--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

waybuloo, that was the one I heard mentioned, thanks boothh. :flower:

Adam also prefers people, that's why he likes these You Tube videos because they are of children (and puppets) singing, he's not attracted by cartoons at all.

I don't think anyone took pics, I definitely didn't see a camera. we were too busy yapping!
well miracle of miracles - we went to get Adam weighed today, all set for a long sit in the waiting room (have been 45 mins sometimes)... and not only did we go straight through - hadn't even got him out of the sling - but we had nice health visitors! usually they are grumpy. maybe it's because it clearly wasn't busy. :lol: Adam screamed the place down though, little rascal. and he's stayed right on his curve, 18lb 10oz. so am relieved. was starting to think he'd been gaining too fast since starting weaning, because he's really chunked out, but I think he's just not grown in length so much lately.
I am so jealous of your meets!!

MA- what they told you about stopping breast milk at 6 months is crazy! I'm planning to bf until Kira is no longer interested and right now she's still getting atleast 90-95% of her nutrition from milk. Being at the 25th percentile, or even lower isn't bad at all... that crazy lady! How scary to be allergic to avocado and banana! Those are considered super low allergenic too. I'm allergic to wheat, and DH can't eat milk or shrimp... and my Dad can't have corn, wheat or fish. It's impossible eating out, but I've become a good cook since I've had to make all these special meals.

Shadow- I hope Vince is feeling better. Do you think he couldn't settle to sleep since he was coming down with a cold? It seems like a lot of the babies have caught a cold recently. I've peeked at your art- so cool. It's so neat to have something you can make and sell!

Mary Jo- I see the resemblance between Adam and his cousin!

So we're still not mobile- just scooting backwards unintentionally! Oh Kira just woke so off I go to get my wake up smiles!
I just bought Jesse and the new baby matching sleepsuits! How much of an uncool mummy am I?
To be fair though they are super cool very hungry caterpillar sleepsuits, (I am slightly obsessed Jesse has hungry caterpillar tshirt, rattle, bib and now sleepsuit haha) but I couldn't resist, jesses is in 9-12 months and
looks huge next to the firstsize one I bought, I wanted it to tinybaby but they didn't have any :(
At least he will have long grown out of his by the time newbaby arrives so they wot be cramping his style lol ;) he is wearing his now and looks super cute snuggled in my bed even if he is squashing me!
Aww Boothh. :haha: That sounds cute. You should post a piccie of him in it! How have you been feeling?

I'm a bit jealous of the girlies who get to meet too! Its what I get for joining a UK based site eh? :D spidey- we should had our own little meet when I was still in VA. :haha: We coulda got overcomer to come cause she's in north carolina. We coulda done it easily. But now I'll be in CA so I don't think any of us Lion Cubs are that way. :(

Well DH gets home in two and a half weeks!! :happydance: I am already packing the car slowly. I can't help it. I just want to leave NOW! I'm so excited to be in a new place to decorate. On the down side, our house is still sitting there empty and has not sold. :( But I have faith that it'll sell eventually!
Aww, Hungry Caterpillar is cute. How exciting for you to be planning all this, have you started seeing your MW again yet?

MJ - Waybuloo is great for getting madam to unwind and go to sleep. When she's active she really likes Mr Maker, Chuggington, & the channel presenters singing/the birthday song. She loves theme tunes, especially Gigglebiz which I sing to her to make her smile, she doesn't really care for the programme though. I enjoy Gigglebiz & Something Special, BCLC, but I have to turn off I Can Cook because that presenter makes me want to hurl things at the tv, especially when she sings!

Spidey - your family sounds a bit like our household, my allergies, plus housemate has wheat, yeast, gluten allergies & doesn't eat fish, we regularly have vegetarian friends round but we don't seem to have problems with eating either. Banana allergy is weird, I was fine until 10 then suddenly started reacting, the severity depends on how ripe the banana is! Avocado allergies are more common than you'd think and often related to an allergy to latex or tree pollen! Weird stuff lol.

