--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Jesse tries to go forward but goes backwards too lol x
K girls. I'm on a public computer so don't have time for a lengthy response to everyone but I remember a few things.

Shadow- Emma is clicky as well but doesn't have bendy elbows. Try not to over-worry yourself hun. :hugs: I know that is easier said than done. And I have checked out your etsy shop here and there and actually plan on buying something from you one of these days but I want to wait until we are settled in our new place and I actually have an address for you to ship it to. :haha: but I for SURE want a shadow creation. ;):kiss:

Boothh- Emma sits up and can pull herself up onto things. She even cruised about five steps a few nights ago when holding onto the mattress on the floor. :thumbup: She's a terror. :rofl:

Vici- Hope Imi feels better soon hun. :hugs:

Everyone else, :wave: Sorry if I forgot you all.

AFU- We are doing fine. Still no DH. I have three more weeks until he is home so it's getting close. I cannot wait! :happydance: Emma is doing great. Anytime I go anywhere these days the only comments i get are about her red hair. Everyone LOVES it. She is just now starting to get thicker hair but there is still no length to it. :dohh: But it is my color of hair and is super bright. :cloud9: It's just what I ordered. :rofl:
George is sitting & very stable, he can get himself up & down no problem. He's also crawlng both in normal position & like a bear using his feet insted of his knees. He's been able to stand after we've propped him for quite a while and in the last week or so has been pulling himself up to stand all over the place; he's let go and fallen a few times but he's beginning too learn how to get himself down again. He crawls round the kitchen chasing my feet :rofl:
Aww they are all doing great arnt they! Jesse can get himself up on hands and knees but rarely manages to go forwards, he goes backwards or rolls/ shuffles to get to where he wants to go, he is very steady sitting up now, but I have to watch
him cus he throws himself forward at things, if I hold his hands he pulls himself to standing bit he doesn't do it on furniture yet though he does try, and if I put him next to the sofa whatever he can stay balanced happily playing for a longtime on his own, he doesn't step though he locks his knees, I have seen a few times he will let go and stand on his own for a few seconds but as soon as he realises he will grab back on lol, I don't think it will be long til he starts to crawl properly but for now he can always manage to get to where he wants too, at the moment he's fascinated with under the sofa and keeps getting his hands stuck under there lol x
Wow, lots of mobile babies around!!! Awesome! Still not much sign at all from Vincent on the crawling / shuffling front... Though he can stand very well for a minute or so if he holds on to my legs or something, and he can sit up beautifully now, very rarely falls over now (though I still leave pillows behind him as someone... joey? said! But he has never been too bothered if he falls on his face hahaha bless!)

Cleck, WOW, you'd really like something from my shop?!? That's super duper cool!!! Let me know if there's something I could make personally for you; I always take custom orders so if some of my stuff gives you some inspiration and you have an idea then do let me know! I'm sure I could manage a yummy 25% discount for anything you buy from me honey (that goes for all of you! If you ever fancy buying anything from my Etsy shop for yourselves or friends then do let me know it's you so that I can give you a nice discount my lovelies! :winkwink: )

We had London today with Fin, Vincent stayed at home with my mum and she had such a fabulous time (and he had been SUCH a bugger for us yesterday!!) that we've suggested that we make it a regular thing, even if we're not seeing Finlay, so next Saturday she's gonna come over for the day and be in charge of Vincent while we just go about doing our bits and bobs; Lee his book and me my Etsy stuff! So exciting!)

