--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

i felt very quilty trying to breast feed, i managed it for a week, but i physically couldnt produce enough milk for brandon-li, and that was when i could get him to latch on. it really really gutted me, i so wanted to do it, but i was having to breast feed when i could, express and also top up with formula, it was making brandon even more unsettled so in the end made the desision to stick to formula, in the long run after many weeks of guilt hes finally settling down but is feeding 6oz every 2-4 hours, the midwife told me to basically not feed him untill 4 hours its aload of crap if hes hungry i feed him!!!.

i think brandon-li will be on solids in the near future i.e baby rice etc..., jack was on rusk and baby rice at 8 weeks, there is some things you JUST dont tell the HV, i go on my mums recommendations, i mean my nan used to boil the ash off the fire and strain it and feed the water to her baby if they had a upset stomach (ive not done this lmao) but you see where im going with this, lol.

i must say when i have my next im not going to try breast feeding, i know brandon-li had the best bit for the 1st week but it just upset him more i felt, and if im honest with having a 3 year old it just wasnt possible, i wish id done it with jack when i had more time.
Being a mummy is very time consuming lol, but the best job ever! still trying to convince OH to try for our last!! i want the hardest part all together!! lol xx
Hmmm, he had a little squeal and woke himself back up again, but I went up and put the dummy back in his mouth and made vague soothing noises (lol) and he seemedto settle again... Will we be up and down all night I wonder? We're trying to avoid having him in our bed tonight (he has been in our bed every night lately as he just would not settle in the moses basket) because when he's in with us, one of us has to sleep in the spare room otherwise neither of us would sleep for fear of squashing him- I miss sleeping with OH! :( I want a cuddle tonight damn it, so Vince is just gonna have to stay in the moses basket!!! lol...

Anyone else co-sleeping? What are the feelings on that?


shadow huni, we also have brandon-li in bed with us every night, there are so many harsh warnings on not doing it but brandon-li wont settle unless hes on my chest or being held, i am sleeping with his blanky tonight to try and get my sent on it and then going to put that in his basket to see if that helps, i had to do this with jack though, it just made it harder when he was older i had to do a month of controlled crying at 8 months putting him in his cot awake to settle himself was so hard but boy was it worth it, hes in bed for 6;30 every night now awake and settles himself i know his 3 but my friends 3 year old still has to fall asleep on them, i dont see anything wrong in spoiling them, as long as your prepared for the hard work it is further along the line lol, and i am!!!! lmao
Real quick, wanted to add that we are co-sleeping mostly as well. We try and try to get her in her crib at night. Last night was a success but most nights she wants to be at the breast so I just let her stay there and she sleeps on my chest all night. Doesn't affect the situation with DH and I so far as I'm not up to getting any action quite yet with my incision still being nasty and leaking. LOL! :haha: But I'm sure once I'm back in tip top shape, I'll get sick of her being with us. We are still keeping at it though. But so far I am somewhat of an attachment parent because even when awake she hates being put down. I've finally broken down and bought a really nice sling. I'm just waiting for it to come in now. I can't wait to get it and wear her around. hehe. :cloud9:
Cleck, I've read both of your updates (in here and in August thread) and I just want to take the opportunity to give you massive massive :hugs: sweetie: I'm so so sorry you've had such a rough time: I know you were worried about your incision when you messaged me before, but I had no idea how painful it must've been for you and of courser had no idea that it was all leaky in there!!! Did you go to the hospital to get it checked out sweetie? Or did your midwife check it for you? I hope it's getting better now :hugs:
And as for the feeding issues, though I worked through it very quickly, I too had all of the same guilt issues etc. as all of you with the BF: For me, it just was not feasible to BF Vince, even if he could latch on better now and even if my milk supply hadn't dried up now, I would not be able to try again because the joints in my arms are soooo painful lately: I just don't think I could hold him in the right position... It's painful enough with a cushion and a bottle, sometimes I just have to let his daddy feed him as it's just too hard on my arms. But whatever our reasons for not BF / supplementing with formula, MJ you are totally right that it's in no-ones best interests to feel guilty about it and stress about it. I am in awe of you, Cleck, rebuilding your supply and trying again with the BF, especially after the hard time you've been through...

