Wow, lots of mobile babies around!!! Awesome! Still not much sign at all from Vincent on the crawling / shuffling front... Though he can stand very well for a minute or so if he holds on to my legs or something, and he can sit up beautifully now, very rarely falls over now (though I still leave pillows behind him as someone... joey? said! But he has never been too bothered if he falls on his face hahaha bless!)
Cleck, WOW, you'd really like something from my shop?!? That's super duper cool!!! Let me know if there's something I could make personally for you; I always take custom orders so if some of my stuff gives you some inspiration and you have an idea then do let me know! I'm sure I could manage a yummy 25% discount for anything you buy from me honey (that goes for all of you! If you ever fancy buying anything from my Etsy shop for yourselves or friends then do let me know it's you so that I can give you a nice discount my lovelies!

We had London today with Fin, Vincent stayed at home with my mum and she had such a fabulous time (and he had been SUCH a bugger for us yesterday!!) that we've suggested that we make it a regular thing, even if we're not seeing Finlay, so next Saturday she's gonna come over for the day and be in charge of Vincent while we just go about doing our bits and bobs; Lee his book and me my Etsy stuff! So exciting!)
*presses pause on this post for Poo Fairy calling...*
...Aaaahhh... where was I?

Ah yes, so my mum is going to maybe try having vincent for the day more regularly, perhaps once a week, so that Lee and I can get some things done and not have to worry about him at all for most of the day

I love the idea of him spending lots of time with his Grandparents, my mum and Lee's parents too. Oh yes, that reminds me, I'm not sure whether I've pimped Lee's book on here, so here goes: (I feel like a proper salesperson!!) He's writing under the pen-name of Lee Austin, and his first book, now available through Lulu (he self-published) as a print-on-demand book, is called "Fortune's Child" ... Clicky linky!
It's a young adult sci-fi story, a really good one if I do say so myself

and he's already written the second in the trilogy and is starting to think about the third. He's going to be in our local paper next week promoting it and he's up to all sorts of other stuff for it, but if you could all tell your friends with 10-16 year old children (or anyone who's interested, it's good for adults too, much like Harry Potter in that way; though not in plot etc!!) Genre-wise, it is Sci-Fi, but VERY easy to read sci-fi, with loads going on that doesn't necessarily involve aliens and spaceships

I'd best not say too much more, but PLEASE tell all your friends that your awesome mummy-friend's awesome partner has written an awesome book

Thanks guys!!
Hmm... So one more catch up thing from me, we saw Fin today and we went out in Sutton with her for 4 hours! That's twice the amount of time we'd been seeing her at the contact centre in that dull roomwith loads of screaming kids, and it was LOVELY! She seemed to enjoy herself, I know Lee and his mum and I did! We went bowling first (Fin lost the first game, but then me and her "swapped names" on the scoreboard for our second game as a lucky charm and she did heaps better hehe!) then we went and had a pub lunch near where she lives and just generally did lovely family stuff

It was just awesome

And so the next step, according to her mum, is that Finlay comes to stay with her Grandma down here in Devon and sees us down here again! Apparently her mum would like that to start happening as soon as possible now, woohoooo!!

So we're really happy and looking forward to all of that to come
Gah, I sure can go on about myself, sorry guys!!! What else have you been chatting about that I can remember? ... Oooh, Ha!! The face / nose wiping thing! Vince is the same as most of the others here in hating it very very much! After he's had a messy meal, I get out the wetwipes and he screams and grumbles at me while I clean him up! I found that if he can see his dummy and knows he's going to get it afterwards, or if I distract him with the wetwipe packet (his absolute favourite "toy" at the moment, apart from perhaps mummy's laptop!!!) then he's not quite so distraught! It's so true though that anyone would think we're murdering them, the fuss they make!
Oh, and one other thing, we had to do CIA the other day

Vince just would NOT settle to sleep, we were up and down and up and down trying to settle him more than 10 times and we just finally said "this is silly" - he was just spitting his dummy out then shouting down to us "Oi!!! Oiii!!! Get me back up, right now!! I refuse to go to sleep!" So in the end we made the tough choice to ignore him and he did get very upset, but I told Lee to leave him as I thought it was important that we do this for the very first time, and 45 minutes and lots of tears later he was asleep, slept right through with no trouble, then beamed at us from his cot in the morning! So I felt OK about having to do it for the first time, though it was VERY hard to ignore him and not fun at all to hear him upset... But anyway.
Oh, and ONE more TINY thing (lol) - we're back to swaddling again for a wee while. He was ok-ish without it for the first few days, but he was getting more and more broken nights, we were up 5 times each in the night by the end of a week without swaddling, and he was SOOOO grouchy in the daytimes that we thought this is silly, we want our awesome baby back! So we are back to it again for a wee while. I think he is close to being ready though, so we're making him a velcro-adorned swaddle-type blanket to hold his arms down a little bit but not as full-on as we had been! It's not finished quite yet: I'll let you guys know how it goes when we first use it!
OK, that's officially "it" from blabbermouth!! If some of you are still hoping to meet on Monday, have a FAB time, there's no way I can make it I'm afraid as I am far too poor

Come oooon, Etsy... Make me some sales!! But I'll be there in spirit and wishing you guys a really happy day again!! Will miss seeing the babies a lot, snuggles and kisses for the poorly ones (and all of them!)
x x x x x x