*presses pause on this post for Poo Fairy calling...*

...Aaaahhh... where was I? :rofl: Ah yes, so my mum is going to maybe try having vincent for the day more regularly, perhaps once a week, so that Lee and I can get some things done and not have to worry about him at all for most of the day :) I love the idea of him spending lots of time with his Grandparents, my mum and Lee's parents too. Oh yes, that reminds me, I'm not sure whether I've pimped Lee's book on here, so here goes: (I feel like a proper salesperson!!) He's writing under the pen-name of Lee Austin, and his first book, now available through Lulu (he self-published) as a print-on-demand book, is called "Fortune's Child" ... Clicky linky!
It's a young adult sci-fi story, a really good one if I do say so myself :winkwink: and he's already written the second in the trilogy and is starting to think about the third. He's going to be in our local paper next week promoting it and he's up to all sorts of other stuff for it, but if you could all tell your friends with 10-16 year old children (or anyone who's interested, it's good for adults too, much like Harry Potter in that way; though not in plot etc!!) Genre-wise, it is Sci-Fi, but VERY easy to read sci-fi, with loads going on that doesn't necessarily involve aliens and spaceships :winkwink: I'd best not say too much more, but PLEASE tell all your friends that your awesome mummy-friend's awesome partner has written an awesome book :happydance: Thanks guys!!

Hmm... So one more catch up thing from me, we saw Fin today and we went out in Sutton with her for 4 hours! That's twice the amount of time we'd been seeing her at the contact centre in that dull roomwith loads of screaming kids, and it was LOVELY! She seemed to enjoy herself, I know Lee and his mum and I did! We went bowling first (Fin lost the first game, but then me and her "swapped names" on the scoreboard for our second game as a lucky charm and she did heaps better hehe!) then we went and had a pub lunch near where she lives and just generally did lovely family stuff :) It was just awesome :D And so the next step, according to her mum, is that Finlay comes to stay with her Grandma down here in Devon and sees us down here again! Apparently her mum would like that to start happening as soon as possible now, woohoooo!! :wohoo: So we're really happy and looking forward to all of that to come :D

Gah, I sure can go on about myself, sorry guys!!! What else have you been chatting about that I can remember? ... Oooh, Ha!! The face / nose wiping thing! Vince is the same as most of the others here in hating it very very much! After he's had a messy meal, I get out the wetwipes and he screams and grumbles at me while I clean him up! I found that if he can see his dummy and knows he's going to get it afterwards, or if I distract him with the wetwipe packet (his absolute favourite "toy" at the moment, apart from perhaps mummy's laptop!!!) then he's not quite so distraught! It's so true though that anyone would think we're murdering them, the fuss they make!

Oh, and one other thing, we had to do CIA the other day :( :( Vince just would NOT settle to sleep, we were up and down and up and down trying to settle him more than 10 times and we just finally said "this is silly" - he was just spitting his dummy out then shouting down to us "Oi!!! Oiii!!! Get me back up, right now!! I refuse to go to sleep!" So in the end we made the tough choice to ignore him and he did get very upset, but I told Lee to leave him as I thought it was important that we do this for the very first time, and 45 minutes and lots of tears later he was asleep, slept right through with no trouble, then beamed at us from his cot in the morning! So I felt OK about having to do it for the first time, though it was VERY hard to ignore him and not fun at all to hear him upset... But anyway.

Oh, and ONE more TINY thing (lol) - we're back to swaddling again for a wee while. He was ok-ish without it for the first few days, but he was getting more and more broken nights, we were up 5 times each in the night by the end of a week without swaddling, and he was SOOOO grouchy in the daytimes that we thought this is silly, we want our awesome baby back! So we are back to it again for a wee while. I think he is close to being ready though, so we're making him a velcro-adorned swaddle-type blanket to hold his arms down a little bit but not as full-on as we had been! It's not finished quite yet: I'll let you guys know how it goes when we first use it!

OK, that's officially "it" from blabbermouth!! If some of you are still hoping to meet on Monday, have a FAB time, there's no way I can make it I'm afraid as I am far too poor :( Come oooon, Etsy... Make me some sales!! But I'll be there in spirit and wishing you guys a really happy day again!! Will miss seeing the babies a lot, snuggles and kisses for the poorly ones (and all of them!)