Oh, lol, and on the co-sleeping thing, Vince seems to be done with that already! He has been in his own bed for 2 nights now and has been perfectly happy! In fact, last night we put him in the cot for the first time!! It's great, OH set it all up really beautifully for him with the cot divider and a mobile and a towel rolled up to a sausage and put in an arc around his head to make it snug for him (he had rolled up towels either side of him when he was in our bed so I think this helped the transition for him). We swaddle him at night and it really seems to be doing the trick. I'd encourage anyone to give swaddling a go if baby won't settle :)
So on the feeding thing, we have gone back to SMA White again to give it a go for a few days. It seemed to give him constipation when we first tried it but we figured his system is a little more mature now and so we want to try it again for a few days- He was starting to slip backwards from 3 hourly feeds and was demanding food at just over 2 hours which we don't want: If he gets used to that in the daytime then he'll want it at night too and we won't get any sleep!! So we've been on White for a day and a bit now, and last night he went 5 hours in the cot!!!! It was awesome too, cos my feeds were supposed to be at 11pm and 2 am, then OH would do 5 am and 8 am, but Vince slept after his 8pm feed until 1 am, so I did that feed and then OH took the 4 am feed and the 7am feed!! I only had to do one night feed! Muhahaha!!! Hehe... :haha:

Hope everyone is feeling good today :) sending hugs all round! :hugs:

Shadow x x x x x
Dear all (pls excuse lack of caps etc, am cuddling rose)

gosh its not easy is it! i am so sorry to hear that many of you girls have been struggling with the feeding, what a nightmare, and that clerk has been poorly. you all sound like you are doing a really fab job though and working out what is best for your babes and best for you which is great :)

i am having feeding issues too and am not happy with the amount of pain rose seems to be in with wind or reflux or something. she has started being randomly sick too, sounds like she has fluid stuck in her throat when she is sleeping and she cant sleep for long which means i cant either! wish i had taken her to the docs yesterday but hv did not seem worried and said to wait till 6 week check in a weeks time plus i still cant drive :(

feel like all i want to do today is cry but really need to pull myself together hey. Think weeks of having very little sleep is a killer!:wacko:

and also where does the day go?, apart from spending it on here:dohh:

take care everyone x
Awwww moo, sorry to hear you've got the blues sweetie :( :hugs2: I had a really bad patch of it back along, I hope it passes quickly for you...
What you say about Rose sounding like she's got fluid in the throat when she breathes... Vince had that for a while too, he sounded all snuffly and stuff, by my HV wasn't worried either: It's probably nothing to worry about honey, just a bit of milk still hanging about in her throat that she didn't swallow down fully. As long as she can breathe ok (even if it's noisy) then I'll bet she's just fine.

The sleep thing is DEFINITELY a killer! I was in a mess when I didn't have any nighttime help for a week at the hospital, came home in a right old state, miserable and totally out of it, totally exhausted. Do you have anyone who could watch Rose for a few hours so that you can get some sleep? You'd probably feel a lot better if you could get some rest!

x x x
:shock: OMG girls, I know I didn't go through labour like lots of you did, and didn't push my LO out the old fashioned way, but I THINK I JUST HAD A TASTE OF IT!!!! :rofl: I'm not kidding, I just did the BIGGEST poo, it was so wide :shock: took me AGES to push it out :rofl: LMAO... I even bled a little afterwards!!!! :nope: I can't believe I managed to get it out!!! I'm exhausted now hahaha and not a little sore!!

Hope it makes you all giggle hahaha, I remember the good old days in the pregnancy forums where we'd talk about poo for hours on end hehehe :haha:
hi everyone, josh is having feeds every 2-3 hours in the day, he has his last one at 9pm sleeps til 3.30am then he goes back to sleep til 7am, he takes betwwen 4-5oz at each feed, but if he sleeps well at night i dont mind him having lots in the day, ive got him aptimel number2
sheesh, shadow, that sounds like a monster poo! I've been doing poonuts again the last 2 weeks, think it's because I'm dehydrated. :(

not feeling too great today - mentally am ok, but tired, even though AE let us have 5 hours sleep last night, but physically am pretty shot. :cry: it's the damned SPD again. it had improved once the initial post-birth agony had worn off (the epidural meant I felt no pain when they had me in a very bizarre position for delivery), but it's back and I just wonder when it's ever going to be gone. :( Someone on another forum I post at said hers didn't go till she stopped breastfeeding... eeeeek.

Also my vag still feels swollen. Especially when I walk around, it's like there's this pressure down there, it's unpleasant. And my knees, which were painful from about 34 weeks or so, are especially bad today. I had really hoped that losing weight after giving birth would ease them but so far it hasn't. (I have 2 stone to lose... and I really have to if it's going to make my feel better physically.)

Chris and I went for a walk this morning, with AE, and it wasn't far and it wasn't up hills or anything, but I felt *almost* as bad, save for the lack of huge baby bump, as I did towards the end of the pregnancy. I have felt worse than this, for sure, when my stitches were sore, but tbh, it's not all tickety-boo down there either, yet... meh.

