***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Thanks girls - feeling a bit better down there today :blush: - I got the canestan pessery and cream and it has made a huge difference already. It really felt horrible and just made me feel like I wanted to shower every two minutes :haha: Spidey I lmao at you with all that food in your vagina :haha: - although I have to say that cold yogurt pop sounds like heaven the way I was feeling yesterday :haha:

Cleck: I can totally understand your sensitivity, I get like that too when I'm struggling, one of my friends tends to complain if she has went up from 8 stone to 8.5 stone and only has to cut out chocolate for a few days and she will lose it and I get so frustrated, but I have realised over the years that she actually does get really down in herself about it. But like Shiv said you have so much more to be proud of, it just fell off them (bitches :haha:) but you have had to work at it and you have done so well and you look fantastic. :thumbup: But do please please stop going into those threads and making yourself feel bad, because you are far more confident that I am in your body and I would hate to see that go. I didn't even look at the thread you were talking about because I know I would cry :haha:

I love the house, the outside is gorgeous and yes the island makes a lot more sense now and really suits. I hope it is still there when and if you want to buy it.

As for the exercising. I'm not too good at it to be honest :nope: - but I did do some tonight, my problem is that I feel you are not going to lose weight unless you do cardio and any of the dvd's I have bought have so much jumping around that I end up swelling up from my arthritis and am broke up for the next few days, I think a threadmill would probably be ideal for me but at the moment it is not an option as money is really tight with DH not back to work properly yet and being honest we dont really have anywhere to put it without it being in the way. As it would be in the way in the kitchen or sitting room and the 3 bedrooms down stairs are all full between us, Natasha and a toy room and the spare room upstairs is an attic conversion so you couldn't stand on it without hitting your head on the ceiling :haha: - we do have a sun room, which it could go in at the moment but by the time we can afford it, we will be thinking about baby number 2 who will go into the bedroom that is now the toy room and the sun room will become the toy room - so I'm stuck on that one :dohh: - I decided I'm going to try and do 30 minutes on the wii fit plus, I know they are probably not cardio enough to lose weight but I'm thinking it can't hurt. I would be happy to lose 2lbs a week for the next few weeks between that and the diet and hopefully the stone or near enough to it will be gone by July for the wedding we are going to.

Spidey: mmm not sure about the counting, I think maybe the day after as 1 day the same as you would count back if you were counting the days you were pregnant. Yay for long lutual phases or being pregnant lol - and that is fantastic that Kira's bedtime routine is sorted and was done so quickly, they actually surprise me how quickly they do adjust to change in the things that we think are going to be a nightmare. I saw that video on fb of Kira and it is really cute, I was also looking at your garden pictures and you garden is gorgeous :thumbup:

Shiv: big :hugs: - I'm sorry you are feeling a bit down about the move, it is totally understandable when all your family and friends are there. I would be the very same as I'm a terrible home bird. I really hope it works out and you love the new place and you know we all are if you want to cry or rant or get upset. Yay for David making over 200 that is fantastic and it is good to get rid of stuff you are not going to use and have a good clean up when moving and even better to make a few bob. :thumbup: We have what we call car boot sales here, so nearly the same. Aww that is lovely that Sophia cuddles up to you reading a book. Natasha loves books too, but doesn't cuddle up reading them at all. She really is miss independant that way :cry: - Natasha does that yelping in her sleep too and I have been in the room checking on her when she has done it and she doesn't wake up, but like you if I'm asleep I do wake up with my heart racing and then I can't get back to sleep and am waiting on her to waken :dohh: it is so tiring isn't it?

We had a good day, we went to a birthday party and Natasha didn't want to get off the bouncy castle they had hired. I was terrified of her on it though and DH and I stayed on it with her as there was so many other older children on it and I was terrified they would land on her and then afterwards one of the people there said that there was a little girl fell off one up the country yesterday and she fell awkardly and instantly broke her neck and died, so I'm so glad we did stay on it with her and kept her in a corner and helped her on and off :wacko:
AF got me :growlmad: so that means my luteal phase was 10 days. I'm going to call ovulation day 0 since that makes a little more sense to me. I had to go back and re-calculate my luteal phase and here are my numbers from my last 5 cycles (incase anyone here is a number freak like me :haha:)

Dec/Jan: 46cd, 11 day luteal phase
Jan/Feb: 43cd, 12 day luteal phase
Feb/March: 26cd, 9 day luteal phase
March/April: 30cd, 7 day luteal phase
April/May: 33cd, 10 day luteal phase

haha, so what does it all mean? It seems like those really long cycles are better for my luteal phase.

