--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

:( I don't know... But he's been farting loads today so there's some movement in there! He last pooped last night so I don't think he is...

He's feeding now, but I'm dreading when he's done and starts hollering again! I'll try swaddling him again after this feed and putting him upstairs, he must be exhausted cos he's pretty much cried through his sleeping time today! :wacko:
Adam Elliott likes the bath - as long as I'm in it with him, holding him. Put him in his bath support seat and he screams bloody murder! And he's weed on both of us quite a few times, always JUST as the new nappy comes near him, like he wants us to get through them twice as fast... and there was the time he peed on the midwife's scales... oops...

Sorry you're having a bad evening, Shadow :( AE is asleep in his cot and has been for the last couple of hours, after a bath with mummy and a listen to a couple of CDs (Donovan and a baby Bach one I got for £4 in Boots today, I figured I'd like listening to it even if he didn't!). He even let us have our dinner without waking up... it's pretty amazing. (First time he's been upstairs while we are both downstairs, I'm watching the movement monitor like a hawk...)

I expect he'll be on the yell for a boob soon though, it's been a couple of hours... :D
Shadow about the swimming we got told by mid wife after her 12 weeks injections . kelsey's having a bad few days to.. with stomach cramp/colic we haven't found anything calms her down but her new prince lionheart slumber bear it plays womb sounds and heart beat .https://www.babysleepshop.com/acatalog/Slumber_Bear.html
*holds breath*

(whispering...) Vince is burped, swaddled and in his moses basket upstairs! So far so good, I even put the dummy in his mouth but it fell out whilst he was all sleepy in there, so I left it and silently backed out of the room!!!

Eeepp... A little moan on the monitor... Sleeeeeep, little man!! Pleeeeeease!!!! :dohh:

*continues to hold breath all night* ....
MJ, that sounds like a good evening to me!!! I want one of those!!! Was gonna try Vince in the bath with me tonight, but I am just too exhausted today and he is now all sleepy, so he can go to bed stinky lol... The movement monitors are a lifesaver aren't they?? I just love the peace of mind they give when little one is silent in there!

Hmmm, couple more little grumbles on the monitor, but they aren't escalating... yet...
Hmmm, he had a little squeal and woke himself back up again, but I went up and put the dummy back in his mouth and made vague soothing noises (lol) and he seemedto settle again... Will we be up and down all night I wonder? We're trying to avoid having him in our bed tonight (he has been in our bed every night lately as he just would not settle in the moses basket) because when he's in with us, one of us has to sleep in the spare room otherwise neither of us would sleep for fear of squashing him- I miss sleeping with OH! :( I want a cuddle tonight damn it, so Vince is just gonna have to stay in the moses basket!!! lol...

Anyone else co-sleeping? What are the feelings on that?

:wave: caroline, I see you looking at this thread, and I wanted to ask you whether you've had your little one yet?? I haven't sent you an invitation to this group yet because I didn't have details of your LO... Let me know sweetie :winkwink: I don't want anyone being left out!!!
:bunny: Welcome to Sam_Star and baby Elinor and to Staceymy and baby Lexie!! :bunny:
When I have an inconsolable little one... I turn on the hair dryer or the vaccum... they love the white noise sound... kind of soothes them....

Some babies have a fussy period at night... it may be the same time each night for like an hour or so... they eventually grow out of it... my first did it from 7-8 every night for a month of two... we went through a hair dryer... had to buy another... but it was sanity..LOL
Hi ladies - this is my first venture into the Lion Cubs group - so I haven't read through to catch up. SO just wanted to say that I hope everyone is enjoying their babies and managing to get some sleep, and I shall try and get in here more often from now on!

Just need to change my signature now as it is a bit out of date!

Sophia is stirring so best get her on my boob quick!!
Sounds like everyone's cubs are growing really nicely :) a friend of mine has a baby who is nearly 3 weeks older than Vince, and she weighs 8 oz. less than him! She is breastfed though, do BF babies put it on slower?? As far as I can tell from my Red Book, Vince is exactly on average weight for his age, so my friend must have a bit of a skinny baby right?! :shrug:

Happy Thursday to all!

Shadow xxx

i was BFing Lucas for 3 weeks been on FF for 3 days now and in 2 weeks he put on 1lbs4oz also he didnt lose any in the 1st week he put on 5oz so dnt think it is true bf babys put on slower but that is what every 1 says.
shadow have u tryed giving cooled boild water between feeds it helps as the FF's they dnt get alot of water and there tong gets cloged up with milk?

we turn on a tap when baby wnt stop crying worked for rueben and Lucas.