Monday was lovely thank you girls! Thank you Vici for detouring with me, so glad to have my phone charger back! Sorry for getting wrong platform though! Lifts seemed to be broken all over London that day!

JP has a cough and blocked nose now. I've just had a cold so I'm guessing its that although its come at the same time as introducing dairy to her diet so hoping its not a reaction.

Thanks for opinions on HV, at the time I thought it was rubbish but I didn't get to look at her book till we got home and of course, being constantly hoping i'm doing everything right for JP, a little criticism can be really unsettling
Cleck - I'm on my phone as we don't get the Internet installed til the 10th so I can't put one on here, :( I can put one on facebook though :)
MA - I went to see my MW yesterday she booked me a scan for the 13th to date me because we can't agree she thinks I'm nearly 12weeks but I know I'm not lol, and I have my official booking in on the 19th :)
I love the Hungry Caterpillar!!!

Got George weighed today - 17lb 7oz - gain really slowed down but HV says its probably because hes so active. He climbed stairs today!!! eeekk

Also he has another cold - weve barely had a full week since Xmas without a snotty nose. HV thinks I should take him for doctor check uo incase there is anything underlying it. Hoping to see my bro over easter - he's a doc and training to be a GP :)
Emma won't stop pulling herself up on things. :shock: Really anything she can grab she pulls herself up and stands. Which isn't a problem but than she can't figure out how to get back down without falling and she keeps falling back and knocking her head. :dohh: I'm so ready to be in my own place so I can babyproof properly and not worry about her breaking anything. At MIL's house, there are candles, glass decorations, pictures in frames, etc all over and Emma is like a magnet always going for what she shouldn't have. *rolls eyes* I keep thinking to myself only a few more weeks and we'll finally be in our own place again. We sign the lease on the 26th! :happydance::happydance:
hiya girls sounds like all the babys are doing fab

lucas has started turning on to his belly in his cot every time he can and he dont like sleeping on his belly so i have to turn him back about 100 times a night little bugger i need to move his cot leve on to the lower 1 as he pulled him self up on it this morning and allmost went over the top.

me and oh was talking last night about baby #3 and we are gunna maybe try when lucas is 18months ish i want a girl so bad would wouldnt mind if it was a boy rueben keeps saying he dosnt like girl babys only boys lol.

i had lucas weighed the outher day and he is a very big 22lb 4oz i want my small bubs back.

anyway have a very nice easter evry one
My new niece is here!! She had a very easy labour. Started at 9 PM and the next day had her by 12:46ish. :thumbup: 5 lb. 13 oz. She is seriously SOO little. I just can't get over how teeny she is. I love her already. Unfortunately breastfeeding isn't going well already for her so I don't think it'll last long for them. But other than that she is doing well! Of course, she isn't nearly as cute as Emma but that'll happen. :rofl::rofl:
I'm impressed by the babies crawling up stairs and pulling up on things!!! Kira still can't scoot forward- poor frustrated baby!

Kira had her first cold I think- or perhaps it's allergies. I've had to put saline drops in her nose and suction out her boogies so she can breathe enough to breast feed. She HATES the boogy sucker!!! But her coughing is less so I think she's getting better.

The big news is we've had no poop since Tuesday! Kira is a ticking time bomb now... because when she goes, it's going to be massive :haha: The longest we've gone in the past is 3 days, and when she finally had poo day, she needed 3 baths!
Jesse has spent all day getting into real crawling position, lifting his belly up off the floor on his hands and knees, going backwards a few goes and scooching back onto his stomach, I am getting nervous about this, because at the moment
I am exhausted and I know he is going to be into everything as soon as he figures how to go forwards, I am already having to chase him
around, he shuffles so fast i could do with an extra
pair of eyes in the back of my head! He has also spent all day blowing huge rasberrys and spraying me with spit lol, has anybody elses baby been given a truck load of chocolate, I told people not to bother so he got a few nice outfits and things but still got loads of eggs! We will be here til Christmas eating them, I wouldn't mind but we still have Christmas chocolate on the top of the cupboard haha xx
Hello strangers.