I bought some iron tablets, feel kind of drained. Am sure most is down to chronic lack of sleep though. Have even gone so far, today, to take the anti-inflammatories the doc prescribed - I'd stopped taking them a few days ago because they were making my tummy hurt (they are not good for people who have/have had stomach ulcers, as I have), but I just hate feeling this way. I want my energy back and to be able to move around like normal - and thought that 2 weeks post birth I'd be getting towards that,

Sorry for the whining. Adam is worth ALL this pain... it's just a not good sort of day so far!
Awwww moo, sorry to hear you've got the blues sweetie :( :hugs2: I had a really bad patch of it back along, I hope it passes quickly for you...
What you say about Rose sounding like she's got fluid in the throat when she breathes... Vince had that for a while too, he sounded all snuffly and stuff, by my HV wasn't worried either: It's probably nothing to worry about honey, just a bit of milk still hanging about in her throat that she didn't swallow down fully. As long as she can breathe ok (even if it's noisy) then I'll bet she's just fine.

The sleep thing is DEFINITELY a killer! I was in a mess when I didn't have any nighttime help for a week at the hospital, came home in a right old state, miserable and totally out of it, totally exhausted. Do you have anyone who could watch Rose for a few hours so that you can get some sleep? You'd probably feel a lot better if you could get some rest!

x x x

thanks shadow. i dont do not sleeping. what was i thinking having a baby hey!!!!!! :) My hubby often takes Rose if he is home, but she is feeding every 2 hours and he cant do that!:dohh:
i just dont want to miss a moment and hate walking around in a daze, having said that i do feel better than before. Roses arrival was traumatic as were the following couple of weeks in hospital and i found that really difficult, bizarrely once we got home.

Glad to hear you have got things out of your system anyway:happydance:
Real quick, wanted to add that we are co-sleeping mostly as well. We try and try to get her in her crib at night. Last night was a success but most nights she wants to be at the breast so I just let her stay there and she sleeps on my chest all night. Doesn't affect the situation with DH and I so far as I'm not up to getting any action quite yet with my incision still being nasty and leaking. LOL! :haha: But I'm sure once I'm back in tip top shape, I'll get sick of her being with us. We are still keeping at it though. But so far I am somewhat of an attachment parent because even when awake she hates being put down. I've finally broken down and bought a really nice sling. I'm just waiting for it to come in now. I can't wait to get it and wear her around. hehe. :cloud9:

where did you get it from huni? im dreading the OH going back to work he hates being in a room on his own! is crying as we speak lol xxx
:shock: OMG girls, I know I didn't go through labour like lots of you did, and didn't push my LO out the old fashioned way, but I THINK I JUST HAD A TASTE OF IT!!!! :rofl: I'm not kidding, I just did the BIGGEST poo, it was so wide :shock: took me AGES to push it out :rofl: LMAO... I even bled a little afterwards!!!! :nope: I can't believe I managed to get it out!!! I'm exhausted now hahaha and not a little sore!!

Hope it makes you all giggle hahaha, I remember the good old days in the pregnancy forums where we'd talk about poo for hours on end hehehe :haha:

omg lmfao!!!! :haha: bless you shadow!!! yes its just like having a massive poo!! actually sounds like me in labour! lol xx
hi everyone, josh is having feeds every 2-3 hours in the day, he has his last one at 9pm sleeps til 3.30am then he goes back to sleep til 7am, he takes betwwen 4-5oz at each feed, but if he sleeps well at night i dont mind him having lots in the day, ive got him aptimel number2

Wow, you lucky thing!! That sounds good!!

Awwww guys, today Vince has started making these cute noises, "Mlah! Blar!" It's the first time he has done anything like it and it's so exciting!! And he is also reaching out to grab the toys on his Link-a-Doos, it's so great to see him developing!! I just REALLY can't wait for that first proper smile... A couple of weeks to go for that I reckon.

MJ, I hear you on the exhaustion thing: Mentally I'm fine, too: I feel quite alert in my brain, but my body is totally exhausted. And I don't think it's really lack of sleep either, because I go to bed at about 10pm and although that's a broken sleep until 3am, I then sleep solidly from 3am till about 9 because OH has Vince. I feel like I'm actually getting plenty of sleep. It's just the physical demands of carrying Vinnie about, picking him up to feed etc. that are really draining my tiny resources!!