Jelr- I'm glad your vagina is doing better :haha:

LOL Shiv for walking like John Wayne.

Me and DH bought pedometers a couple of weeks ago to try to motivate each other to walk more, and I started taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator, but that's all I've done so far. I know I would feel much healthier if I exercised more.
jelr- I'm glad the thrush is feeling better. :hugs: I bet you'll be surprised at the amount of results you can get just from working out on the Wii. There are quite a few ladies on here that use the wii to lose weight. :thumbup: I actually find I've been getting better results from just walking outside than I am with my exercise bike. I think the exercise bike is building my muscles though which slows down the weight loss part of it.

Spidey- I'm sorry AF hit. :( Right here is a luteal phase calculator that I've been using so it takes the guesswork out of how many days there is. https://www.mymonthlycycles.com/lutealcalc.jsp 10 days is the minimum I think so it's still a normal luteal phase. :thumbup:

I gave my parents the address to the house I love. I sent them the link also so they could see the pictures and we were talking about it today and all the things we could do with it like a garden and landscaping, etc. Well mom and dad drove into town today to see it and there is a big SOLD sign in the front yard. :cry::cry: I knew it would go fast. It's just too nice on the inside for that price. So back to square one with house hunting. I'm sad but oddly I feel like I just saved myself 95k dollars. :rofl:
GRRR I don't like your calculator!!! It says my luteal phase is actually 9 days :growlmad: I ovulated on the 5th and AF arrived on the 15th. So I need to knock a day off of each of my luteal phase measurements.

That sucks your favorite house sold, but I'm certain you'll find another dream house. Thats funny your parents drove by it- it's something my parents would do too :haha:

I'm off to bed. DH put Kira to sleep and he must have passed out too :lol: It's been over an hour and we had a tv date planned with popcorn and cream soda and he never showed up! I'm going to tease him in the morning :haha:
Spidey - I can't believe you got stood up! :haha:
sorry AF got you :hugs:

Cleck - sorry about the house, but I am certain that you will find something else (if indeed you need to, as Corey might stay in the Navy yet!).

jelr - wii fit is a good idea, even a little bitof exercise can help with weight loss and toning, and I have heard great things about people who use wii fit regularly.

I have just been going through old clothes to see what I can chuck and what can go to charity. I found a load of old underwear (U.S ladies, I don't mean just panties) from when David and I first got together. They are a size 8 (U.S size 4) and a bra size 32 A, they are goregoues basques and lots of sexy stuff. Made me realise a) that I will never be that size again and b) that I really stopped making an effort with myself after the first couple of years with David :haha:

My legs are still sore today but I am hoping that by this evening they will be better so I can do my DVD again once Sophia is in bed.
spidey- :rofl: at your DH falling asleep. Sounds exactly like something my own DH would do. Sorry the luteal phase calculator isn't good for you. :hugs:

shiv- I used to have tons of matching panties and bras and I agree, I've let myself go a bit since getting with my DH. I'm still wearing my giant underwear from when I was pregnant. :rofl: They are just so comfy! I need to make a lingerie purchase too. Maybe just a few things that match. And panties that can't be used as a parachute. :rofl:
LOL Shiv about not making an effort with David now. DH always asks why I don't buy thongs anymore :haha:

I double checked my last 5 luteal phases with Cleckner's nifty online calculator, and these are my lengths: 10,11,8,6 and 9. Sort of depressing. DH and I talked about it today and I think he's coming to terms with another baby not happening anytime soon.

