--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

thanks joeyjo, i really think it will solve alot of problems like getting on the bus/train etc with a double buggy, just hope i dont have a huge chunky baby like jesse to lug around haha x
Am I the only one still relying mainly on milk for nutrition? I feel maybe I'm not feeding him enough compared to some of you guys but he's putting on weight ok. See what you think?
My routine:
7am Wake, cuddles and milk (both boobs) in bed.
8am up and washed
9am Finger food breakfast, half a nectarine and maybe a banana for example and three fingers of toast with marg only.
10am nap
12pm Lunch, a pouch of Ella's Kitchen or Plum puree, baby rice cake and a biscuit, or finger food of what I'm having for lunch (veg only at mo no meat yet) depending if we are out or not, then offer milk (normally only one boob)
2pm nap
4pm Breast feed (cluster feeding from here on, on my terms so he sleeps)
6pm Breast feed
7pm Breast feed (normally short as he falls asleep) then bed
4am Short breast feed and wake again at 7.......

Everyone still okay for Monday?
Pip, Sophia still gets most of her nutrition from milk. I do offer her 3 solid BLW meals a day - but the amount she actually eats is still pretty small so I would say she gets 85% of her food from milk.
Pip- Kira is mostly only eating breast milk too. I do 1 BLW meal per day and I don't think she takes in much but I do see little bits of food in her diaper. Some days she gets a piece of fruit for lunch too... but only if she's awake while I'm eating my own lunch. She's still putting on weight, so having a diet of 95% milk must be okay!

Kira broke out in hives all over her body again, and this time we're thinking its from raspberries. She ate one for the first time right before the outbreak. My poor baby has hives even on her ears! So the doctor has her on an antihistamine for the rest of the week. She must have inherited my crappy genes for food allergies.

Besides that, not much else is happening. We had lovely weather here for the weekend so we spent most of the days outside.
Congratulations Booth.........how exciting. Wish I could have a BFP too - so jealous. Sorry the morning sickness is driving you crazy,try and take things easy. Hugs to you
Hey everyone - sorry I've been a little absent the last week or so, only just back to normal today after all the celebrations and the aftermath. :lol: Quite glad to be (almost) back to normal. It's been a lot of fun. And thank you for the lovely comments and congratulations! I loved my dress, it was pretty much my ideal, though I am not a natural strapless girl. Still, I don't think I'd have been able to use the fur wrap I got had the dress had sleeves or straps, and I did love the fur, so. :D I still can't believe I found one that had a lace overlay, that was what I wanted most of all. And to think it was the first dress I tried in the only shop I went to, on the sale rack... weird. It feels like it was meant to be! Not sure what to do with it now. It needs cleaning because the train got really grubby and muddy, as there had been some showers that day even though it didn't rain when we were outside at all (the sun actually came out and it was gorgeous just as the ceremony finished and we left the church). I always thought I'd sell it, and I probably will, but the cost of cleaning - ack. I know it needs to be done whatever, even if I stuck it in a box under the bed. Just got to get my arse in gear now.

So. A huge congratulations to Shiv on the chocolate front! Well done - are you still on the wagon? I have slipped a bit, as I thought I would. Not terribly, and I am still 10st, which is pretty amazing considering I've eaten a lot more than I had been over the last 2 weeks. But I am determined to shift another 10lb at least, even though I am actually fairly happy with things. I'd love to be 9 and a half st when I go back to work (April 16th :cry: ). Don't think it's going to happen as it gets harder the less you have to lose, but even just another 3 or 4 would be wonderful. Would really like a scale with smaller increments than 1lb, but I know I'd get a bit obsessed...

