--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Gosh, that's awful. A lovely card would be nice, but flowers take too much looking after. Something they can put away if it's too hard to look at, but keep as a reminder of their LO would probably be best. Maybe a little angel ornament or a star or something? If it was me, baby things would be too hard to look at, so a teddy not the best.
I caught Adam with a piece of cat food today. Next time I looked (seconds later) no piece of cat food. I think he ate it - it was one of those little biscuity kibbley things. Bloody baby has been making a bee line for Betty's dish the last few days, I knew he had, earlier, picked up a handful and thrown it, but that was in the hall. A bit must have bounced through to the living room, where it did not escape the eagle eyes of Mr Adam.

I checked his mouth and hands and his surrounds - no cat biscuit. It MIGHT have gone down his top, will find out when I change him. Eeeeeeeek.

TMR, that is so sad about your neighbours' baby, and I think it is very kind of you to want to let them know you're thinking about them. Agree with Auntie E that something non-baby would be best, that would break my heart if it was me, but a little angel, perhaps. :hug:

jelr, it is lovely to see you back and posting! good to hear you're settled with your work, though I understand your feelings about leaving Natasha. :( I am back a week tomorrow. :cry: Have been booked for 5 Saturdays in a row but only 2 of the Fridays, so it's tolerable, I think, as I'll only have to leave home about 11.30am on the Sats and will be home by 10pm (should be). So I will be able to give Adam breakfast and all that, and probably be home JUST as he is on his way to bed. Fridays with be different, as I'll go out at 3.30pm but not be home when he goes to bed as I finish at 1am and depending on whether I get a cab home or the bus, I won't be home till 2am or closer to 3am. Not looking forward to it but with my SMP finishing tomorrow I really have to do it and just manage!

Such a gorgeous day today - Adam and I have been out with the pushchair for the first time just us in what feels like ages. We walked to and from the shops, didn't need coats or anything. Lovely.

He has got so active the last week or so, crawling really well now, so we HAVE to babyproof a bit better. Not sure what we'll need to buy but definitely locks for the kitchen cupboards and drawers. I know it's not going to be long before he figures out what the handles are for... :lol:
thank you ladys for youer thorts i got them a big bunch of flouwers and a nice card gave them to gem and she started crying asked me in and nat was in bits they are bring baby home tomorrw for the night and asked me if i wanted to go around. Iam not sure if i want to as i dnt think iam strong not to cry.

nat had bleeding throw out all her preg and was on bed rest she was 6 1/2 months with a little boy and she got very high blood pressher (sp) so they seid they needed to get baby out befor they lost them both. He lived for 2 days he passed on easter sunday.

Nat is blaming it on her self and thinks god dose not think that 2 woman should have a baby together and took him away i really didnt know what to say.
Ah TMR: - that is terrible your poor friends - I can understand somewhat what they are going through as I had a MMC at 16 weeks and I know I blamed myself and thought it must have been something I had done like drank and smoked before I realised I was pregnant - but I think it is just an act of nature sometimes and the doctor told me that sometimes the womb is not ready and it is natures way of getting it ready for a baby - but what they are going through is far worse when she was so far along and I dont think I would have coped with having to go through labour and have a baby to bring home, I know at the time I wished I could have met LO but I think what they have faced would be so much harder. You are being a great friend and I know it is terrible and it is really hard to know what to say in these situations, but from my experience, they dont want you to say anything specific or even remember what you have said but will be just grateful that you came up and were there for them and have listened as it shows them you care, so dont worry that you didn't know what to say.

MJ: You will be fine after a couple of weeks of working, It does take time to get used to and you will probably always wish deep down you didn't have to do it - but you will adjust really and it is nice to get out and speak with other adults a bit too, dont worry you will be fine. Yeah I'm off for two weeks for the Easter break so finally getting a minute to post again, not sure how I will go next week when I'm back to work again ha ha
Aw TMR, I'm so sorry that your friends are going through this. I think that if you can, it would be nice for them to have someone else to see their baby, because they'll never have the chance to show him off like we have with our LOs. Crying wouldn't matter, I don't think they'd expect you to not cry. :hug:
Yes, TMR, if you can bear to go, I would try to go. Just to acknowledge their lovely son and that they are a family and they are parents. Not many people will get to see him, I don't imagine, and I am sure they want him to exist in other people's memories. Those poor ladies, it's so sad. :hugs:
Shiv, if you see this, have a lovely time out! Did you hit your goal? You've done so well (I have been stuck at 9 13 for ages, grrrr!)