Sorry I have been missing in action, dont seem to get a minute these days between one thing and another.

So jealous of your meet, would love to meet up with you all but it would be a hell of a long way from Ireland. it sounds like ye had a ball.

I have finally manged to read back and catch up but can only remember a few.

Vici: Hope you manage to get childcare sorted - it is quiet expensive here too about €35 euros a day, my mam is looking after Natasha and I am paying her the going rate, but thankfully I'm only back two half days so it is only costing me €40 a week but it is quiet a hole in my wages when I'm doing so little but at least my mind is at ease when its my mam, I dont envy you.

Shadow: Natasha does click a lot but doesn't have bendy elbows, I know where you are coming from I am terrified that she will follow in my footsteps with my arthritis and was really worried for a while as she wasn't on the move at all like all of your babies and is only really starting to roll this week.

MA: Your Hv sounds like a real pain - they are a big like that here, like you I have read everywhere that milk is the most important thing a baby needs until a year and unfortunately Natasha is really not fond of her milk and we have had to go the route of three solid meals a day as the poor baby was starving and still wouldn't take milk so she only gets milk now first thing in the morning and last thing at night and she wont even entertain the idea of a bottle during the day even for water or juice so I'm using a cup as I'm terrified she is going to get dehydrated - I am using a lot of her formula in my cooking and I put it on her breakfast so she gets about 4 to 5 oz extra a day in her food as I believe this is where there vitamins and minerals are and even though she is on three solid meals a day - it is only 3 tblsp's of porridge in the morning and about 5 oz of food at lunch and 4 in the evening and surely they can't have a balanced diet in this or get all the vitamins and minerals that they need, especially when a lot of these are killed in cooking. Our public health nurse told me I shouldn't be using her milk and should be using cows milk now in cooking and that bottles are not important now but I'm still doing my own thing and am going to wait until she is about 9 or 10 months before I will do this.

Spidey: Ouch those hives sound horrible poor Kira.

Booth: Hope you get a double buggy sorted and are feeling wel with your pregnancy.

Cleck: I hope the next couple of weeks fly by for you until DH gets home, I think your great DH was away for two nights for the first time since Natasha was born and I thought it was the longest time ever and I have my family around the corner so I have plenty of support, but I missed having him to tell all the cute things Natasha did and just run by stuff by him, so I really hold my hat off to you.

MJ: Sorry to hear your honeymoon didn't go as planned, but I'm glad you got somewhere to stay - I know what you mean about routine though. DH is great with Natasha and on the weekends we both have one of the days where we have a lie in and the other gets up and mine never does any of the stuff that I do - all he does is play with her and feed and change her of course but the days end up all over the place, mind you It does drive me mad but I dont complain as he is so good and does as much as me when he is here, just not in my order - but then who is to say i'm right lol.

Sorry girls but I can't remember anything else I'm surprised I did so well to remember that much as I'm shattered today.

Well AFU - I'm finally back into the swing of work and feel like I was never off now. Natasha has come on leaps and bounds this week and has finally started rolling back to front along with front to back and is clapping hands, and babbling ba ba and sometimes ma and da, she is also sitting by herself but not yet pulling herself up to sitting and she wants everything to play with in her sights, romotes, phones and so on - she is also now finally drinking properly from her cup and not just chewing on it - But she is no where near what some of your babies are and is not scooting or crawling yet. It was the cutest moment when she starting clapping though - it was the same day that she started rolling and myself and DH were clapping and saying horray every time she rolled and she just started imitating us and clapping.

She had her first cold the week before last when DH was away and it was horrible - the cold itself wasn't too bad but she totally went off her food and bottles and I was terrified that she was going to end up in hospital with Dehydration so I just gave her juice in a bottle even though you are not meant to for the couple of days and at least she got about 3 oz of fluids into her and she is fine now thank god.