x x x x x x
Ha!! All that chatterfrom me and I didn't even mention the EDS thing! Thanks so much for your little poll on the bendy elbows, it has been so helpful! Some of you asked about testing etc: There are skin biopsy / genetic tests for all types of EDS EXCEPT mine, of course. :dohh: And if he does have it, it will be my type, as the types don't seem to mix within genes. So no, there is no definitive test yet, as we couldn't apply things like the Beighton scale (test of hypermobility) while he's still a super flexible baby... My thinking from what you've all said is that it may still be that he is just a hypermobile boy; my mum is almost as hypermobile as me but hasn't had any issues with it, so hopefully Vince will be the same and even if it is "technically" EDS, it will be so mild in him that we won't even have to worry about a diagnosis too much. But it looks like he is definitely hypermobile with those elbows! So I guess what will be will be, we'll just have to see how things unfold for him. I MIGHT consider asking my doc about the best thing to do, but more likely I will get back onto my EDS support group and get some advice in there: They often know better than most of the doctors anyway!! Ugh, and as for the teeth... We're both (Lee and I) starting to panic a tiny bit now, as there is just no sign at ALL of him teething any time soon (after about a month of what we assumed was teething related goings-on when he was about 4/5 months!) and to be honest I am almost dreading finding out that he has my Oligodontia more than if he has the EDS, weird though that may seem!! But meh, what can we do eh? No point worrying about it all :winkwink:

Thanks girlies :hugs: xxx
*waves* Hi MJ :) I'm off to bed now, so I will leave the poor thread alone at long last hehehe... xx
George has teeth - they came at 6.5months BUT the first signs we had of definite teething were months earlier - at about 11-12 weeks - it responded to gels and everything. Apparently the teeth start movin months before they come thru. Also it is well within the realms of "normal" to get first teeth at 12 months.
hehehehehe, bloater posts, me likey! :rofl:

Shadow, great to hear you had a fun day with Fin today and that the wheels are moving more smoothly w/ref to her coming down to Devon for a visit, wonderful news. :D

sorry to hear about the crying/grizzling, I can identify with that. not much but some days AE is just awful. today has been one of them. it's not his fault, and I hate to say it but it's when C is around. his routine goes to pot. when it's just me and Adam in the day, and this has been a quiet week for us, the only trip out we took together was the doc on Tuesday, we are very quiet and, most importantly, he gets his naps. he just doesn't get his naps in the same way with C around. not sure why, whether he is overstimulated or what... we do tend to go out when he's home, and we did today, just for a couple of hours to the shops, and that messed up everything. he didn't nap much, just for a while in the car, whereas he naps at home, in between breakfast and lunch for at least an hour and a half, and sometimes 2.5 hours. so we got home and he had lunch late and thereafter never settled to anything, just whining and fighting sleep, not enjoying playing, not settling to sleep, not wanting to eat much... am wondering if it's more gum stuff, though no teeth through, he has had periods of being awful and unsettled.

there's also been a change in that we finally have had to ditch the Moses basket. he was starting to climb out, which isn't safe, so I got him a travel cot, which we are putting up in the living room when I am alone with him, also for a safe play area if I am cooking, as he is starting to get under my feet. he has taken a few naps in it so far but I am worried that he is confused as to what it is for - is it sleep or is it play? basket was only sleep, as is his cot upstairs, but this new thing is different. grrrrr.

so today has been not great. he still has his cough, too, and I am still full of cold. starting to wonder if it is now sinusitis, as I have a permanent headache and stuffy nose. it's doing my head in because I feel so grotty. and it's lingering, been 12 days now and that's ages for me as I tend to get colds and stuff pretty lightly and shake them off quickly.

as for what Adam is up to - he is focused almost entirely on crawling, it's all he wants to do. up on his hands & knees and hands & feet, he doesn't get far but he is going forwards. he can cross the room but in a combination of crawling and pulling on his tummy. he simply doesn't want to be anywhere other than on his front when left to his own devices. rolls right over when put him on his back, no interest whatsoever in sitting up. he can sit, and sit well, when I place him there, but he'll only tolerate it for a few mins and then goes onto his tummy again. he loves to stand though, but is very wobbly; I think it's overexcitement because it's often how he is sitting in the highchair getting food, flinging himself back, flailing somewhat. he does a lot better when he has bare knees and feet, if he is in clothing he slides around on our wooden floors and gets extremely frustrated. we have a rug and a playmat but of course he wants to discover life beyond bounds!

