***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Yeah actually thats what Dh and myself were actually saying the two girls are so close now and there is over a year between them, so hopefully we will have a LO by next year so it will be the same. I think it was just the shock when she announced and then realising the dates were exactly 2 months apart :cry:

I wish I had 10lbs gone - If I lose another 4 over the next 2 weeks it will be 10 but it is only 6 so far, but hey that is nearly a half a stone right - even though it has taken me about 6 weeks I have stopped and started so much :dohh:

You were never a blimp and dont put yourself under too much pressure because you lost it all very quickly after Sophia so you will lose anything you put up this time too. My motto is when you are abstaining from drinking on holidays you must have nice food and loads of it :haha: so you did right.
LOL Shiv, I've been super busy this weekend too. You're bragging didn't drive me away :rofl:

talking- I love how Sophia says real sentences now. That is so amazing and it must be really fun hearing what she has to say. My friends daughter is also very advanced in her language and she gets into real arguments with her mother now :lol: It leaves me feeling a little sad because I know Kira must have so much to say but she can't tell me. Congrats to Natasha too for having her first real sentence :thumbup: I have a feeling Kira will need speech therapy one day. She still cannot mock sounds properly- she only repeats back pa, pe, ba, or be for almost anything I ask her to say. I needed speech therapy as a kid and didn't talk until I was almost 5 and from what I've read, language development has a large genetic component. Kira has been really slow in all her milestones (except for having a dry diaper in the morning- she's a super advanced pee holder!), so I'm not surprised she's slow on talking too... she likes to drive her mommy crazy with worry :haha:

Shiv- I'm glad you had a great time on your vacation. I hope your post- vacation depression isn't too bad. I love that dress- you should spoil yourself and buy it!

Cleckner- congrats on seeing a 1 on the scale :happydance: Too bad Emma isn't a little older and then she could take the picture for you :lol:

jelr- Things have a way of working out, so whenever your next baby comes I'm certain it will be the perfect spacing :hugs:

My weekend was fun. We didn't do anything special for mother's day, but about a week ago DH snuck all my recipe cards to the office supply store and had them laminated for me. Then he snuck them back into my recipe box and I was surprised by nicely laminated cards that evening when I cooked dinner. It was such a thoughtful gift because I love my recipe cards- and now I can spill things all over them and it doesn't matter :haha:
I've seen a few of the cubs are potty trained already too and that makes me kinda :shock: and think I'm doing something wrong by not caring if Emma potty trains yet. :blush: I'm not bothered by it. I thought you weren't supposed to start potty training until 2-3 years old.

Spidey- Emma's not too chatty either. I mean she has been coming out with a lot more words lately but she certainly isn't speaking in long winded sentences. I mean she DOES, but in baby babble sentences that make no sense. :rofl: I think hers is more because she's not around other people or kids at all. I mean, I talk to her but probably not as much as most kids hear IYKWIM. Because they usually have both parents there so they hear them communicate. Where with us, it's just me and I don't say a whole lot throughout the day. Which makes me feel bad because I could be the reason she's 'behind'.
I'm not going to start potty training till this summer- perhaps right around her birthday. But if it doesn't work out then I'll wait a couple of months and try again. I think if I wanted to make Kira sound advanced, I could say I'm potty training her right now since a few times I've stuck her over the toilet in midstream or mid poo :lol: But to me that doesn't count. I only did it to spare the rug in my bathroom from even more damage. :haha:

Cleckner- me and DH blab ALL day and I have a tendency to talk to myself, so that's certainly not the issue with Kira :haha:
Girls I wouldn't think any of the LO's are behind - they are just all doing things in their own time. So I wouldn't worry, I do understand that is easier said than done though because Natasha was one of the last to do all the other bits like sitting, rolling, standing, crawling and walking and I did worry at the time but then she seemed to catch up with all that stuff and It made me realise even though they can be months behind to do things, they all catch up with one another and sometimes I think when I write stuff it makes it sound like Natasha is more advanced than she is because I say what she has said in the words I know she means but most of the time it sounds nothing like that. She says a lot of things that even my family dont know what she is saying and only myself and DH know as we hear her saying the words so often ifkwim. For example I said a few weeks ago about her wanting her toes covered and you thought she had said that spidey - where as then I had to explain that all she actually said was teddy toe toes for teddy to cover her toes :haha: - I just sometimes dont know how to spell what she says :haha:

Re: Potty training: I'm thinking of maybe trying during the summer, but I'm still in two minds - Like you Cleck I didn't think it was done until they were 2 and was gonna wait until then and then when I was pregnant loads of people said to me, you would be better off potty training her now before the baby comes along so you dont have 2 sets of nappies, and it made me think more about it. I do think I'm going to go the road of just letting her go bare bottomed and I think I would like to do that in the summer when it is warmer, although our house is always really warm. I always feel much colder in the winter and it does get so cold and wet and miserable in winter in Ireland so I just have it in my head that even though the temperature of the house doesn't change much as the heat is on, that she would be freezing with her bum out :haha: so I think I might just try and see if she is ready and if not wait until next Easter when it starts to get warm again.

