--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Thanks Heidi!! :hugs: Caylee is so cute. Good for her saying sister! I think she's excited!! :D

I go through such broody phases. If you would have asked me a month ago I would've been perfectly happy being pregnant and would be willing to do it all alone to get it. But now with Emma throwing tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants and I think back to what it was like throwing up the whole pregnancy and having to go to the hospital through it. I just don't see how I could do all that again without some help. And I literally know only like 2 people here so there is really no one but me when he leaves. Plus I want Emma to breastfeed as long as possible and they say babies tend to self wean because the milk changes in pregnancy and I don't want to risk it when Emma deserves to have mommies milk for as long as she wants it.

AHH! :haha:We've been basically NTNP since Emma was born but even after I told DH my reservations against being pregnant again, he still hasn't been careful. :dohh: I realize it takes two to tango though. :rofl: Its just a confusing situation that has been bothering me lately. It's good to rant to all of you girls! :blush::blush:
I understand hon. So you are not trying, but you are not trying to NOT get pregnant either haha. I get it ;) Good for you for still breastfeeding hon! That's amazing! I stopped at 3 months haha. I understand not wanting to go through it alone and sick and all that, I seriously wanted to DIE in my first tri with this pregnancy...I puked from morning till night everyday, I was on three medications to get me to stop, Caylee was only 4 months old and needed me and Ross works overnights and sleeps during the day, so it was pretty much me alone, doing it all. Changing a diaper, and barfing and laying on the couch, crying, puking and trying to feed Caylee...I was so DEPRESSED.
I am very scared to share my love though, I don't know if it is possible :/
:cloud9: Fingers crossed for this little beanie to stick, still too nervous to get excited.

congrats hun!!! fx ill be joining you very soon, im due to test after the weekend! imagine if we ended up in the same month again lol :p xxx
I don't think you'll have to share your love hun. I think it just grows. It'll be great. I've read on here so many threads about it because I'm so unsure about how it'd be to have more than one and everyone says it's just as much love as the first. So you'll have double the hugs and double the cuddles. :cloud9::cloud9: I'm super jealous but not at the same time. :haha:
congrats hun!!! fx ill be joining you very soon, im due to test after the weekend! imagine if we ended up in the same month again lol :p xxx

Oooo good luck! Will be waiting to hear the news! :thumbup:
GL Boothh!! Do you have a TTC journal or anything on here? I'd love to follow your journey!! :thumbup:
i dont have a ttc journal cus i dont want to get to obsessive about it, you know ill have a pregnancy one for you to stalk though :p xx
Just popping in for a quick hello.

kimberly so sorry for you loss, I had a mmc before Natasha so I know how painful it is, and as the girls said nobody can say anything to make it better, but we are all here for you if you want to talk and it does get easier with time.

Congrats AE, loads of sticking dust your way.

Best of luck Booth - we will be rooting for you.

Sorry girls work still mad here but I am reading, I just wanted to comment on the above and say a big hi to the rest of you. Xx
Yay Boothh, that would be great! I guess the decision was a bit easier for us because I don't have to factor in when OH is away, I can just tell him to turn down the work if it's at a bad time. I didn't have morning sickness either, so I'm expecting not to get it this time. I probably would have waited if that had been the case as OH is away for the whole of August and part of July. He's away right now, which made telling him interesting - I tried to be cute and text him a picture of the test, but he didn't get it. So I was sitting there thinking 'well fine, don't be excited then, see if I care' and he had no idea, so when he did call me eventually I was really grumpy with him until I worked out that he had NO idea what was going on.
were you ttc aunty E?
i have fallen pregnant really quickly both times so i am hoping it will be the same this time! x
Yup, we were avoiding fertile days for a couple of months so I didn't have to take the pill of Dhoom and then I had a false BFP last month, which made us decided to TTC this month. OH is away a bit, so it was either TTC this month and next or not at all until the end of September.

It took a bit longer last time, but I haven't been on the pill since April, which probably cut out a bit of the wait.
i was on the pill when i had jesse, i think i forgot to take 2 and here he is!

and last time was first month of ttc!

so FX it will be before jesses birthday, me and stuart seem to be pretty fertile :shrug:

i know this time im going to be such a bitch though, im going to be soo paranoid and over protective and probably will try and spend as much time staying still as possible in the first 12 weeks cus ill be scared! x
Aw :hugs: It must be so hard not to feel scared the whole time. It doesn't feel real just this second to me, but I'm sure the paranoia is only round the corner. Last time I got myself SO worked up, and I haven't even had the awful experience you had :(

I was hoping to be able to tell people by Mog's birthday, as we're going to have a big party and I don't want to have to lie about why I'm not drinking. Most people guessed before 12 weeks last time anyway (my OH told someone who was VERY indiscreet).
everyone knew within 2minutes both times with me but im going to try and be abit more secretive this time because tbh im still getting people asking me when im due and do i know what im having etc and its hard to have to keep dragging it all back up in my mind and of course they all want to know every detail cus they are noesy people!!
i just have to try and stay positive, there is absolutly no reason why it should happen again! i know i can carry a healthy baby cus i have one, i think it would be much harder to go through a mc or mmc if it was your first pregnancy, at least i have the peace of mind that i CAN have a baby x
congrats ae i hope you have a very H&H9 months

boothh good luck for the BFP

:hi: every 1 else hope all the :baby: are well

sorry i have not been around i have been planing are wedding the last few weeks and time just seems to go.

Lucas took a few steps today by him self :happydance: i was so chuffed with him i really think he is gunna skip the crawling part.

right my minds gone blank now gunna go and have a think then come back :hugs:
Boothh, fingers crossed for that BFP - you and Stuart do seem SUPER fertile, so I am sure it will happen quickly for you again.

tmr - wow - who needs crawling when you can walk! what a clever boy! How exciting planning your wedding. have you got much planned already? Would love to hear details - i LOVE wedding stuff!

Cleck - I don't blame you for not wanting to be pregnant alone - although as heidi said, you'd manage fine. I am really struggling with when to TTC. It was always the plan to start when Sophia turned one. however, I just can't imagine not giving Sophia all my love and attention. Part of me would love her to have a sibling, as i think it is great for their development and relationships etc, but I would feel so bad not being able to spend as much time with her. It is really tough, Ilove just seeing all the new developments with her and the thought of missing a thing while looking after a new baby upsets me :cry: Ah what to do!

Sophia has been clapping for a week or so now (but at random times, mainly at the dinner table!) but recently she has been doing it at the right time - so here is a little video! Please excuse my singing - i am tone deaf!

I love her soooo much :cloud9:

awww that is actually the cutest video!!! jesse will say clap clap but he rarely hits his hands together properly! he tries but he doesnt have the co ordination yet, she is soo cute!! xxx
Go LUCAS!!!!

Oy. I go away for twenty four hours and a thread I left burbling along nicely has turned into a witchfest. Some people have no sense of irony.

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