so. he is quiet now, C has put him to bed. was really hoping for a quiet day tomorrow but we are going to my friend's for lunch. wish we weren't after today but she needs C's help to fix something in her flat. am just hoping that when I go back to work C will stick to AE's routine, such as it is, because when we do, he is so much nicer to be around, he naps well, is generally cheery and good-tempered, eats well. not sure if C reads his cues very well, he tries to make him go to sleep when what he wants is a snack, it all feels a bit random and cobbled together when he is home. and I feel awful even saying this, but I just don't have bad days like today when it is just me and Adam. :(
Evening ladies :D

Shadow - soooo glad you had a fab time with Fin, bet its wonderful for all of you. Seems that her mum has had a change of heart for the better? Is this a normal pattern or do things genuinly seem to be looking up? Great idea about your mum looking after Vince too - we keep saying that we will do it too (will also mean Imi gets more used to it before I go back to work) but my mum is sooo busy at the min lol. Shes taken a old man she knows to Belgium for a week so he can see his daughter :D Althuogh she has told me to make a hair app for when she's back so that will be nice. Its that kind of thing that I can do with Imi but sooooo much easier alone :D

MJ - Adam sounds identical to Imi. She gets where ever she wants to go and we def have small forward crawling movements now but she just improvises when crawling isn't working :rofl: I find that if Imi is on the laminate she doesn't bother trying to crawl, she just goes for the worm approach :D She too loves to stand and has the elvis wobbly hip thing going on :D Hope the travel cot works out for you - i've taken to putting Imi in the jumperoo if I have to hang out washing or answer the door although we are lucky in the sense we have an open plan bungalow so its easy to see whats going on.

We all have terrible coughs/colds still. The Karvol plug in I got for Imi's room has worked absolute wonders. Only woke once in the last 2 nights (from looooads before that) but the coughing is a nightmare. It is a real bark bless her :( The other problem is that I have it too and woke her up earlier (downside of a small place) but she soon settled agin. Just hoping we can get rid of them soon :D

Well, i've just spent a small fortune on new things :happydance: Got a new stroller with matching changing bag, raincover, footmuff and parasol (as you do!!!). Its this one....
I love it and it folds reeeeally small. Got the whol lot for just under £160 so i'm pleased (especially seeing as we've sold our travel systems to sisters in laws ready for when her baby arrives):D

I also bought a new car seat as Imi will very soon be out of hers. It stays rear facing for a while yet which i'm pleased about but should last a few years too. Another bargain at £47 (most expensive I found it was £80 for eact same one!!!!). Here it is....

Well, thats it from me, must go to bed seeing as its really just gone midnight now!! Up early for F1 then going to the first car boot of the year :happydance: xxxx
Shadow- Of COURSE I want something you've made! What kind of custom orders have you gotten out of curiosity? I've been eyeing your store. I really love the tree ones. :D I'm specifically interested in the wire sculptures. They are absolutely amazing. :thumbup:
So looking forward to the meet tomorrow :)

Do any of you cloth users (that are coming) use disposable liners? If so I seem to have acquired loads - I never use them so if any onewants a freebie let me know!
No sitting from Mog, but she's pretty good at scooting along backwards now. She can stand hanging onto things and we finally has to give up on the bouncer as she was just too big. I picked up the fisher price precious planet newborn to toddler rocker that also vibrates from Mothercare on special offer and the best thing is that it's NOT pink. Hurrah! So if we have a boy next time, we're ok for a vibrating chair. I'm hoping the next one might like the pretty expensive swing that I bought and Imogen hated. Will try putting them in it from newborn, as I suspect that's why mog was addicted to the pink thing. Anyhoo, it's been great so far, especially as you can pop the legs down to make it a static chair for feeding time. We've had some success with the Heinz dinners that you add water too (like smash). Jars have such a waste as she only eats half of them before we have to chuck them away but the dehydrated stuff lasts for ages.

We've been talking about ideal age gaps and worked out that we actually have to start TTC much sooner than I thought. I really don't want there to be a big gap between them, but I'm not sure I'm ready for another maternity leave/pregnancy/tiny newborn! We're not talking like this second, but the thought of TTCing again in a few months is actually much less appealing than I thought it would be. Let's hope when the time comes I've forgotten a bit more about labour...