A girl I was friends with in elementary school is a hairdresser and almost 10 years ago I randomly walked into a salon where she was working. She did a great job on my hair and gave me a nice short cut. When I returned, the shop had closed :cry: and I had no contact info for her. Last month she contacted me on FB and I gave her a call today to arrange a time for a haircut since she does it in her house now. I can't wait for her to call back! It's been a year since I had my hair cut and I'm planning something drastic!!! :shock:
Aww that's great you found your old friend again! I only ever let my friend cut my hair. I made the mistake once of going to a random salon in virginia and they turned me away because I am white. :cry::cry: I'm dead serious though. :rofl::rofl: They recommended me a salon down the street. Which was full of white people. So..I only go to my friend now. :blush::rofl: Anyways, you'll have to post a piccie of your 'drastic' new cut. :D I love doing random whacky things with my hair. Every once in a while I just get so sick of my hair that I have to do something crazy to it.
oooooooooooooh new hair cut, what are you thinking of having done Spidey? Does your Luteal phase seem to correspond with how how much Kira breastfeeds fo you think, or just random?

Cleck - is Virginia a heavily black populated area? I can't imagine being turned away from somewher becasue of the colour of my skin. ALthough maybe all the hairdressers are onlytrained in how to do afro hair?:shrug:

Well I have completely lost the plot! :wacko: We went to bed last night and I couldn't sleep. I started to think about the move and then started to cry uncontrollably which woke DH up! He called me weird (which at le:wacko:ast made me laugh!) his exacts words were "why are you crying in the middle of the night, its a bit weird" - my reply - it's not the middle of the night, we've only just come to bed!

my problem is, I have just completely blocked the move out emotionally, I can deal with organising stuff, packing etc, but i have pretty much refused to think about the emotional side as I didn't see the point in upsetting myself. Well last night I opened the floodgates and didn't stop crying for over an hour. The only way I could stop myself was to sing the Makka Pakka song from in the night gardn repeatedly (luckily it was justin my head and not out loud!) The main thing that makes me cry is this. Whenever we get home in the car now, Sophia says "home" as we are pulling into the driveway. We are still going to hav eto come back to this house fairly often as we need to pick up mail, mow lawns etc. It breaks my heart to think we will come back and she will say "home" when we pull onto teh driveway and be all excited about being back in her home again..............ok now I'm crying again! I am a complete hormonal fruit loop!
Shiv- Certain areas of VA was definitely heavily populated with black people. But the specific area wasn't really. So must've been my own horrible luck. :dohh:

I'm sorry you are feeling so down. :(:hugs::hugs: All I can say is, little kids adapt SO quickly you would be surprised. Soon she'll call the new place home. You have your lovely little family together and that is all that matters right now. It will take a while to adjust and crying is normal, believe me on that one. I cried so much when I had to move away for the first time. It was my own choice but still very difficult to do. :hugs::hugs:
Hi Ladies! I took a nice long break from BNB as the whole TTC was depressing me too much and went at it on my own. After 10 months, I'm finally pregnant! :happydance: I just got my :bfp: this morning! :happydance: Really hoping this one sticks after our devestating loss last year. [-o<

To those of you still TTC, I hope your time comes soon! Trust me I was really beginning to think mine NEVER would and had lost hope. Hang in there! :hugs: :flower:
Shiv- your crying spell was bound to happen because you can't keep those feelings bottled up inside forever :hugs: Plus those damn hormones can make things a hundred times worse. Like what Cleck said, Sophia will quickly adjust to her new house. My only advice is to let yourself cry when you need to and talk to David some more about your feelings so he doesn't have to call you weird again :lol: I forgot, when are you moving?

Cleckner- LOL about being turned away for not being black :haha: The stylists were probably experts on doing black hair and didn't want to screw yours up. My mom is white, but she has very thick super curly black hair, and many "normal" stylists have no idea how to handle her hair. Once the stylist was going to prove to my mom that she could blow it out straight.. the lady got half done and then gave up :haha:

Kim- congrats :happydance: welcome back

This is my current hair.. it hasn't been trimmed in 1 year and I straightened it this morning, but the humidity is getting to it..