Luas had a bottel at 9:00pm went down at 9:30pm and woke at 2:30am and 5am and is sleeping in hes chair now he was groning for 30min after hes 5am feed it sounds like hes growling at me lol.

We got told yesterday are new nabures are having a big party on sat and it could be noisy not look forward to it as i know rueben wnt sleep if to much going on but hoping Lucas wnt notice
Every baby no matter how fed puts on weight differently and they all start at diferent weights so I don't think just plucking a number at a certain age gives much indication of how they are doing. George is exclusively breastfed and has gained from 7lb 5oz at birth, (a low of just under 7 at 2days) and is now 9lb3oz at 3 and a half weeks.
so we finally managed to get him settled last night :D And he slept in his moses basket all night!!! We even put him in the nursery with monitors on so thast mummy and daddy could get reacquainted!! :rofl: it was lovely :blush:
Didn't do too badly in the night either: woke at 2 ish then 5 ish and that was it :)

tmr, thanks for the tip about the cooled boiled water, but our HV had already told us to do that so we do it every now and then if he is fussy, keeps him occupied as well as keeping him nicely hydrated :)

joey- yes, of course, you're so right about the weight thing. I do worry though that Vince is having 150ml feeds 8 times a day, and the guide with the formula says he should only be having 5 feeds a day! But I figure it will all even out in the end, right? I just don't want to overfeed him and end up with a fat little guy if its not good for him!

It's funny, when we were preggers all our chatter would be about all sorts of life stuff, but now that we are mummies it seems that none of us have any room in our brains for anything but baby talk eh?? :rofl: I guess that's how it'll be for a good while yet!!

OH and I are considering asking his mum to babysit one evening next week so that we can go out and enjoy a movie together :) Anyone left LO with someone else to go out and do stuff yet?? Is it hard to leave them for the first time??

shadow i wouldnt worry about how much he is having Lucas is on 6oz 180ml 6x in 24hrs at the min we are giving him aptamil but changing to cow and gate as think it is better. I allways think if they want it give it we was giving 5oz 150ml untill today as he was finishing it off so uped it to 6oz today and he seems better for it.
Hey girls. I've been MIA for a while. I updated the girls in august mummies club to tell them all about it. Lots of drama around here and complications. My biggest issue right now is feeding though. Emma isn't gaining weight like she should. They screwed up my milk supply from the start when it didn't come in within four days(it came in on day five) and they made me supplement with formula. Ever since than she wasn't 100% satisfied at my breast. So I finally took a day and just quit breastfeeding altogether. Stupid idea. I cried all day long and the next day snuck in a few feeds at the breast because I just couldn't stand not doing it. And that day off screwed up my supply even worse so now I am on damage control. I feed for about half an hour each session rotating positions at my breast, than I top her off with some formula, than I pump for ten minutes on each boob with a hospital pump I'm renting. It's alot of work and nearly impossible with my DH at work during the day. Emma doesn't want to sleep without being in my arms which as you can see makes my job even harder. LOL! Who knew feeding would be such an issue. :shrug: So Emma has to get reweighed in a week. She still isn't back up to her birth weight which is troubling. The day I 'quit' and put her on strictly formula. She kept eating too fast and projectile vomited after every single feed that day. I thought something was horribly wrong with her so we finally rushed her to the hospital at like midnight. We got transferred to another hospital with the first hospital telling us she may need surgery. Only to be told at the second hospital that we just need to pace her more. :dohh: I feel like an awful mommy most days because I'm trying my best to breastfeed and the guilt of her not gaining enough weight back is just killing me. :cry:

Okay that was really long sorry. haha. I forgot how much I could talk once I got started. :haha:
Hey girls. I've been MIA for a while. I updated the girls in august mummies club to tell them all about it. Lots of drama around here and complications. My biggest issue right now is feeding though. Emma isn't gaining weight like she should. They screwed up my milk supply from the start when it didn't come in within four days(it came in on day five) and they made me supplement with formula. Ever since than she wasn't 100% satisfied at my breast. So I finally took a day and just quit breastfeeding altogether. Stupid idea. I cried all day long and the next day snuck in a few feeds at the breast because I just couldn't stand not doing it. And that day off screwed up my supply even worse so now I am on damage control. I feed for about half an hour each session rotating positions at my breast, than I top her off with some formula, than I pump for ten minutes on each boob with a hospital pump I'm renting. It's alot of work and nearly impossible with my DH at work during the day. Emma doesn't want to sleep without being in my arms which as you can see makes my job even harder. LOL! Who knew feeding would be such an issue. :shrug: So Emma has to get reweighed in a week. She still isn't back up to her birth weight which is troubling. The day I 'quit' and put her on strictly formula. She kept eating too fast and projectile vomited after every single feed that day. I thought something was horribly wrong with her so we finally rushed her to the hospital at like midnight. We got transferred to another hospital with the first hospital telling us she may need surgery. Only to be told at the second hospital that we just need to pace her more. :dohh: I feel like an awful mommy most days because I'm trying my best to breastfeed and the guilt of her not gaining enough weight back is just killing me. :cry:

Okay that was really long sorry. haha. I forgot how much I could talk once I got started. :haha:

Hiya Sam,

I know how u felt, I also felt guilty with my 1st whenever I gave him formula but you be ok, it's normal for every new mom to feel that, now with my 2nd, I relish the time when I can give Naya bottle and I can rest for 3 extra hours before I start BF her again.

About your daughter might not gain enough weight, the problem might be from the formula.
Does she keep spit up after every feeding or just that one time only? I have friend whose baby keep spitting up and didn't gain enough weight, so the doctor change her formula from milk base to rice base. The problem came from her acid reflux that's why her baby keep spitting up.
I don't know if your baby has the same problem or not, but you can try to ask your pediatric about it.
cleck and nutty, I can empathise with the feeding issues. though I suspected ages before AE was born that I'd have trouble because of breast problems (it's a bit complicated); I had surgery 6 years ago to correct a congenital deformity and though my surgeon, who I saw a couple of months ago, said I'd not have trouble breastfeeding he couldn't say anything about supply. and so it has turned out. I *can* feed Adam, but not enough, and that is apparent to us because before I started supplementing formula (on midwives' advice), he wasn't having enough wet and dirty nappies and he wasn't regaining his lost weight. Now he feeds from me first and then Chris offers him formula. I have no idea how much he gets from me, he takes anything from 30-60ml (1-2oz) of formula per feed so I *hope* he's getting a fair amount of breastmilk.

He's still not regained his birthweight, he has a few ounces to go, so we haven't been signed off by the midwife yet, have to take him to be weighed next Saturday morning. But he's otherwise fine, his slight jaundice has gone and he's a good colour and loud and lusty.

He does bring up a fair bit of formula though, and I also think that he guzzles it, despite Chris saying it takes him a while to take 30ml; the bottle is an anti-colic one that's designed for switching between breast and bottle and he's had no problem. I know that what supply I have will be affected by the formula but ... I don't think there's much I can do about it. I'm taking fenugreek capsules and feeding him on demand but not expressing any more - I was, with a hospital grade pump, but it was painful and I found it depressing and miserable.

He still wants to feed from me but whereas before it was round the clock and he rarely came off of his own accord and wasn't looking satisfied, now he does sometimes finish and pull off and pass right out and sleep. So I think he's getting more than he was and I am ok with supplementing. Not happy - I actually find it quite painful to not be able to feed my baby entirely myself - but ok, as I'll do what I have to to ensure Adam is well. if I didn't have this underlying problem I think I'd be fighting harder to avoid formula but tbh, I am very grateful to have been able to feed him *any* breastmilk as I thought I would not be able to do that at all.

I admire you both for your determination. I share it to an extent but I know I'm not working with the best raw material in the world, so am making the best of what I have! I'm really, really trying not to feel guilty; I guess it helps that I worked through my feelings on this all during the pregnancy. Also, I just don't think it's in my, or AE's, best interest to stress about it. I know he needs me to be in good mental and physical health to take care of him and if I am exhausted and upset, it's not good for either of us. I wish things were different but they aren't. He sucks for comfort a lot I think, which I love, and hope it continues. :)
Hi Ladies

Have been MIA due to the move but am slowly getting myself sorted out

@ Shadow - glad you are enjoying Vince and also good that he eventually settled down after being miserable yesterday. Nice that you and hubby got 'reacquainted' yesterday and that Vince was a good little boy and slept right through :). Dont worry about the feeding issue, it is unlikely that Vince will become a fatty

@ Cleckner, Nutty and MJ - dont worry about the breastfeeding - as long as the babies are doing well which they are with such brilliant mums. I am BF but am thinking of supplementing with FM as I dont think she gets satisfied especially at night

My little Mimmi is so quiet though, she hardly cries and at night I only know she wants a feed because she starts fidgeting a lot. She does know how to poo though and I was laughing when I was reading all the stories about your LO's pooing on you and thought that's my girl - as soon as I start to change her nappy she does a fresh poo. THe other day I went through four fresh nappies in as many minutes....

Anyway lovelies, enjoy your babies and have a fab bank holiday

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