--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

And I forgot to mention Jesse keeps saying 'lynn' too LOL my mums name is Lynn and she rings me a few times a day, when the phone ring he keeps saying Lynn lmao he really is having a talky week phew!
Ha, nutty, I know the makaton for "shoe" from Something Special this morning. :lol:
Well Caylee will be going in Thursday morning and they are going to put tubes in her ears. He said its a fast, easy procedure and not to worry but they want to put her to sleep in my arms because it helps keep the babies calm but he warned me to be prepared that they just go limp in your arms, so I am super sad....Its going to be terrible to go through that.

I on the other hand felt like I wet myself today and I started having cramping, so I went into the hospital and I am dilated to one and having contractions, they were strong anf getting closer together but they stopped them thank goodness, and I have to see my doctor tomorrow sometime to figure out if I need bed rest due to being dilated
heidi is it gromits she is having?
Rueben has to go in in sept for them as he is allmost deff due to glue ear. If it is he had them when he was about 11 months and as much as it is horrid seeing them go throw it it dosnt hurt in any way and they are back around with in 10min and ready to go home soon after. I think you werst part is seeing them get put under i will never be there agane for that the 1st time he was screaming and next min he was gone and it really wasnt nice and next time when he had teeth out he was 3 and he was really crying then he just went limp and floped it looked like he was dead i cryed for an age after seeing that. OH is going in next time with him.
:hugs: Heidi. If it is gromits then I can say for sure that they dont hurt as I remember having mine done! It will be ok, and it is what Caylee needs. Are you taking someone else with you so you can get a hug?

and please take it easy, look after yourself, your next little girl needs to stay put for at least another 10 weeks yet :thumbup:
Heidi- its hard to see our LO's in pain or undergoing any type of procedure, but just think of how much healthier she'll be when she's all done! Let us know how she does :hugs:

Boothh- thats so neat that Jesse says words! I can't wait till Kira says her 1st word!
Heidi-:hugs::hugs: As I'm sitting here thinking about it, it will be MUCH more awful for you than it will her. Just think, she is getting it done SO young so she won't remember at all. If she was older it would be much more traumatic for her and she'd probably end up with a fear of hospitals, etc. It sounds terrifying but if it helps make her better so she doesn't get sick nearly as often, than this will be worth it. My thoughts are with you. :hugs::hugs: And stop dilating!!! AHH! Your gotta hold that little girl in there. :D I hope your body settles down so you don't have to be stuck in a bed for months on end. Although for me, that sounds good right about now. :haha: :hugs:
Thanks girls. I went into my 27 week appointment today, still dilated to one and having contractions and I lost all the weight I put on this pregnancy, GAH...I eat, I'm healthy, but I was at 178 and now down to 160 in 3 weeks. He is testing all my blood and Im on vitamins up the wazoo and I have a diet to follow to give me a good amount of calories and we have another ultrasound on the 30th. It has been such a day, and I am exhausted.

Thanks for all the support with Caylee though, I am such a scared momma, but I know she will be great
Hey girls

Just popping in to say hi - I have only read this page but will go back through at some stage.

Heidi honey - Caylee will be great, she is strong like her mommy - you make sure and get plenty of rest and fingers crossed Lily will stay in your tummy for another 10 weeks or so.

No real news from us, Natasha is still not crawling or scooting - well just scooting backwards and still no forwards so I'm still kinda worried that something is wrong but then I guess thats what us mothers do is worry and I'm sure she will be fine.

She is now saying hiya with meaning and nearly breaks her neck when we are out at the shops to look around you and say hiya to the people behind which is really cute.

She is still doing really well on the mental stuff and can click her fingers perfectly except for the actual clicking noise, and she loves struming her lips and making noise and she is doing lots of waving and blowing kisses still.

she has got 3 new teeth this week and I think there is one more on the way, the poor thing has been in awful pain so it has been a long sleepless week but I'm hoping when this one comes through she might have a break for a while as she will have 6 in total.

Work is manic at the moment finishing off everything before the end of term and I am so looking forward to being off for the summer. DH is also building on a sunroom out the back so it has been pretty manic here between work, the house and a teething baby.

We also moved Natasha out of our room into her own about two weeks ago as she was getting too big for comfort in the travel cot all the time and her big cot wont fit into our room and she is doing really well. the first few nights she kept losing her soother through the bars but that has stopped now. I cried my eyes out the first night though as I missed her breathing in the room - I'm so soft

Well that is all for me - hope your all well - I'm gonna go now and have a read back and If I dont get on over the next few weeks with work so busy I will defo be around in July and I will catch up with you all then.

Heidi I will get an update on you on facebook - I really hope all goes well - Big Hugs :hugs:
Caylee did well. I cried right away when they put her to sleep..ah she just went limp in my arms and I was like "AHHHH" so I left and 5 minutes later they were done! Shes a trooper!!

Natasha is just probably not wanting to scoot or move yet. I'm sure she is just fine hon, she is just going at her own pace :) I can't believe how many teeth she has!! Thats great. Its good that shes doing better in her own room now!
:hugs::hugs: Heidi. I'm glad everything went well. That must've been so hard. I am getting teared up just picturing it. But you survived and that's the important part. :D Are you still having contractions or has everything settled down?! When will you know more about it all? Have they given another ultrasound to make sure Lily is okay?
Well done Heidi, sounds like Caylee is a great patient :thumbup:

hi jelr, hope Natasha cheers up after the teething, it is miserable when you cant do anything to help.

hi everyone else!

I got my first period since I had Sophia this morning. I was so shocked! still I suppose it had to come eventually, I am just bummed because I am going to a wedding tomorrow and could have donw without the hassle!
Shadow hasnt been on for a while, but I think she reads when she has time!

