I change gage's diaper between breasts so that he wakes right up...... he hates his diaper changed....and screams the whole time...so that works for us....LOL
Lucas is the same he screams as soon as i open it then as soon as its back on stops. But loves no clothes on and loves being in the bath.
My mum changed Lucas' nappy for the 1st time on sat and as she bent down talking to him when hes nappy was off he started to wee and got it right in her mouth

omg that's soooo funny tmr!!! Yuck!

Vince does sometimes wee on us whilst we're changing his nappy, but not too often thank goodness!! We put a piece of kitchen towel over his willy when we change him so that if he does wee, it stops the stream from fountaining up too high!!

One time as I was changing his nappy he pooed, it was soooo funny, I kept catching it in the nappy, thinking he was done, taking the nappy right off and thenhe'd start again!! It was like thick yellow toothpaste coming out!!!!
Vince is a bit fussy today, so we tried giving him cooled fennel tea to help his tummy a bit and it made him burp pretty well
As for me, I am getting plenty of sleep as we have such a good nighttime routine (even though Vince wakes every 3 hours) but I am in soooo much pain every day now

It's because of picking Vinnie up and everything, my joints are really miserable

I'm trying anything I can think of to try to stop the pain, meds are only working a little bit and wear off too quickly, I'm trying my TENs machine but it only helps sometimes... *sigh*

I guess this is the price I have to pay to have a cute little bundle of joy eh?!
Anyway, I'm in high spirits despite that! Soooo good to see everyone sharing info in here and chattering away

It was starting to be 90% me blabbering away in here and 10% everyone else hehehe
Sounds like everyone's cubs are growing really nicely

a friend of mine has a baby who is nearly 3 weeks older than Vince, and she weighs 8 oz. less than him! She is breastfed though, do BF babies put it on slower?? As far as I can tell from my Red Book, Vince is exactly on average weight for his age, so my friend must have a bit of a skinny baby right?!
Happy Thursday to all!
Shadow xxx