AFM: I was back at rheumatology for my check up this week and explained that most trouble I was having was my wrist since i was pregnant and that I wanted to check was it arthritis but that I thought it was a tendon and that it would heal itself, he explained that it was a tendon after examining me but that unfortunately it wont heal itself so I was referred to Occupational Therapy and am in a splint for 3 months - they have given me a hard and soft one - the hard one for night time which I should be in all the time and a soft one for the day time as I have a small baby to look after and thank god for that as the hard one is a real pain - in one sense it feels like the cure is a bigger pain than the actual pain at the moment - but I suppose it has to be done, the OT reckons she doesn't know how I'm managing for the last year as it is extremely acute but its actually not that painful to me at the moment it was far worse when Natasha was born first - but apparantly if I dont sort it - I will end up with a lot of irreversable scaring which will cause me problems, so I'm going with it as I dont want that.

Well as for food - I'm still cooking away and so far apart from her cold she is lapping everthing up and her favourites are fish - Cod, plaice, haddock and we are going to venture onto some salmon and tuna in the next few weeks - I have started to introduce some lumps and we were going great but then when she was off her food when she was sick I ended up going back to total puree's just to get a few spoons in but I have started putting the lumps back in again in the last fews days and she is taking them well.

Well I dont think there is anything else - apologies for the mammoth post lol - and sorry for any typos as I'm on DH laptop and some of the keys stick and I'm too lazy now to go back and proof read lol

Hope you all had a lovely easter, and hopefully it wont be as long until I get back on here. :hugs: to all. Xx
Hi everyone and Happy Easter
I am glad you all had a lovely time at the meet. I bet it was different to last time with all the babies much more wriggly etc A picnic in the park sounds like a great idea for next time.

MA - your HV needs some serious retraining! Fancy saying that there is a cut of point for breast feeding! Bloody ridiculous woman! I hope Jorja is feeling better now x
Boothh - Jesse looks very cute in his hungry caterpillar outfit that I saw on facebook. I love that stuff - and it is brill because it is unisex so if you have a girl next then she will get use out of it too!

Cleck - so must be just 2 weeks until Corey gets home! yay! I hope he is home for a looooooooooooong time! I also hope your house sells soon too, the market is messed up here and not much is selling either x Congrats on your new niece, that is tiny, was she full term? Has it made youvery broody?
JoeyHo - can't beleive made it up some stairs - eek! I hope you ahev grown those eyes in the back of your head! I hope he feels better soon x How is the BLW going?
Spidey - I hope that when Kira goes that the explosion is controllable for you!
Jelr - hello stranger! I am glad that goign to work feels normal now, gives me hope that when I go back it will be bareable! So sorry to hear about your wrist, but glad you are getting it sorted out, you obviously have a very high pain threshold (I think most mothers do!) for it to not have bothered you too much. Hope it improves quickly for you.
Shadow - you are a star doing all your etsy stuff, how do you fnd the time?

As for us, well Sophia is not crawling but is trying very hard, and is still very mobile by just rolling around, am not in a hurry for her to crawl as it sounds tricky! We had a lovely break up in yorkshire last weekend and visited my best friend and her new baby. It is funny he is only 8 weeks but is only 3lbs lighter than Sophia is now! A big boy!
Today we took Sophia for her first picnic and trip to the swings, am so glad the weather has stayed bright.
My weightloss is going well (apart from putting on a couple of lbs on holiday last weekend - but what are holidays for if not to over indulge?) I weighed myself this morning and I was 9st 10lbs, which leaves me with ONE lb to go until pre-preg weight. I am off out for my 30th birthday on Saturday so one pound in 5 days seem manageable! It does mean that I am sitting here watching DH eating his eggs while mine are tucked away in the cupboard!
Sophia is still not sleeping well consistently. We probably get one day out of 3 that she will sleep through, but there is no pattern to it - I am at a bit of a loss!

