will test on Tuesday.
We had a lovely day at the christening and Natasha was really well behaved and only really kicked up a bit when my mam collected her that evening, but that was only as she didn't want to go home, we were home by midnight which is really early for me
but I only had a couple of drinks and didn't go to town on it just in case the test is wrong. I know AF will probably come now and I will be raging for staying sober, but then it is better to be safe than sorry. I did still have a lovely day though and chatting with the girls really cheered me up after my disappointment and I actually didn't mind so much not really drinking :thumup:
Dont know how much I will be in this week as I'm working the 4 days and really want to try and get some exercise done every evening to try and shift the extra I have put on and try and curtail my eating before It does get out of control. 7lbs in two weeks is not good
I will definitley write a quick post if there is any other update on AF or any POAS.