I'm going to try and persuade OH to bring Mog tomorrow, so we might be one extra, but I don't think that'll be a problem from what I remember last time. Woo!
Hiya ladies!

Boothh - huge congrats on BFP, I wondered from one of your FB status threads if you were, that's so exciting! Did you try anything to help with conceiving or just not focus on it?

Shadow - Sorry to hear your fears about Vince, its awful jusdst having to wait and pray that he won't be as affected by it as others. I might bug you for some advice as a friend of mine has hybermobility (not EDS, I can't recall what hers is now) and she wants to start a family but she is super worried about how difficult pregnancy and labour will be because of it, its kinda putting her off at the moment.

Spidey - poor Kira with those allergies. I am being super careful with JP too because I have some food allergies - and some new ones since having her! I have been told that berries (esp. strawbs) can cause allergies in babies under 1. JP has tried strawb with no prob and the raspberry didn't make it into the mouth (cue funny faces) but no reaction either. She did however come out in hives when I accidentally spilt some mustard on her. Anything that has common allergies/intolerances I'm introducing later (9-12 months), the idea is her digestive system will be more mature and able to cope with the bigger challenges. Ironically my allergies include banana and avocado which are perhaps the most advocated first foods for babies!

AE - I used to work for an airline so if you have specific questions, I might be able to help. Here's my mini-guide to flying with a baby!

It all depends on the airline of course, but most don't have items for babies so you need to take food, nappies, toys, etc in your one piece of hand luggage and babies don't have their own luggage allowance (although they probably need one!). Cabin crew can heat food for you, but this is usually done by dumping bottle/jar into a pot of boiled water and on busy flights they might need a gentle nudge if they don't bring your food back after 15 minutes as it easily gets forgotten. Also there is no refridgeration facilities. You can take liquid baby food through security but I would double check this as the States are more rigid and the UK rules change constantly. The 250ml cartons of premixed formula are probably the most practical. Changing facilities on planes are a drop down table in a specified toilet, rather unpleasantly I have known babies to be changed on the meal tray of the parents seat (the trays aren't strong enough for the weight either) and for soiled nappies to be left under seats etc. Under 18 months, Mog can have a seat of her own but must be sat on an adults lap for take off and landing and there is a special safety belt for her which attaches to the adult belt. You won't be allowed to sit in an emergency exit row so extra legroom may no longer be an option. Most airlines don't have bassinets anymore and she would be too big anyway I think. You definitely can't put her in the overhead locker! ;-) Forward facing carseats of specific requirements can be used on seats but are way too much hassle to be worthwhile (rear facing can't be used) and buggies can be used until you reach the plane at which point they have to be folded and are taken into the hold. Make sure you get it tagged with a barcode/destination at check-in and don't take your best buggy as they are literally chucked into the hold with loose items of luggage and often get broken, travel bags can help. At the other end, it usually arrives on the carousel with your other luggage but sometimes are at the aircraft door so check with the crew where it will be. Be prepared for a long, long walk and security checks with hand luggage and baby in arms, lots of juggling is involved when flying with a baby and its a good idea to ask cabin crew to help with putting up luggage etc. Its impossible to know how she will deal with flying, she may not even be aware but babies ear canals are tiny and struggle to deal with the pressure changes so she might cry to relieve the pressure. Although its not pleasant for other passenges, crying actually helps with pain relief and menthol (Karvol) on a tissue might help too. One last note, adults with baby might want to avoid hot drinks on the flight as we saw some nasty scaldings of children as a result from turbulence and hot drink combinination. :(

Cleck - Emma's hair sounds gorgeous! I love red hair too, especially with green or rosy brown eyes! JP's is finally thickening too but not getting length, I wonder when that will come?

AFU - we've been busy. busy, JP is doing well though, happy, super active and adorable as ever. We started playgroup on Tuesday mornings which is great for her being around other babies and toddlers and it tires out so she sleeps well afterwards. We've also begun swimming with them which is free! What a great deal, and JP loves the water. I stood her on the steps to start with and she toddled straight off into the water, chased a ball about and made some great splashes. Can't wait to take her again, the only drawback is they don't do lessons so I've been doing my homework online.