I really dont know if she is ready though as her nappy is always completely sodden in the mornings and she doesn't have a specific poo time and is quite happy to go around with a dirty nappy if we didn't smell it, she would never tell us and even when you do cop she is doing a poo and say "are you pooing - do you want your nappy changed" she will say noooo because she doesn't want to be changed. On the other hand - I have the potty in the bathroom since Christmas and she will sit on it when I'm sitting on the loo and even pretends to wipe :haha: - Ack it is hard to know, :shrug: but I really want to do it when I'm off work as I really am a control freak when it comes to things like that and want to be the one doing all her firsts with her myself (and DH) instead of when she is over in my mams, but then I see her little cousin who is 3 and they have to keep asking her every couple of minutes does she need to do a wee and I think it might be easier changing a nappy than trying to remember to check if she wants to go and deal with a load of accidents. I'm so lazy aren't I :haha:
Kira's been slow in almost everything like Natasha- rolling, crawling, sitting up, walking, etc. And now talking too :lol: But she's really good at puzzles and complicated shape sorters :thumbup: And she's also super cuddly and has a very sweet disposition. :cloud9: I don't think I posted about it, but at the birthday party we went to a few weeks ago, Kira was sitting in my lap as she played with toys. She insists on sitting on someone's lap as she plays or eats. Another lady at the party started trying to get her daughter to sit on her lap too, but her daughter wanted nothing to do with it :haha: The mom kept pulling her daughter towards her and saying "you're being sooo cuddly today" and the girl kept pushing herself away to go play by herself :rofl: Sometimes I would get annoyed having Kira sitting on me all the time, but since that party I've been enjoying every minute since I realize it's not typical for kids her age. (did I brag enough??, LOL)

My nips aren't hurting anymore so I think no bfp this month. If my luteal phase is short again, I expect AF in the next few days. If it's longer, then early next week. I'm feeling very "whatever" about getting pregnant right now. I need to get out my Diva cup and see if I can get it up there further this cycle :haha:
You definitely should brag and do enjoy every minute of it. Natasha was never a cuddly baby and still isn't. From the time she was 2 months old, if she was tired she just wanted to be put down and left alone and not handled or cuddled at all or she would just cry and squirm in your arms. She does give us cuddles, but it is more like a hug rather than cuddling into us now, but she would be exactly like that other baby and would prefer to be out being nosey rather than on my knee. :haha: The only time she really sits quiet on my knee and just cuddles in is when she is watching tv just before bed when she is tired, I used to think it was the tv and put it on during the day if I felt like a cuddle but that didn't work either and she just wanted to stand or sit on the floor :dohh: - So I would so love those cuddles. :cloud9: because it does make me really sad that she doesn't want to cuddle sometimes :cry:

Natasha can do shape sorters but only the very basic ones like the circle and square. We have one that has 10 different shapes and she tries to do it but gets annoyed when she can't, I reckon if she stuck at it long enough she might get them in the right ones, but she has no patience at all :haha:

I used to worry when Natasha was not doing the same as the other Lioin cubs, but now that she can, she can walk and roll just the same I would imagine, mind you she is still not good with climbing (thank god or I would probably have a heart attack :haha:) and I'm sure once Kira starts talking there will be no stopping her. I think she is just laid back. I reckon she has the right idea, she will be doing all these things for the rest of her life so what is the hurry :thumbsup:

You probably will get pregnant now that you are feeling whatever about it. I sometimes think when you forget about it and are not really thinking about it is when it happens.

Ouch for getting the diva cup up further :blush: - that sounds painful :haha:
Emma is cuddly too. Emma and Kira seem very similar with a lot of things. Emma LOVES puzzles too. I only have two of them for her so I want to buy her more. Off topic a bit- but do you have a rack that fits the puzzles on it? I want to get her those melissa and doug chunky puzzles but all the reviews I've read about the racks say the chunky puzzles don't fit on them. :(

Anyways..:lol: I got off track a bit there. But when I had those playdates with the 3 girls that turned nasty on me, their kids didn't want to cuddle either but Emma would always come back to me to get hugs before running off again. And when I told the girls about Emma and I sitting and cuddling they said their little ones don't do that. I wonder if it's a breastfeeding thing. :shrug: Well, an extended breastfeeding thing since we are still doing it at this 'advanced' age. :haha:

I'm feeling pretty whatever about getting pregnant too. I just found a house back home that I freaking LOVE. It's 95k dollars but it's in DH's old town so literally within 15 minutes of everyone back home. I really really want it. But we don't even know if DH is gonna lose his job yet and by the time we know, it'll probably be sold. :lol: I shouldn't have even looked because now I can't get it out of my head. It's exactly what we want though. But the thought of finding a new house and losing weight has taken my mind completely away from having another kid. It doesn't help that my luteal phase hasn't fixed itself so I pretty much know it's not happening yet for me anyways.

jelr- When are you guys gonna start trying again? I think I remember you saying december this year but I can't be sure. :haha:
I have alot of Melissa and Doug puzzles but no puzzle rack to test them on. I keep them in a stack on the lowest shelf of my cube organizer. I usually pull them all out and lay them across the floor and Kira will play with a few. I love the Melissa and Doug puzzles. If you have a Michael's or AC Moore craft store, they often run sales that give 50% off Melissa and Doug puzzles (or buy 1 get 1 free) and both stores have great coupons for 15 or 20% your whole purchase if you watch their websites.

Cleckner- you are going to jinx it and Corey won't lose his job :haha: Any pictures of your dream house for nosey me to snoop at? :blush:

I wonder if Emma and Kira are extended breast feeders because they tend to be more cuddly, or if we made them that way with our boobies? :lol: I never intended to feed Kira this long- I've been doing whatever she wants since a few weeks after she was born.

jelr- Kira isn't a climber yet either (thank god!) LOL! I'm sure in time they'll be climbing, but that milestone can wait. You're exactly right though- there's no hurry for them to walk, talk, etc. I took my sweet time talking as a child and there's nothing stopping me now :haha:
Okay, the house I want is under construction so the pictures reflect that a bit. They completely redid the interior. Which is pretty much why it's my dream house because I don't want to have to do any work on whatever house we buy next. :lol: I saved the piccies so I could email them to DH so I just gotta upload them to photobucket and than I'll post.
Okay, I got distracted and was talking to my dad on the phone. :haha:

Living Room

Dining Room



And my favorite part of the entire house. The basement

And there is 3 bedrooms but no pictures online. I assume they are just standard looking bedrooms though. :haha: It's only got the 1 bath which DH hates but they said it's ready for a full bath in the basement so I figure that's a project we could do a few years down the road. I totally want this house. I don't have any pictures of the outside that is actually finished because they redid the outside as well. It's just a standard ranch style house though with a one car garage.
I love the basement too. You could turn that into a play room and have a sitting area with tv :thumbup: The kitchen floor tile is very pretty and the large window in the kitchen is really nice. The center island in the kitchen is a strange height- kind of tall isn't it? 1 bathroom isn't good if you're use to 2, but I grew up with just one and never thought twice about it. I use to pee outside behind the shed or in the drainage tub for the washing machine down the basement if I had an emergency :rofl:

Fingers crossed that it's not sold by the time you need to buy!
I'm curious about that island in the kitchen too. It doesn't even match the rest of the kitchen. The wood is darker. But it's in the middle of being constructed in these pictures so maybe they stained the rest to match. Either way, I could do without the island. :haha:

This isn't like my DREAM house but for our price range, this is exactly what we want if that makes sense. I mean, if we could afford it I'd want a move opened floor plan but this is an old house so not made the same way they make them now. But this house is probably sturdier than any new house we could buy. They don't make em like they used to.
It is lovely Cleck, I love the way the 3 rooms join on to one another and it looks really airy and bright and to have loads of light. That is the one thing I dont like about our house, we have a little hallway between the kitchen and sitting room so I have to move Natasha into the room i am in as if not I cant see or hear her from the other room. That island is weird - isn't it and it is funny that the took all the picures while it was being renovated instead of at least moving the ladders and tools :haha: it really is a fab house for the price :thumbup:

Do all houses in the US have basements? We dont have them here - do you have attics?

Spidey: I'm in total agreement, climbing is the one milestone that can definitely wait :haha: How are your nips now, still nothing??

Regarding TTC, the jury is still out on when, but no it will definitely be before December, I have my gyne (obgyn in the US) appointment on the 13th of June to see if there is anything we can do to prevent another mc so we are waiting to see what they say. I am thinking we might wait until July now as my cousin is getting married on the 15th July and we are really close and Natasha is the flower girl and all the family will be there, so it would be nice to have a couple of drinks that night when Natasha goes to bed (my brother doesn't want to go to the after part so has decided he is babysitting) and it is up the county so it will a little mini holiday for us and the only one we will get this year as our savings are just about gone and DH is not back to work properly yet. I also still need to give up the cigs and I really would like to be off them before I get pregnant so as I'm not craving them the whole way through and just waiting to get to the end of the pregnancy to smoke again. I want to kick it for good this time and feel I need to do it before I get pregnant rather than stressing myself even more by giving up when I am pregnant. I had planned on taking those chamix tablets but they are really expensive (even more than cigs lol) and again we are really watching money at this stage and I just haven't felt after the mc and then DH losing his job and now worry about money and adjusting to getting back to work. But then I dont know if I will ever feel ready and will just have to do it :haha: - So the next step is to go to the appointment and see what they say and make the decision then exactly when we are going to but it will definitely be in the next few months.