Anyway i hope you have all been enjoying the Easter sunshine x
Hey Shiv

Yeah I have to admit I think all mothers do have a high pain threshold after giving birth lol - you will be fine going back to work - it is really hard at first more getting your head around thinking of something else rather than Lo, but you just adjust really - I would still prefer not to leave her at all and I do find it hard to fine time but then it has to be done and bills to be paid.

Well done on the weight loss that is brilliant that you are only a lb away from your pre-pregnancy weight - well done you and give yourself a pat on the back for resisting those eggs, it will be worth it - I'm at 10.2lbs now but I still have another 10 to get back to pre-pregnancy weight and maybe more as I have been very bold over the past week when I was off work.

Sorry to hear about Sophia not sleeping - hopefully it is just a phase and it will end soon.

Happy Birthday for Sat and I hope you have a great 30th - we are off out that night ourselves as it is one of my best friends 30ths also. I hope you have a great night.
Watch out Spidey! Mog went nearly a week once without a dirty nappy and when it came out it just kept coming! The day of poo was NO fun.

Lots of active sounding babies! Mogling is considering crawling, she spends a lot of time on her front on our bed in the morning rolling around, and she can scoot backwards on her head surprisingly quickly. Rolling is pretty much sorted now thankfully, and I think she probably could sit if she wanted to, she just doesn't want to :lol:

Sorry about your wrist Jelr, I didn't wear my splints much when I had carpal tunnel syndrome, they just seemed like too much effort. I generally just propped my wrists on a pillow at night instead and put the splints on for travelling to work. But if you persevere now, then eventually they will be all better, not just manageable. I wish I'd kept up my exercises, as my hands still get a little numb occasionally.

Shiv, nice to see another dinky baby. I wonder about Mog being ickle, but I think it's just that she's a girl and I'm short, so she will be too. She's healthy enough certainly. Are you giving her anything except breastmilk? Imogen never slept through until I started giving her a bottle last thing at night (about midnight), and the blessed relief of sleeping for more than four or five hours in a row was amazing. I think next time I'll try to breastfeed exclusively for another couple of months, I wasn't quite ready to give up when she decided I didn't cut it anymore.

Shadow, I love your Etsy stuff! I haven't had a chance to do any sewing really since Mog was born, so I'm looking forward to making her new curtains and crib bumper when she's in Hong Kong.
Ah thanks AuntyE - yeah I'm hoping perseverance will help pay off in the end - it is some pain with the splint though especially changing nappies and trying to make sure I dont get poop on it lol - Sorry to hear your hands are still going numb - I thought the CT was only pregnancy related, will it go in time when all the hormones have completely settled down or is it there to stay? Its not easy when its your hands bothering you, think thats why I'm hoping to try and stick this bloody splint as the OT gave me a bit of a fright when she said if I didn't sort it it might scar and cause me real problems as I dont fancy trying to cart around a toddler with a dodgy wrist, so fingers crossed.

Yay for Mog nearly crawling, Natasha is making no attempt to crawl yet, although she is flying with the rolling now, she only rolled front to back a few times and now all of a sudden this week she is going back to front and now 360 Degrees and all she wants to do is roll lol - so I guess she will just take off one day in her own time too.

When is she off to Hong Kong, the lucky girl?
hiya ladys sorry i have not been around

we got told last night that are feineds from 2 doors up have lost there baby, i cant belive it they are such lovely ladys and only desided to try to have a child after they seen lucas when he was 1st born. I didnt even no they where preg untill a few weeks ago as i have been to busy with the kids then i seen them the outher day and there was no bump then found out last night they have lost it. I didnt want to ask to much alls i know is she had to be induced and they lost the poor little thing.

I really dnt know what to get for them weather i get just a card or a buch or floures????

i couldnt sleep last night due to thinking about them.

sorry for going on any help that you can give on iders for a gift i would be more than happy with plz

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