--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

cleck jesse does kisses but he pretty much just head butts you if you ask for a kiss and you get dribble all over you hahaha! :p

thanks girls, i did another test this morning was still faint but visible 6th test iv done now so im gunna take it im pregnant the line i got this morning isnt much paler than the one i got with jess and mmc,

and it says on first response wesbite

How do I know if I am pregnant or not?
The First Response Early Pregnancy Test has an easy to read test stick - two pink lines in the Result Window means you are pregnant, one pink line means you are not pregnant. The appearance of a second line, no matter how faint, is a positive result.

just going to take it as a bfp now cus had 2 faint lines on frer x
:happydance: here is to happy and healthy nine months for you Boothh :hugs:
reeeally hope everything goes well this time xxx
i will do ticker when iv had bloods to confirm haha dont wanna get too into it just incase xx
Congrats Booth!!!! <3 So excited for you and hoping you get amazing news when you get the blood test. Super happy for you.

Cleck, I love the puppy, so so so cute.

My daughter loves Dora, but today she was wearing her Dora pj shirt and she walked over to me and said "Dora" and pulled her shirt so she could see Dora. I was like..oooohh nooo haha. She already knows cartoon characters :p I'm still excited how she is catching on to so many new things.

We have an ultrasound tomorrow at 11 to check on Lily. Make sure she is growing right and all that, I am excited to see her again and praying for the best!
Heidi - hope Lily is doing well tomorrow at the scan, enjoy seeing her again. And as for Caylee, she is so darn smart - incredible! Does she eat a lot of oily fish :haha:
Haha nope, none at all. I don't get how she catches on to so much, I am so proud of her.
I love having her learn so much but at the same time she uses it against me now too. She opens our trash can and throws in all of her diapers, juice, nuks haha. I tell her to stop and she looks at me and says "NO" and she will keep doing it, she has a massive attitude at such a young age.
Aww Caylee is a little teenager already. I have a feeling your in for it. :haha: And now there will be 2 girls to deal with! EEK! Lily will probably be your little angel since you already have a little devil child. :winkwink: Good luck at the ultrasound!! I can't believe you are getting close to the end of a second pregnancy already!

Boothh- I saw your FRER that you posted!! Your SOOO pregnant!! :happydance::happydance: I'm so excited for you. I think this will be the one for you. I really do. I understand not getting too excited though. I wasn't really all that connected to Emma until I saw her on ultrasound than it was a totally different feeling. :hugs:

Nothing really new with us. I'm trying to teach the puppy to pee outside. The poor little guy only pees on sidewalk/cement though. :dohh: I'm trying to get him to go in the grass but he just won't. I keep telling Roxy to teach him how to do it. :haha:
I'll have to see if next month I get sore nipples right before my period again. It's funny Shiv, I'm on day 3 and its heavier now. Very different than what I'm used to. Nuttymummy- I hope my 2nd period isn't so bad that I can't leave the house! I'll have to prepare myself for that possibility though! I use to have cycles every 36-37 days, so I wonder if I will still have longer cycles. Maybe I'll get lucky and not get another visit from AF for another 5 months! I bet not since Cleck keeps getting them- ugh!!

Nuttymummy- oh, you are totally describing me about the vomiting phobia. I really hate admitting it all because it makes me seem so weird! Whenever someone tells me that they're sick, I always have to ask to see if vomiting is involved so I know whether or not I need to run away and sterilize my body :haha: Atleast baby sick doesn't bother me, so I might be slowly overcoming some of my fears.

Heidi- Kira loves Dora too. I bet they own the same pjs :-) I have a feeling Kira's first word will be Dora.

I bought some birthday supplies today! I got a cake pan shaped like a flower, a Dora candle, food dyes, and Dora cupcake wrappers just incase the cake is a total disaster!
thanks cleck, :hugs: if the blood test comes back good and i am pregnant then im going to book a scan for about 7.5 weeks, last baby stopped growing at 6+5 so i want to see whats going on after that this time, im going to ask for scan when i go to the docs but if they wont give me one stuart said i can book private! xx
Boothh- Once you get past that 6.5 week mark and see a baby in there the week after, it'll start being a little easier. You'll still worry and probably will the entire pregnancy but it slowly gets easier. :hugs::hugs: I'm sorry this all even happened to you. Noone should have to go through it. But I'm so happy for you with this new pregnancy! It's a fresh start. :hugs:

spidey- My periods used to be 28 days exactly and now they are coming out as 30 days. But I've only had 2 periods so far so we'll see when the next one hits. I hope they don't start being irregular. At the very least I could always count on mine being regular.