I'm thinking of short all around, with it being a little shorter in the back with layers, so my natural curl will show nicely. The front I plan to straighten- and perhaps be as long as my chin.. not sure yet though. I'll take suggestions though!! :haha:

Breastfeeding and luteal phase.. I know my 7 day luteal phase was from a heavily bf month. But in general, Kira has been bf less and less (she still is a booby monster though). It seems like those really long 40-something day cycles are good for my luteal phase. Before Kira I had really long cycles too.
Spidey- I bet you can really pull off short hair well since you're so thin! It's amazing that that is your 'straightened' version of your hair. :D Kira didn't really inherit the curls though did she? Curly hair is always SO pretty but I can imagine it would be very hard to manage.

So I'm looking at outfits for me to wear when DH comes home. I'm thinking this top with jeans. Any opinions?


I always love when it starts getting close because I can plan out everything that I want to wear. And this time I get to dress Emma up too. :dance: I already have a little dress for her to wear and I am gonna put a flower headband on her. Hopefully she'll keep it in. :lol:
Oh Shiv big big :hugs: :hugs: - you are not weird for crying in the middle of the night (mind you if you had of sang the song out loud or David would have definitely have thought you were lol) Moving is emotional in itself and especially with all those hormones. You definitely need to let it out though and talk to David and tell him how you are feeling. I wouldn't worry about Sophia though as she will be "home" wherever you and David and her new brother or sister are and she will adjust quickly and you know we will still all be here and you can cry to us anytime :hugs:

Spidey: Sorry AF got you and that your luteal phase isn't as long as you thought it was, but like I said to Cleck before, maybe it was never long and you still conceived Kira. Mmm do I remember you saying that before you had Kira you always wanted to chop your hair off when AF arrived, I hope this is not one of those times or maybe you should wait until next week :haha: - The short with the layers at the back sounds really nice. I'm so glad Kira has settled into her new routine. lol at DH standing up though, I hope you teased him loads :haha:

Cleck: Sorry to hear the house is sold - but everything happens for a reason and that house was meant to keep you busy while you were worrying about DH's job and if it does happen now, an even nicer house will hopefully be available for you two to settle in. :thumbup: How long until Corey is home now? Is it the start or end of next month? You must be really getting excited.

Kim: Congrats again, Sending loads of sticky dust your way. :dust:

Well I have done 30 to 45 mins on the wii fit the last few nights - The first day I managed to put on a lb :dohh: but then this morning I went down 3lbs - so I dont know what is going on :shrug: as it is not possible to lose that much overnight, :shrug: the only thing I can think of is maybe I ov earlier this month as I do tend to carry water then. It is really getting me down now though as I really want to shift the extra pregnancy weight before this wedding and before we ttc again. Hopefully the exercise will pay off and I will start to see results soon.

Natasha is drooling lots this week and is chewing on literally everything she gets into her hands so I'm wondering if those 2nd molars are moving again, mind you I thought this a few months ago and they never appeared :shrug: - she is in better form though and seems to be starting to settle back into the routine of being back in my mams while we are at work.
Sorry Cleck only saw your post now. That top is gorgeous, it will look perfect with jeans. Your DH is going to get the shock of his life when he sees you, you will look amazing :thumbup:

Oh yeah meant to say on last post too. Regarding underwear my DH is always on at me about why I dont wear thongs anymore either. and my reply is "that is the price you pay for having such a beautiful daughter - after being sliced and diced I'm not wearing any cheese graters to cut into me" :rofl: - it really wouldn't make a difference to down there to wear one after all this time, but I'm just too lazy and they are not that comfortable but the above is my excuse and I'm sticking to it:haha:
suuuuuuper cute Cleckner!!!! That will be so hot with jeans! The poor man will have to resist the urge to pounce on you until Emma goes to bed!

jelr- weighing yourself everyday is asking for trouble!! I bet you'll lose weight with your new workout routine. Have you bought the dress for the wedding yet? Does Natasha have all of her canines yet?