As for milk vs food - Adam is still getting a fair amount of milk, though he's dropped quite a few oz. The BLW is going ok, some days I think he really doesn't eat much, and we have had some meltdowns at the table, but he's not been well. Friday, when we got back from our "honeymoon" in Devon, I was only cooking for him and me because Chris took to his bed with a 12 hour bug, so I made him some fish fingers as I was having curry, and whereas he'd normally have curry as well I was not feeling well and couldn't be fecked with the mess (bad mummy). anyway, he would hardly touch the fish fingers or the tomatoes (which he loves) or breadsticks (ditto), so I brought out some yogurt, which he has never been known to refuse (plain organic Yeo Valley), and he had some of that, and then I had the idea of dipping the fishfingers into the yogurt and he ate the lot. strange baby.

so we went on "honeymoon" and I use the quotes because it wasn't my idea of a honeymoon! always imagined 2 weeks on a Greek island, you know, not 4 nights in a guest house in Torquay with a 7 month old! it was meant to be a cottage near Totnes, which we booked the day before (after getting a very generous financial gift from C's auntie), but it all went wrong - long story, basically we arrived when we said we would, nobody was there, we looked through the letterbox and it was very very cold and damp. tried to call the owner, she said there was a delay, could we come back in a hour. when we did there was someone there but nobody answered the door! so we left, furious, tried to call her again, no answer. eventually she left a message 3.5 hours after we were due to have checked in, saying the cottage was ready but still too cold and she was trying to get some more heaters (the place had clearly been left empty over the winter) AND she was still trying to track down a travel cot! THAT was actually the clincher for us cancelling - we already had decided to, but the place had been advertised as ready for a baby with travel cot & highchair. so we eventually decided not to drive straight back to London, headed to Torquay, picked a guest house at random, checked it out, it was fine, and booked in for 4 nights. we got a full refund on the cottage. so there we were in a hotel, very nice and all, but a hotel, not a cottage, so not private. we were both anxious about Adam disturbing other people, he started with a cold and wouldn't go to sleep easily 3 out of the 4 nights, I had brought a microwave steriliser and so had to go and buy a bucket and bottle brush and Milton tablets and washing up liquid (pain in the arse since we have all that at home), and there was nowhere for Adam to play apart from on the bed. we had thought we'd be able to chill out and kick back and all that, have a routine like home for Adam, but of course we couldn't. though the people who ran the hotel were really lovely and the breakfasts magnificent, it wasn't what we'd wanted. I think we should have gone home.

But we made the most of it. Adam had his first trip to the swimming baths and we took a trip to Exmouth to see Shadow and Vincent, which was really lovely. Vince really is a lot bigger than Adam - he has about 4lb more on him I'd guess - but he isn't really any taller - we held them up together and there's not much in it. V is built a lot bigger, AE is quite slight really. he's getting very active, up on his hands and knees all the time, though he gets around faster on his tummy still.


Adam's not well though. :cry: the runny nose didn't really turn into anything while we were in Devon, though I got a cold, which I am still shaking off, but since we've been home he's got diarrhoea, been sick a few times and a nasty cough. we're off to the docs in a bit because I am not sure about this cough, he sounds quite wheezy/rattly when he breathes sometimes and I want to be sure it's not on his chest. I really can't tell if it is just his throat.

so. better get the young chap up, he's been napping for the past 2 hours (bless him, I do love the long naps!) and our appointment is in 20 mins. just over the road but I have to get him in the sling.

hope everyone is well! am really looking forward to the meet next week. :happydance:
MJ - sorry to hear Adam is unwell, i hope he gets better soon. Also so sorry you got messed around with your cottage how damn annoying! We aer going to stay in a cottage this weekend so I hope it is not common!

As for me, well I am 9st 11 1/4lbs today :happydance: just from giving up chocolate!! I am gonna try to keep off it until Easter now. I do however think it might be affecting my milk, Sophia is waking up lots in teh night to feed so I am wondering if it is making my milk less filling?

I am exhausted, after a relatively easy 6 months, Sophia is now not sleeping much at night! I thoght things were supposed to get easier not worse!
Heyyyy girlies!!!

God, it feels like it's been an AGE since I checked in on here :nope: sorry about that...