...Well I was in the middle of typing this post and had to go get Emma who crawled towards the front door and that's when I noticed it....My washer leaked and flooded the entire laundry area, our 1/2 bath, and the entryway to our place. Like a half inch of water covered the entire thing. :cry::cry::cry: I FREAKED. I grabbed Emma and tossed her up to the landing of the stairs, she sat there screaming, I grabbed the puppy and threw him in his little fenced in playroom thing. Than I just stood there looking at it freaking out. I called Corey who is on the ship today and was gone yesterday too but doesn't get back home until tomorrow. Thankfully he isn't actually out to sea so I can actually call. As soon as I heard his voice, that's when the tears started. And than I couldn't breathe and started panicking because I had a puppy crying behind me, a baby crying above me, and I was standing in the middle of a freaking flood. He told me to call maintenance which I refuse to do because I am all alone with a baby and I'm not about to call some random guy to come into my house. I'm not even dressed and neither was Emma at the time. So instead I cried. :rofl::rofl: But anyways..I finally calmed down enough to grab old sheets and old pillows to sop up the water. I didn't want to use our towels because they are good and I plan on using them again. :haha: but the sheets and pillows can just be replaced. The water was dirty from all the gross dust and dirt that was under the washer. It's all my fault because I was washing the puppy's pillow which was probably too big for it to handle. :nope:It's Corey's fault for making me buy the washer and dryer used. I NEVER buy used for this very reason.

Okay.. so that is my eventful day. Sorry it was so long. :blush: I'm such an idiot. You know I was laying in bed last night thinking how great my life was going right now so I thought something is going to happen soon because nothing stays good for long around here. Than this. It's like I knew it was coming! :cry::cry: And we are so incredibly in debt at the moment A) because we make stupid judgements when it comes to money and B) because I've been paying a mortgage and bills to an empty house that is all the way across the country. :(:( So now we have no way to wash anything. And Emma's uses cloth diapers. I have just enough sposies to get through this week but that's it because I only use them when she has a rash.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I'm sorry hon. I would have done the same thing and cried and not called the mat man, mine freaks me out, and I don't like having people in my home when Ross is gone either! I just want to hug you because I understand. We are having money issues at the moment as well, and I am so stressed and all Ross says is "It will work itself out, blah, fricken blah" :shrug: Just remember you have a BEAUTIFUL family, and it may be crappy today, and maybe even into next month, but one day you are going to look back when you are older, when Emma is all grown up and laugh at the times you flooded the washer, and all of that :)

Caylee....has two black eyes :cry: I was mopping the kitchen floor on my hands and knees and she was in her room, and within two seconds here is devil child with daddys belt in her hand RUNNING....not walking, RUNNING full speed into the kitchen on the wet floor and she went FLYING, legs in the air, punched herself in her one eye and the metal from the belt smacked her in the other, oh my god I sat there and cried and cried..It looks terrible, it seriously looks like I beat my child! :nope:
OMG!!! :hugs::hugs: That must've been SOO scary!! I'm glad she is okay though! Man I can just picture how else that could've panned out! Don't feel bad hun. It's all a part of her growing up. My mom said I had black eyes all the time because I was so clumsy as a kid and once one would heal, I'd end up hurting myself and getting another. If anyone asks you what happened to her, just say 'you should see the other baby'. :haha::haha:

And as for what's going on with me. Thanks hun. I'm glad to hear someone that understands. Corey is the same way about money. He is so laid back and acts like everything is perfect but this living with two places is killing us slowly. Thankfully the house is under contract and should be gone by the end of July. That is one good thing for us. The guys are right though, it'll all work itself out eventually. I keep thinking how simple things were in the beginning of our marriage though. We were SO poor and had nothing. Just a few small things that were given to us and a pair of couches that we took months to pay off. :D But we loved it. Now we have SO much crap and are still poor. :rofl:
cleck :hugs: like everyone else said you will look back and laugh eventually! our washer came with the house (we rent) and it doesnt drain properly so after i empty the clothes out there is always a puddle of water on the floor! we can afford to get a new one though and we have nowhere to store this one cus its not ours and we cant legally remove it from the house!!, we are the same with money and we live in a tiny house im getting worried already about how we are going to fit in two babies! and how we are going to afford 2 babies! especially if we have a girl cus ill need to buy loads of new stuff! things do work out eventually though as long as we have our beautiful little familys we will all be fine!