Af is a bit strange this time, it has been really light since the mmc and I put that down to the lining of my womb having to thicken up again, but both times it only lasted 4 days so this time it was all gone by Monday and then I got up this morning and the bitch was back, was only heavy for about an hour and it is only spotting now - strange!!
haha Cleckner, I didn't notice the darker wood too. It looks like they tiled underneath that island, so you can remove it once you move in :haha:

Since I'm not well traveled, I can only speak for the houses in the middle of the east coast, but most of them have basements, and every house has an attic. The only reason not to have a basement is if the house is very close to water, or if the builder was really cheap and trying to save some money on excavation costs.

Jelr- In the mornings I will sometimes get heavier flow and then by the end of the day AF will lighten again. My theory is that I continue to bleed all night, but since I'm laying down it pools up more so more comes out in the morning. haha, but I could be wrong! Maybe once you start TTC, me and Cleck will have longer luteal phases and we can all be pregnant together :thumbup:

My nips are telling me nothing. I'm having some early pregnancy symptoms like exhaustion, insomnia and bloating, but I've been getting that for the last few cycles right before AF comes. So I'm predicting AF will arrive in the next couple of days.
Weigh in day tomorrow cleck! I predict 195lbs! i love that house, but I am sure that *if* corey leaves the Navy then there will be other lovely houses out there even if that one gets sold.

Hi Spidey and jelr

jelr - my mum uses Champix, can you get it on prescription over there as that i show she gets it?
DH and Kira are off getting me a milk shake :happydance: I've had a really sore throat since yesterday so I'm waiting for it to go away or turn into something worse.

Does anyone have good plans for the weekend? We'll probably work in the garden and go to the park.
Oh no Shiv, there's no way I lost that much this week. :haha: I'm glad you have such confidence in me though. :D I started back on my exercise bike this week, but I didn't use myfitnesspal and I didn't take my walks so it kind of evens out I think. :blush: We'll see in the morning. It's almost midnight here now and I really should be trying to sleep but I can't help myself, I have to get my BnB fixes when I can.

So I was just looking in the postpartum section on here. I'm an idiot and I do it every time but when threads about 'post pregnancy bellies' show up every so often I always end up browsing through and it's never "normal" women posting in there. It's always ones that are super slim and have no stretchmarks and their bellies look perfect after. So now I feel like shit. :dohh: It doesn't help that they are like 'oh my belly got so destroyed, I'm so ugly' and than they post pictures of this perfect flat belly with like one stretchmark on it. And these are girls with 1 month old babies and they are saying 'oh I still have 5 lbs to lose..boo hoo poor me'. :gun: I wish I could avoid those types of threads but I seriously can't control myself sometimes. :rofl:

spidey- well my plans involve me playing with Emma and I might go out and get the mail and I possibly might sit on the couch and watch tv. :rofl::rofl: I never have plans without DH. It's the sad life of a lonely housewife with no friends. :haha: And omg a milkshake sounds so good.I haven't had sweets in months. Not even chocolate. :shock: I just know that once I have one bite of something sweet I'm going to go nuts and binge on it. I seriously could sit and eat half a pie if given the chance. :lol:(Pie is my weakness. Cherry, pumpkin, apple, ALL pie is gooooooooddddd :lol:)
LOL Cleckner, I found the thread you're talking about :rofl: Where did all those women come from??? :lol: There's a website called "the shape of a mother" (I think) that has more realistic pictures. Do you ever watch the show "Top Chef"? The host is/was a super model named Padma who was pregnant one season. Then in the next season she was wearing a skimpy bikini in one episode and looked like she never even had a baby :shock: They did a long close up shot of her in the bikini which pissed me off since it's a show about cooking, not about Padma in a bikini. Way to go Padma for making every mother out there feel like shit :rofl:

I have an awful sweet tooth and I'm badly addicted to chocolate and sugar. I'm dreading having to cut out the sweets when I get pregnant. After Kira was born there was talk that I had undiagnosed GD, so they might automatically put me on a low sugar/carb diet for the next one.

Do you have any bounce zones, or similar places where you live Cleckner? I haven't been to one yet but they sound like fun.

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