Such a gorgeous day today, we're off to a 1st birthday party (Adam's cousin Oscar). It's my last Saturday off. Can't believe my 39 weeks is almost up! It's actually gone really quickly.

Hope everyone is ok, it's been quiet in here lately, hope you've all been enjoying the good weather :D
Thought I'd pop in and say hi! :wave: one more week and we'll be on our way to California! :happydance: I'm very ready to leave and get my own place to take care of again. DH called from the ship a few days ago and I automatically freaked that something was wrong because he never calls. But he said 'I just wanted to tell you I love you'. :cloud9::cloud9: He's so sweet when he wants to be. :haha:

Hope everyone is enjoying the springtime! :hugs::hugs:
Hi all! I've been busy this week, but just wanted to share that we are on day 11 with no poop!!!! The doctor had us try apple and prune juice for a few days, and now Kira's on a prescription for stool softener. I gave her the medicine this morning and once she wakes, we are heading to my Mom's for the day. My plan is to have my Mom help with poop clean-up for poop Saturday since DH is gone all day for a class. The internet says it can work in 4 hours, or up to 24hrs... eeek! She's a ticking time bomb! It's been 2 hours now. If no poop by Monday, we have to see her doctor. I was laughing this morning because since it's been so long, the top butt wipe is all dried up.

Haha- I just realized I planned my whole day based on poop. :haha:
Wow, super quiet in here! Hope everyone is well. :) Happy birthday, Shiv! Welcome to the magical decade. :lol: (I have enjoyed my thirties thus far, but that might have been because my twenties were a bit of a self-destructive disaster, over all...)

Spidey, gosh, poor Kira! I hope she's done one by now and it wasn't too awful. How is she in herself? I reckon I'd be miserable if it was me!

Cleck, that's great news about moving soon and awwww! how sweet of C, I went all mushy when I read that :lol: I saw your lovely pics of Emma on FB, she looks like she is doing really well.

As for us - Saturday we went to the birthday party (a little weird, in a pub, no childrens' games and ice cream and jelly and fairy cakes); it was nice, however, to see everyone. Adam was very good. He is always great in public, we joke that he's going to be an actor because he has a very good face for the world. :)

His frustration at home right now is our living room/kitchen door (it's one - heh - not even big room, big enough, just about). He is magnetically attracted to the door. We have always propped it open so as to give Betty free access, but if we leave it open when Adam is on the floor he makes a bee line to it and heads out to the hallway, somewhere we don't want him to be because that's where we moved Betty's food and water to (he was going over and playing with her food). Also the router and modem are there, on the floor, and the stairs and 5 steps down to the front door, with no gates (yet). So it's not safe and we are keeping the living room door shut. Well, if he sees you go to close it he cries, if he sees you go out even for a second he cries... basically he only likes the door open and if it closes - he cries. Real sobbing, sad... not sure if I'd class it as a temper but it's awful! And because of Betty we are closing and opening the door a lot. :( Speaking of Betty, they really love each other, I think, at least his face lights up when he sees her and she will let him touch her and approach her without running away (she will move herself if she is uncomfortable but has never been aggressive in any way). I really hope this carries on because it makes my life easier... ut something tells me that when he is more mobile he's going to terrorise her. On her side is her cat agility (even though she's not a small cat and she is 12 years old she is pretty agile when she wants to be) and her speed. :D

I made a little video of them last week...


it shows our pesky living room/kitchen door and surprisingly Adam NOT pursuing Betty relentlessly. :lol:
oh MJ look at Adam go! He is just SO cute and clearly adores you! And I swear I head him say "hello" (not in reply to you saying but a little while before - clear as day! And thank you for the birthday wishes! Being 30 is no big deal to me, I kinda have most of things I hoped I would by this age, well apart from a job, but you can't have everything :winkwink:

Spidey, I hope Kira is a good few ounces lighter now :haha: and that it wasn't too much of a disaster zone :hugs:

Cleck, your hubby sounds like a sweetheart, I am so excited for you moving and being together again. I think you are an absolute star coping so well on your own, Emma should be very proud :kiss:

As for us..............well I had a great weekend. My 3 best friends from uni came down on Friday and we just had a relaxing evenign with a take-away and a few bottles of champers (Sophia slept through - hurrah!)