heidi! oh no! jesse had a black eye a few weeks ago cus he dived off the sofa, his legs are always covered in bruises, try not to worry what other people assume, they are at a really accident prone age at the moment, i feel like that with jess sometimes cus he does seriously have loads of bruises but hes always jumping off things or climbing, i think its how they learn how to be safe!

as for me - took another test this morning.. slightly darker line than yesterday, easily visible lines now, but when i wiped there was a few spots of light pink!! :| iv been to the loo twice more since then and no more, and it was only the first time i wiped cus i did again to see if there was anymore but there wasnt, im soo scared somethings going to happen now though, but i have a UTI and iv read its really common to spot with them especially if pregnant cus of more blood flow down there and more sensitive! but i am terrified, stuart stayed off so i could stay in bed today but iv ended up getting up cus i cant lie down all day i feel guilty, just taking it easy though and making him do all the housework and chase jesse around LOL he even made me breakfast in bed! :p

im trying to stay relaxed but its soo hard! i feel queezy today though which is a good sign! and boobs are starting to get more sensitive, im praying i start throwing up soon so i can relax a little! xx
I am so excited for you Booth. I hope the spotting does not continue at all and we have another healthy little one on the way again! :) Fingers are still crossed for you love.

Off to the ultrasound now, last night I came to my moms house since my doctor is in the same town as my mom and not where I live and I was in the middle of talking to her and my left eye went 90& blurry and I couldnt see anything for at least 10 minutes, I was crying and freaking out and my mom was trying to calm me down but it was terrible, finally my sight came back after it went 100% black for a few seconds and it was just fine, but I have been having terrible headaches and bruising randomly all over, I took a bath last night and my mom brought me in a towel and noticed I had bruises all over my back and legs and chest, no clue where they came from..they showed up over night, so I will be speaking to my doctor about all this. I am worried because my body is telling me something isnt right, so I hope to god someone listens to me.

Have a great day ladies!
thanks everyone :hugs: well iv taken it easy today and jesse is staying at my mums tonight and tomorrow then sunday night too, so i have til tuesday without having to worry about him so i can try take it easy now and relax, had no more spotting at all today so thats good, and felt queezy too so thats good!

feel abit guilty about leaving jess with my mum but like she said i should take help when offered, i wish i wasnt so anxious but i cant help it with it being so soon after mmc x
Well got back from the doctor, Lily is already 3 pounds and 6 oz at 29 weeks. He said she has a head full of hair and she is super active. He said he can not figure out what is wrong with me, they just need me to take it easy by like 100 haha.

He said he will induce me at 39 weeks, so only 9 more weeks AHHH

Been missing for a while but still read when I can. Congrats Boothh and Heidi fab news about Lily. :yipee:

No time to post lots but thinking of you all. xxx
*peeks in guiltily...*

Helloooo girlies... I have just read back 10 pages and I feel like I've caught up a tiny tiny bit... So much is going on with you all, it is very exciting!!

I'm so sorry I've not had time to come in here lately, I've just been so stupidly busy, filling every tiny moment of free time with Etsy and business stuff... I feel kinda bad coming in and posting a mega post, so I won't do that jst yet...

I'd love to catch back up with you all properly, I miss this group terribly, it feels like I'm being a bit naughty using my free time in here though when there's stuff I -could- be doing for Etsy... But more on that once I catch up properly :-) (hmmm, I've forgotten all the BnB shortcuts for smileys!)

So briefly:
AE, MASSIVE congrats on your BFP! Early days, but best of luck with everything and I hope it goes smoothly for you sweetie!

Boothh, you too honey!! I know you're trying not to get too excited jst yet, maybe that's a good idea for now, bt like Cleck I have a good feeling about this one for you :-D Lots of love, use the time your mum has Jess to rest and chill honey!

Lots of first steps, Jesse and Lucas... Ohers? Congrats for all these milestones!

And talk of first birthday parties... Sounds like some super cute themes :-) Can't wait to see all the photos! It's coming up so quickly now!

So sorry Kimberly sweetheart to heart of your loss. We chatted briefly on FB and I do hope you're starting to feel a little more like yourself. Glad Bryson is doing well, lots of love to all your boys x x x

Sorry for all those I've forgotten, thinking of ALL of you, miss you like crazy and I will try very hard to find a pocket of free time here and there to keep up... I promise I will try!!

x x x x

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