Aw, a secret birthday bunny is a wonderful idea! We would love to take part in that.
Hope you're feeling ok today, Becki, rest up, sweetie.
I've been back to work this weekend, Fri night and yesterday. It was fine, though I was quite anxious before, I was scared I'd have forgotten what to do but it all came flooding back and it was as though I'd never been away.

Adam was fine, my mum has been down since Tuesday (just gone back today) so she was there on Fri till C got home. Although he did bang his head Fri evening, when both of them were looking after him - he pulled up on the oven door (it stays cool) and grabbed hold of an oven mitt that was hanging and he pulled it down and fell and bumped his head and got a bruise.

He's been pulling up properly since last week, before then he'd climb on us, so pulling up on low things, now he is getting up to the settee, and cruising along as well, he basically pulled up and started taking steps along holding on from the first time he was up there. He's had a few little falls but we've pulled a rug up so if (when) he falls he doesn't hit himself on the hard wood floors. He is highly motivated to climb up and get to my laptop or mobile or the remote controls and they are usually on the settee... it's so cute to see his little face peeking up.