JP is really into acrobatics at the moment, she likes looking at things upside down so is regularly backflipping off laps which is a real test of reaction times! She also has started when lying on her back, arching her back but instead of sitting up, crawls along in a kind of upside down crab fashion! She keeps doing it on the changing table so I'm trying to deal with her southern end while catching her before she disappears off the end of the table! I think she's been watching too much Waybuloo!

We had a really crap appointment with the Health Visitor this week and I'd be interested to hear your thoughts. They weighed JP at just over 7k (15lbs 10) and then lectured me on her being underweight. She's pretty much followed the 25th pc line since a couple of weeks old and that where that weight puts her but the silly HV charted her weight at 8 months when she was 7 months & 3 days and has now written in her book she's on the 9th pc when she is not! :( She is very skinny and her length makes it look worse, but you only have to look at her parents to see its genetic and now she's crawling, etc she's bound to stay slim. She's in 6-9-12 month clothes so I'm not exactly worried about her size.

Then she told me she should now be on 3 solid meals a day and that the cut-off for breastfeeding is 6 months! She added that I can of course breastfeed up to a year but babies don't get enough calories from breastmilk and need 3 meals a day to do that... then told me to start giving her formula and mixing it into her cereal, etc. I was so annoyed by this, she made me feel like I'm starving and damaging my child! Having read what other mums are doing, I am well aware that I'm not.

For the last 3 weeks JP has been having homemade lunch and dinner, big portions too plus snacks and all the breastmilk she wants (I stopped combining at 6 months). From everything I read on weaning I have been led to understand that babies up to a year need their nutrition and calories from milk and that introducing food is to get them used to taste and texture not to replace their milk, which makes sense that nature would provide for them until they have enough teeth to eat adult food. I fumed all the way home from that appointment.

Anyhows, thats way too much typing from me. Looking forward to seeing some of you on Monday. Keep well everyone else! x
That is terrible hun, your HV sounds clueless :( I think i'd def be having something to say to someone, including her - if for nothing else than being unable to chart a babies weight!! Have you started any form of weaning yet? x
Thanks Vici, I thought she was contradicting a lot of what I've researched too. I started weaning with JP at 6 months, a bit of baby rice during the day then slowly introduced diff veg and fruits to make sure no reactions. After about 10 days she went onto two proper meals a day so something like fruit crumble (made with rusks) for lunch and something savoury for tea, a blend of rice or potato and veg and occassionally some chicken. She has big portions (about the equivalent of 4-6 cubes I would guess). This week she's been having porridge for breakfast too and she does have the odd snack of rusk, rice cakes or those organix corn snacks during the day, and several breastfeeds a day so not exactly starving her lol, despite what my HV might think!x
I'm no expert hun but sounds like more than enough to me. We're BLW Imi and she has no where near that much!! Sounds like the only reason she felt the need to preach was that she incorrectly assessed Jorgas %ile which is HER fault!! If she had entered it correcty, what %ile would she have been? x
She's just under the 25% line entered correctly which is where she's been for the last 5 months, she actually follows the curve exactly.

How is BLW working out? I occassionally give JP finger foods with dinner but I find it much easier spending a couple of hours a week blending up bizarre combos of veg to freeze while I can get away with it, its very therapeutic! Most of her puree goes in unlike her finger food snacks which I am scraping out of the carpet and furniture most days! I did mention to our lovely HV that 95% of what JP eats is organic and some of it homegrown and she couldn't have cared less, no winning with that woman.x

P.S. just looked at her book again. HV notes say weight gain on 9th percentile but 7k on 9th is a 38 week old baby not a 30/31 week old! She's charted her in wrong place and misread the chart *slap*
She sounds like a class A plonker :rofl:

Yeah going really well for us. Imi won't even let me near her with a spoon so good job really! She'll eat off a spoon if a preload it for her though :D I find it easy for us as i never make her anything different - she just has what we have :D

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