So a catch up of sorts! Mostly CONGRATS to Booth, WOW, what an adventure you will be on with two so young! OH and I have had second thoughts about having babies so close together, and we're thinking maybe of waiting until Vincent is at preschool or something to have our second :winkwink: But wow, how exciting for you my lovely, can't wait to hear all about your next little bundle!!! :hugs:

And CONGRATS to MJ and Adam!!! Though I had the pleasure of giving you those congratulations in person :happydance: Thanks for coming down to see us, it was sooo lovely to see you all! And yes, you're right; Adam and Vince are not too far apart in height (I think Vince was just a smidgen taller is all) but Adam is much more lithe and slender for sure! I saw your video of him getting active, WOW, Vincent is really nowhere near that at all that I can tell! :shock: Sorry to hear that he's poorly again :( :( That's not good at all... Healing vibes!! xxx

tmr, Lucas was up the stairs?!?!? Oh my GOD, I am amazed, Vince is just nowhere near moving himself around (though he does love his walker, bless him! I chase him and say "I'm gonna getcha!!" and he squeals with laughter and runs away hahahaha)

Spidey, eeep poor Kira and the hives, I guess you know what to expect though with your own allergies to deal with, at least you will know how to help her with it all... poor little mite! :hugs:

Hmmmm can't remember much else, it's late and I want to go to bed in a sec but felt so bad for neglecting my beautiful Lion Cubs... So a brief catch up with us: I'm well and truly into Etsy now, have been featured on the front page (which is a big deal!!! My items got over 700 views in less than an hour on there!) a couple of times recently, just hoping for all of this attention to turn into some sales some time soon :D But just enjoying taking part in loads of things to get myself known on there and stuff, generally working on my artwork a fair bit and thinking about where I want to go with my business...

As for Vincent, eugh... Well, we're not swaddling him any more (woohoooo!!) and for the first 3 days ish it was just perfect, he seemed to be sleeping even better than before (and he was already a decent sleeper!) but then just the past few days he has suddenly become really cranky and touchy and his sleeping has been a bit all over the place. I am hoping and praying that it's teething (he had his very first temperature yesterday, bless! it was just 37.9 so I gave him some calpol and some watery juice and he seemed much better)

But we're really praying for teeth as my mum says that it was around this time that she was getting anxious about mine, and 6 months later she was pulling her hair out and finally a random tiny little tooth popped through.... I do NOT want Vince to have to go through what I've been through with my bloody teeth! I have Oligodontia, and it really hasn't been much fun... So teething would be very very nice right now :) But we'll see... He still hasn't been really "sick" ever, so he might just have a bit of a cold or something that is making him feel a bit pants... But so we're getting up a few times a night again, and he has been a bit of a bugger about going down for daytime naps lately... So I do hope that will settle soon. But YAY for no more swaddling, right?! :D

Other than that, I'm also noticing that Vince has pretty hypermobile joints just now, and alarm bells are ringing about EDS :wacko: so some advice would be FAB:

Do your babies have backwards-bending elbows?! Is it normal at this age? Do their other joints pop and click a lot? I know babies are generally flexible, but my mum swears that she doesn't remember any of her babies but me having the backwards elbows... So I'm slightly concerned. Just a teeny bit. :shrug:

Anywho, I have to go sleep now, not sure when Vince might wake me and I've already used up most of my evening on my business stuff! Very tired now :winkwink:

Love to you all, you are all always in my thoughts!!

x x x x x x
Jesses wrists knees and elbows click alot depending on what he's trying to do, I don't think he has backwards bending elbows, but he is quite flexible, I havnt compared him to other babies with it but ge likes to put his feet upto his mouth alot and he does seem to ge very bendy, he likes to stand up holding the sofa resulting in him doing the splits a few tines lol, if you are worried can you not take him to the doctor and tell them your concerns? Or is it too early to tell? I'm sure it's just mummy paranoia xxx
Mmmm, hopefully, but several people have commented on his extreme backward elbows...

I could go to the doc, but I'm 99% sure they'd say it's too early to tell. And I guess in any case, even if he did have EDS, there'd be very little I could do about it just yet... :shrug: I do cringe when I see his elbows doing that though, as does my mum!!! lol...
Will check Mog tonight for the elbow things, but her joints click a lot. I'm slightly hypermobile, as is OH, so I expect the poor thing will be too. Lots of pilates for her when she's older.