LOL jelr- you're right about me doing drastic things with my hair before AF comes. I actually wanted to cut my hair last week, but I forced myself to wait until after AF came to make the call to my friend. :haha:

Kira's hair- I was really worried that Kira could end up with bad hair since my mom has super thick black curly hair and my MIL has super thick black straight hair. Somehow she turned out with thin blonde hair. I never imagined my baby to look like Kira... both me and DH have dark eyes and dark hair (his is black) and she has blue eyes and blonde hair. Her hair will probably darken when she gets older, but the blue eyes are a nice surprise. I think she looks a lot like DH too.. and she acts like him too :haha:
Cleck - that top is gorgeous! I am glad corey's homecoming is close enough now for you to get excited and start making plans. What will youdo for your first meal back together? Do you go and meet him at his ship (or is that just a romantic film type image i have in my head!)? What date does he get back?

Spidey - how curly is your hair au naturale? i have spent my whole life trying (and failing) to get my hair to curl. It is far to think and straight to hold any style! I think you will really suit a shorter style :thumbup:

jelr - good work on the wii fit :thumbup: I agree with Spidey (and I have said teh same to Cleck) weighing yourself every day is a nightmare! The only time i ever lost a decent amount of weight is when my scales at home broke and I had to wiegh myself after a fitness class once a week. I find that if half way through the week I have lost a few lbs I ease off and give myself a treat, where as if I don't know how I am doing then I will assume the worst and continue being good!

I am sure the exercise will help in the long run, it certainly can't hurt! When is the wedding you are going to?

As for me, well i am doing better, mainly because i have put moving to the back of my mind again! This time next week will be our last night in the house!

Sophia has been a bit of a madam the last few days, those bloomin teeth. She has been really testing me and the boundaries i set. I hope it's a phase!

David finished work today, must feel really weird for him but at least he knows he has another job to go to. I feel bad for all the people who are leaving with nothing to go to. i left the same place of work, nearly two years to the day ago!

Oh that's right I meant to ask you Cleck,what did you do before you ahd Emma in terms of a job, or were you lucky enough to go straight into being a kept woman?
Shiv- I have no idea what we'll do for a first meal. I might just make a big roast dinner in the slow cooker for him. But I usually let him decide since he's spent 6.5 months having nasty ship food. :haha: And yes I do go meet him at the ship. I'm not as gung-ho as most wives though. They usually get there super early in the morning and get around in the parking lot and than watch the ship pull in, etc. I just wait for DH to text or call and than I drive to him. I don't even watch the ship pull in. Because once it does, it still takes a good 2 hours before they can get off the ship because they spend time tying the ship off to the dock and all of that crazy stuff. It's ridiculous the amount of time those wives wait at the pier though. :wacko: I never join in with the crowd either. I just stay back further in the parking lot and let him come to me. :rofl::rofl: I can't imagine Emma in that huge crowd though. Plus it'll be even worse with the media frenzy over his ship right now. (Because of the whole bin laden thing and his ship being the one that did it all).

Before I had Emma, I had random odd jobs but no actual career. I have babysat for a few different kids at different intervals but that never lasts long because they are military kids and the parents get stationed somewhere else so I have to say goodbye and stop watching them. I even spent a summer being a girl scout camp counselor for brownies. So girls ages 6-8 I think it was. :haha: That was a fun summer. But basically, those jobs were all just for fun and to keep me busy. DH has always been the main breadwinner. :D'

Edit to add: I can't say exact dates of when his ship comes in for security reasons but it's mid-june. :D Lets just say I'm in the 20s already for the countdown of days left. :dance:
Ah stop sure I know myself I shouldn't be stepping on the scales everyday - that is the advice I give to everyone "Step away from the scales" - I think I even said it to you Cleck, but I am my own worst enemy and am so bad at taking my own advice and the minute I am dieting - I'm on it day and night :dohh: :haha:

Cleck: You are so right to just go when DH texts you, that would do my head in waiting around for 2 hours just to watch the ship come in. maybe the first time, but I guess it would be very boring. OMG in the 20's of a countdown, that is brilliant. It seems like no length ago when he was going (although I guess it seems forever to you) - I'm so happy for you :happydance:

Shiv: I'm glad you are okay now, but dont bottle it all up because it will get to you. It will be a big change for DH - but he will adjust quickly too once he has another job to keep him busy. Sorry to hear Sophia is being a madam the last few days, you would think as they get older it would get easier, but I think it is harder in some senses. DH and I were only talking about that recently as at two of Natasha's cousins are 3 and at a family thing lately it made me realise that it really is worse it is going to get, because at the moment if Natasha is starting to give out we can sort of distract her away from what she wants to do and is not meant to, where as there was no distracting with these and it was actual head down and sulking and screaming matches, so I'm not looking forward to that :nope: - I just keep trying to tell myself that it is all only phases and Natasha will never be like that - although I know to well she will probably be worse :haha:

Spidey: Yep she has all her canines and 1st set of molars since Jan / Feb so it is only the 2nd set to go and she is all done thank god. I'm also surprised that Natasha doesn't have darker hair too as both myself and DH do but she is more a light brown / blonde - It is getting more brown though as she gets older. When are you actually getting your hair done, you will have to put up photos. I wish I had either straight or curly hair, but it is neither and just has a kink in it so I have to straighten it every day for straight or if I wanted a curly look I would have to put a bottle of mousse in it.

Well I'm finished work for this week and am not back until next Tuesday so happy days. I'm hoping Natasha is in better form though as she is extremely cross today and my mam said she just didn't know what she wanted and she was the same this evening. She is always a great little eater, but tonight just refused her dinner and wanted her daddy's dinner. I knew we were going to be late from work so I took a fish dish out of the freezer for her that I had bulk cooked and I knew it would be something really quick for us but didn't know what and in the end we just both had an omlette - she usually loves fish but wouldn't even try this one, DH tried to trick her and put some of his egg on the edge of the spoon and the rest was her own and she lapped it up so it wasn't that she didn't like it, but she just wouldnt entertain it when she knew it was her own and not her daddy's so he ended up giving her his one as we reckoned omlette and fish with spinach would not be a good mix together - yuck :haha: and basically she just kept crying for everything, she would cry when she wanted something and when she was handed it she didn't want it anymore :dohh: - so hopefully she will be much better tomorrow and we can enjoy the time off together.

My friend that moved away last year is down home for the weekend so there is 4 of us girls are heading out for dinner on Saturday night so that is the diet out the window again ;dohh: - it is typical we hadn't had anything on for months and since I went on this diet we have had nothing but birthday parties and occasions - I think that is why not losing really bothered me this week as at the birthday party / communion party we were at on Sunday they had the most beautiful food and I was so good and resisted it all and just drank my glass of water and waited until I came home for my diet food.

DH is also back to work properly next week so hopefully I can stop panicking about money, he probably wont be on full wages for a few weeks until it is all properly up and running, but at least he will have some money coming in as our savings are just gone. I will really miss having him here everyday though. But he is delighted with himself today as he has transport again, so he feels like he has his independance back. We have only 1 car which is the one I drive, although when we are together I let him drive as he is a desperate back seat driver and I end up losing the plot :haha:) he had a car when I met him and it sat there and was never used as he was given a company van so it seemed pointless to have 2 cars with only one being used. but he has really missed not being able to go anywhere on the days I'm working when he is home and it will take the pressure off of me as I have had to leave for work earlier the last few days to drop him in as with my job I'm on the road going to different groups during the mornings and work from home in the afternoons to do all the paperwork so then I had to go back into town to collect him.

Anyway enough ramble from me, I really must go to bed. xx
I hope Natasha and Sophia have better days tomorrow. Kira was extra clingy today and by nap time I was exhausted and took a 2 hour nap with her. It must have been something in the air making them all have off days.

Shiv- I'm glad you had a better day today, but it's too bad it was from being in denial :haha:

Cleckner- I can't believe your wait is almost over! How do you think Emma will act when she see's her daddy? Have you counted forward to see if you'll be free and clear of AF when DH arrives? :haha:

jelr- enjoy your days off! Yay for DH getting his own car! I hope his first week back to work goes smoothly and he comes home happy and full of energy!

Today I kept my curls and took this picture later in the day so some of the curl is lost, but you can get an idea...

The girl who is going to cut my hair is having some health problems so my new hair style might be on hold for awhile. She has arthritis and anxiety and isn't having an easy time with either right now. I don't trust anyone else to cut it short so if I end up having to get it cut by someone else in the meantime I'll just have the ends trimmed up.

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