Hello strangers.
Sorry I have been missing in action, dont seem to get a minute these days between one thing and another.
So jealous of your meet, would love to meet up with you all but it would be a hell of a long way from Ireland. it sounds like ye had a ball.
I have finally manged to read back and catch up but can only remember a few.
Vici: Hope you manage to get childcare sorted - it is quiet expensive here too about €35 euros a day, my mam is looking after Natasha and I am paying her the going rate, but thankfully I'm only back two half days so it is only costing me €40 a week but it is quiet a hole in my wages when I'm doing so little but at least my mind is at ease when its my mam, I dont envy you.
Shadow: Natasha does click a lot but doesn't have bendy elbows, I know where you are coming from I am terrified that she will follow in my footsteps with my arthritis and was really worried for a while as she wasn't on the move at all like all of your babies and is only really starting to roll this week.
MA: Your Hv sounds like a real pain - they are a big like that here, like you I have read everywhere that milk is the most important thing a baby needs until a year and unfortunately Natasha is really not fond of her milk and we have had to go the route of three solid meals a day as the poor baby was starving and still wouldn't take milk so she only gets milk now first thing in the morning and last thing at night and she wont even entertain the idea of a bottle during the day even for water or juice so I'm using a cup as I'm terrified she is going to get dehydrated - I am using a lot of her formula in my cooking and I put it on her breakfast so she gets about 4 to 5 oz extra a day in her food as I believe this is where there vitamins and minerals are and even though she is on three solid meals a day - it is only 3 tblsp's of porridge in the morning and about 5 oz of food at lunch and 4 in the evening and surely they can't have a balanced diet in this or get all the vitamins and minerals that they need, especially when a lot of these are killed in cooking. Our public health nurse told me I shouldn't be using her milk and should be using cows milk now in cooking and that bottles are not important now but I'm still doing my own thing and am going to wait until she is about 9 or 10 months before I will do this.
Spidey: Ouch those hives sound horrible poor Kira.
Booth: Hope you get a double buggy sorted and are feeling wel with your pregnancy.
Cleck: I hope the next couple of weeks fly by for you until DH gets home, I think your great DH was away for two nights for the first time since Natasha was born and I thought it was the longest time ever and I have my family around the corner so I have plenty of support, but I missed having him to tell all the cute things Natasha did and just run by stuff by him, so I really hold my hat off to you.
MJ: Sorry to hear your honeymoon didn't go as planned, but I'm glad you got somewhere to stay - I know what you mean about routine though. DH is great with Natasha and on the weekends we both have one of the days where we have a lie in and the other gets up and mine never does any of the stuff that I do - all he does is play with her and feed and change her of course but the days end up all over the place, mind you It does drive me mad but I dont complain as he is so good and does as much as me when he is here, just not in my order - but then who is to say i'm right lol.
Sorry girls but I can't remember anything else I'm surprised I did so well to remember that much as I'm shattered today.
Well AFU - I'm finally back into the swing of work and feel like I was never off now. Natasha has come on leaps and bounds this week and has finally started rolling back to front along with front to back and is clapping hands, and babbling ba ba and sometimes ma and da, she is also sitting by herself but not yet pulling herself up to sitting and she wants everything to play with in her sights, romotes, phones and so on - she is also now finally drinking properly from her cup and not just chewing on it - But she is no where near what some of your babies are and is not scooting or crawling yet. It was the cutest moment when she starting clapping though - it was the same day that she started rolling and myself and DH were clapping and saying horray every time she rolled and she just started imitating us and clapping.
She had her first cold the week before last when DH was away and it was horrible - the cold itself wasn't too bad but she totally went off her food and bottles and I was terrified that she was going to end up in hospital with Dehydration so I just gave her juice in a bottle even though you are not meant to for the couple of days and at least she got about 3 oz of fluids into her and she is fine now thank god.
AFM: I was back at rheumatology for my check up this week and explained that most trouble I was having was my wrist since i was pregnant and that I wanted to check was it arthritis but that I thought it was a tendon and that it would heal itself, he explained that it was a tendon after examining me but that unfortunately it wont heal itself so I was referred to Occupational Therapy and am in a splint for 3 months - they have given me a hard and soft one - the hard one for night time which I should be in all the time and a soft one for the day time as I have a small baby to look after and thank god for that as the hard one is a real pain - in one sense it feels like the cure is a bigger pain than the actual pain at the moment - but I suppose it has to be done, the OT reckons she doesn't know how I'm managing for the last year as it is extremely acute but its actually not that painful to me at the moment it was far worse when Natasha was born first - but apparantly if I dont sort it - I will end up with a lot of irreversable scaring which will cause me problems, so I'm going with it as I dont want that.
Well as for food - I'm still cooking away and so far apart from her cold she is lapping everthing up and her favourites are fish - Cod, plaice, haddock and we are going to venture onto some salmon and tuna in the next few weeks - I have started to introduce some lumps and we were going great but then when she was off her food when she was sick I ended up going back to total puree's just to get a few spoons in but I have started putting the lumps back in again in the last fews days and she is taking them well.
Well I dont think there is anything else - apologies for the mammoth post lol - and sorry for any typos as I'm on DH laptop and some of the keys stick and I'm too lazy now to go back and proof read lol
Hope you all had a lovely easter, and hopefully it wont be as long until I get back on here.

to all. Xx