Hey everyone - sorry I've been a little absent the last week or so, only just back to normal today after all the celebrations and the aftermath.

Quite glad to be (almost) back to normal. It's been a lot of fun. And thank you for the lovely comments and congratulations! I loved my dress, it was pretty much my ideal, though I am not a natural strapless girl. Still, I don't think I'd have been able to use the fur wrap I got had the dress had sleeves or straps, and I did love the fur, so.

I still can't believe I found one that had a lace overlay, that was what I wanted most of all. And to think it was the first dress I tried in the only shop I went to, on the sale rack... weird. It feels like it was meant to be! Not sure what to do with it now. It needs cleaning because the train got really grubby and muddy, as there had been some showers that day even though it didn't rain when we were outside at all (the sun actually came out and it was gorgeous just as the ceremony finished and we left the church). I always thought I'd sell it, and I probably will, but the cost of cleaning - ack. I know it needs to be done whatever, even if I stuck it in a box under the bed. Just got to get my arse in gear now.
So. A huge congratulations to Shiv on the chocolate front! Well done - are you still on the wagon? I have slipped a bit, as I thought I would. Not terribly, and I am still 10st, which is pretty amazing considering I've eaten a lot more than I had been over the last 2 weeks. But I am determined to shift another 10lb at least, even though I am actually fairly happy with things. I'd love to be 9 and a half st when I go back to work (April 16th

). Don't think it's going to happen as it gets harder the less you have to lose, but even just another 3 or 4 would be wonderful. Would really like a scale with smaller increments than 1lb, but I know I'd get a bit obsessed...
As for milk vs food - Adam is still getting a fair amount of milk, though he's dropped quite a few oz. The BLW is going ok, some days I think he really doesn't eat much, and we have had some meltdowns at the table, but he's not been well. Friday, when we got back from our "honeymoon" in Devon, I was only cooking for him and me because Chris took to his bed with a 12 hour bug, so I made him some fish fingers as I was having curry, and whereas he'd normally have curry as well I was not feeling well and couldn't be fecked with the mess (bad mummy). anyway, he would hardly touch the fish fingers or the tomatoes (which he loves) or breadsticks (ditto), so I brought out some yogurt, which he has never been known to refuse (plain organic Yeo Valley), and he had some of that, and then I had the idea of dipping the fishfingers into the yogurt and he ate the lot. strange baby.
so we went on "honeymoon" and I use the quotes because it wasn't my idea of a honeymoon! always imagined 2 weeks on a Greek island, you know, not 4 nights in a guest house in Torquay with a 7 month old! it was meant to be a cottage near Totnes, which we booked the day before (after getting a very generous financial gift from C's auntie), but it all went wrong - long story, basically we arrived when we said we would, nobody was there, we looked through the letterbox and it was very very cold and damp. tried to call the owner, she said there was a delay, could we come back in a hour. when we did there was someone there but nobody answered the door! so we left, furious, tried to call her again, no answer. eventually she left a message 3.5 hours after we were due to have checked in, saying the cottage was ready but still too cold and she was trying to get some more heaters (the place had clearly been left empty over the winter) AND she was still trying to track down a travel cot! THAT was actually the clincher for us cancelling - we already had decided to, but the place had been advertised as ready for a baby with travel cot & highchair. so we eventually decided not to drive straight back to London, headed to Torquay, picked a guest house at random, checked it out, it was fine, and booked in for 4 nights. we got a full refund on the cottage. so there we were in a hotel, very nice and all, but a hotel, not a cottage, so not private. we were both anxious about Adam disturbing other people, he started with a cold and wouldn't go to sleep easily 3 out of the 4 nights, I had brought a microwave steriliser and so had to go and buy a bucket and bottle brush and Milton tablets and washing up liquid (pain in the arse since we have all that at home), and there was nowhere for Adam to play apart from on the bed. we had thought we'd be able to chill out and kick back and all that, have a routine like home for Adam, but of course we couldn't. though the people who ran the hotel were really lovely and the breakfasts magnificent, it wasn't what we'd wanted. I think we should have gone home.
But we made the most of it. Adam had his first trip to the swimming baths and we took a trip to Exmouth to see Shadow and Vincent, which was really lovely. Vince really is a lot bigger than Adam - he has about 4lb more on him I'd guess - but he isn't really any taller - we held them up together and there's not much in it. V is built a lot bigger, AE is quite slight really. he's getting very active, up on his hands and knees all the time, though he gets around faster on his tummy still.
Adam's not well though.

the runny nose didn't really turn into anything while we were in Devon, though I got a cold, which I am still shaking off, but since we've been home he's got diarrhoea, been sick a few times and a nasty cough. we're off to the docs in a bit because I am not sure about this cough, he sounds quite wheezy/rattly when he breathes sometimes and I want to be sure it's not on his chest. I really can't tell if it is just his throat.
so. better get the young chap up, he's been napping for the past 2 hours (bless him, I do love the long naps!) and our appointment is in 20 mins. just over the road but I have to get him in the sling.
hope everyone is well! am really looking forward to the meet next week.