Waiting4Bump I think was the slightly crazy lady who got banned for sending nasty PM's

I think it is pretty much just the ones you have sen on here over the last few weeks who come on regularly. Vici pops in sometimes.
Yep Vici had high blood pressure I think throughout her pregnancy and was often in and out of hospital being monitored poor thing.

We don't seem to get any controversy in here these days - have to go to other areas of the forum for a fight :haha:
Lmao!! Shiv,
and nutty you forgot meee!!
And ashnbump she doesn't come in as much now x
and mollyapple! And what was jaimies name now rubyrose? Or something like that
tmr still posts regularly. :D

Pippin's gone awol, somewhat - Pips, if you're out there, come and post! I miss you (though I see you on FB :lol: )

I chat to Shadow on MSN when I remember to log in, and FB, she is really busy with her crafty stuff, her etsy shop. I wish she'd come back, too, but I understand real life has taken over!

sam_star occasionally pops in, too, as does Mimiso.

Xarxa is one who has never posted since just after her baby was born. I wonder how she's doing.

Heidi, so glad Caylee's procedure went well, here's hoping it makes a good difference for her, poor little mite!

jelr, always great to see you in here! Natasha sounds like she's doing great - Adam isn't doing any of the stuff she has mastered, no blowing kisses (but he does great big slobbery open mouth smackers!), no finger clicking or clapping! And I can't work out what he's saying most of the time, though he is always saying Da da da da. I tell C that he's probably trying to say "Adam" (though I don't think he is :lol: ) just so he doesn't get big headed about it!
The waiting4baby lady was CRAZY!!!!!!! She was a basket case to the third degree.

Cleck, I have an ultrasound in 2 weeks again, it will be my 8th one this pregnancy. The contractions have stopped thank goodness, but I still get sharp pains all over once and awhile. It stinks, I am hoping for the best for Lily that she just stays put for us!

Boo for getting a period, got it feels like I have gone 2 years without one. Even though I saw a tv ad for Kotex pads and tampons and I was so tempted to go buy them...because they look neat...and in a way I miss having my aunt flow visit once a month haha.
hello ladys, its been a long long loooooonnnnng time since my last post! Sorry ive been M.I.A lol! Ive been keeping up with most of you on facebook, e.g heidi, boothh, MJ, Shadow etc... so its ok really!

How is everyone, and all the beautiful babies??!

heidi you are so so brave i could have never held kara whilst that was happening, OH would have had to do it, i even wait in the car when he takes her in for her Jabs lol!

we are in the process of karas birthday planning at the moment, her big party is two weeks tomorrow and we're super excited, its costing a bloody fortune though, the cake was extortionate! Anyone else been planning yet ?

Hope you are all well girls, i'll try my best to keep up with you all from now on lol!xxxxxx
Heidi: I'm so glad Caylee was ok, I dont blame you for crying like Cleck I was tearing up even thinking about it. I really hope your scan goes well - thank god the contractions have stopped.

cleck: I saw on FB that you were going to seaworld - I really hope you enjoy it, we went there when were were on our honeymoon and loved it.

Shiv: Boo for AF turning up right before your wedding - the same happened to me when I first got them - the arrived on my first proper night out - I hope its not too bad - my first wasn't too bad, but the second was a killer so fingers crossed - Enjoy the wedding.

Nutty: Good to see you again - God yeah remember waiting4baby she was really crazy and sent nasty pms to heidi and shadow I think.

Booth: yeah I think Jamie was rubyrose but then she changed her name and I can't remember what the new one was.

MJ: Natasha mainly says da da too but now we have hiya - we sometimes have ra ra or la la or just a - but not a sign of mama either - both me and DH keep saying mama to her but she just repeats back dada so I think sometimes she thinks she is saying mama but it comes out as dada.

Ashnbump: Good to see you, i have started thinking about Natasha birthday too and am so glad it is in the summer when I am off work - I hate to be wishing her life away but I'm so excited although I know she wont have a clue what is going on.

Thanks for all the nice comments girls - on the most part I dont worry and think she is just going at her own pace and then sometimes I come on here and see all your lovely cute videos of your LO's flying around and panic a little - but she is so content and happy - when her teeth are not at her of course so that is all that counts really and I'm sure she will be fine.

AFU: I think that 4th tooth of the week is nearly through as the poor little mite had a bad night again last night and was awake crying from 11 till 1 and then woke up again screaming at 2.30 and she really frightened me as she has had plenty of screaming before but this was even worse and she was even bucking in my arms and hitting her head she was in so much pain - so we gave her a paracetamol suppository - I hate giving her anything but she had had ibroufen earlier when she was crying and we just didn't know what else to do to help her - Wouldn't you love to be able to take thier pain for them. so when that is through she will have 6 in total.

On a brighter note though - I have finally gotten back into my prepregnancy jeans at long last - I thought I was down to 9 stone 10 - well I was on my scales and then a day later I was back up to 9 stone 12 but I should have known I had a little left to go as even though the jeans were fitting me - it is a bit of a squeeze - although I think my body shape has changed a bit now as the bit I have left to go seems to be just on my midrif which I guess is part of being post delivery - i have even lost more of my chest as I was a D cup before pregnancy and went up to an E but am now fitting into a C cup - although I have yet to get measured properly. DH is none to pleased about that part but I told him tough lol. Does anybody know if you can tone loose skin as I have some left on my stomach - I was very lucky and didn't get stretch marks so my skin must stretch well but doesn't shrink so well ha ha.

Now more news from us - DH and I are going out to dinner tonight as it is our wedding anniversary on Monday so I may not fit into those jeans tomorrow ha ha as I intend to eat and drink wine to my hearts content.

Well I hope you all have a great weekend :hugs: to all. Xx

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