Boothh- Once you get past that 6.5 week mark and see a baby in there the week after, it'll start being a little easier. You'll still worry and probably will the entire pregnancy but it slowly gets easier.

I'm sorry this all even happened to you. Noone should have to go through it. But I'm so happy for you with this new pregnancy! It's a fresh start.
spidey- My periods used to be 28 days exactly and now they are coming out as 30 days. But I've only had 2 periods so far so we'll see when the next one hits. I hope they don't start being irregular. At the very least I could always count on mine being regular.
...Well I was in the middle of typing this post and had to go get Emma who crawled towards the front door and that's when I noticed it....My washer leaked and flooded the entire laundry area, our 1/2 bath, and the entryway to our place. Like a half inch of water covered the entire thing.

I FREAKED. I grabbed Emma and tossed her up to the landing of the stairs, she sat there screaming, I grabbed the puppy and threw him in his little fenced in playroom thing. Than I just stood there looking at it freaking out. I called Corey who is on the ship today and was gone yesterday too but doesn't get back home until tomorrow. Thankfully he isn't actually out to sea so I can actually call. As soon as I heard his voice, that's when the tears started. And than I couldn't breathe and started panicking because I had a puppy crying behind me, a baby crying above me, and I was standing in the middle of a freaking flood. He told me to call maintenance which I refuse to do because I am all alone with a baby and I'm not about to call some random guy to come into my house. I'm not even dressed and neither was Emma at the time. So instead I cried.

But anyways..I finally calmed down enough to grab old sheets and old pillows to sop up the water. I didn't want to use our towels because they are good and I plan on using them again.

but the sheets and pillows can just be replaced. The water was dirty from all the gross dust and dirt that was under the washer. It's all my fault because I was washing the puppy's pillow which was probably too big for it to handle.

It's Corey's fault for making me buy the washer and dryer used. I NEVER buy used for this very reason.
Okay.. so that is my eventful day. Sorry it was so long.

I'm such an idiot. You know I was laying in bed last night thinking how great my life was going right now so I thought something is going to happen soon because nothing stays good for long around here. Than this. It's like I knew it was coming!

And we are so incredibly in debt at the moment A) because we make stupid judgements when it comes to money and B) because I've been paying a mortgage and bills to an empty house that is all the way across the country.

So now we have no way to wash anything. And Emma's uses cloth diapers. I have just enough sposies to get through this week but that's it because I only use them when she has a rash.