So sorry your honeymoon wasn't as you expected - very similar story to mine, we were supposed to stay in a cottage belonging to a friend of Duncan's, it flooded, she was there the first night!!!! it was miserable weather and in the end we just went home after a couple of days. We went to St Tropez on a cheapy ferry/drive holiday at the end of that september and refer to that as our honeymoon now, as it was much nicer :)

Mog gets pretty much no solid food at all. She will have the odd nibble from our plate, or we'll give her the baby organic snax to slobber on, but I haven't even attempted spooning food into her for a week or two. I think when she goes to creche at the gym or Duncan's friend's house to play with her baby she might have the odd bit of solid food, but nothing regular or substantial. She still hates swallowing it, and just doesn't seem all that interested. She has 8oz at most feeds, one at 8am, one at noon, one at 3pm, one at six pm and another at around 8.30pm just before she goes to bed at nine. Sometimes she'll want another feed in the afternoon and if she wants more milk, we let her have it. She's tried a sippy cup with some baby juice in, which wasn't a total disaster. I couldn't tell you what her weight gain is like, as I have no idea what she weighs, but she seems perfectly happy.

She had another audition yesterday, which went really well but we haven't heard anything. She's going to Hong Kong with Duncan for a week at the beginning of April, which I'm rather dreading. Any tips on flying with babies? We're not sure what to do about formula and things.
hiya ladys sorry i havnt been on kids have been ill and lucas has 3 teeth coming thow and it has really hurt him hes been off his food for a wk now hopfully over it now as he ate yesterday. He is so fast theys days you only knew where he is coz he rorrrs like his lion lol we have baby gate all over the house to stop him getting hurt.

shadow lucas and rueben's elbows dnt bend back and there bones have never kilcked if you take him the doc i dnt think they would say its to early you can only try but i dnt now any thing about EDS (((hugs)))

my oh is starting to come round to the having a 3rd bubs so i just have to wait untill iam 100% ready for a nother then i want my girl but will prob have a boy agane.
Good morning all you lovely mummies, finally have time for a catch up - sorry its been so long. Was reading but not having time to reply to everyone and then its just gets mammouth :rofl: So good to see you are all (mostly) still here and looking forward to hopefully seeing some of you on Monday x

Boothh - wow, massive congrats hun, thats fantastic news as I knwo how much you wanted it. How you feeling? Not too icky now I hope x We used a Moby wrap when Imi was smaller but moved onto the meitai since she got bigger - not sure i'd want to use the meitai with a newborn, but i agree with Joeyjo, i'll be going for a connecta next time - another option to look at, my friend has the phil and teds buggy which has the bit you either click on top for toddler when new baby lays flat or clip at the back once baby is sitting up more. She loves it and said its super light :D

MJ - just wanted to say massive congrats agin. Your photos are FAB and you look just stunning (as does AE in his gown). Sorry to hear about your honeymoon but glad you managed to get a full refund :( lol, at the fishfinger and yoghurt combo. Imi tends to do that with crumpets and fromage frais lol. So how do you feel now you're married? Any different? lol. I love that pic of Adam and Vincent - it looks like AE is thinking, oi, this is MY mummy :D

AE - congrats on Imogens job, thats fab :thumbup: No advice about flying though i'm afraid - not sure what happenes really. And good old daddy taking her away :D

Shadow - hey hun, so pleased you're doing well on Etsy. Looked at your FB pics and you have some fabulous stuff (and lots of patience lol). Imi doesn't have any clicky joints really but I have noticed that her elbows are very bendy so not sure that thats any help, lol. What kind of age can they diagnose EDS? Are there specific tests for it?

