--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Hey Boothh. I've been gone a few days but wanted to give you more hugs. :hugs: Glad your OP went okay. Hope you feel better quickly. :hugs::hugs: As for the smoking, its understandable in such a stressful and emotional situation. Don't beat yourself up over it. You can always quit again when you are ready. :D
Thankyou Hun, I honestly feel so overwhelmed with all the love and support from all of you, and it's so funny how we all met on a forum and you have become some of my closest friends, I really feel so lucky to have so many people who care about me and really don't know how I can repay any of you for helping me through all this,

On a brighter note though I was thinking, now it's getting closer to the cubs birthdays we should have like a secret Santa but you know secret birthday bunny! I'll be up for organising if anyone is up for it as it gives me something to do, just thinking some of the babies were born early so don't want them to miss out and with my organizing skills it will take me this long to sort it out lmao, so if anyones interested then let me know and we can start to think of price range and get an idea of how many of us there are etc :) xx
Boothh, I think you are being incredibly brave, Stuart and little Jesse must be very proud of you :hugs:

I am glad you were well taken care of at hospital, it seems rare these days to here positive stories of hospital care.

As for secret birthday bunny - great idea :thumbup: I would be up for taking part:happydance:
Aw, a secret birthday bunny is a wonderful idea! We would love to take part in that. :D

Hope you're feeling ok today, Becki, rest up, sweetie. :hugs:

I've been back to work this weekend, Fri night and yesterday. It was fine, though I was quite anxious before, I was scared I'd have forgotten what to do but it all came flooding back and it was as though I'd never been away. :lol: Adam was fine, my mum has been down since Tuesday (just gone back today) so she was there on Fri till C got home. Although he did bang his head Fri evening, when both of them were looking after him - he pulled up on the oven door (it stays cool) and grabbed hold of an oven mitt that was hanging and he pulled it down and fell and bumped his head and got a bruise. :( He's been pulling up properly since last week, before then he'd climb on us, so pulling up on low things, now he is getting up to the settee, and cruising along as well, he basically pulled up and started taking steps along holding on from the first time he was up there. He's had a few little falls but we've pulled a rug up so if (when) he falls he doesn't hit himself on the hard wood floors. He is highly motivated to climb up and get to my laptop or mobile or the remote controls and they are usually on the settee... it's so cute to see his little face peeking up.
Booth -so sorry to hear about your loss. It will get better I promise although it doesnt feel like that at the moment. When it happened to me I just couldnt see how I would be able to lift myself out of th black hole I was in but it eventually lifted. Lots of hugs your way xxx
Birthday bunny sounds great - count me in!

Glad to hear the hospital were nice, and don't beat yourself up about smoking, sometimes you just need to. I gave up when i was pregnant and started again when we moved in November - and that was just moving house stress. You'll give up when you need to :hug:

I'm worried that Duncan and Mog are going to get stuck in Hong Kong. Their flight back is late on Tuesday evening, so I'm desperately hoping that the restrictions are lifted by then (and that it's safe to fly of course).
nice to see there's a bit of interest in the birthday bunny idea, once I get my Internet finally installed I can sort something out a little better, should be this week hopefully!
Oh no! Didn't think of that I bet your worried! It should be lifted soon will keep my fingers crossed it's in time for their flight eh! xxx
Boothh- the birthday bunnies is a cute idea. I'll take part as long as shipping to and from the US isn't too high- I wouldn't want to burden anyone with shipping something to me if its expensive.

I have more poop updates on my poor baby. She didn't go for 11 days, and then some poop (not excitingly large amounts like I was expecting) and then didn't go for 7 more days. The doctor had us give her an oral laxative but that didn't seem to do anything. Sunday my poor baby was screaming while poo-ing out very hard poo. It was so heart breaking :cry: DH ran to the store to get glycerin suppositories to help things out, and she ended up pooping quite a bit, but with so many tears. I don't know why she's so clogged up since she's primarily breast fed and only eats a little solid food, which is all fruits and veggies. Breast milk is supposed to be a laxative on its own, so things should be flowing nicely. So I'm going to help things along with suppositories until she gets back to normal.