Then on Saturday we had a lovely day in teh sunshine, with a gorgeous lunch in the garden with Sophia (who ate really well for everyone and tried Stilton and salami for teh first time!) and of course more champers (drinking champagne feels extremely decadant, I have decided I should do it more often!) Then I took Sophia off to my parents to gether ready for bed etc and then met everyone (there was 12 of us) out in Canterbury. We started with shots (which I wasn't convinced was a great idea!) then went for a lovey meal (more champers!) then on to some bars and a club (yes you heard right I went dancing!) At the dinner I thought it was all gonna go horribly wrong as I started feeling incredibly pissed, but once we left the restaurant and I went back to drinking vodka (I always used to be able to drink this until the cows came home!) I was fine. Finally went to be at 4am :happydance: I was SO impressed with my stamina! Even more impressed by the fact that I didn't feel too rough the next day :happydance:

Sophia was grand at her nanny and grandad's house, she took all her expressed milk from her cup and only woke up at 5am (having gone down at 7.30pm) which isn't bad considering! She was delivered back to me at midday on Sunday in a super great mood!:cloud9:

SO today is my actual birthday and she slept though last night (I think, an dI am whispering this whilst crossing my fingers and touching wood that she might be getting back to normal sleep wise!). I got some great presents, including a video camera and and LOTS of money to spend at bluewater on clothes from David (which I shal use when I am happy with my weight :happydance:

Which by the way was 9st 9 and a half lbs on Friday (so just half a pound off my target) but i suspect this will have crept up a couple of pounds after the weekends indulgences!

SO my new target is
current weight - 9st 10lbs ish
next mini target - 9st 7lbs
by 19th June (a wedding) 9st 4lbs
Final target 9 stone!
SO 10 lbs to lose, and now that Sophia will take milk from a cup I have no excuse to not hit the gym a bit more regularly.

Anyway, I am hoping the sun will make an appearance today as David has taken the day off so I am hoping to ger out for a lovely walk and a pub lunch!

big hugs to everyone :hugs:
I am poorly and my baby is in Hong Kong and I hate it.

Sorry, all about me today apparently. Feeling a bit sorry for myself. Mog slept through the flight, but had a bit of a crying fit through security (just what I needed as I left her) and at the departure gate. Both were probably because she was tired and hungry, so in general I think if you have lots of food and a quiet dark place for bubs, flying isn't too much of a problem. The moment they got on the plane, he fed her and she went to sleep in the flight bassinet and stayed that way until they landed. So far so good. Madam is so addicted to the jumperoo we bought a cheap door bouncer to take to Hong Kong, she's not as keen on it as the jumperoo, but still pretty keen.

I'm thinking of buying the bounce and spin froggy for Mogling, she adores adores adores the jumperoo, but it would be nice to have something that took up a little less room, and then the jumperoo can go in Daddy's office for when he needs to work. Office is currently being finished off by yours truly, but is in the garage so is a pain to haul the jumperoo out to, and the door is only partition studwork, so we couldn't put a door bouncer in.

Watched 'Capturing a short life' on Sky and sobbed for pretty much the entire hour it was on. It's a beautiful film, but deffo not one to watch if you're already feeling a bit fragile. There's a lovely surprise at the end, which helped cheer me up a bit.

Am driveling, I blame the raised temperature and swollen glands. As we were having a NTNP month due to ongoing cerazette based misery, I don't dare take anything but paracetemol thanks to not knowing where I am in my cycle. I'm pretty sure that I'm not pregnant, as it would be a practically immaculate conception, but paranoia prevents me taking lemsip. :( With a bit of luck, AF will show up and I can kill the germs with many many drugs.
Oh dear, poor you AE, I really hope you feel loads better soon. If it makes you feel any better I took Lempsip max before I realised I was pregnant with Sophia and she seems to be ok!

Anyway sorry that you haven't got Imogen to give you some get well soon hugs, so here are some from me :hugs:
MJ- Awww he's so cute. I love hearing your voice. :haha: Every time I hear you girls talk I get a huge grin. So freaking cute. Anyways, Emma heard AE on the video squealing and she started squealing back. :rofl:

Shiv- Happy Birthday!!!!! :happydance:

Aunty E- So sorry your not feeling well. :( :hugs::hugs:
i have my first scan tomorrow! at 1.30pm and im scared please keep your fingers crossed for me!

and here is a pic of my new baby bump that has appeared from nowere, jesse did a good job of ruining my stomach to the point as soon as i was pregnant i look like im ready to pop!

Boothh, good luck tomorrow, and you look great!
Hi Ladies, I'm rubbish, I admit it, I haven't read anything or caught up on posts apart from that cute video of AE MJ, awwww, he's a good mover all right. My little chunk seems happy to just sit and use toys or anything he can get hold of to pull things closer to him. Saying that he climbed up on me to a stand yesterday so it won't be long.

Booth I saw your sad face on fb hon and check out the Nov thread. So sorry hon my thoughts are with you both maybe bubba is a slow grower??? But I'm so sorry hon :hug: xxx

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