Eeeep, Vinnie crying! Back later guys xx
Wow I'm here and posting :yipee: finally after 5 days I have edited my signature, posted a birth story and a few congrats to people.

I'm loving being a Mum and he is so good it's making it all a little easier.

Just a quick update...... He is only waking for 2 feeds in the night and giving me a good 2 1/2 - 4 hours sleep at a time which is fantastic. My milk has come in so I have massive boobs :haha: and he's feeding very, very well like a typical boy which is excellent. I'm just waiting for things to change really as it seems like I'm getting an easy time of it (although I feel I deserve it after my labour!). Not that I'm complaining of course :winkwink: I do have my Mum here at the moment and Simon is waiting on me hand and foot so once they go back and he goes to work it could be a very different story. I'm catching up on sleep which was the worst part for me as I need my sleep. My 2nd degree tear is still painful but I think it's healing with help of the salt baths.

Anyway must go for dinner both for myself and the little man. I miss you guys and can't wait to be able to catch up with all the posts when we have managed to get him to sleep on his own. His only thing is he grumbles if he goes in a cot or pram and won't sleep so he's sleeping with us all the time. He did an hour today in his pram all bundled up in a blanket but I think we managed to trick him into doing it rather than him letting us ifykwim.

Love to you all. xxxxx
:shock: OMG guys, help me, I'm watching X factor!!! LOL and it made me cry!!! I blame the mummy hormones haha...
woah, Shadow, careful!! who/what did you cry at? have watched it with an eye and a half; AE needed changing in the middle of it, then our dinner was ready and he wanted to nibble at my boob while I was eating - it's amazing, I have always been someone who spilled down her top a LOT, but since having Adam and having to eat with one hand, plate over to one side balanced on a cushion, and not drop food on the baby, I have barely spilled anything! Though tonight I did get some lasagne on the breastfeeding cushion and on my boob but none on AE...

Pips, lovely to see you here! Sam sounds like a dream baby... AE was sleeping in the bed with us for a few days but I've stopped that at night, when I need to sleep, because I was too anxious that I'd smother him, so the health visitor and I decided it was best not to for now. We were doing it safely and all but... I am just happier with him in his cot, right next to our bed. I still bring him into bed for his feeds but I don't lie down with him in the middle of the night because I cannot guarantee I won't drop off. It's ok in the morning though, as if I sleep, it's much more of a light sleep.

Shadow, the tiredness is brutal, isn't it... I can deal with so much if I am rested, and fortunately I don't need as much sleep as I used to - third tri certainly did something for my sleep pattern that prepared me for what was to come! I had a nap this afternoon, 2 hours, which has made a difference - we fed AE and then Chris took him downstairs and he slept in the Moses basket while I was upstairs. I still ache though :( - it's annoying because I really am limited in the painkillers I can safely take, and if I was to take NSAIDs regularly I'd need to go back on omeprazole. I already feel them doing damage and it's only been a week. :(

My 2nd degree tear is STILL bugging me - midwife had a look at it yesterday and said it was healing but the stitches were still in - the whole of the down below area just hurts from time to time, not just the perineum. Weird. Though I guess it was traumatic, squeezing a baby out... and yes, like Bun said, it's like doing a GIANT poo - but I have had more pain passing poo than I did passing AE, thanks to the wonders of epidural :rofl:
lol MJ, wouldn't it be great to have an epidural kit at home for those massive painful poos?!? :rofl:

I was crying at the obligatory emotional story of the guy whose brother died of cancer who took on the care of his nephew (who, of course, came along to the audition and ran onto the stage at the end to hug his uncle to the "emotional" music in the background!) I think they do it especially to trap emotional, hormonal women into blubbing!! :rofl:

So Vince is down for the night and I'm holding my breath as to how long he will stay down! Come on Vinnie, sleep through mummy's share of the night feeds again and let daddy do them all!! :haha:

Right now I'm gonna try to use my last ounce of energy to update my invitations list and the front page in here... Then I shall be promptly falling asleep!

MJ how did you get him to sleep in his cot, Sam just cries, the only time he cries really (apart from when he needs a poo bless him, so funny seeing him learn how to use the right muscles) but he does. I'm going to try again tonight as I too am worried about smothering him and I won't let DH sleep next to him either he sleep by me and the wall (with protection of course) DH is a wiggler at night. Sam slept again in his pram tonight so I am hoping I can fool him into his Moses Basket tonight. He likes lots of blankets though which I also know is wrong but he likes to be snuggled.

Oh he's awake. GTG x
lol @ bun, my bowel movement was terrible after I gave birth. At least you managed to get it out. Surprised you could flush it though :)

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