Besides poop, nothing else has changed... still no crawling or scooting forward. I'm so jealous of all the moving babies!!
spidey- :hugs: Poor little thing. I hope she feels better after finally getting that out! Doesn't sound fun at all. Emma has had days where she'd block up but nothing quite like that. :hugs: Glad you were strong enough to get through her screaming. Half the time Emma screaming and crying just sends me into tears when I can't help or figure out whats wrong. :blush:
spidey~ poor little babba babba hope she starts goeing propper soon. Lucas seems to be a bit blocked at the mo as he is only doing little poops and very hard where as he used to go loads.

hello to every 1 elles i cant belive are bubbas are going to be 1 soon. it dosnt seem 2 min sins we where all in 1st tri.

well lucas is now 25lbs3oz and loving his food and mine when he sees me eating he wants it so i have to give him 1/2 mine then he has his own but iam glad he isnt fussy as rueben will not eat anthing outher than a few things or he makes him self sick.

on the moving thing lucas was carwling evey where but now will not crawl for anything he has gone back to rolling but he seems to of forgot how to crawl. Wich iam happy about as it is easyer to keep an eye on him.

any way take care off to get the kids dressed and rueben to school i cnt wait for the 6 weeks hols
Aw no hoping it sorts itself out soon for you spidey, and I'm sure one of us won't mind the shipping it's not often we do anything like that is it! I'll look into it though and make sure it's not ridiculous! xx
Jesse poos 1 or 2times a day everyday the odd time it's more but he's never gone a day without, maybe we've just been lucky, just a thought though I don't know what you've tried but if jess does hard poos and seems to struggle I give him some freshOJ diluted and it usually does the trick, dong know how much it would help though after do long bless xx

jess is crawling properly now and fast too, can't be distracted for even 5seconds or he's off, I really need to do some babyproofing xx
Mog and Duncan stuck in Hong Kong. First flight they've been offered is on 12 May. Apparently infants (and pregnant women as the girl they're travelling with is 28 weeks pregnant) don't get priority. WTF? So angry I want to break things and people. Actually, I just want to break people.
Omg! That is shocking! Can't believe it will take them that long to get another flight; think he needs to buy a camp bed and sleep outside the ticket office! As for the pregnant girl - what airline in their right mind keeps somebody that heavily pregnant waiting!? The longer they wait to fly her the more risk they take on!
Sorry auntyE in my rant I forgot to send u lots of hugs & best wishes :hugs:
Ranting fine - it's all I seem to be able to do right now. Duncan has run out of SMA, so he's been using a local formula, which has given Mog an upset stomach, so that's not helping. They might be able to get a flight back with Singapore airlines at the weekend, so fingers crossed, but OH will have lost £500 of work and I'll have to pay the childminder for two days we won't use, and that's the best case scenario.

I really really hate Iceland right now.
12th May? WTF?!?!?!?!?!? That's is ridiculous! I hope they got home soon AE, bloody stupid volcano :growlmad:
Hi everyone im so so sorry that i've been MIA for so long!
First off i want too send big big hugs to boothh i am so sorry for your loss sweetie thinking of you, stuart and jesse xx
Auntie E you poor thing i hope that your OH and Mogs get a sooner flight xxx
Damn volcano!!!!
Elinor had her operation on the 12th and is doing fab she sweating alot less and eating more food which is a bonus i didn't expect x
TMR- Lucas is 25 pounds! You must be growing good mommy muscles to carry him around :haha: Kira is 19 pounds now and I get out of breath taking her up and down the stairs!

Boothh- I will give orange juice a try. I've been trying apple and prune juice but she's not really interested. I even froze some juice into popsicles, but nope.

AE- I hope they get an earlier flight. Thats so long to wait... I can't even imagine :cry:

Sam- I'm so happy to hear the surgery went well! And yah for good appetites! She must be feeling so much better :happydance:

And since no one else cares to hear about baby poop besides you lovely gals :blush:, we've had no more poop since Sunday for us. I wish Kira was back on her 1 to 2 poops a day schedule! Cleck- you're right, I had a pit in my stomach when Kira was screaming in pain and there was nothing I could do. Tomorrow I will try a suppository to help keep things moving. The things we do as mommies!
Aunty E OM frigging God!!!! Really keeping my fingers crossed for you hon that they get a flight sooner. You both must be beside yourselves. :hugs:

Spidey sorry about the poo situations. Sam seems to have some hard and some soft days but he's never missed a day. Fingers crossed things get moving soon! Literally!!!

Sam_Star so glad all went well and she is eating.

As for us, I've had mild one day flu which is very odd, thought flu lasted for a week but have had jab so maybe that helped keep symptoms for a minimum. Samuel has yet another cold AHHHH about the 8th one since he has been born, no joke! Anyway I also got a positive OPK the other day so I'm excited to know my cycles are back on track ready for ttc in Sept :yipee: I was worried that bf might have stopped them but it hasn't. Oh and Sam LOVES his food, just like his mummy :haha: just have to make sure he doesn't eat too much :dohh:

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