thanks everyone, im pretty much okay, i expected it from the beginning so it wasnt really a shock to see blood, though not nice nonetheless, i really havnt felt that bad about it but im guessing that will hit me at some point, the receptionist from the docs rang to say the doc wants to speak to me personally about my blood result and hes going to ring later, so i am assuming its something bad cus she normally just tells you the result not the doctor!
jesse is turning into a proper grouch!! he throws proper tantrums when he cant get his own way, throwing himself around and screaming, proper screaming like AGGHHHHH!! no tears though, its starting to wind me up if im honest cus he does it over nothing!!
he has a new obsession with balls (toy balls not his

) he has 2 flyaway footballs, a normal sized one and a smaller one which he will not be without he clutches it to his chest and goes mental if he drops it, he will chase it around for hours though, but weve started playing the 'taa' game were i say taa and he will give me what hes holding and say taa, he did this with the ball yesterday and put it in my hand when i moved my hand he went absolutly mental because id taken the ball lmao!
how am i supposed to manage a tantrum from a ten month old, he understands hes being told off if i shout but i dont think he actually understands what hes done or why im shouting so what am i supposed to do!! i dont want him to run rings round me!! x
hes been up since 2am screaming and messing about, we put him in his cot for 40mins he just stood up holding the bars and screaming, so came back in our bed every 5minutes he would start again so had no sleep