Shiv - well done on the chocolate hun, thats fab! I'm not even weighing myself anymore :rofl: I'm with you on the sleep thing. Imi has taken a huge step backwards although i'm not sure if its to do with the fact that shes been poorly. We also ordered a blackout blin but when Shaun put it up, it didn't work (its remote control for a roof velux window) :( They are sending out a replacement which i'm hoping will help as its soooooo light in her room. We don't do routine either. Imi eats when she wants and sleeps when she wants :rofl:

tmr - pleased that your DH has come round to the ideas of another, bet you're well chuffed x Hope your boys are both feeling better now :hugs:

spidey - so sorry to hear about Kiras hves bless her. That must be horrible :( Hope the antihistemines are working for her xx

Cleckner - sorry to hear about Emma being "difficult", it seems we're all getting to the part where they are into everything. Hope you're doing OK without Corey - he must be home soon? x

Pip - yes Monday is still looking OK with me so long as Imi has perked up :) We still rely on mainly milk and its working out fine. She is offrered 3 meals (most days) and just picks - some is going in as I see it in her nappy lol, but I would say shes still 90% milk :)

As for us - Imi has been quite poorly - she had an ear inection after a bad cold and a very rasttly chest (but thankfully no infection). Doc said shes a happy wheezer who has inherited her mummys ability to cough, poor girl :( She then perked up but i had a terrible bug - put me in bed for 3 days solid (and I lost 9lbs!!) which she then proceed to get - V&D galore:( and now her cold has come back again - with a vengeance. She really struggling but thankfully her Karvol vapouriser seemed to help last night as she only woke at midnight (has been 5 times a night at best). Anyone got any tips on wiping noses? She HATES it and i mean hates - screaming when she can see you're going to do it! I've tried the bogie sucker thing and thats even worse - you would actually think i was killing her :dohh:
Apart from that she's dong well - sitting, army crawling, crawling backwards, standing and doing well with her eating.

I've been in to see my boss and waiting about 4 weeks to see what they offer me :) I've asked for part time and set days althuogh I don't mind what I do (working for BT means theres normally something suitable). Busy with wedding plans too, only 6 months to go :happydance:

O, and I have a 2 for 1 voucher for Giraffe to so if we make it, i'll bring it xxx
Oh yes, the bogey sucker did not go down well with Mog. We ended up using the saline spray, she doesn't seem to mind having that spritzed up her nose and it does help. With wiping noses, there's a very very specific way to do it with our Imogen - using a muslin, you wave it about in front of her face a bit, pulling faces and making a silly noise and then (with a finger behind the muslin if that makes sense) wiggle/tickle/rub each nostril with the muslin, while pulling the silly face and making a silly noise. Do not wipe. Apparently wiping is agonisingly painful (I think the baby's lying, but this is what I get from the SCREAMING when I wipe). It sounds stupid, but I can always wiggle the muslin by each nostril, but she will never let me wipe her nose. There are a lot of colds around, four babies we know have persistent coughs, and Mog has had one for the best part of a month, with an occasionally runny nose too. It's horrid.

Oh, I checked her elbows, and they don't bend backwards, but oddly enough her godmother's elbows bend totally backwards, it's hilarious! And there's nothing wrong with her aside from a smidge of scoliosis.
Funny, we've been having the DO NOT WIPE MY NOSE OR MY FACE OR I'LL SCREEEEAAAAM, MUMMY confrontation as well. He's had a really runny nose for over a week and I hate seeing snotty babies, but what can you do?! Haven't had to go forth with the snot sucker because he hasn't seemed distressed with it. The issue has come more to a head with us because of the 3x a day great wiping of the face and hands after eating. God, BLW leaves a messy baby. And he HATES me going after him with a wet facecloth. You really would think I was digging under his fingernails with wooden splinters the way he carries on. Today I handed him the damp cloth and let him get on with it. He sucked it and managed to get some of the prunes and cream cheese off by default. :D

Speaking of BLW, going on how much he has eaten today and yesterday, Adam is feeling a lot better. Lunch just now was: a slice of toast (from a full-size loaf) thickly spread with Philadelphia cream cheese and sprinked with grated cheddar, a small slice from my spinach, mushroom and cheese omelette (prob 1/6 of a 2 egg omelette), about 6 prunes (from a tin) and about 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt. This is what was left on the table and floor and his bib after:


So he has his appetite back and his nappies are definitely better after the nastiness of the runs, but he still has a horrid cough and sounds like he's purring some of the time! And sometimes his voice sounds like he's on 60 a day. We went to the doc Tuesday and she said he was ok, in that he didn't have a chest infection, it's all in his throat so nothing we can do. Of course he didn't so much as peep when we were at the docs, he breathed quietly and didn't do a single cough, but she listened to his chest and back so am confident he is ok and it sounds worse than it it. He has seemed a lot better other than the cough and the raspy breathing, hasn't even had Calpol since Tues - a lot less ratty and screamy.

Vici, thank you :flower: :D and I agree re the pic! I do think AE looks a little possessive! So sorry to hear both you and Imi have been unwell, sounds like Imi has what AE has had, with the rattly cough and the V&D. but sounds like you had something a lot more severe than I did, you poor thing! Still, 9lb is 9lb... ;)

Shadow, sorry to hear you've reason to be concerned about Vince's joints. AE's joints sometimes click very lightly if I pull on them when picking him up (shoulders and elbows, perhaps wrists, I guess) but his elbows definitely don't bend back. I wonder if his fingers will because mine do, not sure if it's possible to tell that? Echoing Vici, are there any tests the doc can do or not till later? :( FX some teeth will peek through soon and put your mind at rest.

TMR, good news on the possible baby no3! and sorry to hear your boys have been poorly as well. there seems to be a LOT of it going around.

Aunty E, sorry no flying tips from here either, but I will be interested to hear if your husband has any to share when he gets back. I think we'll be flying with Adam before the year is out, just to Norway though, so only a 2hr flight. If it was me, for peace of mind, I'd contact the airline and ask what's available for parents with babies. What would worry me most would be all the baby paraphernalia and having to carry it all, plus a wriggling baby. Good luck to him!
Wow MJ Samuel never eats all of his like that, God knows I try, but he just plays with it. Well done Adam!!!
Thanks girls. I've been doing the muslim waving thing today and it seems to have gone abit better - also before reading your post AE, I had bought some saline spray (we'd tried the drops but she hated those) and it seems to be working better. She is just soooo full of snot it must be horrible, bless her :(

Wow, Adam, thats fab. Imi never eats that must lol :D Glad to see he's feeling abit better x
I forgot to say jesses fingers bend back ridiculously, I notice quite often when he's playing his fingers look in painful positions, though I'm really inflexible, Stuarts fingers
and thumbs bend back too so he obviously got it from his daddy,

as for the wiping faces/ noses thing Jesse will NOT let me
do it without a screaming fit, soo.. I just put the wipe or sponge in his hand, obviously the first thing he does is shove it in his mouth and he usually manages to do a good enough job this way! I know it's cheating but hey I don't like a fight with him haha,

He will not sleep in his own cot now, in being bad I know but I let him fall asleep snuggling me in bed then put him in his cot when ge is properly asleep, as soon as he wakes up thoughhe goes mad and will not settle back on his cot after his 6/7am feed he has to come in with me, I don't want to get in the habit of this but he breaks my heart crying, he knows what he's doing though cus he laughs and smiles as soon as I bring him into my bed, I'm so tired at the moment that I'll fi anything for an easy life and Jesse definatly knows how to take advantage of it!
Just wondered if all the babies were sitting up yet? Or standing up holding onto furniture?x
Hi everyone! I just caught up on the posts. Kira's hives are gone now, but she's still on once a day anti-histamines for a few more days. She HATES getting the medicine squirted in her mouth- poor thing.

It's funny because Kira likes getting her face wiped with warm water after eating :haha: She holds her face out to expect it now.

Kira sits up on her own, but I don't trust she'll stay that way so I put pillows all around her if I step away for a moment. She also stands while holding onto furniture. No crawling yet, but she can scoot backwards now even though she intends to go forward. How frustrating!

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