oh MJ look at Adam go! He is just SO cute and clearly adores you! And I swear I head him say "hello" (not in reply to you saying but a little while before - clear as day! And thank you for the birthday wishes! Being 30 is no big deal to me, I kinda have most of things I hoped I would by this age, well apart from a job, but you can't have everything
Spidey, I hope Kira is a good few ounces lighter now

and that it wasn't too much of a disaster zone
Cleck, your hubby sounds like a sweetheart, I am so excited for you moving and being together again. I think you are an absolute star coping so well on your own, Emma should be very proud
As for us..............well I had a great weekend. My 3 best friends from uni came down on Friday and we just had a relaxing evenign with a take-away and a few bottles of champers (Sophia slept through - hurrah!)
Then on Saturday we had a lovely day in teh sunshine, with a gorgeous lunch in the garden with Sophia (who ate really well for everyone and tried Stilton and salami for teh first time!) and of course more champers (drinking champagne feels extremely decadant, I have decided I should do it more often!) Then I took Sophia off to my parents to gether ready for bed etc and then met everyone (there was 12 of us) out in Canterbury. We started with shots (which I wasn't convinced was a great idea!) then went for a lovey meal (more champers!) then on to some bars and a club (yes you heard right I went dancing!) At the dinner I thought it was all gonna go horribly wrong as I started feeling incredibly pissed, but once we left the restaurant and I went back to drinking vodka (I always used to be able to drink this until the cows came home!) I was fine. Finally went to be at 4am

I was SO impressed with my stamina! Even more impressed by the fact that I didn't feel too rough the next day
Sophia was grand at her nanny and grandad's house, she took all her expressed milk from her cup and only woke up at 5am (having gone down at 7.30pm) which isn't bad considering! She was delivered back to me at midday on Sunday in a super great mood!
SO today is my actual birthday and she slept though last night (I think, an dI am whispering this whilst crossing my fingers and touching wood that she might be getting back to normal sleep wise!). I got some great presents, including a video camera and and LOTS of money to spend at bluewater on clothes from David (which I shal use when I am happy with my weight
Which by the way was 9st 9 and a half lbs on Friday (so just half a pound off my target) but i suspect this will have crept up a couple of pounds after the weekends indulgences!
SO my new target is
current weight - 9st 10lbs ish
next mini target - 9st 7lbs
by 19th June (a wedding) 9st 4lbs
Final target 9 stone!
SO 10 lbs to lose, and now that Sophia will take milk from a cup I have no excuse to not hit the gym a bit more regularly.
Anyway, I am hoping the sun will make an appearance today as David has taken the day off so I am hoping to ger out for a lovely walk and a pub lunch!
big hugs to everyone